Chapter 22

The first night that Alex sleeps without Louis he can't sleep at all. He's cold, he's hungry but most of all he misses his papa. George offered him food early but he wasn't hungry, now he's starving and cold. He wants to hear Louis singing the night night song to him. For some reason that song makes him feel safe and secure. He would asks George to sing it to him but he doesn't know the song.

"Alex?" George calls him from the driver's seat.

"Huh?" He says in a sleepy tone from the back seat.

At least George had a chair to seat him in the back seat of the old car he's driving.

"I thought you were sleeping already."

Alex smiles at him weakly; he looks at the window. He doesn't recognize anything around him. George has been driving for a few hours since he got Alex from Zayn's flat. His plan is to stay at his grandma's house on the countryside. Nobody knows about his grandma's house; not even Louis so he knows that's the last place where they're going to look for them.

"Daddy?" Alex breaks the silence.

"Yes, big boy?"

"Where papa?"

George takes a deep breath, "He's okay, he's going to be with us soon. " He lies, George knows Louis won't go back to him.

"Okay," Alex says as he leans his head on the chair.

When George finally gets to town he's happy to see that nothing has change here. He used to come to his grandma's house every summer when he was younger; he spent the days playing in the big fields and sometimes he helped his granddad to feed the chickens. The houses are far away from each other and neighbors aren't as gossips like in the city. George also decided to arrive at the house when it's already dark because the people go to sleep early.

"Big boy." George says as he opens Alex's door.

"Papa here?" He asks looking around.

"No," George smiles at him. "It's only me and you for now but he's coming soon." He lies again.

The house is cold and Alex's shivering in George's arms. He turns on the lights and see the fire place. He knows his grandparents have never used it so he doesn't know for sure if it works.

"Stay here." He says to Alex as he leaves him on the couch. "I'm going to get us warm."

He goes outside to get some wood or something to light up the fire place. He comes back and add the wood to the fire place, when it's getting warmer George sits next to Alex to cuddle.

"Hungry?" George asks; stroking Alex's hair.

"Yes, please."

"Mac and cheese."

"Yes, please." Alex says again.

George gets up and goes to the kitchen to make mac and cheese. They have dinner and after that George puts  two of the big couches together to make a bed in the family room. It will be warmer there than in the rooms upstairs. Alex feels weird to have a tough big body cuddling him instead of Louis' petite body.

The next morning when Alex wakes up the family room is warm enough and his daddy is making cocholate (chocolate) chip pancakes. George smiles at him when he notices Alex looking at him.

"Are you hungry big boy?" George asks as he puts some pancakes in a plate. "The chocolate chip pancakes are ready."

"Yes!" Alex claps his little fists together. "I hungry."

"Come here and have some pancakes then."

After breakfast Alex asks George to go to the park. He does his best to explain to him that there aren't park in the countryside, but there are big fields where he can run and play all he wants.

A week pass by and Alex keeps asking George where Louis is and if if  he asks him one more time he'll lose it.

"Stop," George raises his voice; he scares Alex. "Please," He says in a softer tone.

"I miss papa." Alex frowns.

"I know, I miss him too." George cuddles him.

"When papa here?"

"I don't know big boy."

"I want papa here," Alex draws unknown  patterns in his chest.


In the city where the traffic is noisy and the emptiness on the other side of his bed reminds Louis that Alex's still with George. Zayn and Harry have been there for him as much as they can, but none of them can fill the emptiness in his heart. Harry had brought him chicken soup and blue iris almost every day of the week. His bruises are healing and the pain in his ribs is slowly going away.

"Hey Lou," Zayn greets him when he enter the family room.

"Hi Zee." Louis gives him a weak smile, he sits on the diner table.

"He's coming back, Lou." Zayn says trying to cheer him up. Louis doesn't need to tell him what he's feeling because Zayn knows, Zayn have been there since day one.

"I wish he was here now." Louis whispers; playing with his fingers nervously. "I miss him, Zayn I miss him so much." A few tears run down his cheek. "I feel empty without him."

"He misses you, too." Zayn caresses his forearm. "Don't worry, He'll be with us soon."

"Don't you dare to say that again!" Louis screams. "Don't you fucking dare to repeat that again! He's not coming back! George is never going to give him back to me! I won't see him grow! He won't even remember who I am!"

"Louis!" Zayn tries to control him. "Louis, please!"

"What!? Huh, what the hell you want me to do? It's been a fucking week and they hadn't say anything about him yet!" He cries uncontrollably. "I just want him back."

Zayn cuddles him against his chest tight; he lets Louis cry. He knows that's the only way Louis can let it go. A few minutes pass by and Louis stops crying.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, "It's not your fault."

"It's okay." Zayn strokes his hair, wanting to comfort him more than ever.


Around 1 o'clock George and Alex go to the grocery store to buy food for the week. George notices a lady staring at them; he wants to asks her what she wants but a man in his late 30 stands next to her. He keeps going until he sees the lady again at the register. He goes to a different register to avoid her. When they get back to the house George turns on the telly, he watches the news to know if the lady was staring at them because of an amber alert. In the news they don't say anything about missing child or kidnapping so he changes to the cartoon channel.

"Daddy home?" Alex asks; pulling him out of his train of thoughts.

"This is our new home." George smiles at him as he sits next to him.


"He went bye bye."

"He went bye bye?" Alex starts crying. "Papa went bye bye!"

"Shh! It's okay big boy." He sits him on his laps and cuddle him. "Daddy's here, daddy's going to protect you."

"Papa?" Alex whispers in between sobs. "I want papa."

"But he doesn't want us anymore," George lies.

"Papa want baby boy." Alex cries as he tries to understand why papa isn't there.

"No," George sighs. "He doesn't want baby boy anymore."

Alex begins to cry uncontrollably, George knows this is the only way in which Alex will stop asking for Louis. He knows Louis isn't coming back and he doesn't want to lose both of them. He can leave without Louis, but not without Alex.

"It's okay big boy," George caresses his hair. "It's okay, daddy's here."

Alex keeps sobbing in between hiccups; making George to feel like shit. He knows how much Alex loves Louis and how much he misses him but he's not willing to only see him once a month.

When dinner time comes around George sits in front of the telly and fire place. He turns on the news to see if they say anything about them. Alex is eating the noodle soup in a messy way; he doesn't tell him anything because he barely stopped crying and he doesn't want to make him cry again.

"Do you like the soup?" George asks in a sweet tone.

"Yes, it is yummy." Alex smiles at him.

"Good," George smiles back. "Do you want more?"

"No," Alex frowns. "Full." He says as he rubs his tummy.

"Okay," George smiles. "Be a good boy and stay still here, do not go to the fire place, okay?"

"Okay." Alex claps his little fists.

George goes to the kitchen to do the dishes; he puts the left overs in the refrigerator. He's putting more hot chocolate on the mugs when he sees an amber alert on the telly. He reads and sees a picture of him and Alex on the screen. He remembers the lady who was staring at him in the grocery store. He leaves the mugs on the kitchen counter and goes to the room to pack his and Alex's things. When he comes back to the family room Alex stares at him with a confused look.

"Daddy okay?" He frowns.

"Yes," George lies. "We're going to another house."

"New home?"

"Yes! Would you like that?"

"No," Alex whispers. "I want other home with papa and Baylor."

"I know big boy but Papa is up there!" He says pointing at the ceiling.

"What he do there?" Alex asks in a confused tone.

"He went night night." George tries to explain.

"Why there?"

"Because he's never waking up."

"But ..."

"Let's talk about this when we're at the new house." George picks him up.

"I no want new house," Alex pouts.

George pours water on the fire place to turn it off; he makes sure to turn off all the lights in the house. George sits Alex in his chair in the back seat; he buckles him up and kisses his forehead.

"Go night night," He strokes his blonde hair. "When you wake up we're going to be at the new house."

Alex only yawns; he closes his eyes as he leans on the chair. George places a pillow so he can sleep. George goes to the driver's seat; ready to drive a few hours and get to France. When they get to France he will drive to Andorra (another countryside in France), so far that's the best option he has.


"999 what's your emergency?" The operator's voice comes throughout the house phone.

"My name is Andy Smith, I'm calling for the amber alert on the telly." A lady in her middle 30 says. "I'm in a town call Nailsworth in Gloucestershire, Uk."

"Okay Andy," The operator says. "Have you seen the two people we're looking for in Gloucestershire?"

"Yes, they were at the local grocery store today." Andy says, "Around 2 hours ago."

"Did you see if anybody was with them?"

"No, they were alone. He's driving an old gray car."

"Did you write the license plate?"

"Some part of it," She sighs.

"It's okay, anything can be useful."

"Okay the license plate is YP54 and the rest was cover."

"It's okay Mr. Smith. Thank you for your cooperation." The operator ends the call and stands up from her seat. "Where's Mrs. Reed?"

"She's on break." Mrs. Reed's assistant tells her.

"We have information about the Woods' case, contact SSA Hotchner and give them this." She leaves the paper on the desk.

Mrs. Reed's assistant calls SSA Hotchner.

"Morgan! Get Rossi, Prentiss and Blake. We have a clue to the Woods' case!"

The BAU team drives to Gloucestershire; it takes them 2 hours and a half to get to the town. When they're there they asks people in the grocery store to show them the security cameras.

"There!" Agent Hotchner says when he sees George and Alex on the screen.

"That's George Woods." The store manager says, "His grandparents have live here their whole life."

"Do they still live there?" SSA Blake asks.

"No, they died a few years ago." He smiles at them weakly.

"Do you happen to know where their house is?"

"Of course," he laughs. "In small towns everybody knows everything."

The store manager gives them the address which is 15 minutes away from the store. When they're getting close to the house a old gray car with the same license plate pass them.

"That's him!" Agent Blake says.

"George Woods! This is the FBI, stop the car now!" Agent Hotchner says throughout the speakers.

George tries to speed up but the other FBI car (where Agent Morgan, Rossi and Prentiss are) gets in front of him.

"George, we only want to get Alex back to his father." Agent Hotchner tries again. "He's innocent, think about him it's not his fault what happened between you and Louis." He pauses for a few seconds to see if it worked.

Inside of the old gray car George is looking at Alex who's scared asking him what's going on.

"It's okay big boy."

"Daddy I scared." Alex says looking the red and blue lights around them.

"Don't worry, daddy is here." George unbuckles himself and moves to the back seat. "Now I want you to hear me out, okay?"

"Okay," Alex nods.

"This people are trying to get you away from me." Alex doesn't understand all of it but he stars crying when he hears the words 'get away' 'you' and 'me'.

"No!" He screams, "I no want to go bye bye with them."

"I know, but they won't let us go." George hugs him.

"George Woods, you're surrounded! Exit the car with your hands in the air." He hears the voice throughout the speaker again.

"No matter what happens big boy, please know that I love you." George whispers to his ear.

"I love you, too daddy." Alex wraps his little arms around his neck.

George sees people approaching their car; he cuddles Alex tighter. One of the back door open and Alex screams.

"George, let him go." Agent Rossi says, "It's not his fault your marriage with Louis didn't work... You don't need to hur..."

"Who says I'm hurting him?" George asks without letting him go.

"Please George, he's scared. He needs to see Louis."

"You don't know what he wants!"

"He's a baby, he needs his father."

"I'm his father!" George screams; scaring Alex.

"Daddy," Alex whispers. "I scared."

"See? You're scaring him! Let him go!"

George unwraps his arms and two strong arms try to hold him from his shoulders but he tries to free himself. Alex sees everything from the seat next to him; seeing daddy being hold like that he remembers when Louis was on the floor crying in pain. He can hear him calling his and George's name, he can see the pain in his eyes but he can't do anything about it.

"I love you, buddy." George says before the federal agents get him out of the car, Alex doesn't say 'I love you' back.

"You're under arrest for the kidnap of Alex Wood, domestic violence and the death of Noah Tomlinson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have a attorney present during questioning, if you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you."

"Call Mr. Tomlinson and tell him to meet us at the London police station."


Two hours later in the police station Louis, Zayn and Harry are waiting for the BAU team to come back with Alex.

"He's coming home." Louis says with a smile from ear to ear.

"I told you he was going to." Zayn smiles at him.

"He's coming home." Louis whispers as he eyes sparkle brighter than the sun.

Harry stares at Louis; admiring his beauty. He loves to see Louis this happy, he loves to see him smiling. He loves to see the wrinkles forming in his eyes when he smiles. He loves to see the sparkle in his eyes when he smiles. He definitely loves to see him happy.

"Papa!" A sleepy voice says; making Louis jump on his feet.

"Baby! Baby!" He runs to where a blonde lady is carrying Alex in his arms, she gives him to him. "Oh lord you're okay!" Louis says examining his face, his body even his three little teeth and everything is on its place.

"I love you, papa." Alex whispers as he cuddles into his chest.

"I love you, too baby." Louis peppers his little face with kisses. "I love you so much!" Louis cuddles him tighter and Alex whines. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby. Did daddy gave you a boo boo?"

"No," Alex shakes his head. "No breath."

"Oh okay," Louis smiles at him. "Do you want to say hi to uncle Zazu and Harry?"

"Yes!" Alex bounces in his arms.

"Monster!" Zayn says in a happy tone.

"Uncle Zazu!" Alex makes grabby hands to him, Zayn gets him from Louis.

"Are you okay baby boy?" Zayn asks examining him with his gaze.

"I good." Alex giggles; making everybody's heart swell with emotion.

"Hello little guy." Harry strokes his cheek.

"'Ally!" Alex screams; clapping his little fists.

"Can I have him back now?" Louis asks; pointing at Alex.

"Of course." Zayn gives Alex to Louis.

"Where daddy?" Alex asks frowning his eyebrows.

"I don't know baby boy."

"Daddy is bad daddy." Alex whispers.

"No ..."

"He give you boo boo," Alex interrupts him. "Bad daddy."

Louis never wanted Alex to have a bad image of George, he tries as much as he could but with what George did he flushed Louis' effort into the toilet and now Alex has a bad image of him.

As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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