Chapter 31
Zayn, Louis and Harry had a very busy week the week after Zayn's birthday. Louis had to go to work and help Zayn to pack everything and Harry went to school; helped Gemma with the flower shop, volunteer in the shelter and helped Louis and Zayn to move to the new flat. Fizzy wanted to help but Louis and Zayn didn't let her do anything; although she helped them to put the dishes away.
"I'm so tired," Louis says as he lays on Harry's chest.
"But look, the flat is coming along." Harry says; trying to cheer him up.
"I know," Louis sighs. "And I'm starting school on Monday."
"Everything will be okay," Harry keeps trying to let him know that everything will be okay and he has nothing to worry about.
"I'm just worried ...."
"Don't," Harry kisses his cheek.
Louis turns around to face him and smiles at him fondly. "Happy 21st birthday!" He kisses his lips gently.
"It's not even ..." Harry says but Louis shows him his phone.
"It's midnight!" Louis smiles again; he gives him another kiss. "Happy birthday." He whispers into his ear.
"You know," Harry takes Louis' tiny hand into his and kisses each one of his knuckles. "I don't want to add the pressure of meeting my family to the stress that you're going through right now; you can meet them another day...."
"I want to meet them," Louis interrupts him. "I thought about it in new years how easy would be if I had met them before so I could .. you know, spend new years with you and them."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, 100% sure."
"Okay," Harry smiles from ear to ear. "You'll meet them later on today and just keep in mind they're not going to judge you at all."
"I know," Louis giggles.
"So how about we go to sleep already? We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Harry says as he kisses Louis' neck.
"Let's go to bed," Louis says, standing but Harry stops him. "What's wrong?"
"Don't you think he will mind?"Harry asks talking about Alex.
"Look," Louis says as he sits again. "Alex knows that you're not his dad, he knows that but he also knows how important you are to us..." He smiles at him. "To me and how much you love him and he loves you very much."
Harry smiles at him with glassy eyes; Louis takes his hand and they walk together to the room. Both of them try not to make noise so neither Baylor or Alex wakes up. When they get to the bed Louis lays on the right side of the bed and Harry lays on the left side. Since the night of Alex's nightmare they always do this; it helps Harry with Alex even though he doesn't need to do that much since Alex loves him already.
The next morning when Harry wakes up he finds a tired Zayn, a exhausted Fizzy , a happy Alex and Baylor and a smiley Louis holding a cake. They sing the happy birthday song and Harry (with Alex's help) blows the candles making a wish. All of them cheer for him and congratulate him.
"I'm going back to bed because I'm so tired." Zayn says; rubbing his head.
"Me too." Fizzy says, "I woke up with morning sickness and it's not pretty." She wrinkles her nose.
"Thank you guys!" Harry smiles at them. "I'm sorry he woke you up so early."
"Hey!" Louis looks at him with a hurt expression, "They had to sing happy birthday to you!"
"Thank you love." Harry kisses his lips gently.
Zayn makes a gag noise, "I'm out of here!" He says as he walks to the door.
They laugh at that. Fizzy says happy birthday to him again before leaving the room. Louis, Alex, Baylor and Harry sit on the bed as they eat chocolate cake for breakfast.
"Alex?" Louis says in a sweet tone but the blue eyed boy looks at him terrified.
"Yes Papa?"
"Tonight..." He looks at Harry and smile, he looks back at Alex who's still waiting for him to keep talking. "We're going to meet Harry's family."
"We are?" Alex asks; frowning his eyebrows together.
"Only if you want to," Harry says in a sweet tone. "You don't really have to."
"Oh," Alex smiles. "Do you have two daddies too?"
"No," Harry smiles. "I have a mum and a dad and an annoying sister ..."
"Harry," Louis whispers as he pecks (not that hard) Harry's rib.
"What annoying?" Alex asks curious.
Louis rolls his eyes at Harry as he thinks how he can explain it. "Well, it's something bad but Harry didn't meant it, did you Harry?" He asks to him.
"No," Harry shakes his head. "I love my sister!"
"Oh," Alex says giggling.
Louis smiles at him; thinking that this situation could have gone wrong but didn't happened.
By 3 pm Louis is a mess; he doesn't know if he's over dressing for the occasion or if the suit is enough to impress Harry's family. Alex looks at him confused because he gets almost all his clothes out of the closet just to put it on the bed when he realizes that the shirt doesn't match the pants or vise-verse.
"Papa okay?" Alex asks in a barely audible whispers; he's not sure if he should talk to him when he's like this since he has never seen Louis like this.
"Yes baby," Louis smiles at him. "I just don't know what to wear." He sighs as he sits next to him on the bed.
"Oh," Alex says with widen eyes. "You look nice with those clothes." He adds as he looks at Louis from head to toe. Those words warms Louis' heart.
"Thank you love, but we're going to meet Harry's family tonight, remember?" Louis asks and Alex nods, "So we have to look presentable."
"What's presentable?" Alex asks curious.
"Nice," Louis says without even think about the meaning twice.
"Okay," Alex nods. "Auntie Fizzy!?" He screams and a few seconds later Fizzy is coming in.
"Everything okay?" Fizzy asks with a raise eyebrow.
"Yeah," Louis lies. "Well no, I don't know what to wear for tonight's dinner."
"Hmm..." Fizzy says as she walks to the pile of clothes on the bed. "You will need to iron this but you can wear this." She takes a white dress shirt. "Gray or black pants with a black blazer."
"Don't you think is too ... simple?"
"No," Fizzy shakes his head. "It's classy. Do you have black dress shoes?"
"I don't but Zayn does." Louis says smiling.
"Okay, so there you have it." Fizzy says putting the shirt away from the other pile of clothes. "And you cutie," She says pointing at Alex. "Can wear that dark red dress shirt I saw the other day and black pants."
Louis stands up and goes to the closet to get the shirt Fizzy is talking about. He shows it to her and she nods.
"He will look adorable in it." Fizzy sits next to Alex and Baylor gets closer to her so she can caress her. "And don't worry, everything will be okay."
"It's his family Fizz." Louis sighs, "I have to be worry..."
"No, you don't have to be." Fizzy interrupts him. "He's such an amazing guy and he's not judgmental and it takes a amazing woman to raise such an amazing human being so I don't think his mum or his family for the matter are judgmental people, so don't worry it will be okay."
"What about of they judge me because I have a son? Or for ...."
"It's not a sin to have a son," Fizzy interrupts him again. "You tried to have a family with the guy you thought was the one but it wasn't; there's nothing wrong with that! And beside that guy is over hills for you!"
"I still don't understand why I didn't meet him when I was 18," Louis says with a melancholic tone.
"Because it wasn't suppose to happen like that." Fizzy smiles at him; Louis knows Fizzy is a huge believer in soul mates, fate and those things. "Now go take a shower and scrub yourself really good because you know what's happening after dinner." She winks at him.
"What's happening after dinner?" Alex asks in a innocent tone.
"You're staying with me because Harry and Papa are going to celebrate Harry's birthday." Fizzy explains.
"Why can't I go?"
"Because it's pass your bed time and you have to be at bed by 8 pm like a good boy." Fizzy smiles at him.
"Okay," Alex looks at Baylor. "You will sleep with us?"
"Yes," Fizzy nods.
"The baby too?" Alex asks with pleading eyes.
"Of course," Fizzy smiles. "The baby goes wherever I go." She rubs her belly.
"Good!" Alex claps his little fists.
When 5:30 comes around Louis still a hot mess; he's worried about meeting his family. He stares at himself in the full length mirror from head to toe. He pauses in his waistline; thinking if he should wear a belt since he's tucking his shirt in. He puts a black belt on but he doesn't like how it looks so he takes it off. He frowns as he notices a few wrinkles on his shirt.
"You look beautiful," Louis hears Harry's voice and turns around to see Harry with Alex on his arms.
"Harry?" Louis frowns his eyebrows together.
"Yeah," Harry smiles. "You look beautiful!" He repeats.
"Thank you," Louis says; trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. "You look handsome as well."
"Thank you," He walks to him and when he's in front of him Louis kisses his lips gently; making Alex giggle.
"Do you want a kiss too?" Louis asks to Alex who only press his lips together and Louis gives him a small kiss on his lips as well.
"Are you ready?"
"You can take more time if you need it, just let me tell mum we're going to be a bit late." Harry interrupts him.
"No!" Louis yells, scaring Harry and Alex. "I'm sorry, I mean it's okay it can't get better than this so yeah." Louis frowns.
"You're perfect," Harry whispers.
"If you say so," Louis wrinkles his nose.
"You're what I consider perfection." Harry smiles; making Louis blush for the billionth time since they met. "And I love you."
"I love you, too." Louis says in a sweet tone.
"I love you three!" Alex screams.
"I love you four!" Louis and Harry says in sync.
"Ready to meet my family?" Harry asks to Alex.
"Yes!" He says as he bounces on his arms.
Louis' heart swells in adoration; he's happy to see Alex so excited to meet Harry's family. He knows Alex isn't big enough to understand if any of them say something inappropriate about him so that's like a win win for Louis.
"They're going to love the both of you." Harry says when he notices Louis' worried face.
"I'm just nervous ..." Louis sighs. "I'm not pressure you into anything but if this gets to the point where we'll form a family ..."
"It's okay," Harry interrupts him. "Let me tell you a story," He smiles. "Robin, my mum's husband, came to our lives when we were going through hard time. My mum didn't have enough money for the rent and everything you need to raise two kids on your own, then she met Robin and they fall in love. Robin took care of Gemma and me like if we were his own kids so believe me when I say that my mum isn't going to judge you because you have Alex or because you were married before meeting me."
"Are you saying this just to make me feel better?"
"No," Harry laughs. "It's true; Robin isn't my biological father but he's my dad you know, he raised me and made me the man I am today."
"Papa," Alex says; making them to put their attention on him. "Harry family."
"Yes little angel," Louis smiles at him.
"Lets go then!" Harry says as he walks to the door; Louis follows him.
On their way to the front door Louis says bye to Fizzy and Zayn who are in Zayn's room because he decided to paint Fizzy's ultrasound.
"It's beautiful," Fizzy whispers with glassy eyes. "Look!" She says to Louis who covers his open mouth when his eyes land on the canvas.
"Zayn ...." Louis tries not to cry. "This is the most beautiful piece of art you have ever done!"
"Thank you, thank you very much." Zayn says as he bows.
"Oh my gosh!" Harry says with widen eyes. "Look Fizzy, it's beautiful!"
"Thank you Zayn!" Fizzy smiles fondly.
"You need to paint her when she's showing more!" Louis says pointing at Fizzy's bump.
"Oh I will!" Zayn says with a mischievous smile. "She will be my muse until the baby is born! I'll teach her everything I know about and ...."
"Her?" Fizzy asks smiling.
"Yeah, for some reason I think it's a girl." Zayn shrugs.
"And that reason is that we want a girl around here so bad." Louis says in a emotional tone.
"An beside like I said before I already looked for bassinets online and I found so many that I don't really know which one I'll pick..."
"So you're buying her the bassinet?" Fizzy asks with a big smile.
"And a few more things." Zayn nods.
"She'll be spoiled by her uncles!" Harry says; making them laugh.
"Well we have to go," Louis says in a nervous tone. "Harry's family is waiting for us."
"Good luck." Fizzy mouths at Louis.
"Have fun!" Zayn says with a big smile.
"Take care of Baylor, she's in the family room." Louis says before walking to the door.
Louis, Harry and Alex go to the parking lot; Louis buckles Alex before he sits next to him. Harry drives them to a pretty expensive/posh neighborhood. Louis looks at him confused through the rear mirror.
"Harry?" Louis asks; looking around.
"Yes love?" Harry smirks.
"What are we doing here?" He frowns.
"My family lives here."
"Yes," Harry nods.
"And you?"
"I live with them sometimes; but I have my own flat."
"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"Why? Does it matter?"
"No , but ..."
"But nothing!" Harry interrupts him.
"Anything else I need to know?" Louis asks with a raise eyebrow.
"My mum is a housewife, she loves to take care of her garden." Harry makes a face like if he's thinking what else to say. "Gemma went to Uni for a business course but now she's taking an art course. My mum and dad help her to get the flower shop and Robin is a investor/business man."
"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Louis asks again.
"Tell you what?"
"That you're rich!" Louis says as if he's pointing out the obvious.
"Because I'm not, duh!" Harry laughs. "My mum's husband is not me."
They get to a big gate; Louis can't clearly see the design of it but he knows it's beautiful/expensive. A guard opens the door and salutes Harry then he looks at Louis and Alex and smiles.
"Mr. Styles?" Louis asks in a mocking tone.
"I told them to call me Harry but they just don't want to," Harry shrugs.
"Oh my gosh Harry!" Louis says when he sees Harry's mum's garden.
"I told you, she loves to take care of her garden." Harry adds with a smirk on his delicate lips.
"I'm gonna be sick," Louis says as he breaths deeply.
"Papa okay?" Alex asks with widen worried eyes.
"Yes baby, I'm just excited." Louis smiles at him fondly.
"Should I be worried?" He asks; making a pout.
"No," Louis smiles at him. "Papa is okay and you should be too."
"Okay," Alex smiles at him.
"We're here," Harry says as he parks the car in front of the front house and a man in black comes to his side and open the door. Harry gets off the car and walks to Louis' side to open Louis' door as he unbuckles Alex.
"Big," Alex says as he stares at the house.
"I know," Louis sighs.
"Come on love," Harry says; giving him a hand.
They come out of the car, Louis places Alex on his hip; afraid that he can step into something and it's going to damage or that he will see something that he likes and touch it and the thing gets destroyed. Harry puts an arm behind his back and hold him tight as they walk to the family room. Louis has his gaze fix on the ground as they go on the few steps; he takes a deep breath when the door for the family room are open and he sees four people sitting on the leather couch. Two woman around 20's and 40's so he figures out one of them has to be his mum and the other must be his sister. Both of them smile at them fondly, Anne's eyes get watery when she sees little Alex waving at her. Louis' gaze moves to an old man and a young lad next to him. The young guy is dress like Harry (a little bit) and Louis turns around to look at Harry.
"I thought you only had a sister," He whispers; talking about the skinny kid.
"He's just copying my style," Harry adds; rolling his eyes.
"Harry stop!" Gemma tells him in a harsh tone.
"I'm sorry about that," Anne apologizes about her son and daughter's behavior. "I'm Anne, Harry's mum." She comes hurrying over and Louis smiles at her, trying to hide his nerves. She's taller than him, and she's absolutely gorgeous. She has a beautiful smile, and her black hair is a little messy but it frames her face perfectly. She has such kind eyes and Louis can literally feel the warmth that she exudes. Louis is a little taken aback when Anne scoops them into her arms. She hugs exactly like Harry, stooping over even though she's taller, and fully encompassing him. Her hand goes up to cup the back of his neck the same way Harry's does, and she rocks back and forth a little bit the same way. It puts Louis at ease instantly, and his arms go up to hug her back. "And this is Gemma, Robin and Ashton." Anne says when they pull away pointing at each one of them as she says their names.
"Hello," Louis says with a big smile.
"It's nice to finally meet you." Gemma says as he cuddles him tight.
Louis, Alex and Harry are surprised but that doesn't stop Gemma from giving them a good cuddle.
"Nice to meet you, too." Louis says when he can finally breath again.
"And you must be Alex," She says to him as he pocks his bottom nose.
"Yes!" Alex says bouncing on Louis' arms. "You look a lot like Harry."
Everybody in the room smile at his comment. "Yes I do," Gemma says in a happy tone.
"Hi son, it's nice to finally meet you," Robin adds. "This one right here hasn't shut up about this day."
"Dad," Harry whispers in a warning tone and blushed cheeks.
"Well, dinner is ready." Anne says pointing to another room, trying to get the heat off his son. "We cooked Harry's favorite."
"Of course you did." Harry smiles at her.
"Right this way please," Anne says leading the way.
They get to the diner rectangular table with 8 chairs and way to much plates, forks, spoons, knifes. Robin seat in the end, Anne, Gemma and Ashton seat to his left side while Harry, Louis and Alex seat on his right side. Anne smiles to one of the many maids they have a their house and it's like a signal for them to bring the food since a few more maids come and serve them salad.
"So Louis," Anne starts. "Harry told me you're going to school for Interior Design."
"Yes ma'am," Louis nods.
"Don't call me ma'am," Anne rolls her eyes and she looks just like Harry when she does it. "Call me Anne."
"Yes Anne," Louis corrects himself.
"That's amazing," She keeps smiling. "Maybe one day you can help me out with this house."
"Oh no," Louis shakes his head. "This house is already perfect."
"It won't be bad if we change things a little bit," She says placing the napkin on her laps.
"Of course not," Louis smiles.
After that they keep talking about school, the flower shop, embarrasses stories about Gemma and Harry when they were little and anything Anne can think of to embarrass her kids in front of their boyfriends. Louis even feels stupid for even being nervous about meeting them.
"So yeah, I told him it was totally find if me or Gemma didn't have a Christmas present but he was so upset that he began to cry." Anne says with glassy eyes, "He always thinks about others; he wrote a letter to Santa asking him to give anybody else a present but him."
"Mum ..." Harry says with blushed cheeks.
"Aww that's adorable love," Louis smiles at him fondly and Anne's heart swells with adoration. She's happy to see how Louis looks at Harry and vise-verse. Giggles are hear; making him blush immediately. He fixes his gaze on his shoes like if they're the most interesting thing in the world. Now is time for Harry to try to get rid of Louis' tension. He places a kiss on his cheek and whispers in his ear "it's okay love."
"Anyone want dessert?" Gemma says; trying to get the attention off Louis. "We have chocolate cake because it's knucklehead's favorite!"
And that's how they start talking again, they talk about anything and everything. Half hour later a maid comes into the room and whispers something in Anne's ear; her eyes go wide open. Gemma looks at her confused and when Anne smiled at her sadly Gemma looks at her feet; biting his bottom lip. Someone enters the room; throwing one of the vases that adorn the place.
"Des?" Anne says as she stands up. Gemma, Robin and Harry get up after her.
"Happy birthday son!" Des says and all of them can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"He doesn't need to see this," Harry says; picking Alex on his arms. "Come on, dinner is over." He whispers to Louis who only nods and follows him.
"So he's your boyfriend." Des adds when he looks how protective of Louis and Alex Harry is. "You know, that kid isn't yours ... H-he doesn't look anything like you!"
"Des! Stop!" Anne says in an authoritative tone.
"What?" Des screams, "Look at him, he doesn't look anything like him!"
Somehow Alex and Louis aren't in the room anymore but that doesn't mean they can't still hear him.
"Alex is not my son but his biological father is an asshole, irresponsible father like you who only care about themselves or hurting people so a nice person like me and Robin has to come along and show them that not everyone is like them, now if you excuse me I have to go with my boyfriend and our kid because you scared the shit out of them." Harry says as he makes his way to the family room where Louis and Alex are waiting for him. "I'm so sorry about that." Harry apologizes.
"It's okay," Louis smiles at him.
"I'm sorry about what I said, too." Harry wrinkles his nose. "You know, about ..."
"Don't worry," Louis sighs. "It's true... He wasn't a bad father yet but I know now that if I had stay with him he would have become the person who you described."
"I'm so sorry," Harry apologizes again.
"It's okay," Louis says with a half smile.
Harry is worry about this; he knows it's not his place to talk about Louis and his life and what he had being through but he just couldn't stop himself. Harry hopes that Louis isn't mad at all for something that he said when he was mad at his own father for leaving them when he was just a little boy.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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