Chapter 19
The next day Louis wakes up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes around the flat. His stomach makes a loud noise; making him giggles. He looks around and remembers where he is. He looks at Alex who's still sleeping at his side. Last night when George and he finished the conversation Louis came to the room, even though it was too early to go to sleep he lay there with Alex. He thought about what he and George talked about; he knows he still loves him but now that he had realized that George isn't changing he knows he isn't coming back. He shakes his head trying to get rid of the thoughts. He lays next to Alex and cuddle him, that's how he wants to stay for the rest of his life. Alex rubs his eyes; making a grumpy face.
"Morning sunshine." Louis whispers in a sweet tone to his ear.
Alex blinks a few time before opening his eyes completely; he gives Louis a big smile when he sees him next to him. "Papa!"
"Hey sunshine." Louis smiles at him. "Hungry?" He knows Alex is going to be hungry since they didn't eat anything after the pizza they ate at 3 pm.
"Yes!" he screams.
"Not so loud baby boy." Louis says covering his ear, "It's too early in the morning."
"Sowwy." Alex makes the best puppy eyes ever.
"Do you want to call uncle Zazu?"
"Yes." Alex says excited, even though he doesn't understand anything apart of 'uncle Zazu'.
"Okay." Louis smiles as he dials Zayn's number who answers in the second ring. "Wow! Did you fall out of the bed or something?"
"Ha ha funny." Zayn says in a sleepy tone. "I'm putting my jeans on already, what else do I need to get?"
"Nothing Zayn." Louis chuckles, "I'm just calling you to let you know we're okay."
"Okay," Zayn sighs and a loud noise is hear.
"What's that?" Louis asks curious.
"Me going back to sleep."
"Okay, Alex wants to say hi." He gives Alex the phone.
"Uncle Zazu!"
They have an interesting talk Louis can't hear, he smiles to see Alex giggling at everything Zayn says.
"Okay, bye bye." Alex gives the phone to Louis.
"Yeah?" Zayn says as he yawns.
"Letting you go back to sleep," Louis laughs. "Call you at night."
"Okay, be careful."
"Of course."
"I love you Lou."
"I love you, too Zee." Louis says and ends the call.
"I love you three!" Alex says; cuddling into him.
"I love you four!" Louis peppers Alex's face with kisses. "Let's go have something to eat." He gets off bed with Alex behind.
Louis and Alex get to the kitchen where George is too busy making chocolate chip pancakes. When he notices them; he smiles at them.
"Daddy!" Alex screams; making grabby hands so George would pick him up.
"Hey buddy." As as Alex asked George picks him up. "Hungry?"
"Yes," Alex smiles. "Tummy say grr."
Louis and George laugh at the cute face Alex made when he said "grr".
"Yes," Alex says nodding.
"Okay then, let's feed those monsters." George sits him in a chair.
They eat their breakfast in silence. Well, not Alex he always makes airplane noises before putting the piece of pancake in his mouth. Louis makes sure Alex doesn't end up all cover in syrup after breakfast. When breakfast is over George looks at his watch; noticing it's 10:28 am.
"Do you still take him to the park?"
"Yes, everyday." Louis answers without looking at him.
"Do you want to go today?" George offers.
"Park!" Alex says excited; clapping with hands.
"Sure." Louis fakes a smile.
He doesn't want to go, but there's no way in hell he is letting George alone with Alex. He also thinks about Harry; he doesn't know for sure if he's going to be there but if he is Louis knows is going to be a little be awkward. He knows he likes Harry but it's confusing since he still loves George. For some unknown reason he can't take him, even if he wants to. He knows George gave him the most important little person in his life, but he also make him lose the second one. He's never going to forgive George for that.
"Do you want me to get him ready for the park?" George asks as he plays with Alex.
"It's okay." He fakes a smile.
"Let's go buddy!" George says; putting him on his back to give him a piggyback ride.
When Louis, Alex and George get to the park is full since is Saturday in the morning and a lot of families come to celebrate birthdays or just to spend the day outside. Louis notices how excited Alex is to go play with the other kids since he always plays alone or with him or Harry or Zayn. George carries him; promising to play with him. Louis smiles at them; he doesn't feel comfortable leaving Alex with George but he knows Alex would like to play with his daddy. He takes the nappy bag and sits on the benches; thinking about Harry. He doesn't understand why he didn't met Harry when he was 19, everything would be so different. He would have fall in love with him immediately and maybe just maybe they would be together. He hates fate sometimes, not only fate but himself too because he still loves George. Don't even ask him why because he doesn't have the answer. One thing he knows for sure is that he doesn't love him the how he used to.
"Papa! Play we!"Alex says; pulling him out of his train of thoughts.
Louis chuckles at his little boy's grammar. "You mean play with us?"
"Yeah?" Alex says; frowning. "Play me and daddy."
"Of course." Louis smiles as he walks to him. "Want to go on the slide?"
"No, the swing please."
"Your wish is my command." Louis says; picking him up and placing him on his hip.
"'Ally." Alex asks out of the blue.
Louis looks around to make sure George isn't there. "I don't know angel." Louis shrugs.
"'Ally!" Alex repeats; pointing at the parking lots. Louis tries to cover his mouth with his hand but it's too late, George is already walking to them.
Louis stares at Harry; blue meets green when he's closer to them. Louis wants to smile; he wants to run and hug him and he would done it if Harry didn't stop in the middle of the park. Louis frowns trying to understand why he stop, he realizes it when he feels George's hand on his hip.
"Get it away from me." He says in a serious tone as he moves George's hand.
"But ...."
"But nothing." Louis shakes his head. "You can't do that anymore."
"But ..."
"George please?" Louis sighs. "I accepted to come to your house and spend the weekend with you and Alex because I didn't want Zayn to be the one coming. This doesn't mean I want you back ...."
"But Louis, yesterday you told me you still love me ...."
"Yes, but that doesn't mean I want you in my life." Louis says in a serious tone, "We accept the love we think we deserve and I used to think your love was everything I could get ..."
"It's because of him, isn't?" George interrupts him; pointing at Harry. The tone is his voice is harsh.
"He has nothing to do with it." Louis shakes his head; he places Alex on the swing and pushes him so the swing starts swinging. "I finally realized you're never going to change, you're never going to keep the promises you make." He looks at Harry but he's gone so he looks at George. "You beat me and because of that I lost our daughter..."
"I apologized for that already." George interrupts him.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Louis whispers/shouts; he makes sure Alex is far away from them. " A simple fucking sorry won't give her back to me. A simple fucking sorry doesn't revert time...." He pushes Alex again. "A simple fucking sorry won't fix this like it used to do with everything else."
"Louis plea ..."
"Can we not talk about this?" Louis interrupts him. "I don't want him to have a bad image of you." Louis says in a barely audible whisper. "In spite of what you did to me and Noah, I don't want Alex to have a bad image of you because you were never a bad dad for him." When the swings gets closer to him he stops it. "It's time to go back." He says; smiling at him.
"Do you want to go eat something?" George offers.
"Are you hungry baby?" Louis asks to Alex; he's not going to starve his son because of George.
"Yes, please."
"Okay, where do you want to go?"
"Can we go to an American diner?" Louis asks to George.
"Are you craving a double cheeseburger with the large side of french fries and the biggest chocolate shake they have?" George smiles; he remembers when Louis and him used to go on dates to Lucky 7 when they barely started dating.
"Yeah." Louis gives him a half smile.
40 minutes later Louis, George with Alex in his arms are entering the diner. The front lady smiles at them.
"Louis? George?" She asks looking at Louis then at George.
"Hi Maggie." George smiles at Maggie.
"I haven't see you two in a long time."
"Yeah," Louis smiles. "It's been a while."
"2 years and a half I think." She says in a polite tone. "Is he your son?"
"Yes, he's our son." George smiles from ear to ear.
"Oh lord, he's the cutest thing." Maggie says looking at Alex. "How old is he?"
"2 years," Louis answers.
"So you were pregnant with him the last time you came?"
"Yes, that's why I was craving weird things." Louis smiles at the memory.
"Yeah, pickles with peanut butter is not something you hear every day." She chuckles.
"I know, and the weirdest thing is that he doesn't like pickles or peanut butter." Louis laughs; caressing Alex's cheek.
"So?" She looks at Louis' tummy. "Do you want pickles and peanut butter again?"
Louis tries not to cry right there and then; he would have order that if he were still pregnant with Noah. "No," He fakes a smile. " I want a double cheeseburger ...."
"With the large side of french fries and the biggest chocolate shake we have." Maggie interrupts him.
"Yes, please."
"Same for you?"She asks George.
"Yes and a kid's meal with ..."He looks at Louis.
"Chicken nuggets, apples and chocolate milk." Louis orders Alex's food.
"Okay, that will be 19 pounds."
George pays her and get his drink and Alex's chocolate milk. They get a table far away from the entrance and wait for their food. Their order comes 15 minutes later; Louis feeds Alex and himself as George tries to make a conversation with him. Louis only nods or says yes or no. When they're done with their lunch they say bye to Maggie.
"I hope to see you more often."
"We'll try!" George smiles at her.
"Have a nice day."
"Same to you." Louis fakes another smile.
When they're at the parking lot; ready to go George asks Louis if they want to go somewhere else. Louis shakes his head; he tells him he's tired. George drives back to the flat without saying another word. When they get to the flat (an hour later) Alex is sleeping in the back seat so George carries him upstairs and lays him on the bed.
"I'm staying with him." Louis says as he lays next to Alex.
"Okay, I'll be outside if you need anything else." George smiles at him.
"Thank you."
George gets out of the room; Louis gets out of bed to make sure the door is close and lock. When he lays down on the bed again Alex asks him in a sleepy voice if he can sing him the night night song.
"Of course baby." Louis kisses his forehead; he caresses his hair as he starts singing."Somewhere over the rainbow, Way up high, There's a land that I heard of, Once in a lullaby, Someday I'll wish upon a star, And wake up where the clouds, Are far behind me, Where troubles melt like lemon drops, Away above the chimney tops, That's where you'll find me." At the end of the song Alex is sleeping already and Louis is kinda getting there too.
The next morning Louis wakes up to the smell of french toasts. Louis checks his phone; he notices a few missed calls and messages from Zayn. He dials his number hoping he isn't freak out or something.
"LOUIS!?" Zayn screams at the other side of the line.
"Ouch!" Louis complains. "My fucking eardrum, you know I still need it."
"Sorry, I'm so ..."
"Freak out." Louis finishes the sentence follow by a chuckle. "I know, I'm sorry but yesterday we fell asleep early and yeah."
"We as an Alex and you?"
"Of course, I told you I'm sleeping at Alex's room." Louis rolls his eyes.
"Oh," He pauses for a second. "So at what time I'm going for you?"
"Well, I think 5 is okay." Louis says looking at his phone to see the time.
"Okay, I'll be there 4:55."
"Zayn," Louis rolls his eyes.
"What?" Zayn gasps surprise. "I just want to see you guys."
"I know," Louis smiles. "I'm use to be with you too."
"And the little monster is there?"
"Yeah he's still asleep."
"Kiss him good morning for me."
"Of course." He kisses Alex. "Done."
"Louis?" George knocks on the door.
"Oh, no I just heard voices and wanted to make sure it was you."
"Oh okay." Louis smiles.
"Breakfast is ready."
"Thank you, we're going right now." He talks to Zayn again. "Zee?"
"What he wanted?"
"He said he heard voices and wanted to make sure it was me." Louis rolls his eyes.
"Oh, so call me whenever you're ready."
"Okay," Louis looks at Alex who's moving in the bed sheets. "I love you, Zee."
"I love you, Lou."
He ends the call and wakes Alex. "Baby boy." He caresses his hair. "Time to get up."
"More night night?" Alex asks in a sleepy tone as he rubs his eyes with his fists.
"Yes, but I want night night more." He closes his eyes again.
"Daddy make french toasts." Louis tries again.
"I love toast from the french," Alex giggles; making Louis smile.
"I know baby so do you want to get some french toast?"
"Yes, please!" He sits up on the bed.
Louis smiles at him as he gets off the bed, he carries him in his arms as they walk to the kitchen where George is finish doing the french toast with strawberries on top.
"Morning." George says in a polite tone.
"Hi," Louis gives him a half smile. "Can you watch him while I use the toilet?"
"Of course," He smiles. "You don't have to ask."
Louis goes to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth; he does that in less than 2 minutes. When he's back at the kitchen George and Alex are sitting on the dining table; he's feeding him the french toasts.
"Papa!" Alex claps his arms in excitement when he sees him.
"Hi baby." Louis smiles at him. "Do you like the french toasts?"
"Yes, trawberry is good too." He giggles.
"Good." Louis looks at the kitchen.
"There's more in the microwave, sit and I'll serve you right now." George says as he gets up.
"No, it's okay I can get it." Louis shakes his head.
"Sit down and I'll serve you." George goes to the kitchen and get the french toast; he puts them in a plate and put strawberry and syrup. He puts the plate in front of Louis with a warm smile.
"Thank you." Louis says in a polite tone.
They eat breakfast in silence; Louis doesn't know what to say. In the other hand George has a lot to say but he doesn't want to bother him. When they're almost done eating breakfast George decides to break the silence.
"Do you want to take him to the park today?" He asks; pointing at Alex.
"Not today," Louis shakes his head. He knows George only wants to go back to see if Harry is there again and he won't give him that pleasure.
"Why not?"
"I want him to spend the day with you like we used to," He makes an excuse. "We can spend the day here; watching Disney films."
"Sounds like a plan." George fakes a smile.
That's what they do, after breakfast they pick the movies. Louis and Alex cuddle in the big couch and George sits next to Alex. They start with The Lion King, after that they watch Toy Story. They watch the second one and by the end of it George orders Pizza for lunch.
"What topping?"
"Pepperoni and ham?" Louis suggests.
"Okay," George smiles and orders the pizza.
They start watching Toy Story 3, Alex cuddles with George on the couch as Louis makes popcorn. 30 minutes later the pizza get to the flat; they have lunch in the family room as they finishes the film. George wants to watch another film but Louis tells him he needs to give Alex a bath. Obviously that's just an excuse to kill time; it's 4:15 and Zayn will be there at 5:00 to take them back to the flat. After giving Alex a bath Louis starts to pack all their things.
"If you want you can leave some of those things here." Louis hears George's voice coming from the door.
"So you don't always have to have a suitcase with you." George explains.
"Oh, it's okay." Louis smiles.
"Do you need any help?"
"Er ...I ..." He looks around. "No, I'm almost done but thank you anyways."
"Okay." George smiles at him. "Hmm ... when are you coming back?"
"Come again?"
"I mean, when is Alex and you coming again?" George says nervous.
"The 3rd weekend of every month."
"Why just once a month?"
"That's what the judge said." Louis reminds him.
"But ..."
"Look, we're doing this under my conditions and you're only allow to see him once a month." Louis says in a serious tone. "You can call him, face time him all you want but he's only staying at your place during the 3rd weekend of every month."
Louis' phone rings; he answers the call. Zayn lets him know that he's at the parking lots already. He takes the nappy bag and the suitcase; George carries Alex in his arms. When they get to the car Alex is happy to see uncle Zazu again and Louis is happy because this weekend is over.
Sorry I've been on holiday xx
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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