Chapter 34
Jareau (Fizzy still argues with Louis that is Louise not Jareau) and Fizzy go home 3 days later. Louis and Zayn are freaking out; they're extra careful with both of them. Harry spends more time with them since he's the one taking care of Alex most of the time. Alex doesn't really mind because Harry is so nice with him and he knows Louis and Zaym have to take care of Jareau since she's so small. Zayn and Louis did the last minute details to Jareau's side of the room when Fizzy was still at the hospital. They bought the lamp, they added a few more staff animals and a few more decorations on the walls.
"You're going to love it!" Zayn squeals. "The room is perfect!"
"I bet," Fizzy says in a sarcastic tone; rolling her eyes. She doesn't do it to be mean though.
"Louis and I added the things that were missing and it's just perfect..."
"Thank you guys," Fizzy adds with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." Louis cuddles her and Jareau tight. "I love you guys."
"I love you too." Fizzy whispers back.
"Come on! Let's go inside before Harry and Alex think that something happen to us." Zayn rushes them out of the car.
"Help her out I'll get Jareau." Louis says; openning the door and getting the baby car seat with a tiny Jareau in it. "You'll love your new home." He whispers to the little girl who only giggles to his words. "You're going to love everything uncle Zayn and I did for your room...."
"Come on Louis!" Zayn screams; making both of them giggle.
"Let's go before uncle Zayn and your mama lose their mind."
Louis make his way to the flat; Harry smiles when he sees him. Alex runs to his side to see Jareau.
"She's eating her hand Papa," Alex frowns confused.
"Babies do that a lot when they're this age." Louis explains; placing the baby car seat on the couch.
"I did it?" Alex gasps.
"Yes," Louis nods. "But it's a normal thing to do."
"It's weird." Alex says; wrinkling his nose.
"Sometimes she will replace her hand with his little foot too."
"I'm just going to give her a pacifier." Alex decides; making them laugh.
"Can we show you the room now?" Zayn interrupts them.
"Let's see the room." Fizzy smiles at them as she makes her way to the room.
Zayn opens the door for her and she gasps when she sees the final result.
"It's beautiful, I love it!" She squeals.
"I told you, duh!" Zayn laughs.
"Thank you guys." Fizzy hugs them.
On September 1st Alex is excited to start school. Louis not so much but he doesn't want to let him see that. Going to school (like a big boy) is everything Alex had talk about during the last month.
"I can't believe I'm finally going to school," Alex says as he gets dress.
"I can't believe it either," Louis sighs. "You're my baby, you don't suppose to grow up." Louis picks him up in his arms (which is a little harder since he's growing up so fast).
"Papa, I always going to be you're baby." Alex hugs him; wrapping his arms around his neck. "But now I'm a big baby."
"I love you." Louis says with tears in his eyes.
"I love you too." Alex caresses his cheek.
"First day of school!" Zayn screams as he enters their room. "How are you feeling buddy?"
"Excited!" Alex bounces in Louis' arms.
"That's the attitude!" Zayn smiles at him.
"Are you going with us?" Louis asks; noticing that Zayn isn't in his pajamas.
"Yes, I know you'll get emotional and I don't want you to have an accident!" Zayn explains.
"Harry is coming with us too." Alex says in a happy tone.
"Of course he is!" Zayn says in a sarcastic tone.
"Hey! f-u-c-k off!" Louis rolls his eyes at him.
"Language!" Zayn coughs.
"Whatever," Louis rolls his eyes at him again.
"Harry's here!" Fizzy calls from the living room.
"Harry's here!" Alex says as he taps Louis on the chest so he can put him down. "Harry!" Alex says jumping into Harry's arms. "I'm going to school today!"
"Don't even remind him!" Harry says smiling at Louis.
"I'm going to have so much fun!" He says, still smiling. "Mussi says is so much fun!"
"Really?" Harry asks interested in the subject. "And do you like Mussi?"
"I like Mussi!" Alex giggles. "She's so cool and funny."
"He's in love." Zayn whispers and Louis almost loses his sanity.
"He's not! He's ... He's just delighted with her since she's his first real friend." Louis tries to justify.
"Hm-huh!" Fizzy, Harry and Zayn say in a mocking tone.
An hour and a half later Louis and Harry are saying goodbye to Alex who isn't scared at all to start his first day of school.
"It's okay if you want me to stay, I'll stay." Louis smiles nervously.
"It's okay Papa," Alex waves at Mussi who is inside the classroom already. "You need to go to school and work."
"I love you hun,"Louis says with a few manly tears on his eyes.
"I love you too, Papa." Alex hugs him tight.
"Be a good boy with Ms. T and we'll take you to get frozen yogurt after school."
"Okay," Alex giggles. "I love you Papa."
"I love you too," Louis smiles at him fondly.
"I love you three," Harry says making him giggle.
"I love you four." Alex says; putting his left arm behind Louis' neck and his right behind Harry's.
"Good morning," Mrs. T greets them at the entrance.
"Morning," All of them say in sync.
"Is he ready to go in?"
"He's been ready months ago," Harry adds smiling at Alex.
"Okay then, let's go in."
Harry and Louis put Alex on the ground. "Be a good boy," Louis says for the billionth time this morning.
"Of course papa," Alex smiles again.
"Bye bye love." Harry kisses his forehead.
"Bye bye Harry." He waves his tiny hand at him.
Mrs. T walks with him into the classroom; leaving Harry and Louis standing there.
"I just want him to be okay," Louis whispers making Harry to wrap his arms around him.
"And he will be okay," Harry nods. "He's just growing up."
"I know, it's ... it's ... he's my baby."
"I know, I'll be acting the same or even worst ..."
"If he was your kid." Louis interrupts him.
"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry!" Harry is quick to apologize.
"Don't even worry about it! It's okay ...."
"I'm just trying to be strong for you." He whispers, "I know this is hard for you and you don't really need to comfort somebody else when you're feeling the same exact thing...."
"But that's what you're doing." Louis points out.
"I know," Harry laughs.
"I love you." Louis vows.
"I love you, too." Harry whispers back.
Harry doesn't really know if Louis will ever understand how much he loves him. He would set himself on fire just to keep him and Alex warm. It's scare him sometime how much he loves Louis, he opens himself to let others in but at the same time he's opening himself for so much damage. But he thinks is worth since his reward is to be with Louis.
"I can't believe I'm almost done with the Graphic Design course." Louis says as they drive to Louis' school.
"I know, I'm so proud of you." Harry says, the fond in his voice is so noticeable.
"Thank you." Louis blushes, he's not used to get complements. "I think I'm going to take a Animated Graphic Design course after I finish this one, Jazmin told me is really fun to create different scenarios and all those alternate universe for cartoons or movies." His eyes are glowing as he talks about it.
"That's awesome, love." Harry smiles at him like if he's the most precious thing in the world, he loves to see Louis this happy.
"I can't wait!" Louis squeals; making Harry laugh so hard, to the point where he's snoring.
When they get to the school Harry parks in front of the main entrance, Louis looks at him and kiss him gently. Harry smiles into the kiss; the kiss doesn't suppose to be sexual or anything and if he's honest this are his favorite kisses.
"I love you," Louis whispers against his lips.
"I love you more." Harry gives him another small kiss. "Be a good boy."
"Don't try to get back at me," Louis warns him. "I'll destroy you."
"What!?" Harry gasps, "I don't know what you're talking about." He smirks.
"Hm-huh," Louis rolls his eyes.
"I love you," Harry blows him a kiss.
"Yeah, yeah of course you do." Louis laughs.
"Bye love," Harry keeps trying to win him over.
"Bye Harry!" Louis shuts the door. "I love you, too."
Harry smiles, he knows Louis can't be mad at him for so long. Louis wasn't even mad in the first place but he knows how to win him over we can say.
When Louis picks Alex from school he glad to hear Mrs. T say that his boy is such a good student. He peppers Alex's face with kisses as he tells him how proud he is.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Mrs. T says when Louis puts Alex on his feet again.
"We'll see you tomorrow," Louis smiles at her.
"Bye bye Mrs. T," Alex waves his hand at her.
"Bye bye love, take care."
Louis and Alex walk to the car when they see Mussi and her daddy Liam.
"Papa," Alex taps Louis' hip. "Let's go say bye."
"Didn't you say bye already?" Louis pulls his eyebrows together.
"Yes," Alex looks at the ground. "But not to Mr. Liam!"
Louis laughs at his son's cuteness. "Okay then, let's go say bye."
They come across Liam and Mussi in the middle of their way, Mussi smiles at Alex and Louis and Liam just stare at them.
"She said she wanted to say bye to Mr. Papa." Liam chuckles.
"He kinda said the same thing," Louis shrugs.
"I wouldn't be surprised if Mussi marries him."
"Really?" Louis asks astonished.
"Yeah," Liam nods. "She didn't shut up about him since he met him at his birthday party."
"Same with him," Louis smiles. "And now is going to be even worst since they're going to school together."
"I know," Liam laughs. "But is good to see them happy, you know."
"Of course I do," Louis goes to Alex's side. "It's time to go home."
"Okay," He pouts. "I'll see you tomorrow Mussi."
"I'll see you tomorrow," Mussi kisses his cheek making him blush a deep red. "Bye Mr. Papa."
"Bye cutie pie," Louis smiles at her.
"Bye bye Mr. Liam," Alex adds quickly.
"Bye bye big boy." Liam says as he grab Mussi's hand and walks with her to his car.
Louis walks with Alex to his car. They're quiet all the ride home but as soon as they get to the flat Alex jump out of the car and runs to Fizzy's room to play with Jareau.
"Jay! Jay! Jay!" Alex screams as he runs through the small hallway. "Jay I'm home!" He says excited.
Fizzy smiles at him, letting him seat next to them in the bed.
"You know, I went to school for the first time today." He keeps the excited tone, "And it was fun! Mussi told me it was going to be fun but it was super fun! I can not wait for you to go to school with me!"
"Jareau still has a few more years before she goes to school, love." Fizzy says; stroking Jareau's cheek.
"I know! She has to be big like me to go but can not wait to go to school with you Jay!"
Louis sits at Fizzy's other side and apologize. She knows Alex doesn't know anything about their mother or her name or anything that happen with them but it's ironic how he started calling her "Jay". They hope that eventually Alex can say "Jareau" so they wouldn't have to ask him to stop calling her "Jay". Isn't that Fizzy and Louis hate their mother, because it's definitely not that. It's just that it still hurts to think about her, to think about what happened.
It's been a year and a half since Alex started his fist year of school. Jareau is almost two years, Louis graduated a few months ago and right after he started his Animated Graphic Design course. Fizzy started her Fashion Design course on January, which is hard for since she has to drop Jareau at the day care or leave her with Louis or Zayn. Zayn surprises them when he tells them that Niall proposed. They were so happy for him, especially Louis because he knows Zayn deserves to be happy since he had always put other's people's happiness before his. So bear with him now that hes's emotional because is about time Zayn get his happily ever after. They immediately started planning the wedding, Fizzy, his mum, his sister and even Gemma were part of his big wedding preparations. Anne offered her house, once again, so Zayn and Niall wouldn't have to spend money on the chapel or the reception .
When the day is finally here Zayn and Louis are in Harry's room.\
"I can believe I'm going to marry him." Zayn says, fixing his tie.
"Are you 100% sure about this?" Louis asks, worried that maybe this is not what Zayn really wants and he just said yes so Niall wouldn't be heartbroken.
"Yes," Zayn bites his lip trying to hide his smile. "It's just .... this is .. overwhelming." He smiles, "When Perrie left I never thought I was going to find somebody else, you know."
"But you did and you're marrying him to-fucking-day!"
"I know!" Zayn squeals.
"Come on now, let's go or he'll piss in his pants." Louis rushes him to go to the back yard at Anne's house.
"Fuck! You're finally here, he's kinda dying over there!" Harry says; pointing to an anxious Niall.
Niall turns around and when he sees Zayn his face light up like a Christmas tree. He walks down to Zayn's side so they can go back to the altar together. A few tears are rolling Louis' cheek when he notices how truly happy is Zayn right now. When they get the altar everybody else sits down. Harry holds Louis' hand through the whole ceremony and when Zayn and Niall say their I do's everybody cheer and cry at the same time. All of them congratulate them and when the speech time comes Louis feels proud of his sassy yet touching speech.
"I just want to say I'm so happy for you!" Louis begins, "You've been with me through health and sickness, wealth and poverty ... more poverty than wealth." He and eveybody else chuckles at that. "You've been with me through thick and thin, we took care of each other ... it's more like you took care of us." He looks at Alex who's sitting in Harry's laps smiling at him. "Pretty much you kinda merried me before merrying Niall so let me tell you pal he's one of the best lad I've ever met, he's gonna be there for you even when you don't need him but that's just how he is, you know. If you make him suffer I'll hunt you down and I'll break every single one of your bones." Niall smiles at him fondly which makes Louis smiles too. "Just take care of him, yeah?"
"Of course," Niall finally speaks.
After, the party continues until Zayn and Niall have to leave for their honey moon. When everybody leaves Harry takes Louis to the back patio again, but now the sky is full of stars and the moonlight makes everything around them look romantic. Harry sits down and Louis sits on his laps and tangles his arms around his neck.
"I'm so happy for them," Louis whispers.
"Me too," Harry smiles. "But it would make me more happy if you were the one marrying me."
"What? Harry Styles, are you asking me to marry you?"
"Will you?"
"No!" Louis gets up from his laps, throwing his hands in the air.
Needless to say Harry was not expecting that answer.
"What? Why not? I ... I ..."
"Of course I would marry you, you idiot!" Louis jumps back into his arms. "Of course I would!"
That's the answer Harry was expecting all along.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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