Chapter 18
The next day Louis wakes up early in the morning and make breakfast for Zayn and Alex. Louis couldn't sleep last night; thinking about the divorce, Alex, George, Zayn and even Harry.
"Morning Lou." Zayn says; sitting on the kitchen table.
"Morning Zee," Louis smiles at him. "Had a good sleep?"
"Yeah," He stretches himself. "What about you? You look like shit."
"Thanks." Louis rolls his eyes. "I couldn't sleep."
"Why?" Zayn asks confused.
"Everything that's happening," Louis sighs. "I don't know, it feels different."
"Good different of bad different?"
"Good different." Louis smiles.
"So what are you going to do today?"
"I'm going to sign the divorce paper, taking Alex to the park and after that I'm going to Noah's."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Zayn asks; hoping he would say yes because he doesn't want to leave him alone through this.
"No, but can you take care of Alex while I'm at Noah's?" Louis asks his serves breakfast.
"You don't have to do that, you know." Zayn says pointing at the french toasts.
"I know, but you're letting me stay here so I ...."
"Have to do nothing, I'm letting you stay here because you're my best mate." Zayn interrupts him.
After going to Mr. Morgan and taking Alex to the park; he leaves Alex with Zayn and go to Noah's grave.
"Hey baby girl." Louis smiles, placing fresh red roses on her stone. "Like I promised I'm here again." He sits in front of her grave. "You know I still don't understand why I had to lose you in order to gather enough courage to leave him." He says in between hiccups. "And I'm so sorry baby girl." He swallows the knot in this throat. "I'm so sorry you had to be the price I had to pay to be able to get our freedom." He cries uncontrollably. "I'm never going to forgive myself, even if everybody else around me tells me it's not my fault." He sighs; trying to calm down. He traces the name written on the tombstone; Noah Tomlinson. "You know, I named you Noah because I promised a friend of mine I would name one of my kids after him." He smiles weakly. "His name was Noah too, I met him in my first day of school. I was this petite kid who was afraid to talk to the others kids, but he came to my table and talk to me. He sat with me during class and in recess he would play with me, we became best mates." He wipes the tears off his cheek. " If you ever see him up there make sure to tell him you're my daughter, I'm pretty sure he'll take care of you." He smiles. "I love you baby girl, I love you so much." He says in a sweet tone. "Don't ever forget that, I love you so much." He sighs. "I'm leaving now, but don't worry I'll come tomorrow and I'll bring you fresh flowers. I love you baby girl." He says again; he smiles at the grave for the last time before he walks to the parking lots.
The next few days are the same; Louis takes Alex to the park for an hour or two. They come back to the flat where Louis leaves him with Zayn so he can go to Noah's grave. He talks to her about anything; from how he pictures her to how much he loves and misses her. Zayn doesn't say anything about it since it's Louis' way to keep Noah alive in his heart. Two weeks pass by and they're at the park; Alex and Baylor playing in the monkey bars with Harry.
"Alexander Tomlinson!" Louis yells when he notices his son at the top of the slide with Baylor on his laps ready to go down. "Be careful!"
"Don't worry, I'm here." Harry smiles at him.
"I know but he can be a stubborn sometimes; he'll try to get away from you." Louis says as he walks to the slide. "Are you going to be a good boy? or we need to get everything and go home."
"Good boy." Alex giggles; holding Baylor tighter against his chest.
"Okay, slide!" Louis says; as he gets ready to stop Alex and Baylor at the end of the slide. "Time to go home."
"Why?" Alex makes a pout.
"Because I need to do something and uncle Zazu is waiting for us."
"Okay." Alex smiles at him.
"Okay..." Harry adds biting his bottom lip. "Do you want me to go with you today?"
"Court, I know it's today and if you want I can go with you."
"Oh that! No, it's okay Zayn is going with me." He lies.
"Okay ..." Harry smiles. "I-I ... I just, I want you to know I'm here for you." He whispers looking at the ground.
Louis puts his hand on his cheek; making Harry smile. "I know, I'm thankful for it."
Harry moves his head to the side; trying to smell Louis' scent. His touch feels tender and warm against his skin.
"Papa?" Alex says in a curious tone.
"Yes, baby?"
"Yes, we're going right now so say bye bye to Harry." He picks him up.
"Bye bye 'Ally!" Alex says giggling; waving his little fist.
"Bye bye little guy." Harry kisses his cheek. "Be a good boy."
"Bye Harry." Louis whispers.
"Bye Louis, have a nice day." Harry gives him a dimple smile.
When Louis and Alex get to Zayn's flat he leaves Alex there and goes to court. The final court for their divorce and Alex's custody is today. Zayn doesn't want to let him go alone but he told him he needs him to take care of Alex. When Louis and Mr. Morgan get to the court George is already there with his lawyer. He stares at Louis like if he wants to kill him, Louis just ignore him. The judge gives them the divorce; 15% of Alex's custody to George and 85% to Louis. George has to pay child support every month and he has the right to see Alex on the weekends with Louis or one of his family member.
Louis is happy; he's happy to finally be Louis Tomlinson again. He's happy because he has the chance to star all over again. He wants to go back to school; get an interior design degree and give Alex a good life. He wants to be happy with his little angel and maybe in the future he can find love again but that's not something that he wants right now, but if the opportunity comes around he won't let it go.
"Well, it was a pleasure to work for you Mr. Tomlinson." Mr. Morgan says giving him a big smile.
"Thank you Mr. Morgan." Louis smiles. "Thank you for everything."
"Call me if you need anything else."
"I will." And with that Louis leaves the court to go to Noah's grave.
The next week is the same; going to the park, going to Noah's and come back to the flat. Every time Louis sees Harry at the park he feels something in his stomach. He can't deny Harry is handsome, gorgeous, beautiful, pretty and all the words you can use to describe a person's beauty but he's not sure if Harry would feel the same and if he did, would it work out? Questions like that hunt his mind; questions that sometimes doesn't let him sleep at night. He wants to love again; he wants to be love but he knows that not every guy in the world would accept him and Alex. What happened with George was the worse experience of his life, but he can't deny that he's thankful in a way because of him he has his little angel who he loves with all his heart. The way he sees things that happened with George is like he's one broken heart closer to happily ever after.
"Papa?" Alex pulls him out of his train of thoughts. "Where daddy?"
"Hm-mmm...." Louis smiles at him. "We'll see him soon."
"Why?" He asks; frowning.
"Work." Louis lies.
"Oh." Alex says; making a perfect "O" with his little mouth. "Play?" He asks pointing at the playground.
"Of course." Louis picks him up and walk to the playground.
Harry isn't there yet, he told Alex (Louis) that he has an important test but that he would be there before they go home. Louis loves the way Harry is with Alex. He likes how he always plays with him, no matter if he's tired or almost breathless. He knows Alex likes Harry, too. I mean how can he not like him when he's so nice with them.
"'Ally?" Alex asks as he sits on the top of the slide.
"He's coming later." Louis says with a big smile from ear to ear.
A few minutes later, as if Alex would have call him with his thoughts, Harry gets to the park. He screams Harry's name when he sees him and Louis' heart beats faster.
"'Ally!" Alex says clapping his little hands.
"Hey little guy!" He picks him up. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes, play?"
"Of course." He smiles at him. "Hi Louis."
"Hey Harry." Louis smiles at him; smile is something that Louis have done a lot lately. "How was your exam?"
"It was hard." Harry sighs. "Sometimes I regret studying engineering, but in one more year and a half I'll have my degree." He shrugs.
"So it's worthy." Louis adds with a warm smile.
"Yes." Harry nods. "What about you?"
Louis' heart sink to the question, he's kinda embarrassed that he didn't even finish his six form. "I finished secondary school (high school) and I did my GCSE's, but I didn't do my A-Levels."
"Oh," Harry says; knowing Louis doesn't want to talk about it but curiosity gets the best of him. "But what did you want to study."
"Interior Design." Louis smiles; the flat where he used to live with George wasn't so bad because he decorated it.
"That sounds interesting."
"Yeah." Louis smiles.
"Come on little guy!" Harry says; making airplane noise with his mouth as he stretches his arms in the air. Alex giggles like crazy as he stretches his arms in the air too. Needless to say that Louis' heart swells with adoration.
2 hour later Louis, Alex, a thirsty Baylor and a breathless Harry are sitting on the benches. Harry is trying to even his breathes as Alex keeps asking Louis to go play again.
"You're a beast when it comes to the park." Harry says; making Alex giggle like crazy.
"It's time to go home." Louis says as he puts the nappy bag in his shoulder. "Say bye bye to Harry."
"Bye bye 'Ally." He says waving his little hand.
"Hmm ... Would you like to go eat with me?" Harry asks instead of saying bye.
"No," Louis panics. "I mean no thank you."
He picks Alex and Baylor's leash as he walks away from there leaving Harry without an explanation. When he gets to the car he buckles Alex, Baylor next to him and immediately drives to the flat. When he gets there Zayn is cooking lunch for them.
"Hey mate," Zayn says from the kitchen.
"Hi?" Louis makes a confused face; letting Baylor inside. She immediately goes to her water bowl, she sits down and drink water. Louis laughs to the image because Baylor can be lazy sometimes, she always seats to eat or to drink water, he shakes his head and look at Zayn again. "You're cooking? Are we finally meeting Niall?"
Zayn blushes to the mention of Niall's name; making Louis laugh.
"Uncle Zazu!" Alex says in an excited tone; like every time he sees him.
"Hey little monster." Zayn smiles at him. "Did you have fun?"
"Yes, 'Ally play me." He giggles into Louis' chest.
"Oh really?" Zayn asks looking at Louis. "I bet you're not the one he wants to play with." He winks at Louis.
"Whatever." Louis rolls his eyes. "Alex, do you remember what number you should dial when we have an emergency?"
Alex nods; he only understands number and emergency.
"2!" He screams; clapping his hands.
"3!" He giggles again.
"What's that?" Zayn asks confused.
"Speed dial, two is yours and three is 999." He laughs.
"Ha ha very funny!" Zayn rolls his eyes.
"Harry asked me to go eat with him." Louis says out of the blue.
"What!?" Zayn almost chokes with his own saliva.
"He said: Would you like to go eat with me?" Louis whispers putting Alex on his feet because he wants to see the fishes.
"Is he outside? Do you want me to take care of Alex?" Zayn asks walking to his kitchen window to see if he sees Harry outside.
"No," Louis pauses. "I told him no."
"Why?" Zayn asks in a confused tone.
"I don't know, I panic." Louis shrugs.
"Yeah, he just asked and I freaked out."
"Do you like like him?"
"What?" Louis tries to play it cool.
"Do. you. like. like. him?" Zayn repeats.
"What!? No!" Louis says so fast that he doesn't understand how he didn't bite his tongue.
"You panic again." Zayn says as he tosses the salad.
"Is it bad if I like him?" Louis asks in a barely audible whisper.
"Of course not." Zayn smiles at him. "And I can tell he likes you, too."
"But what is he going to do with a divorce 24 year old guy with a two year old son and a violent ex husband?" Louis asks in a sarcastic tone.
"I don't know." Zayn shrugs. "Why don't you find that out by yourself?"
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