Chapter 36

When Louis woke up the birds are singing, the sunshine is peeking through his curtains and he's feeling happier than ever. Fizzy knocks on his door before entering the room.

"Morning sunshine!" Fizzy sing songs. "Up! Up! Up! You need to get up!"

"Morning Fiz!" Louis yawns.

"Come on lazy arse!" Fizzy teases him. "You need to shower and when I say shower I mean you have to scrub every single inch of your body."

"But Harry loves my stinky feet." Louis jokes.

"I know he does," Fizzy rolls her eyes. "But go and wash up, not everybody does!" she covers her nose just to tease him.

"5 more minutes?" Louis covers his face with a pillow.

"No! You can't! Harry's gonna have a fucking heart attack if you're late!"

"I'm not going to be late," Louis laughs. "Not for this."

"Okay, I'll come back when you're done showering."

"You and Jareau need to get ready, too... Alex ..."

"Zayn will take care of that, like we talked before. We'll meet them at Anne's house like an hour before the ceremony." Fizzy explains again.

"Okay, okay ..." Louis smiles weakly. "I'm just ... nervous."

"It's okay," Fizzy gives him a warm smile. "Now go get ready!"

Louis bites his bottom lip, trying to stop smiling. He still can't believe he's getting marry with a person that looks at him like if he's god himself. He looks at him with so much love that he can physically feel it, don't ask him how because he doesn't know how to explain it. He goes to the bathroom to have a long shower, he wants to be as fresh and clean as he can. He turns on the cold water, it's hot and his body is craving for the cold water. He gets under the spray; letting the water run through his entire body. He doesn't know how long he has been under the spray but he gets out of the shower when he notices his fingers are wrinkle. He looks at himself in the mirror, he smiles when he notices his own happiness in his features. The way his eyes sparkle, the way his lips curve trying to suppress a smile, the way his heart races to the thought that just in a couple of hours he will be Mr. Styles.

"Are you still alive?" Fizzy's voice comes from the other side of the door. "Harry'd dislike very much if you pass on him just hours before getting merry!"

"I'm coming out in just a second," Louis applies shaving cream on his jaw line.

"Okay, Jareau wants to show you her dress....."

"Yes uncle Louis!" Jareau's excited voice says. "Mama made it for me!"

"Let me see!" Louis opens the door to see Jareau in a white dress with a lilac ribbon dividing the fluffy skirt with dark purple rose petals on the bottom from the top part. "You look beautiful!" Louis complements her.

"Thank you uncle Louis," She blushes.

"You will be the prettiest little girl out there." He keeps saying and Jareau keeps giggling.

"Come on love," Fizzy touches her shoulder to have her attention. "Uncle Louis needs to get ready."

"Bye bye uncle Louis," She waves her little hand at him; saying goodbye like if she's not seeing him in a few weeks.

"Come on, finished dressing!" Fizzy scolds him.

Louis rolls his eyes at her as he goes back to shave. When he finish he smiles again, he thinks he doesn't look bad for a 28 year old lad. He applies the after shave as he walks back to his room where almost all his and Alex clothing are gone. Harry, Louis, Alex and Baylor went house hunting for the past few months, they want to find the perfect home. Louis didn't want it to be expensive or anything but Harry convinced him that in the neighborhood where his mum lives there are some very nice houses for sale. At the end they decided for a two storage house with 7 rooms (they're planning to have a big family), 6 bathroom, a swimming pool and a big back yard to have his own beautiful garden. An idea of what to do with the garden had been hunting Louis' mind for days, he just wants to talk to Harry first before doing anything.

"You've been there for an hour now!" Fizzy knocks on his door.

"No shit!" Louis looks for his shoes like a chicken without a head.

Fizzy enters the room with Jareau on her arms. Louis stops for a second and admires her. She looks beautiful in her dark purple paisley pattern dress which she designed for the groom maids, but what really makes her so stunning is the big smile on her face.

"Harry's so gonna kill you!" She sits Jareau on the bed and get Louis' shoes. "Sit!" She pushes him on the bed and put his shoes on.

"I can do it by myself, you know!" Louis says in a sarcastic tone.

"I know but you won't finish getting ready if you keep wasting time." Fizzy scolds him. "Up! Up!Up!" She makes him to stand up. "You look stunning!"

Louis smiles at her before looking himself in the mirror. His smile grew even bigger when he notices how beautiful Fizzy's designs are. The white dress shirt goes perfect with the dark purple paisley cummerbund and bow tie. The dark gray dress pants are perfect match with the leather black shoes. He stills need to put on the dark gray jacket but so far the outfit looks stunning.

"Your designs are beautiful." Louis whispers, looking at her through the mirror.

"They're not that good," Fizzy blushes.

"Really?" Louis asks indignantly. "Come over here." He makes her stand in front of the mirror. "Look at those pattern, look how incredibly everything came together. Narrow at the waist and wide skirt with the top shape in a sweetheart ...."

"How come you have such a fashion vocabulary?" She teases him.

"I just know!" He shrugs, giving her a warm smile. "I remember when you started designing them, you spent hours perfecting them and look they came out really really fucking great."

"I guess," She smiles again. "You're going to die when you see your future husband then."

"Probably." He smiles too. "Now go put your black platform on!"

"Stop talking with such a fashion vocabulary! Just call them black high heels!"

When they're ready to go Fizzy buckles Jareau and goes to the driver's side. Louis seats in the back seat with Jareau to keep her company. The traffic isn't bad, it's Saturday in the afternoon which mean everybody is at their houses or friend's house. When they finally make it to Anne's house there are a people already in the back yard. Louis waves and smile at them as he walks to Anne's side.

"Hey love," Anne greets him with a big smile, wrapping her arms around him.

"Hey Anne," Louis hugs her too. "You look amazing!"

"You do too," Anne smiles. "He's gonna die when he sees you...."

"Why everybody keep saying that?!" Louis sighs. "I'd love to be with him forever thank you very much."

"An you will be," Anne assures him. "Now go inside before he comes out and see you!"

"Phoebe, Daysi and Lottie are already here!" Fizzy announces, smiling from ear to ear.

When they get to the room where they're going to wait he sees his other three sister dress in the same dress as Fizzy. All of them form a circle and cuddle him in the middle, whispering how happy the are for him.

"Papa!" Alex says when Zayn and Niall come into the room as well. Alex is wearing a white shirt with dark purple vest and dark gray dress pants.

"Hey love!" Louis cuddles him tight. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Alex pouts, planting a kiss on Louis' cheek. "I love you Papa!"

"I love you too Alex." Louis presses him closer to his chest.

"You look stunning man!" Zayn says, making everybody giggle.

Louis smiles nervously, trying to cover up that in reality he's freaking out.

"Stop!" Fizzy says. "You're making him nervous."

And after that everybody just talks about their life. Phoebe and Daisy say that they can't wait to go to uni. Lottie tells them how he can wait to be Britain next top model and how they are coming to London when the twins are 18. Louis asks about Ernest and Doris, Lottie tells him that their mother is so happy. Louis is glad to hear that, he's glad that his mum finally can be happy like he is right now. After 45 minutes of talking about everything and anything Anne knocks on the door.

"It's time." She smiles from ear to ear. "Harry and the guests are waiting for you."

Fizzy, Zayn, Niall, Lottie, Phoebe and Daisy hug him before he leaves with Jareau and Alex walking in front of him. They stop when they get to the back door, Louis sees Harry smiling at him. Louis smiles back, admiring how beautiful he looks in his dark gray suit. Harry stretch his hand to hold Louis' as they make their way through the aisle.

"You look beautiful." Harry whispers, blushing a little bit.

"You look handsome too." Louis adds, running his thumb across Harry's knuckles.

"Shall we?" Harry asks, licking his lips.

"Lets do this." Louis smiles as they start walking down the aisle.

Jareau and Alex walk in front of them, throwing purple petals to the grass. Louis' sisters and Gemma walk behind them and Anne and Robin are already in the altar. When they get there Anne smiles at them warmly, the minister smiles at them as well. He begins his lecture, preaching the meaning of marriage. While the minister continues his sermon, Harry looks at Louis affectionately.

"Harry Styles repeat after me," The minister says, wanting them to say the traditional vows.

"No," Harry smiles. "If you don't mind I have my own vows."

"Of course not," The minister smiles at him.

"Today," Harry brings Louis' hand close to his lips again; he kisses him gently. "I take you as you are, the man I fall in love with." He smiles with a few tears on his eyes. "You're giving me the honor of being able to call you my husband and for that honor I promise to always be there for you and Alex." He looks at Alex who only smiles back at them. "I promise to love you, to make you smile, to protect you, to be faithful to you as long as we both shall live. And I promise that not matter what lies in our path it will be the path that we'll take together, hand in hand." He runs his thumb across his knuckles. "I love you so much Louis Tomlinson and I can't wait to star this new part of our journey together."

"I love you, too." Louis mumbles.

Harry kisses his hand one more time before placing another ring on his finger. Louis waits to start his own vows until Harry is looking at his eyes.

"You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me." Louis giggles. "You are the other half of me, the half I'll never be, the half that drives me insane, the half I always need." He takes a deep breath before proceeding. "And there is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you." He pauses when he feels Harry's hand wiping the tears off his cheek. "I promise to be faithful, to protect you, make you happy, and most important I promise to love you as long as we both shall live." Louis looks at him with glassy eyes. "Right now I'm looking at you and you're so beautiful." He strokes Harry's cheek. "And in this moment I swear we are infinite."

Harry pulls him closer and kisses his lips softly. They keep it P-G since they're a few kids at the ceremony. Harry carries Alex on his arms as him and Louis walk through the aisle again. Everybody cheers and throw rice at them, they never understood why but they didn't complain either. When they get to the table everybody makes a line to congratulate them. Harry and Louis ended up being scoop close by Anne who is the last person who congratulate them. She gets a glass of champagne and with a silver fork taps it twice to get everybody's attention.

"As a mother everything you want is for your kids to be happy," Anne says, looking at them with soft eyes. "I know Harry is happy, I can see it and I can't thank you enough for making that happen." She directs her words to Louis. "I wish you too the best and don't forget I'm still waiting for grand kids."

Louis smiles nervously as Harry mouths thank you mum to Anne. She hugs them again as everybody goes back to the party. Half hour later everybody is dancing on the floor. Louis notices how a friend of Harry came to talk to Fizzy and now they're dancing on the floor. Fizzy looks happy and that's everything that really matters for Louis now (he will asks Harry about his friend later).

"Hum ..." Zayn taps the microphone, getting everybody's attention. "Can Mr. and Mr. Styles come to the dance floor please?"

Louis blushes immediately, he's definitely killing Zayn after this. Harry takes his hand and guides him to the dance floor.

"We ... This is our wedding present for you." Zayn says, wrapping an arm around Niall's waist. "We couldn't get him here but he record this for you two."

As soon as Zayn finishes speaking Ed's voice sounds through the speakers.

When your legs don't work like they used to before....

Louis covers his mouth, making them chuckle. Harry kisses his temple as he stands in front of him, he places on his shoulder and the other one against Louis' hands. Louis places his hand on Harry's hip as they start dancing to the song.

Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day

And I just wanna tell you I am....

Harry whispers into Louis' ear, scooping his body even closer.

And we found love right where we are....

They whisper at each other as the song ends.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Louis smiles softly at him.

After that they had so much fun, laughing at Niall's bad jokes. Giggling when Alex tells Mussi they would marry when they're grow up. Listening to their family giving the traditional speeches in where they embarrassed them to a whole new level. When the night is upon them and it's time for Louis and Harry to leave to their honeymoon there are a few more tears.

"I don't want to leave you." Louis whispers to Alex.

"I know Papa," Alex strokes his cheek. "But you and Harry have to go to your honeymoon and I can't go with you and I'll be fine with uncle Zazu and uncle Niall and I bet you auntie Fizzy and Jareau will visit me everyday."

"I know they will, but I'm gonna miss you so much bug."

"I'm gonna miss you too Papa." Alex hugs him tighter. "I love you."

"I love you too." Louis kisses his temple.

"Okay! Come on you two or you'll miss the flight to Italy!" Zayn scolds them, trying to hide that the fact that he'll miss Louis too.

"Italy," Louis whispers delighted.

"That's where we agreed we wanted to go." Harry adds, smiling at him.

The true is that Louis was the one who suggested it one afternoon when both if them were study for their finals. Louis just said "Verona!" and Harry looked at him confused for a second but then he understood. He asked him as in Verona, Italy and Louis nodded. He asked again as in Romeo & Juliet's Verona and Louis nodded again earning a whole week of teasing from Harry.

"I want to go to Juliet's wall." Louis whispers, stroking Harry's hand on his.

"And we will," Harry kisses his temple. "We'll go there and everywhere in Verona we can go in two weeks!"

"I don't think we're going to be out at all." Louis says, biting his bottom lip as he eyes Harry's cock.

"Stop teasing me...." Harry moans. "They're gonna kick us from the plane."

"Okay," Louis sits straight on his seat. "I'll be a good boy for you." He winks at him.

"You're such a tease!" Harry grinds his teeth.

"Just for you baby, just for you." Louis keeps the teasing going.

Harry covers his hard cock, swearing that when they land in Italy Louis' gonna regret doing that to him (in a very very naughty good way). When they land in Italy Louis swings his hips around at every step he takes, driving Harry crazy. When they get to the car which is going to take them to the hotel Harry scoops Louis so close, moaning against his ear.

"My dearest husband," Harry groans.

"Harry ..." Louis tries to steady his breathing.

"Shh! He will hear us." Harry says looking at the cab driver. "Just wait like a good boy, we'll be at the hotel very soon."

And just like that Harry sits all the way in the other window, leaving Louis alone and horny. Louis realizes then that payback is a bitch! Louis tries to get Harry's attention by rubbing his feet on his leg. Harry looks at him and smirks which isn't what Louis was going for.

"Harry ..." He says in a desperate tone.

"Soon love," Harry looks at the window. "Very soon."

When they get to the hotel entrance Harry helps Louis out of the cab. Louis smiles at him, knowing that if he doesn't want to be tease all night long he has to be good.

"Benvenuto a Hotel Caesius Terme." A young man greet them at the front desk.

"Ciao, io sono il signor Styles." Harry says in a thick accent.

"Benvenuto signor Styles."He checks for his information in his laptop. "Prenderà i bagagli in camera e ecco le chiavi."

"Grazie." Harry says, grabbing Louis' hand. "Right this way my dearest husband!"

"I love you." Louis whispers, smiling at Harry delighted.

"I love you." Harry kisses his hand. "Now come on, I want to make love to my husband."

"And I'm dying for my husband to fuck me ..."

"I'm not fucking you," Harry teases him. "I'm making love to you."

"Call it whatever you want to call it," Louis rolls his eyes. "As long as I have you cock up my arse ...."

Harry silences him by kissing him roughly, he bites his bottom lip hard making him moan.

"Ha..Harry." Louis mutters, trying to breathe properly. "I need you ..."

"I know baby," Harry smirks. "Let's get inside the room though."

Harry opens the room door before picking him bridal style. Louis sucks in his bottom lip, teasing Harry.

"Stop doing that with your lip." Harry groans, closing the door with his foot. "You've naughty and naughty boys get punish."

"Are you going to punish me?"Louis keeps licking and sucking his bottom lip.

"Oh yes I will!" Harry lays him on the bed.


The next morning when Louis wakes up he feels Harry's arms wrap around him and their legs tangled. He blinks a few times to get use to the light coming through the windows. He smiles fondly when he opens his eyes and stares at the beautiful angel next to him. He strokes his cheek delicately, not wanting to wake him up. Harry hums, almost purring to the soft touch. Harry smiles, blinking a few times before blue meets green. It takes Louis' breath away to see Harry like this, like nobody else has the privilege to see him, just the way he is. His sleepy eyes, his morning smell; that sweet muskiness that comes from him getting warm in the night but refusing to let go of Louis. He thinks this is one of the most intimate moment they share and he loves every second of it.

"Good morning sweetheart," Harry whispers, leaving a tender kiss on Louis' bare shoulder.

"Morning love." Louis whispers.

"I think we should stay in bed ..."

"No," Louis makes a pout. "I want to go to Juliet's wall."

"Are you writing her a letter?" Harry teases him.

"Maybe," Louis blushes.

"Aww baby." Harry peppers his face with tender kisses. "Can we make love first though?" He asks, kissing his way down Louis' neck.

"Hm-huh," Louis breaths out a moan.


They get to Juliet's wall around 2 o'clock and as expected there's many women writing letters to Juliet. Louis smiles at Harry fondly as they walk through the aisle. A little girl stares at their hands and giggles. Louis smiles at her gently, waving his hand at her. A few tears want to make their way out of his eyes when he realizes Noah would be the same age as her if she was alive. Harry notices and immediately wraps his arm around his waist. The little girl's mum call her name, she waves at Louis as she walks to her mum's side.

"She's beautiful," Louis whispers when she leaves.

"She is." Harry whispers, leaving a kiss on his temple. "I'm going to take a picture with Juliet...." He gets closer to his ear. "So you can write the letter in private." He whispers.

"Thank you," Louis blushes. "I love you."

"I love you." Harry kisses him gently.

Louis sits on one of the benches and takes out a pen and a piece of paper.

Dear Juliet,

Here I am .... In Verona, Italy married to the love of my life. I have to go through a lot to get here. I stumbled, I even fall a few times along the way but finally, finally I met the love of my life. I met the person that completes me, I met my soulmate ....

Louis looks at Harry and smiles, Harry looks beautiful admiring Juliet's statue. For a second Harry stares back at him and blows him a kiss, making him blush. Louis looks down and continues to write the letter.

and I can't be more happier. People used to tell me that one of a kind love story weren't as common and if you ever witness one you were lucky, but if you are part of one you're the lucky one. Our love story isn't as unique and tragic as yours and Romeo's but for me it's one of a kind. I love him, gosh Juliet I love him with everything I had, I never get tired of looking at him. I'm just so in love with him and the best part of it is that he loves me back, he's in love with me too. I'm lucky Juliet, I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

Sincerely Yours,


Louis folds the letter as he stands up. He walks to Harry and grab his hand gently.

"You're done already?" Harry looks at him fondly.

"Yes," Louis nods.

"Okay," Harry kisses him. "Do you want to go and ...."

"Yes," Louis interrupts him.

They walk to the wall and place the letter on top of so many others. Harry wraps his arms around him from behind as they stare at the letters.

"I love you," Harry whispers.

"I love you too." Louis smiles, he closes his eyes inhaling Harry's scent.

Like Harry said on his vows this is the new part of their journey together and Louis is loving every second of it.

As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
Follow, vote and comment :)

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