Chapter 21
When Zayn gets to the police station the police doesn't want to get this report on Alex being kidnap since the person who took Alex is one of his fathers.
"Please," Zayn insists. "George is going to hurt him, my friend Louis Alex's father just got divorce and he got 85% of custody. Louis didn't let him to see Alex more than what the judge ordered ..."
"Why isn't Louis Tomlinson here?" The police man interrupts him.
"Because he's in a hospital bed, George didn't only took Alex, but he almost beat him to death." Zayn sighs. "It's not the first time he has done that."
"And you are?"
"Zayn Malik," He says in a pissed tone because that was the first thing he told him when he got to the station.
Harry is sitting on the waiting room; neither a nurse or a doctor had come since they go there. It hasn't being more than one hour but he just want to know that Louis is okay. He doesn't understand how George could hurt a beautiful creature like Louis. He knows he can treat Louis better; he would give him the moon, the stars, the sun, the entire universe if that's what Louis wanted.
"Mr. Tomlinson?" A voice pulls him out of his train of thoughts.
Harry looks up to the young doctor. "No, I'm his friend Harry Styles."
"Does he has any family?"
"Yes," Harry pauses. "He was married but er ... right now I'm the only one here."
"What about his husband?"
"Ex husband," Harry corrects him. "He was the one who beat him so ... he's not going to be here."
"Okay, I need you to do the paper work then."
"Can I see him? How is he?" Harry asks in a worried tone.
"He's okay, he's lucky he didn't die ..."
"Don't you dare to tell him he's lucky to survive that," Harry says in a pissed tone. "Can I see him?"
"Of course, follow me."
The doctor takes Harry to a room with 6 beds on. On the last bed is Louis trying to unhook himself to get out of there.
"Mr. Tomlinson." The doctor says; making Louis to look at them. "You need to stay still."
"No, I need to go." Louis rolls his eyes.
"But you can, your ribs need to heal..."
"My son needs me." Louis looks at him. "His dad kidnapped him."
"I'm sorry to hear that but you need to rest."
"I'm not going to rest here while my son is out there God knows where and do nothing." Louis looks for his clothes.
"Please, let him go." Harry speaks. "I'm going to be with him all the time."
"You don't need to do that." Louis says to Harry.
"But I want to and I will, so suck it up ...."
"That's the only way I can let you out of here." The doctor interrupts them.
"Okay," Louis whispers.
"Okay, when can we leave?" Harry asks to the doctor.
"Let me check his bruises again," The doctor puts his clipboard on the bed next to him. He checks him again, noticing how the bruises are getting into a dark purple. Harry notices those bruises but immediately looks away; he can't stand the thought of Louis being beaten up much less see the bruises. "The ribs are hurt so please if you want to heal soon don't move too much."
"Pain killers?" Harry asks.
"Of course and also a lot of chicken soup."
When Louis and Harry get to the police station (Louis told him he wasn't going anywhere else but there so Harry had to take him there) Zayn is talking to the detective in charge.
"Zayn?" Louis whispers; his ribs hurt more when he talks or coughs.
"Dear Lord Louis! What are you doing here?" Zayn tries to make him sit. "Hi Harry."
"Hi Zayn," Harry smiles.
"I had to come," Louis sighs. "What ..."
"You need to go home," Zayn interrupts him. "I'll take care of it."
"Zayn, he's my son! I can't be home while he's out there with him." Louis says caressing his ribs; trying to find some relief.
"I know, but you're ..."
"Okay." Louis finishes the sentence for him.
"Stubborn." Zayn adds; making Louis to roll his eyes. "Back me up here." Zayn says to Harry.
"I've been trying to convince him but like you say he's a stubborn." Harry shrugs and Louis hits him on his arms. "Ouch! Never mind."
"Sorry," Louis whispers as he caresses Harry's forearm.
"Zayn Malik?" The detective says and Zayn goes to where he is.
Louis tries to get up but the pain in his ribs sits him again.
"Are you okay?" Harry asks worried. "I mean-n ... That's a stupid question what I meant to ask is do you need the pain killers?"
"Yes, please." Louis smiles at him; he's amazed how Harry can make him smile during this situation.
"Okay .. Er let me get you water." He says as he walks to a drink machine at the end of the hall.
"Where's Harry?" Zayn asks; making Louis to turn around to face him.
"Hmm ... He went to get me water so I can take my pain killers." Louis smiles.
"How thoughtful." Zayn smirks.
"Stop it Zayn." Louis rolls his eyes.
"I'm just saying he's so thoughtful." Zayn shrugs.
"Shh! He's coming."
"Here," Harry gives him the water. "And here." He gives him the pain killers.
"The detective is going to talk to you about Alex's case," Zayn says as Louis takes the pain killer. "He says the FBI's BAU is coming to work in this case."
"The what?" Louis asks confused.
"BAU, Behavioral Analysis Unit from the FBI."
"That sounds fancy." Harry adds with a frown in his lips.
"Yeah, I know." Zayn smiles. "They're profilers who can know a person from the way they eat, sit or talk." He shrugs. "The detective says this is an emergency so that's why they called them."
"Mr. Malik?" The detective says from behind him, three men and two women are with him.
"Yes?" Zayn turns around to face them.
"This is the BAU."
"I'm SSA Hotchner, this are SSA Morgan, Rossi, Prentiss and Blake." A tall, black haired man said.
"I'm Zayn Malik and this is Louis Tomlinson, the victim's father..."
"I thought the victim's father kidnapped him." A lady in her early 30 says.
"He has 2 fathers," Louis smiles. "I'm technically the mother."
"Okay," Agent Hotchner says, "Can we talk to you in private?" He asks to Louis.
"Sure," He nods as he tries to stand up. Harry and Zayn help him.
After Louis and Agent Hotchner talk, he tells him to go home and rest because his team will do all the work.
"I can't, I need to be here." Louis refuses to go.
"Louis, they're the best of the FBI." Zayn says, "Believe me, they will find him. They don't need you here and you need to rest."
"Let's go home." Harry says in a sweet tone. "Like Zayn said they're the best and they won't stop until they find him."
"But what if ..."
"They going to let us know and we're going to come back as fast as he can." Zayn smiles at them.
"Let's go home." Harry stretches his arm; putting it in front of Louis.
"Okay," Louis places his hand on Harry's; feeling the warmth of his hand.
Harry goes with Louis to Zayn's car. When they get there Zayn gets into the driver's side and Harry and Louis stay outside of the passenger seat.
"Try to rest and sleep." Harry smiles at him. "I know it's hard but remember what the doctor said."
Louis nods, "I know but it's hard for me to even think where my baby is right now."
"He won't hurt him." Harry tries to comfort him.
"How do you know that?"
"Because a father can hurt his own son."
"You have no idea what George is capable of when he's high or drunk." Louis whispers; ashamed of telling somebody else about his shitty life.
"You just have to believe that he won't hurt him." Harry caresses Louis' hand.
"I know," Louis sighs. "Faith and hope are the two things I have left."
"Don't worry." Harry whispers, "He'll be fine." He smiles at him.
"Thank you." Louis smiles back, it's not a fake smile it's a genuine smile.
"I'll see you soon, then."
"I'll see you soon." Louis smiles at him before getting into the car.
Harry closes the door for him and Louis wives at him.
"Apart from sexy, he's nice." Zayn chuckles.
"Zayn!" Louis rolls his eyes. "Stop."
"He's so nice with you." Zayn smiles as he starts to drive.
They stay in silence for a few minutes until Louis decides to break the silence.
"Do you think he would hurt him?" Louis whispers; playing nervously with his fingers.
"No," Zayn shakes his head. "He can be a stupid asshole with you, but I don't think he would hurt Alex."
"Are you telling me this just to make me feel better?" Louis laughs nervously.
"No," Zayn chuckles. "I'm serious, his a dickhead but he wouldn't hurt Alex, explain me why he would do that."
"To get back at me." Louis whispers. "To hurt me."
"He wouldn't," Zayn stops on a red light. "He knows he's hurting you right now."
"I just want-t him back." Louis cries.
"I know, I want him back too."
The sound of a horn make Zayn move, Louis chuckles at him. When they get to the flat (30 minutes later) Zayn makes Louis rest.
"I don't want to." Louis whines.
"But you have to," Zayn literally tucks him on the bed. "Or do you want Alex to see you all beat up?"
Louis looks at the empty space in the bed. "Would you sleep here with me?"
"Of course," Zayn smiles at him.
"I don't want to feel alone." Louis sighs.
Zayn takes his shoes off and gets into bed with him. Louis wraps his arms around him to feel safe. Zayn cuddles him as well, wanting to let him know he's always going to be there with him.
"I'm scared." Louis whispers; inhaling Zayn's scent.
"I am, too."
"Do you think I will ever be happy?" Louis asks, getting nostalgic.
"Of course," Zayn smiles. "You're the one who deserve to be happy the most."
"Do you think I have a soul mate?"
"Soul mate?" Zayn asks; trying not to laugh.
"Yeah," Louis sighs. "You know, like those cheesy fairy tales that make you believe in happily ever after."
"I don't believe in fairy tales." Zayn stars. "But I think people can create their happily ever after."
"Really?" Louis looks at him with a frown in his face.
"I mean ... there's always fight, disagreements and all that staff but they can get through it if they really love each other." Zayn shrugs.
"So what happened with me and ...."
"You two weren't meant to be, you just happened." Zayn interrupts him.
"You always tease me about ... Er ..."
"Say it! Don't be afraid."
"Harry," Louis whispers. "You tease me but do-o you think h-he likes me?"
"He looks at you like if you're god himself." Zayn rolls his eyes. "That guy is over heels for you."
"You think so?"
"Yeah." Zayn smiles. "Now, go to sleep."
The next morning Louis wakes with Zayn's arms still wrap around him. He gets off the bed and walk to the toilet. He feels empty without Alex and he hates that feeling.
"Louis!?" He hears Zayn from the room.
"In the toilet."
"Oh, man you scared the heck out of me."
"Sorry," He says as he washes his hands. He brushes his teeth and hair before leaving the toilet.
"How did you sleep?" Zayn asks in a sleepy tone.
"Not as bad as I thought I was going to."
"Everything will be okay." Zayn smiles at him.
"I hope so."
Louis and Zayn stay at Zayn's flat all morning after having breakfast. Louis wanted to go to the police station and stay there until the BAU bring Alex back. At noon Harry texts Louis; he asks if he still is at Zayn's flat.
"Is that Harry?" Zayn smirks; making Louis to rolls his eyes at him. "So it's Harry."
"Yeah," Louis says getting Baylor in his laps. "He's coming."
"Come again?" Zayn sits next to him on the couch.
"He says he's coming." Louis repeats.
"Oh," Zayn smiles. "So do you want me to leave?"
"Zayn!" Louis laughs at him.
"I'm just saying," He shrugs. "I don't want to see you having sex with him."
"Twat!" Louis rolls his eyes; Baylor squirms in his legs causing Louis to caress her black curly hair. "Are you hungry baby doll?" Baylor hasn't eat or play like she used to when Alex was here with her, it's like she can feels his absence.
"If that dog speaks I'm going to hang her."
"Heartless!" Louis gasps; covering her fluffy ears. "Don't worry doll, uncle Zazu isn't always like this."
"Come on," Zayn makes grabby hands. "Give that fluffy thing to me."
"Baylor!" Louis rolls his eyes. "Her name is Baylor."
"Whatever," Zayn laughs as she gets Baylor in his laps. "Holy mother of god, she's heavy!"
"You're exaggerating..."
A knock on the door interrupts them. Louis' heart stop beating as he stands up, Zayn looks at him puzzled.
"Do I look okay?" He asks trying to fix his hair.
"You look fine," Zayn rolls his eyes.
Louis flips the middle finger to him as he looks through the peek hole, he sees the curly hair lad standing there with blue flowers in his hands and a paper bag on the other. Louis opens the door and smile.
"Hi." Harry says with a dimpled smile form ear to ear.
"Hello," Louis giggles, but he tries to cover it with a laughter.
"Can I come in?"
"Of course." Louis smiles nervously. "Sorry."
"It's okay." Harry smiles, "Hi Zayn."
"What's up!" Zayn smiles.
"Not much," Harry turns around to look at Louis. "Where can I put this?"
"Oh, there." Louis points at the diner table.
"Flowers and a paper bag?" Zayn asks in a mocking tone.
"Blue Iris and chicken soup," Harry corrects him.
"Sounds fancy!" Zayn chuckles as he stands up. "I'll be in my room if you need me."
"What's all this?" Louis asks when Zayn closes the door of his room.
"Blue Iris and chicken soup." Harry says in confused tone.
"I mean, why?"
"The doctor said you have to have a lot of chicken soup." Harry smiles as he takes a the bowl out of the paper bag.
"You made it?" Louis asks curious.
"No," Harry whispers. "Gemma did."
"And the blue iris are from the family flower shop, too?"
"Yes, but I paid for them." Harry chuckles.
"You did?" Louis asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes I did," Harry frowns. "Stop looking at me like that."
Louis laughs at Harry's cute face.
"What's the meaning behind it?" Louis asks pointing at the blue iris.
"Why don't you figure out by reading this?" Harry gets a white envelope out of his jean jacket.
"Okay," Louis starts opening the envelope.
"But not when I'm still here." Harry stops him.
"Why not?"
"Er ... It's ..."
"Is there embarrassing staff here?"
"What? No!" Harry laughs but then puts a poker face. "Maybe."
"Oh lord, I want to read this now." Louis smiles.
"That's my cue then ..."
"No, don't go!" Louis interrupts him; surprising Harry and himself.
"I would love to stay, but I need to go to class." Harry frowns. "Perks of being a uni student."
"Okay," Louis puts the envelope on the diner table.
"Okay." Harry smiles at him. "Call me whenever they tell you anything about Alex."
"Will do." Louis says as he walks to the front door; Harry following him. "Have a good day at school."
"Thank you," Harry smiles at him. "You, too." He hugs him and kisses his cheek.
Harry walks to the parking lots before Louis can even hug or kiss him back. He strokes the spot where Harry's lips touched his cheek and sighs.
"Oh Romeo!" Zayn says; pulling him out of his train of thoughts.
"Whatever!" Louis closes the front door and walk to the diner table.
"Chicken soup and blue iris, huh?" Zayn teases him. "Oh! And a white envelope!"
Zayn tries to reach it but Louis snack his hand before he can even touch the white paper.
"Whatever," Zayn flips the middle finger to him. "Why he left so soon?"
"School," Louis says as he gets the blue iris and the chicken soup and walks to his room.
He puts the chicken soup and the blue iris in the night stand and lays on the bed. He gets under the covers and open the envelope; he smiles at the messy handwriting.
Dear Louis,
You said faith and hope is everything you have left so I decided to give you this blue iris bouquet which mean the same exact thing. Whenever you look at the bouquet remember that you have faith and hope and well ... you have me, too.
Yours, Harry.
Louis' heart swells with excitement and maybe just maybe what Zayn told him about him deserving to be happy in this life is true and George is just somebody who he had to have so he can have the good stuff in life.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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