Chapter 35
The next day Harry gets a romantic dinner set up at his flat. He wants to give Louis the ring and all to make it official. He cooks a fancy meal he found in a website. He sets up the table like he did for last Valentine's Day. Louis gets to the flat around 7 pm, leaving Alex with Fizzy, Jareau and Gemma.
"Hey love," Harry kisses his lips gently.
"Hi babe," Louis blushes.
"Come in," He moves to the side. "Dinner is waiting for us."
"This is beautiful Harry." Louis admires the decoration around him.
"You're beautiful," Harry wraps his arms around him. "I love you."
"I love you more," Louis turns around and kisses him again.
"Now that's impossible," Harry whispers into the kiss.
"Ugh!" Louis rolls his eyes. "Don't make me regret my decision so soon."
"Talking about decisions," Harry says as he make them walk to the table. "Dinner's going to get cold if you don't dig in soon."
"Ugh! Please tell me the ring is not inside the food." Louis groans.
"Maybe," Harry pouts.
"You're so cheesy!" Louis kisses him again.
"I know and I think that's why you keep me around."
"I keep you around because I love you," Louis whispers like if he talks any louder Harry's not going to believe him.
"Good because I love you too." They kiss one more time before sitting at the table.
"This smells really, really good!" Louis murmurs, inhaling the delicious smell.
"It's a recipe I found on the internet." Harry shrugs, placing the glasses for the wine.
"Are we drinking wine tonight?" Louis teases him. "That's posh of you."
"Hey!" Harry whines but then he decides to play Louis' game. "You can't drink soda with such an exquisite meal." He adds in a posh accent.
"I would beat the leaving heck out of you," Louis says trying to be tough but it's impossible because the only thing that Harry inspires is tenderness.
"Good luck with that," Harry chuckles. "You're not even 5'9!"
"You just didn't say that!" Louis gasps; pressing his hand against his chest.
"Of yes I did!" Harry snaps his finger; making Louis giggle.
"I don't even know how I ended up with you," Louis whispers; looking at the ground like if it's the most interesting thing in this world. "I always went for the bad guys .... the one who treated me like shit ...."He laughs nervously.
"All that is over now," Harry strokes his back. "I got you and I'll never treat you like shit."
"Why did I always go ..."
"We accept the love we think we deserve." Harry says before Louis can finish the question.
"I still think I don't deserve you," Louis sighs. "I'm just waiting for the day you wake up and walk away without even saying goodbye."
"I'm not going anywhere," Harry pulls the chair so he can be in front of Louis. "And I want to give you this as a promise that I'm here to stay." Harry pulls a small black box and opens it revealing a silver band with a line of 5 diamonds in the middle.
"Harry!" Louis gasps, covering his mouth immediately. "This is too much."
"Nothing is too much when it comes to you," Harry shakes his head. "Now if you let me I want to give you this ring making you a promise that I always going to love you, I'm always going to be there for you and Alex whenever you need me and I'll be there even when you don't." He chuckles, hoping that Louis gets what he did there. "So... Will you let me be there and take care of you and Alex?"
Louis wants to say something; he wants to say yes so badly but the knot on his throat isn't letting him. He smiles and bits his lips trying to hold the tears.
"Say something." Harry whispers terrified.
"Y-you know-w my ... answer-r already." Louis hiccups in between words.
"Okay," Harry says trying to hide his smile, he takes out the silver band and place it on Louis' finger. It takes Louis' breath away when he notices that the ring fits perfectly and how beautiful it looks.
"I can't-t ... I don't ..."
"Hey," Harry says in a soft tone. "You deserve this and more."
"It's beautiful." Louis says, still admiring the ring.
"Just like you." Harry leaves a tender kiss on top of his hand. "Is it bad if I want to make love to my fiancé right now?"
"What about the food?" Louis asks, just to tease him.
"Later ..." Harry grabs his hands gently. "Right now I want to make love to my fiancé."
"Ahhhh!!!!!" Fizzy screams; jumping around like a little girl. "He proposed! He proposed! He fucking proposed!"
"Shh!" Louis laughs at her reaction. "Alex and Gemma are sleeping." He giggles.
"Let me see! Let me see!" She squeals, trying to reach his hand. She gasps and squeals right after for the billionth time in this morning. "Jesus! That's beautiful!"
Louis stares at his ring for a few seconds before giving it a little kiss.
"I love him Fizzy, I love him...."
"I know," Fizzy smiles fondly. "I can see it." She rolls her eyes playfully. "So when are you guys getting merry? Are you going to be like Niall and Zayn and get merry tomorrow?"
"No," Louis shakes his head. "We didn't talk about it, but I don't thinks so .... I mean I barely started the Animated Graphic Design course and he have to go to school for one more year for his civil engineering technicians course so ..."
"If you aren't getting marry immediately because of me, let me tell you I'll ..."
"No," Louis laughs it off. "I know how hard it is to go to school and work at the same time and I want to leave you in a good place before I move out."
"You're such an amazing brother." Fizzy wraps his arms around him.
"You're such an amazing sister too."
"No, I haven't done anything for you compare to what you had done for me and Jareau." She smiles fondly.
"It's okay, that's what big brothers suppose to do." He cuddles her tight.
"I love you Louis," Fizzy whispers.
"I love you too, Fizz." He plants a kiss on her forehead.
A month later Louis is stressed because a project he has to do for school. Alex noticed and decided to talk to Mussi about it at school.
"He's ... like ... He's like freaking out or at least that's what Harry said." Alex shrugs, making a pout.
"I know how's that like," Mussi tries to comfort him, stroking his back. "Back when mummy and daddy got divorce my daddy used to be freaking out a lot, sometimes he didn't want me to be around because I reminded him of mummy." She sighs, "Nana used to tell me it wasn't my fault, that what happened between them was a adult thing. Then one day I drew me and my daddy on our kitchen wall, I drew the happy daddy I grow up with and I showed it to him and he loved it so much that since then he's never been sad again."
Alex gasps, smiling because he knows how to make his papa less stress now. When he gets home, he gets his color pencils and run to the kitchen wall. He stars with circles, he makes one for him, one for Louis and one for Harry, one for Zayn, one for Niall, one for Fizzy and one for Jareau. After he adds lines to make the body parts. When he's done with that he draws Baylor next to him, he adds grass and colorful flowers around then. He smiles fondly when he sees the final result and can wait to show it to Louis. He gets up and runs to Louis and Harry who are at the family room. Louis is working on his project and Harry is just there, keeping him company.
"Papa! Papa!" Alex screams his way to the family room. "Come on! Look! Look!"
"Are you okay?" Louis looks at him worried.
"Yes! But come on! Look at this! Come on Harry!" He holds his hand and pulls him to the kitchen, Harry follows them.
When they get to the kitchen Louis gasps loudly.
"Alexander Tomlinson!" He screams, scaring the heck out of him and Harry. "YOU KNOW THE RULES! THERE'S NOT COLORING IN THE WALLS! THAT'S WHY I BOUGHT YOU THE COLORING BOOKS!"
Baylor goes to the kitchen and barks at Louis.
"But ..." Alex says but when he sees how furious Louis is he hides behind Harry. "Mussi ...."
"Louis," Harry puts his hand on Louis' chest. "Stop, you're scaring him."
"He knows the rules, he knows there's not coloring in the walls...."
"Okay," Harry interrupts him. "I'll go and buy white pain to cover it, just calm down." Alex touches his tight to get his attention. "And I'm taking Alex and Baylor with me, come on buddy, let's go get some ice cream and the paint."
Harry holds Alex's hand all the way to his car, he sits him in the back seat and makes sure he's buckle up and Baylor is sit next to him before going to the driver's seat. He starts the engine, looking at Alex through the rear mirror. A few tears are rolling down his cheek; making Harry's heart shrink.
"Hey," He says in a soft voice. "You know your papa loves you so much, right?" Alex nods so Harry keeps talking. "He's just stressed right now..."
"I know," Alex interrupts him. "That's why I painted a happy family in the kitchen wall." He sighs. "Mussi told me she did the same thing for her daddy Liam and he wasn't sad anymore, I wanted to do that for him."
"That's kind of you love." Harry smiles at him fondly. "Just keep in mind that it's not because of you, okay?"
"Okay," Alex smiles at him.
When Harry, Alex and Baylor comes back Louis is still at the family room doing his project. He looks up and smiles at them, immediately Alex hides behind Harry. Both of them go to the kitchen and paint the wall white. When they're done Harry and Alex go to their room so Alex can do his homework. Harry comes back to the family room and stands on the door frame.
"Yes, I'm an arsehole I know!" Louis sighs, closing his laptop.
Harry walks and sits next to him.
"I wouldn't be mad if he hates me," He whispers; looking down at his feet.
"He doesn't hate you Louis," Harry assures him. "He's just scared of this side of his Papa he has never seen."
"I shouldn't have screamed at him, I know he gets ...."
"Not to make it worse but he drew that happy family to cheer you up." Harry adds in a barely whispers.
"He thought that showing you a happy family he would help you."
"Oh Lord my baby boy," Louis covers his mouth. "I have to talk to him." He gets up from the couch and goes to the room.
He knocks on the door two times before talking. "Alex, it's me .... Baby I'm so sorry. Can I come in?"
"Of course," Alex says from the other side.
"I'm so sorry love," Louis cuddles him. "I should've ask you why you did it before screaming at you .... No I shouldn't have scream you in the first place and I'm so sorry."
"It's okay Papa," Alex kisses his cheek. "Harry explained to me, he told me it's not me."
"Of course it's not you baby, it's just my project that I'm working on right now." Louis strokes his cheek.
"I love you." Alex whispers, making his heart melt.
"I love you more." Louis peppers his face with kisses. "Harry come over here!"
Harry goes to their room and lay down with them.
"You know," Louis begins. "You didn't tell me you love me before you left..."
"I love you." Harry whispers; assuring him.
"I love you too." Louis whispers back.
"I love you three," Alex giggles.
"I love you four." Louis and Harry say at the same time.
Lottie, Phoebe and Daisy come to London for Alex's and Jareau's birthday party on June. The twins are happy to tell Louis and Fizzy that they're not the only twins in the family anymore since their mother is having another set this year.
"How is she?" Louis asks Lottie.
"She's ... she's happy." Lottie smiles, "It's sad that she can come and meet your and Fizzy's kids."
"We didn't decided that." Louis whispers, trying not to get sad.
"I know," Lottie nods.
"Papa! Papa!" Alex comes running to the back patio. "Harry is here with the cake and it's big!" He says, showing him the size of the cake with his hand. "Come and see!"
"Okay, okay!" Louis follows him to the kitchen, they're at Anne's house once again. "Wow!"
"Hey," Harry smiles innocently placing the Mario Kart themed cake on the table.
"Harry .... that cake is too big." Louis scolds him.
"But," Harry makes a pout. "It's his sixth birthday!"
"So you're telling me this is just his cake?"
"Yeah, Jareau's going in a second." He smiles innocently again.
"What am I going to do with you?" Louis sighs and Harry takes advantage and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alex sing songs.
"You're welcome buddy!" Harry hugs him. "Happy birthday!"
"That's adorable," Louis squeals when a young lady enters the room with a Minnie Mouse themed cake on her hands.
"It is! I had to buy it for her when I saw it at the bakery." Harry smiles.
Louis walks next to him and wrap his arms around his waistline.
"Thank you." He whispers, sending shivers to Harry's spine. "You've won a prize...."
"Uncle Zayn is in the house!" Zayn screams as he walks to the kitchen. "Where's the birthday boy!?"
"Tone down a notch!" Louis scolds him. "Anne will kick us out because of you."
"Happy Birthday monster!" Zayn says, ignoring Louis.
"Uncle Zazu you're back!" Alex says excited. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too monster!" Zayn cuddles him again.
"Where's uncle Niall?" He asks looking around. Eventually he called everybody by their name except for Zayn because Zayn loves to be uncle Zazu.
"I'm here big boy!" Niall walks into the kitchen and Alex jumps into him immediately. "Happy birthday!" Niall says, swinging him around.
"You came right on time for his birthday." Louis points out.
"Of course we did," Zayn rolls his eyes like if Louis just said the obvious. "We couldn't miss my favorite nephew's birthday, duh!"
Louis laughs at him, happy to see how much Zayn and Niall love his baby boy as well.
1 Year Later
Louis got his Animated Graphic Design degree right after celebrating Alex's 7th and Jareau's 3rd birthday. Harry and him decided to get marry on August because Louis insisted he wanted a summer wedding.
"If you keep staring at it the suit is going to disappear." Fizzy's voice comes from the hallway.
"I just can't believe I'm marrying him tomorrow, Fiz." Louis says with glassy eyes.
Fizzy laughs at him, not to be mean or anything.
"I know and I'm happy for you." Fizzy cuddles him. "He loves you so much..."
"I love him so fucking much too." Louis chuckles, trying to hide his giggle.
"I know and that's what matters! He loves you and he loves Alex I don't think there's anyone better than him."
"I'm lucky," Louis whispers. "I'm lucky to ..."
"He's lucky too!" Fizzy interrupts him. "He's lucky to have you."
"We're lucky to have each other."
"Yes, you can say that." Fizzy smiles, "Now go to sleep because tomorrow is the big day."
Fizzy kisses his forehead and leave the room. He lie in bed, staring at the empty space next to him. Alex is staying at Niall's and Zayn's place since they're the ones taking care of him while Louis and Harry go to their honey moon. He closes his eyes trying to go to school because finally tomorrow he's marrying the real love of his life.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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