Chapter 30
As soon as they get to London Zayn lets Fizz to put his things on his room. He tells her is only for a few days since he's going to ask for a 3 bedroom flat.
"I can't do that," Fizzy says as she sits on the couch.
"You need to rest," Zayn smiles at her. "It's not only you anymore."
Fizzy rubs his small bump; she's not showing that much just yet. She smiles as she imagines how tiny her son/daughter is. She wonders if the baby will look like her or the bastards who raped her. She tries not to think about it; she wants to love her baby with everything she can, she wants her baby to believe that he/she was made with love but unfortunately something happened to daddy.
"Fizz?" Zayn's voice gets her out of her train of thoughts. "Everything okay?"
"Yes," Fizzy smiles. "I'm just thinking about the baby."
"Oh!" Zayn smiles at her. "Have you think about names or anything?"
Fizzy smiles at him fondly; she thinks is too soon to think about it but she had. After her talk with Louis on the 22nd she hasn't done anything else than think about her baby's name.
"I know you're barely 3 months but ...."
"I have a few names already." Fizzy says; interrupting him.
"Really?" Zayn asks excited.
"Yeah," Fizzy nods. "If it's a boy I want to name him Jason or Ethan or Jacob... and if it's a girl I want to name her Jareau or Louise ..."
"We're not doing that!" Louis' comes from his room. "We're not naming her Louise!"
"I'm the mother," Fizzy says in a sassy tone. "And I'll name her Louise if it's a girl and Louis if it's a boy!"
"Poor baby," Louis sighs; shaking his head. "I like the name Jareau," He adds as he types on his phone, "And here it says that your name of Jareau gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour. Your ideas can be very original and inventive."
"Nice," Zayn says with a big smile. "Looks like we're having another artist in the family."
"And Ethan means strong and optimistic, solid and enduring, permanent." Louis says; reading it out of his phone.
"It's settle then, if it's a girl her name will be Louise Jareau and if it's a boy his name will be Ethan Jacob." Fizzy says; rubbing his tummy.
"I'll get you an appointment with Dr. Swan, she's my doctor she helped me out with my two pregnancies...."
"Two pregnancies?" Fizzy asks confused.
"Hmmm .... Well I'll be in my room; getting my things out of the way." Zayn says; smiling at Louis and Fizzy.
"Two pregnancies?" Fizzy asks again when Zayn is on his room.
"Yeah," Louis smiles at her weakly. "I lost the second one," He says in a barely audible whispers.
"I'm so sorry," Fizzy whispers as she stands up to wrap her arms around him. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Louis says even though it's not.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Fizzy sits down again.
"I did lots of stupid things when I came to London," Louis pauses for a seconds and sit to next Fizzy on the couch. "I used to party a lot, I used to smoke weed with Zayn every single day. One day I went to this place to buy weed and I met George. I started dating him and when our first year anniversary came he asked me to marry him; I did. On our second year anniversary he asked me to have a baby and we did; we had Alex." Louis plays with his fingers nervously. "After that everything changed."
"Changed?" Fizzy asks; frowning his eyebrows together.
"He .. He-e ... abused me, he beat me really bad. He ra ... He abused me sexually." Louis whispers; looking at his hands.
"Oh Lou," Fizzy wraps her arms around him again.
"Two years ago he asked me to have another baby with him and I accepted because I thought he would change but like Irene Peters said just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has change; I learned that the hard way." Louis sighs. "When I got pregnant with our second baby; he beat me so bad that I lost her ..."
"Oh lord," Fizzy covers her open mouth with her hand. "You didn't have it easier than us..."
"I didn't but I wouldn't change anything ... Well I would change what happened with Noah."
"Noah? That was her name?" Fizzy asks excited; trying to make this conversation a less uncomfortable.
"Yes," Louis says in a proud tone. "Noah Tomlinson."
"That's beautiful Louis,"
"She would be one year old," Louis smiles at her weakly.
"She was going to born in December as well?"
"Hm-huh," Louis nods. "I don't visit her as often as I used to but I go every week to her grave."
"Can I go with you the next time?"
"If you want to."
"I'd love to." Fizzy smiles at him fondly.
A week and a half later Fizzy, Louis, Harry and Niall are planning a surprised birthday party for Zayn. Trisha called Louis to let him know that she can't make it to London that week but he could go to Bradford during the weekend. Louis told her he would explain that to Zayn.
"I think we should do the party at Niall's flat," Harry comments. "I mean he doesn't spend as much time as he does at their flat."
"That's a good idea," Niall nods. "I'd love to have it here because the after party was happening here anyways." He shrugs; making all of them laugh.
"I don't need to hear that," Fizzy says; covering her ears.
"We can make dinner; have a good time and then we leave you two alone." Harry suggests.
"You guys need to get out of here by 9 pm." Niall jokes.
"Oh yeah we will or you're going to start f...."
"I don't want to hear that!" Fizzy interrupts Louis.
"Come on Fizz!" Niall rolls his eyes at her.
"Just leave her alone," Harry defends her.
"Let's start cooking then, it's getting late!" Fizzy says; walking to the kitchen.
Fizzy starts making Chicken Tikka Masala since it takes lot of time to cook it. you have mix the garlic and ginger in a food processor or blender with 1/4 cup water. Toast the coriander and cumin seeds in a small skillet over medium-high heat until fragrant, about 3 minutes, and then pulse until finely ground in a spice grinder. Whisk together 2 tablespoons of the ginger-garlic puree, 2 teaspoons of the cumin-coriander mixture, the yogurt, 1 1/2 teaspoons of the paprika, the lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of the sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of the turmeric, the cayenne, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. to toss in the chicken to coat and then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours. It's Zayn's favorite so it worthy to spend 4 hours to cook it.
Louis and Harry start cutting the fruit for the Berry Trifle which is going to be the dessert. They're going to serve the Chicken Tikka Masala brown with rice and boil broccoli. Niall is cleaning the flat; trying to make it look decent.
3 hours later Zayn calls Louis to let him know that they're finally going home. Louis asked him if he could took Alex and Baylor to the park since he had to work; the part where he supposes to work was a lie but it's okay because it's for a good cause. Louis goes back to the flat, but Fizzy and Harry stays at Niall's flat to get everything ready.
"Niall wants me to go to his flat later on." Zayn says when Louis gets into the flat.
"Oh. that's good isn't it?" Louis smirks.
"I know my mum and him are planning something." Zayn rolls his eyes. "But I'm going to pretend I don't know anything."
"Your mum isn't coming," Louis points out.
"That's what she told me but I know my mum." Zayn smiles. "I know she will be at Niall's flat later on."
"Go get ready!" Louis smiles at him, "And don't forget the condoms!"
"You're such a teaser!" Zayn says; rolling his eyes.
Later on Zayn is ready; he puts on a black dress short and black chinos.
"Are you going to a funeral or something?" Louis asks with his eyebrows frowned together.
"Oh shut up," Zayn rolls his eyes. "You wear all black for your first date with Harry as well."
"Whatever!" Louis is the one who's rolling his eyes this time.
"Are you going to Niall's flat with me or you just going to pretend nothing's happening and show up at the flat later on?" Zayn asks with a smirk on his lips.
"At least pretend to be surprised when you get to Niall's flat because he and Fizzy did a lot of work for your surprise birthday party." Louis says; adding quotes on the word surprise.
"Of course!" Zayn smiles fondly.
45 minutes later when Zayn, Louis and Alex get to Niall's flat Zayn acts like he didn't know anything about the party. Louis smiles at him fondly; he can say Zayn is a decent actor.
The next day Louis and Fizzy are in Dr. Swan's office.
"It's good to see you again Louis," She smiles from ear to ear.
"It's good to see you, too." Louis says in a polite tone.
"Louis told me you're pregnant," Dr. Swan smiles at Fizzy. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you," Fizzy says with a small smile.
"How many weeks?"
"16 weeks."
"Oh, okay. Have you done any ultrasounds or take any prenatal vitamins?"
Fizzy looks at Louis terrified; she's not sure if she should tell Dr. Swan what she had planned to do.
"No," Louis says before Fizzy says anything. "She barely came from Doncaster and I'm taking care of her."
"Oh okay," Dr. Swan writes something on her notepad. "We need to do an ultrasound, the first of two. If everything is going okay with your pregnancy we don't need to do as many." Dr. Swan smiles at Fizzy. "The first is usually when you're around 12 weeks pregnant and is sometimes we call the dating scan, because it estimates when your baby is due." Dr. Swan explains, "The second scan usually takes place between 18 weeks and 21 weeks. It's called the anomaly scan because it checks for structural abnormalities (anomalies) in the baby. If you want to find out the sex of your baby, you can usually do so during the 20 week scan."
"So we can know in 4 weeks what you're having Fizz!" Louis says in excited tone.
"Yes," Dr. Swan nods. "But today we need to do the first one to estimate when your baby is do."
"Okay," Fizzy says in excited tone.
"So go lay down on the bed and put your shirt up," Dr. Swan says; pointing at the bed at the other side of her office.
Fizzy lays down on the bed, pulling her shirt up. Shivers run down her body when the cold air touches her skin. Louis smiles at her when he notice the small bump. Dr. Swan comes closer to her with the equipment she might need to do the ultrasound.
"The gel is going to be cold," Dr. Swan says as she opens the tube.
"Why you always say that?" Louis asks as she applies the gel on Fizzy's bump.
"I don't know, we just want to warn you." Dr. Swan shrugs as she moves the transducer over Fizzy's bump.
"Lou," Fizzy says in a excited voice when the baby comes on the screen. "It's so small."
"It's beautiful," Louis says with glassy eyes.
"Indeed, she's 16 weeks pregnant so her baby is do on June 15 ..."
"Fizz!" Louis tries not to cry.
"Oh lord ..."
"Alex's birthday is on June 17!" Louis smiles from ear to ear.
"Do you think he's going to be happy about it?" Fizzy asks in a worried tone.
"Yes, he will love her." Louis smiles; he knows Alex won't be mad if Fizzy's baby is born in the same week as his birthday.
"Do you want a picture?" Dr.Swan asks; knowing the answer to that question already.
"Of course!" Fizzy smiles at Louis.
"Make it two!" Louis immediately adds.
"Of course!" Dr. Swan says with a big smile.
"Zayn!" Louis screams as soon as they enter the flat. "Look at this! Look at this!"
Fizzy rolls his eyes at him; Louis hasn't stop looking at the ultrasound photograph since they got it from Dr. Swan's front desk lady.
"Are you okay?" Zayn walks out of his room with Alex on his hip.
"Yes! But look at this!" He says waving the photograph in front of his face.
Zayn gets the photograph from Louis' hand and smiles at it. "Holy shi.. cheese it so tiny!"
Louis gets Alex in his arms; he looks at the photograph confused.
"Papa, what's that?" Alex asks; pointing at Zayn's hand.
"That's auntie Fizzy's baby picture." Louis smiles at him.
"Where is the baby?"
"Right here." Louis says; turning around and pointing at Fizzy's small bump.
"You eat the baby!?" Alex asks with widened eyes.
"No," Fizzy, Zayn and Louis smiles at his occurrences. "When two person love each other they can make babies." Fizzy tries to explain.
"Where is the baby's daddy?"
"He's not here." Fizzy smiles weakly.
"Daddy no name?" Alex asks to Louis.
"Yes baby," Louis nods.
"Management called me today," Zayn says; trying to change the subject. "They have a three bedroom flat ready, they just want us to see it."
"Awesome!" Louis smiles at the news, "When are we doing it?"
"Today at 5 pm." Zayn looks at his phone's clock.
"That's like in 2 hours," Louis points out. "Let's eat something first."
Two hours later they're at the leasing office, waiting for the manager get everything ready to show them the flat.
"Hello Mr. Malik, Mr. Tomlinson." A female says as she enters the room, "We have the flat ready, want to go now?"
"Of course," Zayn and Louis nods at the same time.
"Right this way," She leads the way.
Two minutes later she's opening the door to a big flat. "For some reason the laundry room for this flat is outside; right here." She points to her left side. "You have a small porch and the laundry room."
"Okay," Zayn says and all of them nods.
"Right this way," She says to let them inside the flat. "Here to the left side we have the family room," She says showing them a spacious family room. "It also has a fireplace."
"Awesome!" Zayn whispers to Fizzy and Louis.
"Straight ahead we have the kitchen and to your left side we have the diner table." She says as she walks to the kitchen. "You also have a back door; you can get out from here and it takes you directly to your parking lots."
"We're going to have 3 parking spaces, right?" Zayn asks.
"Yes, you also have like a mini back porch here as well. These is where most people have their rubbish can."
"Okay," Louis adds. "Can we see the rooms?"
"Of course," She smiles. "Right this way."
They walk back to the kitchen and make a left to go to the rooms (it would be a right if you're coming from the main entrance's side). The 2 of the bedrooms are next to each; then it's the bathroom and after that comes the other room.
"This is one of the small room," She says entering the room at their left. It has a window in the front wall and the closet is at the left side. "This room is 11.0'x 9.8' which is the smallest room in the flat."
"It's nice," Zayn says looking around.
"I like it," Louis nods. "Do you?" He asks to Fizzy.
"Yeah, it looks nice." She smiles.
"Do you like it, love?" Louis asks to Alex who hasn't left auntie Fizzy's side since he found out there's a baby in her tummy.
"I like it," He says as he rubs his left eye with his fist.
All of them smile at him.
"Do you want to see the master room?" The manager asks.
"Of course,"
All of them get out of the first room an enter the one next to it. It's a lot bigger than the other one. It has two windows on the right wall and one window on the front wall. The walk in closer is at right side as well. All of them are amazed to see how big the room is.
"This one is 11.8'x 13.0'." The manager says.
"This can be Fizzy and the baby's room." Zayn says to Louis.
"What? No! This is too big." Fizzy protests.
"Yeah and it's because you have to put a queen size bed and a bassinet and crib when the baby grows." Louis wraps his arms around her.
"Congratulations!" The manager says in a fake happy tone.
"Thank you," Fizzy half smiles.
"Can we start buying things?" Zayn asks, "Because if it's a girl I kinda looked up for bassinets and gosh there's a lot of them that I loved! I can actually picture it right here." Zayn says pointing at the room.
"Did you already look for bassinet?" Fizzy says in a surprised tone.
"Yeah," Zayn says with a guilty face.
"And you say I'm obsessed!" Louis says to Fizzy.
"What am I going to do with you two!" Fizzy rolls her eyes. "Can we see the next room?" She asks to the manager.
"Of course," She smiles at her.
They walk to the next room which is the bathroom; a really really spacious bathroom. There's a big jacuzzy, two sinks and a small toilet next to it and the have the shower in the corner.
"Look at this!" Louis says pointing at the jacuzzy. "Imagine how many bubbles bath I'm going to take in this!"
"It looks like we're getting this one." Zayn says; smiling.
"Do you want to see the last room?" The manager asks to them.
"Of course," Zayn smiles at her.
They walk to the last room which basically like the first room but with the closet on the right side instead of the left and it's a little bigger.
"We're getting this!" Zayn and Louis say at the same time.
"Of course," The manager smiles. "The flat is ready for you to move in as soon as you want."
"Okay," Zayn smiles. "We'll move in next week if that works for you."
"Of course." The manager says and with that they agree to move in next week.
On the 16th Zayn and Niall go to Bradford to celebrate Zayn's birthday with his family. They're going to be there for the weekend since Trisha and the girls couldn't come to the celebration on Monday. On Friday night Harry, Louis, Fizzy and Alex have a movie night. When 9 pm comes around Fizzy is already on Zayn's (hers) room sleeping; for some reason she was so tired during the day. Alex's bed time is at 8:00 pm so yeah, he's already sleeping in the room. Louis and Harry are cuddling on the couch; not paying attention to the movie at all.
"Are you okay?" Harry whispers into Louis' ear.
"Yes," Louis yawns. "I'm just tired, work is kinda killing me and on top of that I'm starting school on Feb 2nd and on top of that we have to move next week!"
"Hey, hey." Harry caresses his cheek. "Everything will be okay, if you want I can come and help you guys out."
"Thank you." Louis gives him a small kiss.
"You're such a tease," Harry whispers against his lips.
"Kiss me you fool," Louis whispers as he gets even closer to Harry.
Their lips meet in a tender that by the time is becoming a bit dirtier. Louis' tongue explores Harry's mouth; tasting Harry's minty breath. Harry moans to Louis' action; he feels his hands running down his torso.
"We can't," Harry pulls away; knowing that if they keep going they won't be able to stop until they have each other's mouth on each others' boner.
"I know, I know." Louis sighs deeply. "I'm sorry."
"I love you." Harry whispers.
"I love you ...."
"PAPA!" Alex's screams come from the room; making Louis to jump off the couch and run to the room, his screams make Baylor bark. "PAPA!"
"I'm here baby; I'm here!" Louis says as he turns on the light. "I'm right here."
Louis sits on the bed next to him and a sleepy/worried Baylor. Harry enters the room with a confused expression on his face.
"Is he okay?" Harry mouths to Louis and he nods.
"What's wrong baby?" Louis asks to Alex.
"I see a monster," Alex says cuddling into Louis' chest. "When I close my eyes!"
"It was just a nightmare baby, just a nightmare." Louis cuddles him tighter.
"Don't let them get me!" Alex says in between hiccups.
"I won't baby, they're not going to touch you." Louis promises him.
"I can lay at the other side to make sure they don't get to you." Harry says; making Alex to look at him.
"Please?" Alex says with pleading eyes.
"Of course," Harry says as he lays on the other side of the bed.
It's not the most comfortable position he had ever been in but it makes him feel like he's a part of something big; something special of Louis' life and he loves to be part of it. Louis looks at him and smiles as he whispers I love you and Harry doesn't hesitate to whisper it back.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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