Chapter 28
When Louis gets out of the room where he's sleeping with Harry behind him his sisters smile at them. He can see the confusion on Fizzy's face. Trisha and Yaser smile at them; Safaa waves his little hand and her sisters smile.
"Merry Christmas." Louis says in a happy tone.
"Merry Christmas to you, too." Zayn smirks; looking at Harry.
"It's Christmas Zayn for fuck's sake can you not do this today?"
"Language!" Trisha warns him.
"I said god's," Louis lies.
"Hm-huh!" Trisha laughs.
"Guys," Louis says; smiling at his sisters. "This is Harry, Harry this are my sister Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe."
"Hello," Harry says with a dimple smile.
"Hi," Daisy says excited.
"Hey." Lottie says; smiling as well.
"Can I touch your hair?" Phoebe asks; making everybody laugh.
"Of course," Harry laughs.
"Oh god, it's so soft and it's real." She says amazed.
"Hello Harry," Fizzy says in a confused tone.
"Hello Fizzy." Harry keeps the smile on his face.
"Okay," Trisha says with some plates of french toast on her hands. "Let's try to sit on the table to have breakfast.
Almost everybody can sit on the table; Louis and Fizzy get two chairs and sit on the kitchen counter.
"I thought you said he wasn't around," Fizzy whispers.
"He's not Alex's father." Louis whispers back.
"Oh," Fizzy says looking at Harry from head to toe. He sees how incredible he is him with Alex; he has him on his lap and he's feeding him.
The rest of the day they spend it watching films and opening presents. Alex gets excited with every single present he gets from Louis, Harry, uncle Zayn/Niall and the Maliks. Baylor gets some beautiful dresses which Alex tries to put on, but he's doing it the wrong way so it doesn't fit her. Harry helps him out; Fizzy's still amazed by how caring and lovely Harry is with Alex. When dinner comes back they do the same as they did on breakfast. Around 6 Zayn takes the girls back to the Tomlinson house, Louis promises them to see them again for new years.
"Get your staff ready," He whispers to Fizzy.
"So you were serious about London?" Fizzy asks in a confused tone.
"Yes, so get everything ready because we're leaving on the 1st." Louis smiles at him.
"I love you," Fizzy cuddles him tight.
"I love you, too."
When the Tomlinson sisters leave Harry and Louis explain to Alex that they're going on a holiday but he has to stay with uncle Zazu and his family (Harry and Zayn planned everything).
"You going to come back for me?" Alex asks in a worried tone.
"Yes," Louis cuddles him tighter. "We're only going away for a few days if that's okay with you."
"Are you going to bring me a present?"
"If you're a good boy while I'm gone." Louis smiles at him.
"Okay," Alex whispers.
"Okay," Louis whispers his forehead.
Louis puts Alex to sleep; he sings him the night night song. He goes back to the family room where Harry is sleeping on the couch.
"Are you already sleeping?" Louis whispers; trying to be quite.
"No, I just have my eyes close." Harry smiles at him fondly.
"So where are we going tomorrow?"
"I'm not telling you," Harry smirks.
"Come on, tell me." Louis does his best puppy eyes.
"That's not going to work," Harry laughs.
"You're mean," Louis stick his tongue out childish.
"You're childish but I love you," Harry says smile but his smile disappear when he realizes what he just said. "I ... I'm sorry."
Louis looks at him with a confused face, "so you don't love me?"
"Huh?" Harry asks surprised.
"Because I love you too," Louis smiles at him fondly.
"I love you," Harry whispers against his lips; kissing them gently.
"Say it again." Louis whispers; liking the warn feeling in his tummy whenever Harry says those three words.
"I love you, I love you, I love you ..."
"Yeah, yeah you love him; let people sleep!" Zayn's voice comes from the kitchen. "You two are disgusting." He fakes a gag.
Louis flips the middle finger to him; making sure Trisha isn't around.
"Go back to your bed, boyfriends can sleep in the same couch."
"So why Niall sleeping on your bed?" Louis asks with a risen eyebrow.
"He's sleeping on my bed; not the couch." Zayn says in a mocking tone.
"Smart ass!" Louis rolls his eyes at him.
"He's right you should go to sleep; we have three eventful days ahead of us," Harry says; kissing his lips again.
"I'm still here; I don't want to hear about your sex life!" Zayn covers his eyes.
"I'm here too and I definitely don't want to hear about that," Trisha's voice comes from the hallway.
"Oh my god," Harry covers his blushed face in Louis' chest.
"Don't worry," Louis smiles at him.
"She's there," Harry whispers.
"Yeah, she's a cool mum! Don't worry." He kisses Harry's curls.
"Louis. Room. Now!" Trisha tries to say in a serious tone.
"Nice try mum," Zayn laughs.
"Not but seriously go to your room now," Trisha says. "Or you want Yaser to come and tell you himself?"
"I'm going, I'm going." Louis says; getting up from the couch.
"Good night Louis," Trisha smiles at him. "Good night Harry."
"Good night Trisha," Harry whispers.
"Good night love," Louis whispers into Harry's ear.
"Good night, beautiful." Harry's kisses his thin lips gently.
The next morning Harry wakes up before Louis so he decides to wake him up like he did the day before. He enters the room where Louis is sleeping with Alex and Baylor; his heart warms when he sees Alex's foot on Louis' face and Louis is still sleeping like if he has nothing on his face. At the other end of the bed Baylor is sleeping laying on her back; showing her belly, she truly looks adorable. He walks to Louis' side and removes Alex's foot from his face. He caresses for a bit before he peppers it with small/sweet kisses.
"Wake up, sleepy head." Harry says; peppering his face with kisses.
"5 more minutes," Louis begs.
"No, up up up!" Harry is tickling him.
"Okay, I'm up, I'm up!" Louis laughs.
"Papa?" Alex sits down in the middle on the bed; rubbing his eyes with his fists.
"Yes, love?"
"You okay?" He keeps rubbing his eyes.
"Yes, but if you want go back to sleep." Louis caresses his hair.
"Okay," Alex lays his head on the pillow and closes his eyes.
"I love you, sunshine." Louis kisses the top of his head.
"5 more minutes," Louis whines; as lays down next to Alex.
"Come on, sleepy head." Harry kisses his lips gently.
"If you keep trying to wake me up like this, I'm never getting up." Louis giggles into the kiss.
"Get up you lazy arse!" Harry whispers on his ear.
"What time are we going ..." Louis stops; realizing he doesn't know where they're going for his birthday. "To whatever we're going?"
"If you want we can leave now, but I thought you would like to leave after lunch so you can spend more time with Alex." Harry says with a smile as he looks at Alex.
"Yeah, I'd like that." Louis smiles softly.
"Okay, so can I stay here for 5 more minutes?" Harry whispers; padding the bed.
"Did you just came here to sleep on my bed?" Louis raise an eyebrow.
"I was cold," Harry says with a pout.
"Come here you silly boy," Louis makes him lay next to him. He cuddles Harry against his chest; trying to be the big spoon.
Harry gets under the covers and cuddles with Louis. Louis loves to have his warm body next to him, but he won't say that out loud. He used to think he was safe with George and everything George did for them (he and Alex) was everything they deserved. Harry changed that, Harry's showing him what a person does for the people that they love, Louis loves how carrying and loving Harry is with Alex. He loves how Harry always tries to make sure that what he does is okay with him. The first time Harry said I love you to him took him by surprised because not even George was so in love with him he told him he loved him in such a sweet, caring, loving tone. Before Harry got under the covers he really wanted to go back to sleep but now that he has his body against his; keeping him warm he just wants to enjoys it.
"Are you even sleeping?" Harry's raspy voice ask.
"No," Louis laughs quietly. "Are you?"
"No," Harry shakes his head; rubbing his hair against Louis' chest. "I'm just enjoying being the little spoon."
"Who would have thought that you, six feet tall, likes to be the little spoon," Louis teases him.
"I love it because you make me feel safe, love." Harry whispers, "I love you."
"I love you, too." Louis whispers and gives him a small kiss. "How can we even fit in this bed?" He asks; trying to look at where Baylor and Alex are.
"We don't," Harry whispers. "Half of my bum is out."
Louis laughs as he tries to move closer to Alex so Harry's bum isn't hanging.
"Do you think he agrees with this?" Harry asks in a serious tone.
"Huh?" Louis asks confused but when he sees Harry looking at Alex he understands. "He knows you're not his father and all but he loves you, you make him happy and he loves anyone who does that."
"Do you think he would agree if we get married?" Harry keeps wondering.
"Are you proposing to me?" Louis asks with a raise eyebrow.
"No," Harry smiles. "At least no yet; whenever I'll do it it will be with candles, flowers and all those ..."
"Cheesy, romantic staff that you like," Louis finishes the sentence for him.
"You like it too," Harry makes a pout.
"If I tell you the true you won't tell anyone?"
"I love it," Louis confesses with a smile from ear to ear.
When they're done having lunch Zayn pushes them to leave Bradford already; he knows where Harry is taking Louis so he wants it to happen already.
"Where is he taking me?" Louis asks him.
"Not telling you, mate." Zayn shrugs.
"Come on, Zayn!" Louis whines.
"I just know is going to be cheesy, romantic like he always is so go go go!" Zayn rushes him to the family room where his family is waiting for him to say bye.
"Take good care of Alex and don't forget to ..."
"Feed Baylor," Zayn rolls his eyes. "I know, I know! Safaa's helping me with Baylor and mum's helping me with Alex so don't worry!"
"I'll be calling you every 5 minutes," Louis says; making his way to the family room.
"You can do that but I'm blocking your number so good luck with reaching me or mum," Zayn laughs. "If something happens, I don't think it will but if something happens I will call you, but other than that you're forbidden to call me or my mum!"
"Don't worry Louis," Trisha says. "I'll take good care of Alex."
"Thank you," Louis smiles at them.
"I can't be without him for more than a few hours," Louis says; getting Alex from Harry's arms. "Why do you think he didn't start school this year?"
"Louis William Tomlinson!" Trisha says in a surprised tone, "he needs to go to school already!"
"I know but he doesn't have to go until he turns 5 for year 1."
"Yeah, but year 1 will be easy for him if he goes to early year foundation stage." Trisha tries to talk some sense into him.
"He will start next year," Zayn says. "I'll make sure of it and now go that's getting late."
"Papa is going on a holiday with Harry," Louis says to Alex who only nods. "You're going to stay with uncle Zazu, Nanu, auntie Safaa, Doniya, Waliyha, nana Trisha and pops Yaser okay?" Alex nods again, "be a good boy and I'll bring more presents."
"Presents!" Alex says; bouncing on Louis' arms.
"I love you," Louis whispers; kissing Alex's cheek.
"I love you, too." Alex giggles.
"Come on little monster," Zayn says; making grabby hands.
"Bye bye love," Louis smiles at him.
"Bye bye papa!" Alex waves his little fist at him. "Bye bye Harry!"
"Bye bye little guy," Harry kisses his forehead. "Be a good boy, okay?"
They say their good byes before going into the cab that will take them to the ski resort. Louis doesn't know it yet, but Zayn told Harry that would be a really good present for his birthday. When the cab driver starts driving away Louis cuddles into Harry's side. He wraps his arms around Louis to keep him warm. 10 minutes later Louis feels his phone buzzing on his Jean pocket; he takes it out and sees a message from Zayn. He opens the message and blush all the way to his ears. He looks up to see if Harry is looking at him and for his luck he isn't; he's with his eyes close caressing Louis' hair. Harry saw the message though, but Louis doesn't need to know that. Louis types a response and put the phone back into his Jean pocket.
"Is he serious about that?" Harry asks; trying to keep his voice down.
"Huh?" Louis asks surprised.
"The condoms on your suitcase?"
Louis almost chokes on his own saliva, "Huh ... Yes, I know Zayn and I know he's not kidding about that." Louis whispers.
Harry doesn't say anything after that. Their sex life is not bad, but isn't like they have sex every night either. They had stick to hand jobs and blow jobs; none of them have actually bring up the conversation to move to the next step and Harry's not doing if Louis doesn't want to.
An hour and a half later the cab driver is parking in front of the ski resort and Louis hits harry playfully.
"Really?" Louis asks with a big smile on his face.
"Yes," Harry nods happily; he loves to see Louis happy.
"Awesome!" Louis gives him a kiss before he opens the door.
Harry gets out first and helps Louis to get out; he gets his and Louis suitcases and pay the cab driver. Louis wants to help with the luggage but Harry doesn't let him. "Let me help you with that!" Louis whines.
"No," Harry shakes his head as he walks to the front desk.
"People are going to think you're my slave or something," Louis whispers as he follows him to the reception desk.
"Don't really care about what people think," Harry shrugs.
"Welcome to Mendip ski resort!" A male voice says in a way too happy tone if you ask Louis. He stares at Harry from head to toe as he bites his bottom lip. Louis wants to snaps his fingers at him but he does what every single person in his right mind would do.
"Love," he whispers as he wraps his arms from behind and leaves a kiss on Harry's neck, the guy coughs awkwardly.
Harry giggles to the gesture as he gives a small kiss to Louis little nose.
"Welcome to Mendip ski resort!" The guy says again without the cheerful tone.
"Hello," Louis smirks.
"Reservation for Styles." Harry says; getting his i.d out.
"Harry Styles?" The guys says Harry's name with such desire.
"Yes, I made a reservation for the couple package," He smiles at Louis.
"Yeah," the guy fakes a smiles. "May I see your i.d please?" Harry gives him his i.d, " yours too, Mr ..."
"Tomlinson," Louis says as he takes out his i.d and handle it to him.
The receptionist types something in the laptop and give them two keys for the room. "Room 385, 3rd floor!"
"Thank you," Harry says as Louis takes his and Harry's i.d and key.
They walk to the elevator, as they hold hands, where another smiley guy says hi to them. He asks them what floor and press the button for the 3rd floor. Louis and Harry don't say anything but Harry knows Louis is dying to say something; he's doing that little cute thing with his bottom lip. When they get to the 3rd floor hallway Louis lets out a loud laugh.
"What?" Harry asks him surprised.
"The front desk guy was flirting with you," Louis rolls his eyes.
"What? Was he?" Harry asks surprised.
"Yes, he was." Louis nods. "Didn't you notice?"
"No," Harry shakes his head. "I was too busy admiring my boyfriend's beauty." He puts Louis closer to him and kiss him.
Louis giggles into the kiss; trying to not make what he's thinking to funny.
"Are you laughing at me?" Harry whispers.
"No," Louis shakes his head. "I just wish that front desk guy could see us right now."
"Oh! So that was why you kiss me when we were down stairs," Harry frowns.
"Yes," Louis whispers. "No, I wanted to kiss you and let him know you're mine."
"You're so childish but I love you!" Harry kisses him again.
"You better!" Louis kisses him back, "BTW I love you, too."
"I'm glad to hear that because I was going to go downstairs to see of the front desk guy ..."
"Don't you dare to finish that." Louis rolls his eyes and walks to the door and open it.
He stop when he sees the rose petals on the floor; making a path to the bed. In the bed there's a happy birthday message make with peach and lavender rose petals. A little bit to the there's a bottle of champagne; the rose path continues to the the bathroom. Louis can't see it yet bur he knows is going to be as romantic as the room. "Harry ..." Louis smiles at him; trying not to cry.
"Happy late birthday love," Harry whispers.
"You're so cheesy sometimes but that's why I love you so much." Louis wraps his arms around him.
"I love you, too." Harry whispers into the kiss.
They walk into the room and Louis' eyes still sparkling and the wrinkles that Harry loves the most are forming around his eyes.
"This is beautiful." Louis whispers.
"Not as beautiful as you." Harry wraps his arms around Louis from behind, he kisses Louis' shoulder line until he gets to his neck.
"So this is where we're going to have birthday sex?" Louis asks in a mocking tone.
"You mean making love," Harry corrects him.
"Sex, love is the same thing." Louis turns around to face him.
"I'm always going to call it making love whenever I do it with you." Harry caresses Louis' cheek.
"You're amazing Harry," Louis whispers. "I don't understand why you waited so long for me."
"I'd wait forever for you." Harry whispers as he gives him a eskimo kiss. "I love you."
"Prove it," Louis says; rubbing his boner on Harry's thigh.
"Ah!" Harry moans; throwing his head back. His hand make his way to Louis' inner thighs. "Lay down on bed for me," Harry whispers. Harry helps Louis to lay down on the bed; he makes sure Louis is comfortable before starting anything. Harry undoes Louis' coat buttons and puts it on the floor. He moves to his Jean; leaving the boxers on. He takes off Louis' long sleeve shirt and throws it at the floor; next to the coat. He stops for a moment; admiring Louis beauty.
"You're beautiful," Harry whispers. "So so beautiful," he runs his hands on Louis' legs.
"Harry," Louis moans; trying to pull him close to him. "Get rid of the clothes."
Harry laughs at him but gets rid of the clothes anyways. He takes everything off but his boxers and lays on top of Louis; rubbing his boner against Louis sinful thighs making him moan.
"Harry," Louis keeps repeating like a prayer.
Harry stops for a moment and kiss Louis tummy; if you ask him he would say his favorite parts of Louis' body are his tummy and thighs, but for now he's only focusing on his tummy. He sucks, licks, bites love bites on it; making Louis cry in pleasure. He kisses his way up to Louis' nipples, he lips before suck one into his mouth as his right hand plays with the other.
"Harry," Louis moans again; trying not to cum so fast.
"Tell me what you want," Harry asks in his sinful raspy voice.
"I want you to come up here and kiss me; kiss me so hard that I'll feel your lips on my lips for days."
Louis really loves when Harry kisses him like that; whenever he thinks about what he and Harry have compare to what he and George had he's 100% that wasn't love. George never made him feel like Harry does, George never made him feel so wanted; so loved. George never say anything to him; he was used to think the sex had to hurt to the point where he couldn't even walk the next day without feeling every single part of his inside being torn apart and that what George gave him was the best thing in the world. Harry and him haven't have sex (or made love like Harry would call it) all the way but he knows the day they decide to do it will be the most beautiful experience of his life. Harry kissing his way to his lips brings him back to this moment. He places his thin, soft lips on his and kiss him gently, tenderly. Gradually the kiss becoming a passionate, lustful kiss. Louis opens his mouth to let Harry's tongue in; they make out for a little bit before Louis is pulling away to mark Harry's neck with love bites. Harry moans to the pain (and pleasure) Louis' love bites are giving him.
"Louis," Harry moans. "Fu.. Fuck." He keeps swearing. Louis sucks harder and Harry literally screams.
"Are you okay?" Louis asks a little be embarrassed.
"Yes," Harry shakes his head. "I'm sorry ... I'm not ... I'm a screamer."
Both of them laugh at Harry's words.
"Come on, let me help you with that." Harry adds; rubbing Louis' boner through his boxers making him moan again. Harry starts by kissing Louis' neck as he rubs his hardness; he keeps rubbing and kissing his way down to Louis' belly. When he's in front of Louis' erected dick he licks his lips before licking the tip which make Louis insane. Harry smiles at Louis' reaction and does it again and again. He takes half into his mouth as his hand work on the other half; Louis is quite big. Harry opens his mouth a little bit more to take more of Louis in him; Louis is literally shaking to Harry's fantastic blow job. Louis intertwines his fingers on Harry's curls; guiding him down slowly (isn't like Harry needs guidance but he doesn't know what else to do with his hands). Harry brings his free hand to rubs Louis' sensible nipples; making him quench in pleasure.
"Harry-y," Louis tries to say. "I'm ... I'm so... Fuck!" He screams when Harry moans on his hard dick; sending shiver from toe to head.
Harry pulls away for a few seconds just to encourage him to cum; which makes the trick because as soon as those words leaves Harry's sinful mouth Louis is coming on his face. Harry helps him out until the last drop of cum has come out. Louis covers half of his face with his forearm; trying to hide his freshly blown face. He's tired and wants to sleep but he remembers Harry hasn't cum yet.
"Come here," Louis says in a barely audible whispers. "Let me take care of you."
"I have a better idea," Harry smirks at him. "In the brochure said that the room has a jacuzzi," Harry sits in between Louis' legs and take his hand to kiss each one of his knuckles. "Do you want to try that out?"
Louis smiles at him fondly as he tries to stand up; they make their way to the bathroom where like Harry said is a big jacuzzi with lighted up candles and a warm bubble bath.
"Did you know about this?" Louis asks; talking about the bubble bath.
"Hm-Hmh," Harry smiles at him; wrapping his arms around him from behind. "I was planning to give you a warm bubble bath but plans changed." Harry smirks; kissing his left shoulder.
"I can use that bubble bath right now," Louis whispers.
"Come in, then." Harry says as he unwraps his arms from Louis' waistline and helps him to get into the warm water. Round 2 and 3 might have happen there but no one needs to know that.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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