Chapter 26

"Harry," Is the only word that can come out of Louis' mouth. He wants to say so many things; he wants to let him know he's in love with him too but for some reason his mouth isn't putting the worlds together.

"It's-s okay if you don't feel the same," Harry says after seeing that Louis isn't adding anything to their conversation.

"No," Louis smiles nervously. "I do feel the same; but I don't know how to put it in words." He pauses for a moment. "Everything you just said was beautiful and excuse me but I don't really know how to express my feels with those words."

"You don't have to say it like I said it." Harry kisses his hand again. "Just tell me you feel the same and it'll be enough."

"I feel the same." Louis whispers like if Harry is the only one meant to hear it. "I fell for you like when you fell asleep; slowly and all at once."

"That's everything I needed to know." Harry says; caressing his hand.

"Why didn't I met you when I was 18?" Louis asks him as he notices how Harry looks at him; Louis knows Zayn was right when he told him that Harry always looked at him like if he was god himself.

"Because if you did you wouldn't have Alex," Harry tries to come with an answer. "And because I was 13 back then."

"No, I mean if we had met when I was 18 and you were 13, I had waited for you to turn at least 16 to take advantage of you." Louis giggles; making Harry's heart swell in adoration.


"Yeah," Louis smiles at him. "Why do we choose to love people who treat us like shit?" His facial expression change to a serious one.

"Because we accept the love we think we deserve," Harry smiles at him weakly. "But that doesn't mean that's the love we actually deserve; we accept them because maybe that's the only love we know."

"I'm still asking myself why didn't I met you when I was 18," Louis whispers again.

"I wasn't this cheesy when I was 13," Harry smiles.

"But I bet I would have fall in love with you."

"Why are you so sure about it?"

"Because like you just said we're only fated to do the things that we would choose to do and I know if I had met you before I met George I'd choose you."

"And you say I'm the cheesy one," Harry says; kissing his hand for the billion time on this night.

"Whatever," Louis giggles.

"Mmm ..." Harry hums into Louis' hand. "Have you talk to Zayn or Alex about us?"

"Zayn," Louis says in a barely audible whisper. "He ... Mmm, I don't really have to tell him about us."

Harry feels shiver running down his spine when he says Louis saying us.

"Oh," Harry smiles. "And Alex?"

"Zayn said he googled how to tell a child about a new partner and he said you have to introduce your partner as a friend first and all those type of staff."

"Oh," Harry says in a surprised tone.

"Zayn also asked me .." Louis pauses, "If I was going to let Alex call you daddy."

"And what did you say?" Harry asks curious.

"I said he can if he want," Louis says trying to keep his voice steady. "Only if you want as well."

"I always wanted kids," Harry says with a smile from ear to ear.

"Your own kids," Louis whispers.

"Doesn't really matter," Harry shrugs. "Whether they're mine or adopted, I want lots of kids."

"Would you be responsible for a child that's not even your blood and flesh?"

"Yeah," Harry says without hesitation.


"Because family isn't make by blood or flesh; family is make by love."

Once again Louis isn't regretting falling in love with Harry.


Two weeks after their dinner date Louis, Alex, Baylor and Harry are playing on the park. Since they had the talk about Alex calling Harry daddy both of them had spent more time together. Alex loves Harry and Harry loves Alex so Louis actually thinks there's no reason for them to be hiding anymore.

"Alex," Louis tries to stop him from running to the slide again.

"Papa, play please?" Alex frowns; pointing at the playground.

"I know baby boy, but I have to talk to you; it's important."

Alex sits next to him on the bench and make sure Baylor is laying under his feet.

"Good boy," Louis says; caressing his hair. "Would you like Harry to be part of our family?"

Alex doesn't understand all the words but he does understand Harry, our and family.

"Like uncle Zazu?" He frowns his eyebrows.

"Yes," Louis say but then stops when he realizes Alex sees Zayn as an uncle not as a dad or parent figure. "No, he would be ... my boyfriend."


"Boyfriend," Louis corrects him in a sweet tone.

"What boyfriend mean?"

"Hmm ....." Louis tries hard about this. "Oh!" He snaps his fingers, "Like uncle Zazu and uncle Nanu."

"Kisses in the mouth?"

"Yes," Louis whispers; feeling how his cheek are getting red.

"New daddy?"

"If you want him to be," Louis smiles at him.

"I do not want." Alex says; shaking his head.

"You don't want Harry to be part of our family?" Louis asks nervously.

"I found it!" Harry's voice interrupts them; he's shaking Baylor's chew toy which Louis hide under the passenger seat early in the morning so he could send him to look for that and he could talk to Alex before they both talk to him.

"Of course you did," Louis says faking a smile.

"What are you two talking about?" Harry asks; sitting next to Louis.

"You," Louis whispers.

"Me?" Harry asks curious, "Good things, I hope."

"I'm trying." Louis sighs.

"Everything okay, love?" Harry asks in a worried tone.

"Yes, I was just talking to him about us..."

"And?" Harry interrupts him.

"He said I do not want," Louis says; trying to avoid eye contact with Harry.

"Hey little buddy," Harry says to Alex.

"Hi Harry." Alex says with a smile from ear to ear; Harry takes that as a good sign.

"Do you mind if I'm part of your family?"

Alex shakes his head.

"Do you want Harry to be part of your family?" Harry asks.

"Yes," Alex says clapping his little fists.

Louis doesn't understand why Alex said 'I do not want' but he's happy that Alex is letting Harry be part of their small family.


At the beginning of November Louis received a call he wishes he had never answer. When he saw the private number he just ignored the call,but then they kept calling until he picked up.


"Louis?" A female voice says at the other end of the phone; needless to say he doesn't really recognize the voice.

"Who's this?"

"It's Jazmin, George's sister!" She says in a not so friendly tone. "How could you sent George to prison?"

"I'm sorry Jazmin but you don't know what was happening in our house, don't you remember he always used to say 'What happens at home stays in home'?"

"Explain to me then because George just called us asking us to watch over Alex because he's in prison because of you."

"He's in prison for things he did himself; I didn't make him beat me every single day." Louis tries to keep himself together. "I didn't told him to kidnap Alex, I didn't told him to sell drugs and most importantly I didn't tell him to beat me until I lost my baby girl .... Now if you excuse me I have lots things to do."

"We want to keep in touch with Alex ..."

"No!" Louis interrupts her; Zayn and Alex look at them confused. "Of course not!"

"George's his father," Jazmin tries again. "We're his family."

"A father that doesn't have rights over him; a family that he doesn't know, it's been more than a year since the last time he saw you."

"Look, what George did to you ..."

"Is something I'm never getting over; it's something I'll carry with me forever because of him I lost a daughter; his daughter. I don't want to get a restraining order, but if you and your family don't leave us alone I will."

Louis finishes the call and sit down at the dinner table to finish his dinner.

"Who was that?" Zayn asks; trying to figure out what's going on.

"Jazmin Wood."

"Oh," Zayn bits his bottom lip, "What she wants?"

"She wants to keep in touch with him..."

"There's no way ..."

"I know," Louis interrupts him. "I told her that; they can't keep in touch with him. Not after what happened!"

"What the h...."


"What the h is wrong with them?"

"I don't know, but hopefully they'll stay away from us."

"Were you being serious about the restraining order?"

"Yes, I mean if they don't stay away the easy way they will stay away the hard way." Louis shrugs.

"Papa okay?" Alex asks with a confused face.

"Yes baby boy," He takes Alex out of his high chair and sit him on his laps. "As long as you're with me I'm better than okay."

Louis peppers Alex's face with kisses; making him giggle and that's like music to Louis' ear.

"I love you papa." Alex says in between giggles.

"I love you, too baby boy." Louis gives him one final kiss on his forehead.


When November 27 comes around Louis and Harry are busy in the kitchen making thanksgiving dinner.

"Is this enough food?" Harry asks; looking at the food on the counter.

"Yes, Niall's coming." Louis whispers in Harry's ear.

"Oh," Harry says; remembering that Louis told him Niall eats like a caveman.

"Yeah," Louis giggles.

"You know," Harry starts. "Myfamilywantstomeetyouguys."


"My family wants to meet you," Harry says; adding more butter to the homemade mashed potatoes.

"Oh, really?" Louis tries to hide the fact that he's nervous as much as Harry.

"Yeah," Harry smiles. "I talk about you way too much."

"That's sweet," Louis smiles. "But do they know I have Alex?"

"Of course," Harry smiles at him. "They won't judge you because of him."

"Oh that's nice." Louis smiles nervously.

"I can tell them you can't for now; they'll understand." Harry adds when he notices how nervous Louis is. "You can meet them on my birthday."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Harry smiles. "You don't even have to meet them if you don't want."

"No," Louis interrupts him. "Of course I want, but I'm not ready just yet."

"It's okay, like I said you can meet them on my birthday." Harry shrugs.

"Aren't you going to their thanksgiving dinner tonight?"

"No, well I have to go change to a better outfit. I'll be with them for an hour or so and then I'm coming back; if you want me to."

"Of course I want you to," Louis kisses his lips gently.

"Hmm, what was that for?"

"You have something on your lips." Louis lies.

"Really? What was it?" Harry asks with a raise eyebrow.

"Hmm ... butter."

"Come here you filthy liar," Harry says wrapping his arms around Louis' body. "Kiss me again."

"Of course," Louis says before putting his lips back on Harry's lips.

When Zayn, Alex and Baylor come back home Harry and Louis already have dinner ready. Alex runs to where Louis and Harry are; Louis picks him up.

"Hey baby boy," Louis kisses his cheeks. "Did you have fun at the park?"

"Yes!" Alex says bouncing in Louis' arms, "Uncle Zazu play me."

"He did," Louis keeps smiling at him.

"Yes," He claps his little fists together.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Zayn asks to Harry. "Niall is coming; he wants to meet you."

"Me?" Harry asks confused.

"Yeah," Zayn smiles at him. "He wants to meet Louis' boyfriend."

"Oh!" Harry smiles; "I just need to change to a better outfit so I'll be back in two hours."

"And you say I take forever to get ready," Zayn whispers to Louis.

"He's having thanksgiving dinner with his family and then he's coming here." Louis explains. "Go, it's getting late."

"I'll see you soon," Harry gives Louis a small kiss on the lips. "Bye little guy," He kisses Alex's forehead.

"Bye bye Harry." Alex waves his little fist.

"Bye Harry," Louis says with a smile from ear to ear.

"Bye Zayn," Harry adds.

"Later," Zayn smirks at them.

Louis walks Harry to the door; he wants to walk him to the car but Harry tells him is too cold outside. They kiss again on the door but it's a small kiss since Alex's still in Louis' arms and Zayn is there looking at them like a hawk.


When Harry comes back to Zayn's flat is already 7 pm. He founds a hyper Alex, a tired Baylor, a nervous Zayn, a hungry Niall and a happy Louis.

"Hi beautiful," Harry says to Louis as soon as he opens the door; making Louis blush.

"Hi-i," Louis tries to swallow the knot on his throat.

"Hope you don't mind I got you this." Harry says; giving Louis a a bouquet of peach and yellow roses.

"Of course not," Louis smiles sweetly. "What does the yellow roses mean?"

"Giving yellow roses can tell someone the joy they bring you and the friendship but in out case relationship we share." Harry smiles.

"That's beautiful Harry," Louis giggles.

"Hmm ... If you don't mind my boyfriend over there is starving so can we have dinner already?" Zayn interrupts them.

"Of course," Harry walks to the dinner table. "Hi, I'm Harry Louis' ..."

"Louis' cheesy boyfriend." Zayn says as he gets the plates.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Niall." Niall says in a Irish accent.

"Nice to meet you Niall," Harry smiles.

All of them but Alex helps to put up the table. Louis gets the smash potatoes as Harry gets the salad and the wine. Zayn puts the roasted chicken and green beans on the plates with Niall places them on the table. Alex is waiting for them on his high chair; Louis puts a plate with roasted chicken for him and smash potatoes. Zayn puts the the garlic bread in the middle of the table; all of them sit down to finally have dinner.

"This smells delicious," Niall says; rubbing his hands together.

"Harry and Louis did all this." Zayn says as he gets one garlic bread.

"Hmmm..." Niall moans to the delicious taste on his mouth. "This is heavenly good."

"Thank you," Harry and Louis whispers at the same time.

They have thanksgiving dinner; talking about everything and anything; saying why they're thankful for. And let just say that a few tears come out along with lots of cuddles and promises.

On December 1st Zayn takes Alex to the store to buy Christmas decoration for their flat. Alex loves Christmas; he loves the lights, the presents, the cuddles, he's in love with everything related to Christmas.

"The Christmas tree ..."

"Big!" Alex says; putting his arms in the air.

"Be careful!" Zayn says; making sure his shopping cart seat belt is secure. "Your Papa will kill me if something happens to you."

"Sorry." Alex says; making his best pout.

"It's okay, just make sure to seat still."

20 minutes later Zayn is putting everything in his trunk; he buckles Alex on the back seat and drives home. When he's on the parking lots he calls Louis to come down and help him.

"I need your help." Zayn says as he unbuckles Alex.

"We're coming out...."

"We?" Zayn smirks.

"Oh shut up, we're going down right now."

Zayn carries Alex on his arms and walks to his flat.

"Where you think you're going?" Louis asks to Zayn who just walk inside with Alex in his arms.

"We did the shopping, it's your turn to do something."

Louis and Harry get all the bags and take them to the flat. Harry comes back for the Christmas tree. As soon as he goes inside the flat Alex asks him to put it up.

"Tree up please." Alex says making grabby hands to Harry.

"Would you help me?"

"Yes," Alex says bouncing on Zayn's arms. "Uncle Zazu down please."

"Do you want to start with the tree?" Harry asks as he opens the box.

"Yes, I want lots lights."

"We're putting lots of lights," Harry smiles.

Harry and Alex start building up the Christmas tree; Zayn and Louis start doing hot chocolate to keep themselves warm. Zayn, Louis and Harry move the fish tank from the corner so they can put the Christmas tree there. While Harry and Alex build the second part of the tree as Louis and Zayn put the lights up. They stop to drink hot chocolate and to give their opinion on how the Christmas decoration is coming out.

"It looks nice," Louis says looking around.

"It's not done yet but it's coming along." Zayn drinks a sip of his hot chocolate.

"You look so beautiful in this light," Harry whispers into Louis' ear. "Your silhouette over me, the way it brings out the blue in your eyes is the Tenerife Sea."

"Are you quoting Ed Sheeran to me?" Louis giggles into Harry's chest.

"Maybe," Harry blushes.

"How do you know I love Ed Sheeran?" Louis asks to Harry but looking at Zayn; he knows Zayn is the only one who could tell him that information.

"Who doesn't love Ed Sheeran?" Harry answers with a question. "He's just .... incredible; everybody loves him."

"It's because he's ginger." They hear Zayn's voice coming from behind them.

They all laugh at Zayn's joke.

"He's amazing though." Zayn admits.

"Star." Alex says; pointing at the top of the tree.

"The tree isn't finish yet but when we're done you can put the star on." Harry tells him.

"And you going to lift him," Louis adds as he wraps his arms around Harry's waist.

"Stop being so cheesy with each other," Zayn fakes a gag.

Louis kisses Harry's lips gently.

"You two are disgusting." Zayn rolls his eyes.

Harry and Louis laughs at him; Zayn knows they're not laughing to be mean. They keep building the tree and when they're done Harry lifts Alex so he can place the star on top of it. He also helps him to turn on the lights. Alex looks at the tree amazed; loving how the color of the light gives life to the tree.

"Handsome!" Alex says; clapping his fists.

Harry looks at Louis confused.

"Handsome," Louis smiles at him. "But for this kind of things," He says pointing at the tree from top to bottom. "You can use words like beautiful."

"Beautiful." Alex tries to repeat Louis' word.

"Mr. Alexander Tomlinson," Louis says as he gets Alex from Harry's arms. "It's time to go night night."

"Night night?" Alex does his best puppy eyes.

"Yes and those puppy eyes won't work." Louis smiles, "Come on, Miss. Baylor time to go night night for you as well."

Baylor follows Louis and Alex into the room. Zayn and Harry stay at the family room.

"Are you doing something for Louis' birthday?" Zayn asks as he sits next to Harry.

"Hmm ... I don't know yet." Harry says nervous.

"You can go on a holiday with him," Zayn suggests. "Just you and him."

"But Alex..."

"Can stay with me and my family; we're going to Bradford for Christmas." Zayn interrupts him. "You can take him on holiday from the 26th to the 28th and if you want you can stay with us for new years; we're also spending it at Bradford."

"I'll think about it." Harry smiles at him.

Zayn's words are hunting Harry's mind; he really wants to give Louis a surprise for his birthday.
This has made me feel all Christmassy inside!
               Outside I'm bloody Scrooge!
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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