Chapter 23

A week has passed by and things are kinda going back to normal. Alex had a nightmare last night, he woke up screaming and sweating. Louis comforted him; telling him everything is okay. Alex cuddled into Louis' chest feeling safe, feeling the familiar petite body warming him.

"Papa, I scared." Alex says in a sleepy tone.

"Don't worry baby boy," He caresses his hair. "I won't let anybody hurt you."

"I promise."Louis whispers against his ear.

They go back to sleep since is 3 am and when they wake up at 8 am Zayn already has the breakfast on the dinner table.

"What's all this?" Louis asks as he sits Alex on the high chair.

"Breakfast," Zayn shrugs.

"Why!?" Louis keeps questioning, "Do you want us to leave? Trying to us tell in a nice way?"

"What?" Zayn laughs nervously, "No I-I ... I just want to ..."

"Come on Malik! What's going on?" Louis asks as he sits next to Alex.

"Niallwantstomeetyouguys." Zayn says; holding his breath.

"Come again."

"Niall wants to meet you guys." Zayn repeats.

"Oh," Louis smiles. "And are you okay with that? You want us to do it?"

"Of course," Zayn smiles at them. "You guys are like my family."

"Okay, we'll do it."

"Really?" Zayn asks surprised.

"Yeah! I mean he wants to meet us, must be really important to him."

"Thank you." Zayn smiles at him.

"So this means Niall is very important to you?" Louis teases him.

"I guess." Zayn says looking at his breakfast.

"Are you in love with him?"

"Would you laugh if I say yes?"

"No," Louis shakes his head.

"Cross your heart?" Zayn asks and Louis does it. "Yes."

Louis smiles at him.

"You said you weren't going to laugh."

"I'm not laughing, I'm smiling because I've not seen you this happy since Perrie." Louis keeps the smile in his face. "You told me you two were only fuck buddies but I could see the way you looked at her and the way she looked at you."

"I really liked her," Zayn sighs. "Can you believe I was going to tell her to give it a try to a serious relationship the same day she told me she was going to New York?"

"I'm sorry mate." Louis smiles at him weakly.

"It's okay," Zayn shrugs. "I think it just had to happen that certain way."

"If you could, would you change anything about it?"

"No," Zayn whispers. "Perrie's dreams was to become a model and she always believed that New York was the perfect city to make it happen so no, I wouldn't change anything."

"And this Niall guy," Louis smiles at him. "What's his dream?"

"He wants to be an Art teacher." Zayn smiles; as he put a few pieces of pancakes in his fork.

"Is he planning on going back to Ireland?"

"I don't know." Zayn sighs. "But if he does I'm not going to stop him."

"Even if you're over heels for him?"

"Yeah," Zayn smiles at him weakly.


Louis is getting Alex back to his regular routine so he takes him to the park. When they get to the park he gets Baylor's leash and give it to Alex who is excited to play on the playground again.

"Come on Papa!" Alex screams as he runs with Baylor behind him to the slide.

"Take it easy baby boy," Louis takes a deep breath. "I'm not as young as you."

"'Ally here?"

"I don't know baby," Louis smiles at the mention of Harry's name. "Hopefully he's coming soon."

"Baylor up." Alex says as he makes Baylor to go to the top of the slider. "Good girl." He tells her.

"Be careful baby boy." Louis says as he get closer to the slide. "Go down, I'll be waiting for you here."

"Yey!" Alex screams as he goes down with Baylor on his laps. Louis catches them at the end of the slide.

"Be careful little buddy!" Harry's voice from behind them.

Louis turns around to see him; Harry is smiling from ear to ear, his green are sparkling as his long legs are getting closer to where Louis, Alex and Baylor are. "'Ally!" Alex screams as he runs to Harry.

"Little buddy!" Harry says as he pick him up and swings him in the air. Alex giggles like crazy and that swells Louis' little heart. Harry puts Alex on his feet and looks at Louis. "Hi Louis."

"Hi Harry," Louis says; smiling like an idiot.

"Play please." Alex says tapping Harry's thighs.

"Can I talk to your papa for a bit first?" Harry asks in a sweet tone.

"Okay." He pouts, he starts walking back to the playground.

"How is he?" Harry asks pointing at Alex.

"He had a nightmare last night." Louis sighs, "I'm scared."

"He'll be okay." Harry smiles at him; trying to comfort him.

"I don't know anymore, I mean he woke up screaming George's name and ..." He takes a deep breath. "I just want everything to go back to normal."

"Everything will be okay."


When they get back to the flat Zayn is there; cooking dinner.

"Everything okay?" Louis asks curious.

"Yeah," Zayn smiles. "Remember I told you about Niall?"

"You meant today?" Louis asks surprised.

"Yeah-h," Zayn panics. "I mean ..."

"It's fine." Louis interrupts him. "I just need time to get Alex and myself ready." Louis smiles, "So what are you cooking?"

"Roasted chicken with sweet BBQ sauce and corn."

"Nice," Louis says in a mocking tone.

Louis stars walking to his room with Alex behind him when Zayn speaks and make him stop.

"Oh and I found those two roses outside the flat." Zayn says; pointing at the peach and lavender roses.

"They're beautiful," Louis comments. "Niall gave them to you?"

"No, like I said they were outside the flat and the only one who's cheesy enough to do that is ..."

"Oh shut up!" Louis rolls his eyes.

"That shade of pink in your cheeks suit you." Zayn teases him, making Louis to cover his face with his tiny hands.

"Whatever," He rolls his eyes again. "I'm going to visit Noah, can you get Alex ready for dinner with Niall?"

"Who Noah?" Alex little voice interrupts them.

Louis isn't planning on telling Alex who Noah is yet, I mean he knew he was going to have a brother or a sister but since Louis never talked about her with him he had never ask again. Louis pulls out the chair and sit, he places Alex on his laps.

"Noah is a special little angel..."

"You know angel?" Alex asks amazed; he knows what angels are.

"Yes," Louis smiles. "She's our guardian angel."

"I want see Noah." Alex says excited.

"We can not see her ..." Louis tries to explain.

"Why not?" Alex makes a pout, "I want Noah my friend."

"She's more than your friend," Louis caresses his hair. "She's your guardian angel, she will always protect you."


"Always." Louis kisses his forehead.


When Louis comes back from the cemetery Zayn has the dinner table ready, Alex sitting on the high chair and himself standing in front of the bathroom's mirror to make sure everything is on its place. Alex is about to scream "Papa!" when Louis puts his index finger on his lips to tell him to be quite. Alex looks at him surprised and stay quite.

"Hi baby boy." Louis whispers; caressing his hair.

"Hi Papa." Alex whispers as well, not knowing why they have to be quite.

Louis kisses Alex's forehead before going to the bathroom.

"Hello handsome." Louis smiles at Zayn who jumps in surprise.

"Twat!" He puts his hand over his heart. "Don't do that to me again little bastard!"

"Sorry Zee," Louis gives him a innocent smile. "You look handsome though."

"Yeah?" Zayn asks looking at himself on the mirror again.

"Yeah, that big smile on your face and those sparkly eyes match really good."

Louis is happy to see him happy. Zayn had been through a lot, he hasn't have it easy either.

"Go get ready, Niall will be here at any minute."

"Of course."

Louis gets Alex out of the high chair and take him to their room, he sits Alex on the bed. He walks to his closet and get out a pair of black khaki pants; a dark blue shirt and his black vans. He changes into the clothe before putting deodorant and cologne on. He looks at himself in the mirror and smile; he actually likes how he looks.

"How do I look?" Louis asks to Alex who only giggles at him. "I'm taking that as I don't look so bad."

"Hancho," Alex says in between giggles.


"You say uncle Zazu hancho," Alex tries to explain.

"Oh, handsome." Louis smiles at him.

"Yes! Hancho!"

"Thank you baby boy," Louis kisses his forehead. "You look handsome too."

"Thank you papa." Alex kisses his cheek.

A knock on the door interrupts them. "Lou, Niall is here." Zayn's voice comes from the other side of the door.

"We're coming." Louis says picking Alex in his arms, " Come on baby, we're meeting uncle Zazu's boyfriend."

When Louis opens the door Zayn is waiting for them at the hallway. He smiles at them as they walk to the dinner table. Louis sees a blonde guy sitting on the table and smiles at him.

"Niall, this is my best mate Louis and his son Alex." Zayn says as he walks next to Niall.

"Hi Niall," Louis smiles. "Nice to meet you, say hi baby boy." Louis says to Alex who's staring at Niall.

"Hi Nanu," Alex says with a smile on his face; he loves to meet new people.

"Hello little Alex," Niall shakes his hand, "I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things I hope." Louis says in a mocking tone.

"All good things." Niall adds; he looks around until his eyes meet with Zayn's.

"I think we should have dinner already." Zayn says in a nervous tone.

"You guys sit down, I'll serve." Louis says; sitting Alex on his high chair.

"No ..."

"Of course not," Zayn interrupts Niall. "Sit down Niall, we'll serve."

"Absolutely not!" Niall laughs as he walks to the kitchen; he opens a few cabinets before he finds the plates, he take four of them and put them on the counter next to the stove. "Okay, you can put the food on them, where are the cups?"

"Hmm ... They're on the top cabinet on the left side," Zayn says smiling.

Louis serve the food and Zayn places the plates on the table. Niall smiles at them as he sits down next to Alex.

"You uncle Nanu?" Alex asks looking at Niall.

Zayn and Louis smiles nervously.

"I don't know buddy," Niall smiles at him. "I'll be if uncle Zayn wants me to."

Zayn blushes to Niall's words; Louis is staring at him trying not to laugh. He will definitely teases Zayn with this.

"Oh," Alex says and goes back to his food.

Believe it or not the dinner is less intense after that; they're not sure if it's because Niall's word or because of all of them ignore his comment.

"So Niall, " Louis says in a happy tone. "What are you studying for?" He asks even though he already knows the answer to that.

"I'm going to be an art teacher," Niall says as he drinks a little more of his drink.

"That's cool," Louis adds.

"Yeah and you?"

"I'm going back to school for interior design."

"Oh that sounds awesome."

"Yeah and beside I'm kinda good at it so why not, right?"

"Yeah that's exactly what I say." Niall says smiling for the billion time.

"Zayn told me you're from Ireland," Louis says; making Zayn nervous. "Are you planing to move back?"

"No," Niall shakes his head. "I came to London to start fresh, go school, get a flat, find love and form a family."

"Those are quite the plans," Louis smirks looking at Zayn.

"Yeah," Niall shrugs. "I had to have everything figure out before coming to London so yeah."



"Once again, dinner was delicious." Niall says as he walks to the front door.

"All credits goes to Mr. Malik!" Louis says as he hugs Zayn.

"It was so delicious." Niall says as he licks his lips and Zayn almost faints.

"Thank you." He whispers.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Of course," Zayn smiles.

"Okay," Niall gets closer to him and kisses his cheek.

"Drive safe." Zayn says as he kisses his cheek too.

"Bye Louis," Niall says with a massive blush on his cheek.

"Bye Niall," Louis smirks. "Hope to see you around."

"Bye Alex." Niall says to Alex who's busy on the love couch; watching Micky Mouse.

"Bye Nanu!" Alex waves his little fist.

Without asking him Zayn walks Niall to his car; Louis really hopes Zayn makes the first move tonight. When Zayn comes back Louis stares at him.

"What!?" Zayn says annoyed.

"You're welcome." Louis rolls his eyes.

"For what? because you behaved well?" Zayn asks in a sarcastic tone, "Let me tell you you didn't do a very good job."

"But now you know stuff you didn't know!"

Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Okay, I'm not helping you ever again." Louis says annoyed.


Two weeks later Zayn is asking Louis for help.

"It's for his birthday." Zayn whines, "Come on! Help me out!"

"And you're going to be the dessert?" Louis laughs.

"Be serious Tomlinson!" Zayn rolls his eyes. "I'm just asking you to ask him what's his favorite restaurant!"

"Last time I asked him staff you got mad."

"But this is important! Please?" Zayn makes his best puppy eyes.

"You know that only works when Alex does it, right?"

Zayn pouts his bottom lip and look at him with glassy eyes.

"Stop!" Louis rolls his eyes. "Dear lord, you're annoying!"

"But you love me!" Zayn says; peppering Louis with kisses.

"I want kisses and cuddles, too." Alex says making both of them to pepper his face with kisses.

When Niall comes by later on Louis starts asking him what he likes until the food part comes around.

"I love every type of food, Indian food, Italian food, Chinese food." Niall shrugs.

"Oh, I see." Louis smiles, "Do you have a like favorite restaurant or a favorite place to go?"

"Yeah, actually there's this Italian food place a few blocks from where I live, the food is delicious." Niall smiles.

"I bet." Louis says smirking at Zayn.

"And you Zayn?" Niall says; looking at Zayn. "Do you have any favorite place to go?"

"Not really, like you said I like every type of food." Zayn chuckles.

"Liar!" Louis screams in his mind. "You hate Indian food!"

"Cool, we have to go to that Italian place some day." Niall adds; making Zayn nervous.

"I'd love to," Louis says. "But now, I have to go."

"Why? Is because I'm here?" Niall says in a mocking tone.

"No, of course not." Louis smiles nervously. "I have somewhere to be ..."

"He has a date with Harry." Zayn interrupts him.

"Isn't a date," Louis rolls his eyes. "We just taking Alex for ice cream."

"Hm-huh!" Zayn chuckles.

Louis rolls his eyes at him again as he takes Alex to the room to change his clothes. When they come out they bye to them and leave the flat. "Who's this Harry guy?" Niall asks curious.

"Harry likes Louis." Zayn says, "And Louis likes Harry but he doesn't want to admit that."

"Oh," Niall says forming a perfect 'O' with his mouth. "Is he Alex's dad?"

"No," Zayn shakes his head. "But I think Louis deserves to be happy and I know Harry can make that happen!"

As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
Follow, vote and comment :)

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