Chapter 32
Louis has been confused for a week an a half. He actually thought Harry and him would give the next step in their sexual relationship on Harry's birthday, but it happened what happened on his birthday. They gave each other fantastic blow jobs and hand jobs (not that isn't enough) but nothing more than that and Louis is wondering why. February 14 is coming soon but he doesn't know if Harry is going to even do something on that day. He'll obviously do something cheesy and romantic but Louis isn't sure of he's ever planing to make love to him (like Harry always call it).
"Everything okay?" Fizzy asks him; taking him out of his train of thoughts.
"Yeah," He shakes his head.
"So...." She giggles. "February 14 is in a few days ..."
"Fizzy!" Louis warns her. "Stop!"
"I'm just letting you know I can take care of Alex since Niall and Zayn will be busy that night as well." She shrugs.
"Thank you," Louis whispers, blushing all the way to his ears.
When Saturday comes around Louis is working his afternoon shift at Tesco. He has to work from 8-4 which isn't a bad schedule. He takes his break at 12, when he's walking to the break room he sees Alex with a vase with bouquet of Calla Lily and Red Roses on his tiny hands; he's pulling a face so Louis figure out they're heavy.
"Love?" Louis says and Alex smiles at him.
"Hi papa!" He giggles; trying to hide his face behind the bouquet.
"What are you doing here, alone?" Louis questions as he looks around to see if Fizzy or Harry is with him.
"I'm not alone," Alex smiles. "Harry is behind me."
"Oh," Louis smiles fondly.
"Heavy!" Alex complains and Louis quickly gets the vase.
"They're beautiful love," Louis says as he smells the bouquet.
"Harry picked them and say that we had to bring them to you," Alex explain happily because he remembers part of what Harry said.
"Nice," Louis smiles again.
"He told me to tell you "Happy something" but I don't remember Papa," Alex frowns making Louis' heart swell in adoration.
"It's okay love." Louis kisses his forehead. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He says showing two of his fingers to him.
"I love you three!" Harry's voice comes from behind him.
Harry walks to them and Louis wraps his arms around his waist and pull him even closer.
"I love you four," Louis says; kissing Harry's lips gently.
Alex giggles when he sees his papa and Harry kissing. For some reason and thanks god he doesn't get mad or anything when things like this happens.
"Papa I want to cuddle too." Alex pouts.
"Come here," Harry says picking him up.
"I love you," Louis says as he peppers his face with soft kisses.
Louis kisses Alex for a few minutes until he remembers where he's at and tells Harry they should go to the parking lots. They walk to Harry's car because he tells him he got Mexican food on their way to the grocery shop.
"The food is from Las Fuentes?" Louis asks; trying to pronounce the name correctly.
"Yes," Harry nods. "I know you love their food so yeah."
"Awesome! I wanted to go for a while now." He says as he opens his box and finds his favorite wet burrito. "This smells delicious!"
Harry giggles at Louis' reaction; he loves to make him happy.
"I brought you horchata as well..."
"Are you even real?" Louis interrupts him. "You're totally winning me over!"
"I'm trying me best," Harry says; giving him the cup.
Louis takes a sip of horchata and moans to the delicious flavor on his mouth. He closes his eyes as he keeps drinking more.
"I'm so in love with you," Louis says in a sweet tone.
"Are you talking to me or to the horchata?" Harry questions in a mocking tone.
"To you, silly." Louis gives him a small kiss. "So in love."
"Papa," Alex says in a soft tone. "Tummy says grr!"
"Sorry love," Harry apologizes as he takes another box with a chicken burrito with no sauce because Alex can be messy sometimes and give it to him.
"Thank you Harry." Alex smiles at him and place the box on his laps.
They start eating because Louis only have 20 minutes left of his break. They talk about everything and anything like if they haven't seen each other in ages. 4 minutes before Louis' break is over they walk back to Tesco. Louis tells Harry if he can keep the bouquet but Harry refuses. He wants Louis to keep them at his work place so every time he sees it he will remember how much Harry loves him. 1 minute before his break ends Louis kisses Harry and Alex good bye. Harry whispers to his ear that they have a date tonight at his flat; making Louis blush a bright red.
At 4:15 Louis is making his way to his car. He's not sure if the blush on his cheek will ever disappear because he hasn't stop blushing since Harry left. A few female co-workers told him how cute his little family is or how romantic is Harry for bringing him roses to his work. He blushed every single time a customer told him how beautiful the bouquet is or what a romantic his boyfriend/husband is. When a customer called Harry his husband he couldn't correct her because he really think his and Harry's relationship can get to that point. He got a text from Harry saying that they have a dinner date at his flat at 7 pm. After that text Louis is a little bit more nervous than before. Is not like they haven't had dinner before but he's nervous because he doesn't know if Harry is turn on by him. He's not sure if Harry wants to go all the way with him tonight.
"I'm home!" Louis says as he opens the flat's back door.
"Papa!" Alex screams as he runs to him.
"Baby boy!" He says putting the vase with the bouquet on the diner table; after that he picks him up and swings him around.
"I miss you." Alex says in between giggles.
"I miss you, too baby." Louis peppers his face with gently kisses.
"Hey Lou," Fizzy says as he enters the kitchen.
"Hey Fizz, how are you feeling?" Louis asks; looking at her bump.
"I've been a bit nauseous..." She notices Louis' worried face. "But don't worry, I'm okay it's just the pregnancy."
"I know, but I'm allow to worried about you." Louis says with a warm smile.
"Yes you're allow to worry," Fizzy shrugs. "Are you going on a date with Harry tonight?"
"Yeah," Louis smiles fondly.
"Okay .... use protection." Fizzy whispers the last words.
"Félicité Tomlinson!" Louis blushes for the bijillion time during the day.
"I'm just saying," Fizzy shrugs. "Or do you want to have a baby with him?"
"We haven't talk about that." Louis shakes his head.
"Do you want to have a family with him?"
"Yes, I want to." Louis smiles. "I want to have so many kids with him .... I'm just ..."
"So in love with him." Fizzy says with glassy eyes.
"Yes, I'm so in love with him."
"I'm so glad to hear that." Fizzy smiles fondly at him. "Now go you have to get dress for you date!" Fizzy says; getting Alex from his arms to hers.
"Put him down! I don't want you to hurt yourself!" Louis says as he kisses Fizzy's forehead.
"Go get dress!" Fizzy says; pushing him to his room.
Louis gets to the shower and scrub everywhere. He washes his hair twice; he makes sure to clear where the sun doesn't shine. When he thinks he's done showering he gets out and goes to his room. He dries with a towel and put new boxers. He walks to his closet and stand in from of it; looking for something to wear. He knows he's using black trousers and when he sees a shirt he hasn't use in a while he decides he's using that. Harry told him he didn't have to dress with a suit and tie. He puts some (a lot but nobody needs to know that) cologne on and does his hair. He goes back to the bathroom to brush his teeth and add a little bit of body lotion on his face.
"Louis! Harry's here!" Fizzy says from the family room.
"Coming!" Louis says as he opens the door.
"Hi beautiful," Harry says and kisses him when he gets to the hallway.
"Hey love," Louis says when they pull apart from the kiss.
"Ready to go?" Harry asks; taking Louis' delicate hand on his and kissing each of his knuckles.
"I need to put my shoes on." Louis frowns; pulling Harry to the room.
Louis gets his black Vans and put them on as Harry stares at him.
"What?" Louis asks in an annoyed tone.
"You're beautiful." Harry says in a fondly tone.
"Harry!" Louis whimpers.
"What? I'm just saying what I see." Harry shrugs.
"I love you." Louis says as he walks to him and wrap his arms around him.
"I love you, too." Harry says before planting a kiss on Louis' lips. "We have to go before dinner gets cold."
"Lead the way," Louis says as he lets Harry go first.
They walk to the family room where Fizzy and Alex are watching "The Notebook".
"Papa, Harry!" Alex bounces on the leather couch when he sees them.
"Hey baby!" Louis picks him up. "Harry and I are going to have a date today..."
"Date? What's a date?" Alex frowns.
"Hmm ... your Papa and I are going to have dinner ...."
"Can I go?" Alex interrupts Harry.
"No," Fizzy laughs. "Remember that uncle Zazu and uncle Nanu are out today as well?" She waits for Alex to nod before she keeps explaining. "Harry and Papa are doing the same thing and you're staying with me and the baby." She adds rubbing her bump.
"When are you coming back?" Alex turns around to look at Louis.
"Later t..."
"Tomorrow morning." Fizzy smiles, "So you're sleeping with me and the baby for the whole night."
"Is Baylor sleeping with us too?"
"Yes, like always." Fizzy makes grabby hands to him so he can sit with her on the couch.
"You know I can come later tonight."Louis whispers as he sits Alex on the couch.
"No you're not," Fizzy smiles. "I can take care of him and if anything happens I'll call you."
"Okay," Louis smiles at them. "Just be careful and make sure he doesn't kick your bump while he sleeps."
"It won't happen!" Fizzy says in an annoyed tone. "He loves this baby way too much, don't you Alex?"
"Yes, I love baba!" Alex giggles looking at Fizzy's bump.
"Okay," Louis sighs. "Be a good boy for auntie Fizzy and I'll take you and Baylor for ice-cream tomorrow."
"Okay," Alex nods happily.
"Okay," Louis smiles. "I love you."
"I love you too." He giggles; showing him two of his little fingers like always.
"I love you three," Harry whispers like if it's a secret that only Louis and Alex have to know.
"I love you four." Alex giggles.
"Have fun and don't worry about anything." Fizzy says rushing them to leave.
"Bye bye baby." Louis kissing his tiny forehead.
"Bye bye Papa, bye bye Harry."
"Bye bye little guy." Harry kisses his forehead too.
Harry and Louis make their way to Harry's car, he opens the door for Louis and get in the driver's seat. Louis holds Harry's hand during the whole ride to his flat. When they get there Harry tells Louis he has to wait two or three minutes because he has to do something. When Harry comes back he opens Louis' door and get him to his flat on the second floor.
"Hope you like the surprised," Harry smiles at him fondly as he tries to open the door.
"Believe me I will," Louis giggles.
"Okay," Harry smiles at him. "I love you."
"I love..." He's stops when he sees the flat. "It's beautiful Harry."
There are roses' petals with light up candle path from the front door, passing the family until it gets to the bedroom. Harry's flat is small; pretty much everything is right next to each other. The family room and his bedroom is only divide by a glass door. In the coffee table there's champagne, two glasses and a light up candle in a clear vase.
"I'm glad you like it." Harry whispers on Louis' ear; wrapping his arms around Louis' waist.
"I love it," Louis rest his head on his chest.
"I love you," Harry whispers against his skin; leaving tender kisses along his neck.
"Har..." Louis moans under Harry's touch.
"You're so beautiful," Harry keeps showering him with compliments and tender caresses. "So so beautiful." He runs his hands from Louis' tummy until he reach his chest; he stops and rubs his nipples.
"Harry-y ...." Louis barely says; he can't help but moan to Harry's touches.
"I love you so much Louis Tomlinson." Harry whispers as he turns Louis around and kisses him gently. The kiss isn't about dominance; the kiss is about letting him know how much he loves him.
"I love you too." Louis whispers with glassy eyes when they pull away.
"Take a seat," He says pointing at the left side of his flat where the fireplace is located. There's three clear vase with light up candles in the middle; one medium vase on each side and two large ones. There's a path of red roses' petals in front of the vases and a heart out of roses' petals on the floor. On top of the fireplace are more vases with light up candles and roses' petals. There's a table for two right in front of the fireplace where Louis took a seat. Harry comes with two place on his hands from the small kitchen and place them on the table; he gets the champagne and the two glasses from the coffee table.
"Mmm Italian food," Louis says with a smile from ear to ear.
"Yeah," Harry smiles back. "I did it myself."
"And what's the number we call for an emergency?" Louis asks in a mocking tone.
"Hey!" Harry whimpers, "But is 999." He says in an annoyed tone.
"Good boy," Louis blows him a kiss.
Harry serves champagne and sits on the chair in front of Louis'. They talk about everything and anything. Louis tells him about Fizzy wanting to go to school for fashion design when she has the baby. He tells him how hard is going to be to send Alex to school on September because that means his baby is growing up and he doesn't want that. Harry tells him about Gemma getting engaged with Ashton and how Anne is over the moon to plan the wedding with her. They keep talking like they haven't seen each other in months. When dessert is almost over Louis asks Harry what he has been dying to ask since since his birthday.
"Why we don't make love all the way?" Louis asks; trying not to sound desperate.
Harry coughs a few times before answering; he gets up from the diner table and takes Louis' hand so they can go to the couch. They seat down; Harry sits first and he opens his legs so Louis can sit in between. "I'm going to tell you a story," He says; wrapping his arms around him tighter. "There was this 16 year old lad who found love; he was so amazed with him that he decided to talk to him. Time pass by and they became boyfriends; everything was going just fine until one of the lad's boyfriend's friend asked them about their sexual life. The lad's boyfriend lied saying that they had sex all the time; well they had hand jobs and blow jobs but they hadn't done it all the way. The lad didn't say anything because he didn't want to embarrass his boyfriend in front of his friends so when they went back to the boyfriend's house the boyfriend told the lad he wanted to have sex with him all the way." Harry pauses to take a deep breath. "The lad didn't want to; he's a strong believer that you only do that when you're 100% sure about it; whether you're bottom or top, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to give that step with his boyfriend. He didn't want to have sex with him; much less in his messy room with dirty clothes everywhere but they did have sex...."
"Did he ... Did he ..." Louis tries to form the sentence but the knot on this throat doesn't let him.
"No, gosh no." Harry shakes his head, "I topped that night; I had sex with him." A few tears are turning down his cheeks, "When we were done I felt like shit; I felt like I was nothing."
"I'm sorry," Louis whispers; trying to comfort him.
"I don't want the person I love with everything I have to feel like I felt after me and him had sex," Harry swallows the knot of his throat, "After you do such an important thing you shouldn't left like shit or like you're nothing. You should feel like the most amazing thing just happened to you," Harry kisses Louis' neck. "I don't want to rush you into anything; I know how it feels and I don't want you to feel like that."
"I won't feel like that, I promise." Louis says as he turns around to face him, "I want you to make love to me in the sweetest, fluffiest way possible." Louis kisses his lips gently, "Make love to me, please." He whispers against his lips.
Harry caresses Louis' forearms as he kiss him deeply. He kisses his jaw line, going down to his neck, all the way to his delicious collar bones. He takes time there, sucking, licking, biting, marking Louis' skin. Louis is a hot mess under his touch, but the most sexiest moan Harry has hear in his entire life happens when Harry's lips make contact with Louis' clothed sensitive nipple.
"Harr..." Louis squirms in pleasure; interlacing his delicate finger on Harry's long curls not to pull him away but to guide him in.
Harry's wet tongue licks and sucks his right nipple as his other hand takes care of his left one. Louis moves his hand from Harry's hair to take off his shirt; Harry pouts when Louis pulls away. He sees him taking the shirt off and does the same thing.
"I love you." Harry whispers.
"I love you, too." Louis whispers back.
"Lets go to bed," Harry says; holding him by his hand.
He kisses Louis one more time before laying him down on the petals, he looks at him fondly; licking his bottom lip. He kisses Louis again and slowly makes his way down Louis' jaw line, neck and collar bones. He spends a good time biting, licking, sucking his gorgeous collar bones.
"Ah... Ahhh... Ha.." Louis bits his lips to contains the moan but Harry sucks the skin harder to make him scream.
"Come on love, let me hear those sinful noises... I want to know how good you feel."
"Oh Harry ... Ahhh... Aaaghhhh...." Louis whimpers and Harry would be worry if he didn't know that those noises are because of pleasure.
"Come on baby... I wan to hear your beautiful voice saying those filthy words..." Harry keeps saying against his skin as he makes his way down to his nipples again.
"Oh gosh ....Fu... Harry..."Louis' hands grip at the sheets and his hips start to move at their own accord. Harry's words pierce right through him and make his cock leak pre-cum.
Harry kisses his way down to Louis tummy and worship it for minutes. He loves Louis' tummy and if he could he would worship it for the rest of his life but for now he wants to go a little bit further. When he gets to Louis' trousers he unbuttons them and take them off painfully slowly. He gets Louis' tiny foot on his hand and kiss the top of it. He rubs his nose against the wet skin as he makes his way to his ankle. He leaves wet kisses all along his leg; when he reach Louis' tight he moans against the hot skin. Louis hasn't go off the sheet so he grips it tighter. He moans Harry's name; trying to make him come to his lips to devour him.
"Look at-t this thick-k delicious thighs... Ahhh ..." Harry moans; feeling how he's jeans are getting tighter. "I want to devour them ... I want to fuck them .... I want to spend hours worshiping them ...."
Every single word coming from Harry's mouth is going directly to Louis' dick; making him harder if that's even possible. Slenderly Harry comes in between Louis' thighs. He presses his lips on his inner thigh and makes a love bite. Louis lets out a deep moan; making Harry to suck even harder. He grips the sheet even harder; trying to not die of a heart attack. Harry pulls away us to blow hot air into his clothed dick; sending shivers down Louis' spine. Harry gets his fingers in Louis' boxers and slowly takes it off. He throws it anywhere in the room as he goes back to worship his boyfriends' delicious body. He licks Louis' head; making him squirm in pleasure, he keeps licks him until he feels Louis' cum in his tongue. Louis' hands fist in Harry's hair, as he hooks Louis' legs over his shoulders and tips his head down. His hands knead Louis' ass, his thumbs pressing into the crease of Louis' hips. He licks a thick strip up the underside of Louis' dick, his tongue tracing the line between the base of his shaft and his balls. Louis keens, and presses his head back into one of the pillows.
"So perfect," Harry whispers, pressing kisses to the inside of Louis' thighs, "Can't stand being away from you."
"Me neither," Louis whines, trying not to grind his hips towards Harry's face, "I need you."
Harry's eyes meet his from between his legs, "I need you too," Harry whines, "I want this forever."
"I want this forever, too." He moans, as Harry's hot mouth envelopes his cock.
Harry's thumb brushes softly at Louis' hole and he whimpers, "I want to taste you," Harry groans, when he lets Louis out of his mouth.
Louis keens, his cock twitching in interest.
"Fuck-k." Louis pants.
Harry's lips trail down the crease of Louis' thigh beside his dick. His palms lift Louis' ass with ease, and he slips a pillow under, propping up Louis' hips. When Harry's tongue traces the puckered rim of Louis' hole, Louis gasps a breath, his hands tightening in Harry's hair. His whole body quivers as Harry's tongue works him open. Louis whimpers Harry's name when he presses in, warm and wet. Harry keeps going until Louis is trembling, and panting, his hips canting as his cock searches for friction.
"Harry please," Louis begs. "Please."
Harry presses a last kiss to Louis' hole, and then comes up and reaches to the night stand. He comes back with lube and condoms, and he's slicked up and lined up with Louis' hole in seconds. He pauses though, hovering over Louis, with Louis' legs on either side of his hips. Louis looks up at Harry and his breath hitches. Harry's mouth is bright red and wet with his own saliva, from working Louis open. His pupils are blown with heat, and his chest is heaving. Harry reaches out, and when his hand cups Louis' cheek his touch is so infinitely gentle that Louis feels frozen in the moment. When he leans down, and presses his lips to Louis' the passion is there, but the kiss is so soft, and so tender, it almost feels reverent.
"Louis," Harry says; his voice rocky with lust. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Louis can see it in his eyes. That soft look, that wraps him up, and buries beneath his skin. That softness that makes him feel so cared for. Nobody has ever looked at Louis like that; not even George when he was so in love with him. As Harry presses into Louis, with their eyes locked, and his radiating that softness, Louis thinks that look in his eyes is love. Harry's hips roll, his arms circle Louis. Louis' fingers curl around Harry's biceps. Harry rocks into Louis, over and over, making Louis pant. He tips his chin forward, his lips finding Louis' tummy, his hips, his chest. He kisses and kisses, murmuring 'I love you' and 'you're so beautiful' and 'you're perfect'. Louis can't find it in himself to care that he can see his thighs giggling around Harry's hips, because Harry is worshiping every inch of his skin, and Louis thinks he sees love in his eyes. Harry hits Louis' spot and Louis cries out his name, making Harry cry out as Louis clenches around him. Harry presses their lips together, his tongue caressing Louis' as they kiss. Louis whimpers into his mouth as Harry hits his prostate over and over. It's insane to Louis how Harry can be pressing into him, working Louis up from the inside out, and yet his thumb is so gentle as it caresses Louis' cheek. Louis realizes that this truly is making love. Then Harry pulls back, and looks down at Louis with that look in his eyes.
"I love you so much," Harry breathes.
That, coupled with a perfectly aimed thrust, has Louis cumming harder than he ever has before. His dick hasn't even had a single touch, but he's shooting so hard some of it hits his neck and he cries out Harry's name at the top of his lungs. Harry lets out a guttural moan of Louis' name, as Louis clenches around him. Then he's cumming too, filling the condom. As he rides out his orgasm, Harry leans forward and laps up all of the cum striping Louis' neck. After, when they've regained their ability to breathe and move, Harry gets a towel from somewhere and wipes off the cum on Louis' stomach and chest, and then tenderly dabs at Louis' red and flushed bum. He presses kisses to every inch of Louis' skin again, dotting Louis with his love.
"I love you," Louis whispers against his skin when Harry lays down next to him.
"I love you, too." Harry kisses his forehead gently.
"I feel like the best thing just happened to me." Louis says; locking his blue eyes with Harry's green ones.
"Good, because that's how you suppose to feel." Harry peppers his face with kisses.
Louis had not asked for more; it was gently and sweet and full of love.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
Follow, vote and comment :)
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