Chapter 20

Louis wakes up to Alex's screams, he jumps off his bed trying to figure out where the screaming are coming from. He tries to open the door; he notices the fish tank on the corner and remembers they're back at Zayn's flat.

"Don't you ever do that to you me you twat!"

"Morning to you too, Lou." Zayn says in a mocking tone.

Louis rolls his eyes as he walks to the toilet. He looks at himself in the mirror and frowns. His beard is way too long, the bag under his eyes are huge and his hair is so messy. He sighs as he pours cold water into his face, he gets his toothbrush and tooth paste. He brushes his teeth as he stairs at himself in the mirror. He's thinking; thinking if he's going to see Harry at the park today, thinking if Harry is even going to be there. He finishes brushing his teeth and opens the drawer; he takes out the hair brush. He makes his hair a little dicent and put the brush back. He notice the razor and thinking why not so he takes it out along with the shaving cream. In less than two minutes he's done; he looks at himself in the mirror and smile. He likes how he looks.

"Lou?" Zayn knocks on the door.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, coming out." He says as he puts everything away. He opens the door and Zayn looks at him surprised.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Nowhere." Louis shrugs.

"Oh." Zayn frowns. "Are you taking him to the park today?"

"Yeah," He says; faster than he would have like. "So you can study."

"Sure," Zayn smirks. "Breakfast is ready.


At 11:49 am Louis, Alex and Baylor are in the park; ready to play for hours. When they got to the park Harry wasn't there but Louis hopes he comes later. Half hour pass by and Harry isn't there yet and Louis feels disappointed. He really wanted to see Harry, he even shaved for him but if you ask that to Louis he'll deny it.

"Papa!" Alex scream as he's being chase by Baylor. "Bad girl." He says to Baylor who makes the best puppy eyes Louis has ever seen. Alex kneels and wraps his tiny arms around her. "You not bad girl," He caresses her body. "I sowwy."

"Do you want to go home?" Louis asks; hoping he says yes because he needs to go to Noah's grave. "Uncle Zazu can play with you."

"Okay." Alex whispers as he stands up. "Come on Baylor."

They walk to the car and Louis notices Alex's sad face.

"Are you sad?"

"No," Alex shakes his head. "I tired."


"Hmh." He nods; making sure Baylor is following him.

"Do you want to go night night?"


"Okay, let's go home then."

15 minutes later Louis is parking in front of Zayn's flat building. He gets out of the car and unbuckles Alex; he puts the nappy bag in his shoulder. He puts the leash on Baylor's collar and carries Alex to the flat. When he manages to open the door Zayn helps him with Alex.

"You're back early." Zayn comments as he lays a sleepy Alex on the couch.

"Yeah, he's tired." He points at Alex. "And beside I have to go to Noah's."

"Of course." Zayn smiles at him. "Go, I'll take care of the monster."

"Twat!" Louis rolls his eyes.

"So..." Zayn begins. "Did he liked you without a beard?"

"What!?" Louis almost chokes in his on saliva.

"Did Harry liked you without a beard?"

"Moron!" Louis flips him. "He wasn't even there..."

"Oh!" Zayn says dramatically. "That's why you came back so soon."

"Fuck you." Louis whispers; making sure Alex didn't hear that.

"I love you, too." Zayn laughs.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "I'm out of here."

"Use protection." Zayn says before Louis close the door.

Louis laughs at Zayn's words. He drivers to the cemetery; he always buy the roses on the cemetery flower shop but he's curious if Harry is okay so he decides to go to the Styles' Flower Shop for the second time. 10 minutes later he's parking in front of the flower shop. From where he is tight now he can only see a blond girl; he frowns but decides to go inside anyways.

"Welcome to Styles' Flower Shop." Gemma says with a dimple smile from ear to ear.

"Hello," He says in a polite tone.

"What can I get for you today?"

"I want to buy roses but ..." Louis stops for a moment. "I want to know the meaning behind the colors so I know I have the correct rose."

"What's the occasion?" Gemma asks as she walks to the roses' section.

"It's not an occasion, " Louis gives her a half smile. "They're for a person I love and I'm thankful for having her in my life."

"Oh." Gemma smiles. "Of course, come over here please."

Louis walks to the roses' section; the scent of the roses penetrate his nostrils. He closes his eyes and inhale the scent. "They smell really good." He says with a slight blush in his cheeks.

"They do," Gemma comments. "A lavender rose means," She says giving the rose to Louis, "Means love at first sight or just an enchanting way to say, "I love you!" Lavender roses can offer a daily reminder of your love and eagerness to grow your relationship."

"Oh," Louis says as he admires the delicate rose in his hand.

"On the other hand, peach roses can show your appreciation," She gives him a peach rose. "A peach rose shows your deep appreciation and gratitude or just an elegant way to say thank you."

"They're beautiful," Louis whispers. "And they smell even better."

"I'm guessing you're taking them."

"Of course." Louis smiles, "Give me four of each."

"Okay, follow me." Gemma says walking to the register.

Louis walks behind her, he wants to ask for Harry but he doesn't want to ask right away so his mind gives him an idea.

"Is this a good business to have?" Louis says looking around.

"It is." Gemma smiles. "Even if it doesn't look like, business goes up whenever my little brother is helping me with it. " She smirks. "Girls come and buy something and they make sure he's the one taking care of them."

"Wow," Louis says trying to hide his jealousy, wait what? Nah, he's definitely not jealous.

"Yeah and it's funny and annoying sometimes but hey he business picks up a bit." Gemma chuckles.

"I bet," Louis fakes a smile.

"That would be everything?" Gemma changes the subject back to the roses.

"Yes, how much it is?"

"85 pounds." Gemma says as she presses some buttons on the cash register.

Louis pays for the roses and leaves. Gemma looks back at where Harry is hiding.

"You can come out, he left already." She chuckles.

"What?" Harry tries to play it cool. "I wasn't hiding."

"Then care to explain why didn't you come out when he was here?"

Harry rolls his eyes at her; making her laugh.

"He's hot." Gemma says; licking his lips.

"Gemma!" Harry gasps.

"What? I'm just pointing out the obvious." She shrugs.

"Knucklehead." Harry says as he walks to the back of the shop.
When Louis gets to Noah's grave he sits in front of her. He takes the old roses and put the fresh one on the vase. "Hey baby girl," He smiles. "I'm sorry I couldn't come this weekend." He apologizes, "But look I brought you eight roses, two for each day I didn't came and two for today." He points at the roses. "Gemma told me it's a way to tell you I love you and thank you." He smiles; trying to cry. "I really really love you Noah," He swallows the knot in his throat. "I miss you so much." The tears run down his cheeks. "But tell me," he wipes off the tears. "How's up there? Have you make friends? I bet everybody wants to be friends with you because you're a beautiful little girl." Louis smiles. "Have you seen Noah? If you do tell him I miss him and whenever I can I'll go to France to visit his grave." He pauses for a moment to look at his surroundings. "It's time for me to go," he sighs. "I need to go back with your brother. I promise he'll visit you when he's old enough to understand what happened to you." He smiles weakly. "I love you baby girl." Louis whispers, "I love you so much."


The next day Louis takes Alex and Baylor to the park; hoping to see Harry there. He unbuckles Alex and puts him on his feet; he gets the nappy bag and Baylor. Alex puts the leash on Baylor's collar and walk.

"'Ally!" Alex screams and Louis' heart swell; he looks up and see Alex in Harry's arms.

"Hey little guy." Harry smiles at him as Baylor is trying to clam his long legs. "Hi Louis," He says with a big dimple smile.

"Hi-i Harry." Louis says nervously. "I'm sorry ..."

"It's okay." Harry interrupts him. "It was my fault, I shouldn't have ask you that."

Louis is surprised to Harry's words, nobody had told him it's their fault when he clearly knows it is his fault.

"No," Louis whispers. "It wasn't ... I'm just ..."

"It's okay." Harry smiles at him again. "I get it."

Louis looks at him and smile. He isn't familiar to this feeling in his stomach; not even when he was with George.

"Play, please." Alex says tapping Harry's chest.

"Of course." Harry says as he walks to the playground with Baylor behind him.

Louis follows them and Alex jumps up and down in his arms. Harry puts Alex on his feet and he runs to the slide. He waits for Baylor to get to the top of the slide to go down with her.

An hour and a half later Harry is breathless trying to walk to the bench. He wants to see and even his breath; he wants to feel the fresh air filling his lungs. Louis laughs at Harry's action.

"Cry baby." Louis says as he seats next to him.

"I'm not use to it, yet." Harry says in between hiccups.

"You'll get use to it," Louis smiles. "It took me three month." He looks at Alex with heart eyes. "When he started to walk it was a crazy day; he wouldn't stop. He would walk or even run to wherever he could go."

Harry stares at Louis, admiring the gleam in his eyes when he talks about Alex. He thinks that the wrinkles that form in his eyes when he smiles are beautiful.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Louis asks curious.

"I'm just admiring your beauty." Harry says; smiling at him.

"My beauty?" Louis chuckles. "Good luck finding that."

"I did." Harry smirks, "And it's the most beautiful beauty I've ever seen."

"That doesn't make sense." Louis laughs; looking at Alex who's still playing at the playground with Baylor.

"It does." Harry whispers, "You're simply beautiful."

Louis doesn't say anything after that; I mean he doesn't really know what to say.

"Can I see your phone?" Harry asked.

"Hmm .." Louis gets his old phone out. "Sure." He gives it to him.

Harry presses some buttons and in less than one minute he gives the phone back to Louis. Louis smiles at him confused; not really understanding what Harry did.

"My number is here," Harry clears his throat. "Just in case you need help and Zayn isn't there to help you."

"Thank you." Louis whispers.

"Papa!" Alex screams as he walks to them. "Home?"

"Of course," Louis smiles at him. "Get Baylor."

Alex attaches the leash to Baylor's collar like uncle Zazu taught him a few days ago. When he and Baylor is ready to go he stands in front them.


"Say bye bye to Harry." Louis says as he gets the nappy bag.

"Bye bye 'Ally." Alex says as he gives him a cuddle.

"Bye bye little guy." Harry kisses his cheek. "Be a good boy."

Alex only nods as he giggles.

"Bye Harry." Louis says in a whisper.

"Bye Louis," Harry smiles at him. "Hope to see you soon."
It's Wednesday, the first week of August. It's been a week since the first time Louis and Harry talked again after the awkward invitation. Now here they are at the park; playing with Alex and Baylor.

"Daddy?" Alex asks looking at the parking lots.

"Huh?" Louis says as he turns around to see what Alex is talking about.

"Daddy!" Alex screams as he goes down the slide; he runs to George's run.

Louis walks to them with a confused expression on his face, Harry follows them.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asks in a cold tone.

"I'm here to see my son." George says; pulling Alex on his feet.

"You can only see him on the third weekend of every month." Louis reminds him.

"He's allow to stay at my place on the third weekend of every month." George smirks. "I can see him at any time I want...."

"According to who?" Louis interrupts him.

"Please Louis ..."

"Harry, can you take them to the car?" Louis says talking about Alex and Baylor.

"Of course." Harry says trying to take Alex's arm.

"Don't you dare to touch my child." George says; pulling Alex toward him.

"Stop it." Louis picks him up and cuddle him into his chest. "Just stop," Louis whispers before talking to his car; Harry and Baylor following him.

When Louis, Alex, Baylor and Harry get to Louis' car Harry helps him to buckle Alex and put the nappy bag and Baylor next to him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks; worried about him.

"Yeah," Louis lies. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Harry smiles, "My number is in your phone, don't forget that."

"Thank you." Louis smiles at him.
The next day when Louis is getting ready to go to the park with Alex he hears a knock on the door and laugh. He curses Zayn for being so absentminded sometimes; he knows he forgot his keys this time.

"Coming Zayn." He says as he walks to the door.

When Louis opens the door he feels a blow on his face that sends him to the floor. He covers his nostril to prevent blood stain on the carpet, he looks up and sees somebody who sends shivers down his spine.

"Geor ..."

He can't even finish his question when he feels another blow in his stomach. He coughs, trying not to choke with his own saliva. He tries to get up but George hits him again and again and again. Louis looks at the hallway to make sure Alex's still inside the room but his heart swells when he sees Alex standing there; watching daddy hitting papa.

"George-e ... st-op." Louis coughs again.

George hits Louis a few more times and walks to Alex. He tries to get up but his feet can't move, his body isn't responding the way he wishes.

"L-leave h-him-m alone-e." Louis says; crawling towards where they are. "Leave-e him alone-e."

George laughs at him as he enters the room to take the nappy bag, he comes back to the living room. He gets close to Louis and that's when he smells the alcohol and the weed on his ex husband.

"Tell me I can only see him on the third weekend of each month, tell me I can't take him with me right now." George smirks. "Come on tell me! I want to hear you again!"

"George please ..."

"That's not what I'm asking for!" He yells; hitting Louis on his rib cage.

"Daddy!" Alex screams when he sees Louis crying in pain.

"Let's go." George picks Alex up and walk to the door.

"Don't...." Is the last thing Louis can say to George before he leaves the flat.

He gets his phone out and dials number 2, Zayn answers on the second ring.

"Don't you remember I'm in class?"

"H-he took Alex-x..." Louis says in between hiccups.

"WHAT!?" Zayn screams at the other side of the phone. "Mr. Malik is there a problem?" Another voice is hear.

"Zayn ... George-e ..."

"For fuck's sake Louis!" Zayn curses. "He beat you, didn't he?"

"Yes-s ... but you need-d to go to the police station-n .... please Zayn-n."

"But you're hurt..."

"I'm-m calling Harry for help-p ... just-t go to the police-e." Louis interrupts him.

He ends the call with Zayn just to call Harry who answers on the first ring.

"I never thought you would call me so soon," Harry says at other end.

"I need-d your help ..."

"Are you okay? Louis! Where are you?" Harry asks in a hysteric tone.

"I'm at Zayn's flat ... I need to go to the hospital-l ..."

"Give me the address."

Louis tells him the address and waits for Harry to came help him. Harry tells hi to stay on the phone; he wants to make sure he doesn't pass out. Louis tells him everything that happened; Harry cries with him and once again Louis wonders why didn't he met Harry when he was 18.

As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
Follow, vote and comment :)

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