Chapter 37
Harry and Louis come back from Italy two weeks later. Louis wants to be in England for Alex's first day of his third year in Primary school. He's also meeting with some important people in the industry for a job. On the other hand when Harry came from Italy a job was waiting for him. Lets just say his professor put in a good word. Niall and Zayn are thinking about adopting. They've been in a few foster homes the last couple of weeks, visiting the kids, getting to know them.
"So when are we having more members in the Malik/Horan family?" Louis asks, while having dinner at Zayn's and Niall's place.
"We don't know yet, we're ..." Niall looks at Zayn who nods at him immediately. "We want to be foster parents.... or if we can we want to adopt as well."
"Adoption?" Louis raises an eye brow, smiling at them.
"Yeah," Zayn nods. "Or at least make our home a foster home."
When they're cuddling in bed at night Louis and Harry talk about the family they want to have.
"I want to have a lot of kids." Harry says, stroking Louis' chest.
"Me too." Louis smiles. "I had to take care of my sisters all the time, I felt like I was their dad .... and since then I wanted a big family of my own."
"When I grew up it was just me and Gems but I always wanted a big family," Harry smiles. "And I would love to have that big family with you."
"If for a reason we can't .... we can't have biological kids ...."
"We can adopt them like Zayn and Niall." Harry interrupts him.
"Okay," Louis wraps his arms around him.
"I love you." Harry whispers against his chest.
"I love you." Louis whispers back, he wants to say more though. The words are at the tip of his tongue, but he doesn't know how to bring it up.
"Everything okay?" Harry strokes his temple softly. "What's going on in that little head of yours?"
"Nothing," Louis chuckles.
"Really?" Harry raises an eye brow. "You had your thinking face on."
"My thinking face?" Louis wrinkles his nose.
"Yeah," Harry hums. "That face you put when you're thinking hard .. and ... and I don't really know how to describe it but it's your thinking face."
"You're nuts." Louis kisses his forehead.
"So what were you thinking about?"
"You know Noah's ashes are ..." Louis pauses, giving him a half smile.
"I was thinking if you know...If I... I mean we have a beautiful garden ..."
"Louis," Harry interrupts him. "Just say it love."
"It will take just a little space in the garden ... and that way we ... I mean I can .."
"You want to bring her home." Harry says, noticing how Louis' expression change. "We can do that tomorrow if you want."
"Really?" Louis squeals. "I mean ..."
"Yes!" Harry kisses his lips gently. "She's part of this family, she deserves to be home."
"You wouldn't mind?" Louis cuddles closer to his chest, trying to be the small spoon for once.
"Of course not!" Harry smiles at him fondly. "She deserves to be here as much as Alex does.... and beside when we have more kids it will be easy to explain to them that they have another sister that's not here physically but she's still part of this home, this family."
"How the hell did I get so lucky?" Louis strokes his cheek gently.
"I don't even know how I got so lucky to have you either." Harry kisses him gently. "I love you so freaking much."
"I love you so freaking much too." Louis wraps his arm around him and tangle their legs together. "Good night love."
"Good night beautiful." Harry whispers, holding him closer.
The next day Louis and Harry go to the cemetery where Noah's ashes are buried. They talk to the person in charge to do all the paper work so they can take Noah home. It take them a few weeks to get all the legal paper work ready but when they do Louis and Harry have everything ready at their home. Like Louis say they only use a small part of the garden where they planted roses and make a small stone with her name on it. Louis almost had a heart attack when Harry suggested him to write Noah Styles Tomlinson on it. Alex was happy when Louis told him that his sister would be closer to them. Every single day Louis goes there in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. Some days Harry or Alex go with him, but most of the time is just him talking to his little girl.
"Noah's garden looks amazing." Zayn comments as they admire it.
"Yeah," Louis smiles. "Finally our little girl is home."
"It's amazing how Harry suggested to give her his surname."
"I know," Louis keeps the big smile on his face. "He's just amazing."
"Of course he is." Zayn smirks at him. "Imagine how he would be with his own kids...." He pauses for a moment and realizes what he just said. "I mean...I- I.."
"I know what you mean and like he always tells me he would love them the same." Louis smiles at him.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that... I'm so sorry." Zayn apologizes.
"Don't worry.... He loves them as much as I do and I'm really grateful for that."
"Of course," Zayn smiles at him. "So when are you planning to have more kids?"
"I don't know," Louis sighs. "We're so busy with work and Alex and life and we haven't talk about it yet. I mean he says he wants to have a big family with me but he doesn't say when."
"But you want to have kids with him, right?"
"Of course." Louis smiles. "I want to have a lot of kids but lately I've been feeling..."
"Nauseous?" Zayn interrupts him.
"No," Louis coughs. "Tired, really tired."
"You've went to doctor?"
"No, I don't think I need to." Louis shrugs.
"Really?" Zayn raises an eye brow. "I'm going to ask you something and let's be clear here I don't want to know about your sexual life but have you been using condoms?"
"Yeah ..." Louis says, hesitating just a little.
"Yeah ... I mean it's been three month since we got married .... holy fuck."
"Louis?" Zayn stares at him. "Louis Tomlinson!?"
"We kinda didn't use a condom once .... it was just one time!" Louis whispers yells.
"Well .... I mean that's everything..."
"I need to go with Dr. Swan!" Louis says in a freak out tone. "What am I going to do if I'm pregnant? Zayn, Harry never told me he wants a kid now!"
"Hey! Hey! Calm down! We have to know for sure that you're pregnant before freaking out about what Harry will think and beside he loves kids..."
"What about if he's not ready to have a baby? What about if he leaves me because ..."
"Hmm...." Zayn interrupts him. "We're talking about Harry here, you're not with George anymore! Harry is different and he loves you and Alex more than anything."
"Yeah," Louis sighs. "I mean he's barely 24, I don't want him to feel stuck with me or a baby ..... Oh gosh Zayn!" Louis gasps, scaring the crap out of him. "What if ..."
"Just. Breathe!" Zayn takes a deep breath.
"But what if I'm making him ... I mean I'm taking the best years of his life... What if he doesn't want this at such young age? I ...."
"He was the one asking you to marry him!" Zayn tries to make a point. "He was...."
"What about if he didn't really thought this through? Zayn he can change his mind ..."
"And I'll beat the living heck out of him!" Zayn chuckles.
"Be serious!" Louis playfully hits him.
"I am! I know you can't see it but we all do! We all see how he looks at you, he's so amazing with Alex and believe me he's not going to be disappointed if you are pregnant."
"I'm just worry that a baby could change things! I mean what if he realizes this isn't what he really wanted? I don't want him to be disappointed with his life."
"Stop with the if's!" Zayn rolls his eyes at him. "Let's go with Dr. Swan tomorrow and then if you're pregnant we'll see how he handle it."
"Thank you." Louis whispers with a weak smile.
"You're so welcome!" Zayn hugs him tight.
"So ... how's the foster home thing is going?" Louis tries to change the subject.
"It's going better than I thought!" Zayn adds with a big smile on his face. "The girls are coming home next week! I'm so excited to have them there!"
Zayn and Niall are going to get Selena and Maia into their foster home. They're 9 years old fraternal twin who haven't been adopted because no one wants to adopt the both of them. They made a promise that both of them have to get adopted by the same family to be able to get out of the system, but if that didn't happen they would just wait until they're 18 to be out of it. Zayn and Niall fall in love with them the minute they saw them. They just can't wait to have them home, where both of them can feel safe.
"I bet!" Louis smiles softly. "I want to meet them as soon as they get there, okay?"
"Of course! The first person they're going to met is uncle Lou! They're going to love you as much as Niall, my family and every single person that meets you does!" Zayn smiles softly.
"Are you planning to adopt them?"
"That was the plan but apparently they want to spend time with us before we decided if we want to adopt them," Zayn explains. "There was a family before us that wanted to adopt them but at the end I don't really know what happened but they didn't got adopted."
"Oh," Louis sighs. "That must been tough for them."
"Yeah," Zayn smiles weakly. "Maia didn't want to be in foster homes anymore but you know they have to being in them even though not all of them are as good as they can be."
"Maia is going to adore you! She's going to fall in love with you so hard that when she turns 18 she's not gonna leave the house and Niall will be in so much trouble ..." Louis sing songs the last part.
"We just want to be good parents for them." Zayn smiles.
"And you guys will be." Louis smiles softly.
The next day Louis drops Alex off at school before picking Zayn at his place. They're going with Dr. Swan for a check up. Louis didn't explain to Dr. Swan what was happening because he didn't want Harry to hear him. Louis drives to the hospital in silence. Zayn wants to comfort him but he doesn't really know how to. Zayn smiles at him softly as Louis parks in the lots.
"What if I'm pregnant?" Louis asks, biting his bottom lip.
"We're going to love the baby to death!" Zayn squeezes his arm gently. "Everything will be alright!" He smiles at him fondly. "Now come on! Dr.Swan is waiting for us."
Zayn opens the door and goes to Louis' side to opens his door. He takes his hand and guide him out of the car. Louis closes the door and lock the car. They make their way to the hospital, when they get there the receptionist writes Louis' name down and ask them to take a seat one the waiting room. 5 minutes later Dr. Swan comes out and greet them. She guides them to her office, Louis seats on the small bed and Zayn stays stand.
"Hello Louis," Dr. Swan smiles. "How you been?"
"I've been good, thank you and you?" Louis smiles weakly.
"I'm good, happy to see you again." She says, making him blush. "How's the family?"
"They're good, Alex's in school and Harry is working."
"Good," Dr. Swan smiles as she writes something on her board. "So why are you here today?"
"I think I might be pregnant." Louis whispers.
"Oh," Dr. Swan smiles grows. "The fastest way to know it's with this baby so let's find out then." She says as she gets the ultrasound machine.
Louis lifts his shirt up, right after she pours the gel on it, spreading it all around his belly. He holds in his breath as the image comes in the screen. Dr. Swan smiles at Louis brightly, confirming that indeed he is pregnant.
"Zayn," Louis whispers, holding his hand tighter.
"Oh gosh Louis!" Zayn stares at the screen. "It's so tiny!"
"And that's because you're 6 weeks pregnant." Dr. Swans informs making them frown.
"What?" Louis asks confused.
"Yeah, this is a 6 weeks pregnant bump!"
"6 weeks?" Louis whispers, trying to do the counting in his head.
"Yeah, you got pregnant at the beginning of October...."
"Okay," Louis smiles. "Can I have ..."
"Two copies please." Zayn interrupts him.
"Of course, and I'll make an appointment to see you in 6 weeks for you 12 week check up."
"Okay," Louis smiles. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She hugs him. "Congratulations."
Louis and Zayn walk to his car in silence. When they get there Zayn takes his keys and opens the passenger door to let him in. Louis smiles at him softly, Zayn closes his door and goes to the driver's side to get in.
"Don't worry." Zayn whispers, "He's going to be happy about this. You should be happy about this!"
"I'm happy!" Louis smiles softly. "I love you so much sunshine." He wraps his arms around his little bump.
"Come on! Let's go home!"
Zayn stays at Louis' house until Niall comes for him after work. The whole afternoon Zayn talks to Louis about his pregnancy. He assures him that Harry won't be mad about it. Zayn (and Louis) know how much Harry loves him but he's just scared of his reaction. When Harry comes home from work Louis is waiting for him in the family room. Alex is doing homework in his bedroom and Baylor is with him. Like always Harry kisses him hi and asks him about his day.
"I had a good day." Louis smiles softly. "Actually is one of the best days of my life."
"Really? What happened?" Harry asks curious.
Louis wraps his arms around his belly and smiles.
"Everything alright?" Harry raises an eye brow.
"Yeah-h," Louis stutters. "I mean... look at this."
He gives Harry a white envelope with the ultrasound in it, he takes it and gets the ultrasound out.
"Louis?" Harry asks in a serious tone. "What is this?"
"I ... I- I'm pregnant..." Louis tries to smile but Harry's reaction makes him frown.
"Pregnant?" Harry keeps staring at the ultrasound. "How come? I've used a condom every single time we fucked.... how come you're pregnant?"
"Harry? I ... I- I ..."
"I- I thought you-u wanted a- a family with me-e...."
"WAKE THE FUCK UP LOUIS!" A familiar voice screams at him, it's not Harry's voice anymore, it's George's. "WHO THE FUCK WILL WANT TO HAVE A FAMILY WITH YOU! YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!"
"Harry? Ha ..." Louis whispers. "NO! NO! NO! PLEASE DON'T! I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE HARRY DON'T HIT ME! PLEASE! HARRY!" Louis screams in his sleep.
"Louis..." Harry says in a sleepy voice. "Love! Wake up! Come on darling it's just a nightmare! I'm right here!" He squeezes his arm gently.
"NO! NO! NO! PLEASE HARRY DON'T HURT THE BABY!" Louis keeps screaming.
Harry sits up, rubbing his eyes."Louis! Love come on! Wake up! It's okay, it's just a nightmare! Come on wake up!" Harry hits Louis' cheek gently to wake him up.
"Harry?" Louis blinks a few time. "Harry ...." He starts crying.
"It's okay love," Harry sits him up and cuddles him closer. "It was just a nightmare! We're okay." Harry kisses his head softly.
"Harry .... please don't be mad at me." Louis whispers, burying his face further into Harry's chest.
"I can't be mad at you love." Harry says, stroking Louis hair.
"You will be when ...."
"No I won't!" Harry interrupts him.
"Hey," Harry pulls him out of his chest. "Look at me and tell me what's going on."
"I'm pregnant." Louis whispers, closing his eyes as soon as the words leave his lips.
"Oh gosh baby!" Harry says, wrapping his arms around him to hold him tight. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You're not fucking with me right?"
"No I'm not!" Louis wraps his arms around him.
"Oh gosh I love you so fucking much." Harry whispers, burying his face further into Louis' shoulder. "Oh my gosh." He says placing a shaking hand on Louis' belly. "Hi sweetheart, it's daddy!" He leans down to be in front if Louis' tummy. "Papa just told me you in there and I want you to know that I love you so much baby! I can't wait to have you in my arms." Harry lifts Louis' shirt and gives his tummy a soft kiss. "Thank you so much for this." Harry sits up to be at Louis' head level. "I love you." He whispers against his lips.
"I love you too." Louis kisses him back.
"Let's go back to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be an amazing day."
Louis lies down and Harry lies down behind him and wraps his arm on Louis' belly. If Louis is the small spoon from now on, because Harry wants to wrap his arms around them, nobody has to know.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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