Chapter 2
It's been almost two years since Alex was born, but nothing changed in Louis' life. George keeps acting all lovely with their son Alex , but when it comes to Louis' George acts like an arsehole. He still beats him; with the excuse that Louis did something wrong. Louis is grateful that George only gets his anger out on him. He wouldn't be able to see George hitting his little Alex.
Maybe you're wondering why Louis hadn't left him yet. There is one simple answer to that; Alex and because weather he likes it or not he still loves him. Louis had tried to leave him but George threatened him that if he left he would demanded Alex's full custody in court. George told him if he ever put a foot out of their house to leave him it had to be without Alex. Louis wasn't going to do that. Louis knew the judge would give full custody to George because he would say that Louis abandoned their little son.
Some times Louis wonders if Alex was a girl would George love him as much as he does right now. During his pregnancy; when they didn't know the gender of the baby George always said it was a boy. Louis wanted to make him understand that it could be a baby girl; that was the first time that Louis saw George angry. When Dr. Swan told them it was a boy George whispered to Louis' ear that he knew it because his family's genes only make boys. That's when Louis thanked the gods above that his baby was boy.
Some times Louis wonders if Alex was a girl would George love him as much as he does right now. During his pregnancy; when they didn't know the gender of the baby George always said it was a boy. Louis wanted to make him understand that it could be a baby girl; that was the first time that Louis saw George angry. When Dr. Swan told them it was a boy George whispered to Louis' ear that he knew it because his family's genes only make boys. That's when Louis thanked the gods above that his baby was boy.
Louis looks at his sleepy little Alex in the back seat from his rear mirror. It's one of those days where little Alex doesn't want to get up from crib. But at the mention of uncle Zayn he literally jumped off his crib. It's been a week since the last time Louis saw Zayn. George doesn't like when Louis go out with friends because he knows all they do is talk about their life. Every time that Louis goes out with Zayn George reminds him that what happens at their house stays in their house.
Louis parks his car in the familiar parking lots of his favorite coffee shop; where he agreed to meet Zayn the day before. Louis gets off the driver's side and open the back seat door to a smiley/sleepy Alex.
"Come on little guy." He says, undoing Alex's seat belt. "Uncle Zayn is waiting for us."
"Uncle Zazu!" Alex says excited; putting his little arms in the air.
Louis smiles at his son as he gets the nappy bag; he puts it on his shoulder then he carries Alex in his arms. He makes sure to lock the car before walking to the coffee shop. Louis opens the door with difficulty; he knows that Alex already saw Zayn hen he taps his chest saying "down". Louis makes sure that Zayn is there before putting him down. Little Alex runs to Zayn; he hugs his legs as he says "uncle Zazu!"
"Hey there little monster!" Zayn says; picking him up.
"Hey Zayn." Louis says; smiling at the scene.
"Hey Lou." He puts Alex in a high chair and hugs Louis. "How are you?"
"I'm good." He lies; faking a smile. "How are you?"
"I'm okay." Zayn smiles. "You know, going to classes and all that shit."
"That's good." Louis smiles. "Soon you'll have your art degree."
"Yeah," Zayn sighs. "I miss you Lou." Zayn says out of nowhere.
"I miss you to Zee." Louis tries to return the kind words.
"I don't mean it that way." Zayn looks at Alex. "I mean, I miss the old you. The one who didn't want to have a relationship, much less get married."
"I miss him, too." Louis confesses. "I miss him a lot."
"Papa!" Alex taps on Louis' arm. "Hungry." He says; rubbing his tummy.
"Sorry love." Louis smiles at him; taking a feeding bottle out of the nappy bag. "Here!"
Alex takes the feeding bottle and sucks at it like if his life depends on it.
"Did he hit you again?" Zayn asks in a upset tone.
"What? No!" Louis says; covering his face. He tried to cover his bruises with liquid make up before coming here.
"I can see them." Zayn says in disappointed tone. "I thought you said he stopped."
"Zayn, I-I ..."
"Why are you still with him?" Zayn asks; interrupting him.
"You know why Zayn!" Louis says; trying not to cry. "You know why." He repeats looking at his little Alex. He'll never tell Zayn it's also because he still have feelings for him and he hopes that one day he'll change.
"I already told you, Lou." Zayn sighs. "He can't take Alex away from you. You're technically the mother; the law protects and helps the mothers more than the fathers!"
"You know I can't leave with out Alex." Louis wipes away the tears. "And George isn't letting me leave with him. He made that crystal clear."
"What about the beatings? I swear to you the law will not take Alex away from you if they know how George is."
"I don't know Zayn." Louis sighs. "You know George has connections and I know if he wants he can take Alex's full custody."
"Under my dead body." Zayn says; looking at Alex who's almost done with his feeding bottle. "Not if I have to do anything with it."
"Can we ... just not talk about it?" Louis says; trying to changed the subject. "Let's talk about you..... how's art school?"
"Art school is fine." Zayn rolls his eyes at him.
"Fine?" Louis asks curious; knowing that Zayn doesn't like something about it. "What don't you like about it?"
"Why are you thinking there's something I don't like?"
"I know you, Zee." Louis rolls his eyes. "I know there's something that you're not liking about this whole art school thing."
Chapter Text
It's been almost two years since Alex was born, but nothing changed in Louis' life. George keeps acting all lovely with their son Alex , but when it comes to Louis' George acts like an arsehole. He still beats him; with the excuse that Louis did something wrong. Louis is grateful that George only gets his anger out on him. He wouldn't be able to see George hitting his little Alex.
Maybe you're wondering why Louis hadn't left him yet. There is one simple answer to that; Alex and because weather he likes it or not he still loves him. Louis had tried to leave him but George threatened him that if he left he would demanded Alex's full custody in court. George told him if he ever put a foot out of their house to leave him it had to be without Alex. Louis wasn't going to do that. Louis knew the judge would give full custody to George because he would say that Louis abandoned their little son.
Some times Louis wonders if Alex was a girl would George love him as much as he does right now. During his pregnancy; when they didn't know the gender of the baby George always said it was a boy. Louis wanted to make him understand that it could be a baby girl; that was the first time that Louis saw George angry. When Dr. Swan told them it was a boy George whispered to Louis' ear that he knew it because his family's genes only make boys. That's when Louis thanked the gods above that his baby was boy.
Louis looks at his sleepy little Alex in the back seat from his rear mirror. It's one of those days where little Alex doesn't want to get up from crib. But at the mention of uncle Zayn he literally jumped off his crib. It's been a week since the last time Louis saw Zayn. George doesn't like when Louis go out with friends because he knows all they do is talk about their life. Every time that Louis goes out with Zayn George reminds him that what happens at their house stays in their house.
Louis parks his car in the familiar parking lots of his favorite coffee shop; where he agreed to meet Zayn the day before. Louis gets off the driver's side and open the back seat door to a smiley/sleepy Alex.
"Come on little guy." He says, undoing Alex's seat belt. "Uncle Zayn is waiting for us."
"Uncle Zazu!" Alex says excited; putting his little arms in the air.
Louis smiles at his son as he gets the nappy bag; he puts it on his shoulder then he carries Alex in his arms. He makes sure to lock the car before walking to the coffee shop. Louis opens the door with difficulty; he knows that Alex already saw Zayn hen he taps his chest saying "down". Louis makes sure that Zayn is there before putting him down. Little Alex runs to Zayn; he hugs his legs as he says "uncle Zazu!"
"Hey there little monster!" Zayn says; picking him up.
"Hey Zayn." Louis says; smiling at the scene.
"Hey Lou." He puts Alex in a high chair and hugs Louis. "How are you?"
"I'm good." He lies; faking a smile. "How are you?"
"I'm okay." Zayn smiles. "You know, going to classes and all that shit."
"That's good." Louis smiles. "Soon you'll have your art degree."
"Yeah," Zayn sighs. "I miss you Lou." Zayn says out of nowhere.
"I miss you to Zee." Louis tries to return the kind words.
"I don't mean it that way." Zayn looks at Alex. "I mean, I miss the old you. The one who didn't want to have a relationship, much less get married."
"I miss him, too." Louis confesses. "I miss him a lot."
"Papa!" Alex taps on Louis' arm. "Hungry." He says; rubbing his tummy.
"Sorry love." Louis smiles at him; taking a feeding bottle out of the nappy bag. "Here!"
Alex takes the feeding bottle and sucks at it like if his life depends on it.
"Did he hit you again?" Zayn asks in a upset tone.
"What? No!" Louis says; covering his face. He tried to cover his bruises with liquid make up before coming here.
"I can see them." Zayn says in disappointed tone. "I thought you said he stopped."
"Zayn, I-I ..."
"Why are you still with him?" Zayn asks; interrupting him.
"You know why Zayn!" Louis says; trying not to cry. "You know why." He repeats looking at his little Alex. He'll never tell Zayn it's also because he still have feelings for him and he hopes that one day he'll change.
"I already told you, Lou." Zayn sighs. "He can't take Alex away from you. You're technically the mother; the law protects and helps the mothers more than the fathers!"
"You know I can't leave with out Alex." Louis wipes away the tears. "And George isn't letting me leave with him. He made that crystal clear."
"What about the beatings? I swear to you the law will not take Alex away from you if they know how George is."
"I don't know Zayn." Louis sighs. "You know George has connections and I know if he wants he can take Alex's full custody."
"Under my dead body." Zayn says; looking at Alex who's almost done with his feeding bottle. "Not if I have to do anything with it."
"Can we ... just not talk about it?" Louis says; trying to changed the subject. "Let's talk about you..... how's art school?"
"Art school is fine." Zayn rolls his eyes at him.
"Fine?" Louis asks curious; knowing that Zayn doesn't like something about it. "What don't you like about it?"
"Why are you thinking there's something I don't like?"
"I know you, Zee." Louis rolls his eyes. "I know there's something that you're not liking about this whole art school thing."
"They limit my imagination." Zayn says; Louis stays quite waiting for him to add more.
"Come again?" Louis adds curious.
"They. Limit. My. Imagination!" Zayn repeats in a sarcastic tone.
"Care to explain?"
"They limit it with all their stupid rules." Zayn rolls his eyes.
"That sucks! But hey, soon you'll have your art degree." Louis tries to cheer him.
"Yeah I guess." Zayn smiles. "What about if we actually order something to eat?"
Zayn goes to the front counter to order a hot chocolate for him and a hot vanilla coffee for Louis. When Zayn comes back to the table he has the drinks a small cake on his hands. Louis laughs at him as he helps him to put the things on the table. They keep talking about Zayn's school until Alex taps on Louis' arm saying "nappy".
"I can do it if you want." Zayn says; grabbing Alex's nappy bag.
"Are you sure?" Louis asks curious.
"Yeah, I actually searched online how to change a nappy don't worry." He laughs; taking Alex out the chair and carrying him on his arms to the bathroom.
When Zayn gets to the washroom he goes to the ladies' one and leaves the door open. He open the changing nappy station and put a changing pad on it. He lays Alex delicately on it; trying to put down his pants.
"Uncle Zazu." Alex says; trying to get Zayn's attention. "Papa sad, why?"
Zayn gives him a weak smile; not knowing what to say. I mean, do you tell a almost 2 year baby boy that his daddy is hurting his papa and that's why papa is sad? Zayn takes off the dirty nappy and throws it at the trash can.
"Papa is not sad." Zayn lies. "He's tired."
"What tired?" Alex asks confused.
"Hmm .... He needs to go night night." Zayn explains him.
"Oh!" Alex says like if he just figured out the most amazing thing in the world.
Zayn finishes changing his nappy and goes back to the table with Alex in his arms. Louis is at the table smiling at them; it's a fake smile of course. When they get closer Alex taps on Zayn's chest and say "down". Alex walks to Louis and hug him.
"Go home." He says smiling. "You need to go night night."
"It's okay love, I'm okay." Louis caresses his cheek.
"No, you tired need nigh night." Alex says; caressing Louis' cheek copying his action.
Louis' and Zayn's heart swells with adoration; Zayn still doesn't understand how George can be Alex's father. Louis smiles at Alex and then turns to see Zayn.
"I have to go." He gives him a half smile. "I still to go grocery shopping and make dinner for George ... you know how he gets ...." He pauses when he realizes what's he saying. "Never mind, I'll text you later okay?"
"Okay." Zayn smiles at him. "Lou, promise me that you'll call me if he does it again."
"Promise me!"
"I promise, Zee." Louis lies; he knows he won't drag Zayn into his mess, but Zayn doesn't need to know that.
"Okay, take care little monster." Zayn says to Alex; giving him a kiss on his little forehead. "Call me, not matter what time." He says as he hugs them.
"Of course." He fakes another smile. "Do you need a ride or something?"
"No, I'm going back to class." Zayn smiles; pointing out at the front door. Zayn's Art school is right in front of the coffee shop.
"Okay, see you soon."
"Bye Lou." He waves his hand. "Bye little monster."
He starts walking to the front door. Louis sighs; knowing that if he wants to get Zayn's help he can because he is 100% he doesn't want to drag Zayn into his shitty life.
So what do you think so far...
Things will go down so...
This story will literally melt your heart!
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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Love eww xx
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