Chapter 14
The next morning Louis wakes up when he hears Alex's screams; instead of his morning symptoms. He jumps off the bed and runs to Alex's room. When he gets there Alex is standing in the middle of the crib crying his soul out.
"It's okay baby boy." He picks him up. "I'm here, it's okay."
"I see monster." Alex says in between hiccups.
"It's okay baby." Louis keeps cuddling him against his chest. "Nobody is here."
"I see ..." He hiccups. "Eyes close."
Louis hugs him tighter when he realizes his baby just had a bad dream. "Look at me baby." Louis smiles at him; wiping his tears. "Look around there's nobody here, no monster, no nothing." He kisses his cheek. "Just me and you."
"Fuffy?" Alex stops sobbing. "Where Fuffy?"
Louis' heart sink at the question; how is he going to tell him son daddy killed his Fuffy last nigh. How is he going to tell him he dump him in their flat complex's dumpster because his daddy didn't want him to stink the house.
"He went bye bye." Louis lies; feeling like crap for lying to his baby.
"Why?" He says with a broken heart; is icy blue eyes reflecting pain.
"I don't know, love." Louis says; swallowing the knot in his throat.
"I love him." Alex's eyes begins to get watery looking at Louis with wide innocent icy blue eyes and a pouty lips; making Louis feel like shit. "He went bye bye..." He sobs. "Because of daddy." He bursts into tears again.
"No, no, baby." Louis cuddles him against his chest. "Kittens always do that, it's in their DNA."
Regardless of everything that George had done to Louis he doesn't want his son to have a bad image of him because he's not a bad father. He's a bad husband but he's not at bad dad; he has never hurt Alex and Louis is grateful for that.
"What's going on here?" They hear George's voice coming from the door.
"He had a nightmare." Louis whispers as Alex buries his face into his chest.
"Is he okay?"
"Yes, don't worry."
George walks to where they are; wanting to comfort Alex. "Is okay big boy." He tries to touch him but he moves away. "Hey, it's me. It's daddy."
"He's still scare," Louis says caressing his hair. "He asked me about the pet and I told him what I know you would want me to tell him."
"And what's that?"
"He ran away." Louis says in a calm tone.
"Another Fuffy?" Alex says; getting Louis and George's attention.
"Er ..." Louis begins; thinking about how he can say no to his baby boy.
"Yes." George says interrupting him.
"Yes?" Louis asks looking at him.
"Yes, I think that's what I said." George smiles at Alex.
"Okay, then." Louis stands up with Alex's still in his arms. "Let's go to get breakfast before we go to the shelter."
As always Beth serves breakfast; and when they're done George goes to his room to change.
"Are you coming with us to the shelter?" Louis asks to George when he sees him entering Alex's room.
"Yeah, I mean if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't," Louis says smiling at Alex. "Are you ready?"
"Yes!" Alex screams jumping up and down as he claps his fists.
"I can see that," Louis smiles. "Let's go then!"
He puts him on the floor and grabs his hand, George grabs his other. On their way to the living room Louis gets the nappy bag. When they're in the parking lots Louis buckles Alex up; and after that he seats next to him. George drives them to the shelter; which like 20 minutes away from their flat. When they get there Louis unbuckles Alex so George picks him up. He doesn't take the nappy bag because they're just going to be there like 30 to 40 minutes. Louis gets out of the car and walks next to George and Alex.
"Fuffy!" Alex says as he notices a few kittens and puppies pictures on the shelter.
"Yes, baby boy." Louis giggles; tickling him.
"Come on." George as they make their way to the shelter.
They enter and immediately the smell of the place makes George nauseous. He covers his nose; pretending he's about to sneeze.
"Daddy okay?" Alex asks with a frown in his face.
"Yes, I just want to sneeze." He lies and Alex smiles at him. They walk to the kittens area and Louis' heart warms as he sees his little Alex with his eyes wide open looking at the kittens.
"Welcome to Those Left Behind Foundation." A raspy (familiar) voice says from behind them.
George and Louis turn around; a smile forms in Alex's lips when he notices the curly hair lad. Louis' heart starts to race; he's new to this sensation and he doesn't know what to do. He feels butterflies in his belly; admiring the beautiful green eyed boy in front of them. Suddenly he remembers where they are and who he's with.
"'Ally!" He screams; jumping up and down in George's arms.
"Hello little guy!" Harry smiles at him. "Getting more things for Fuffy?" He asks at Louis and George.
"Actually we want to adopt another kitten." George says; looking at him like if he wants to kill him.
"Oh," Harry says surprised. "You want to have two kittens?"
"No, Fuffy went bye bye." Alex says in a sad tone.
"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that." Harry says in a sad tone, too.
"And that's why we're here." George says in a harshly tone.
"Okay then, let me show you the kittens we have right now." Harry says; showing the cages in front of them.
"Daddy down, please?" Alex says; tapping George's chest and he does. He puts Alex on his feet and he walks closer to the cages.
"We got these two days ago." Harry says; pointing at the gray with white fluffy kittens. "They're younger than Fuffy but you can take them home if you want."
"Papa look!" Alex says excited; pointing at the kittens.
"Do you like them?"Louis asks; bending down to be at Alex's same height.
Needless to say; Louis looks hot on those black skinny jeans and Harry notice it. He stares at his ass for a few seconds before remembering that Louis' husband is there. George notices Harry so he decides to teach him a lesson.
"Like that, love?" He asks caressing Louis' ass; making sure Harry is looking at them.
"Yeah, they're so cute." Louis says still looking at the kittens.
"So," Harry clears his throat which make Louis to stand straight again. "Do you want to adopt any of them?"
"Yeah ..." Louis begins to say but he's interrupt by a bark. Alex looks around; trying to figure out from where the noise is coming from.
"What that?" Alex asks in a confused tone.
"Those are puppies?" Harry explains in a sweet tone. "Wanna see them?"
"Yes." Alex says clapping his fists.
"Can he?" Harry asks to Louis and George.
"Of course." George smirks at him; putting his arm around Louis' waist to put him closer to him and with the other hand he grabs Alex's little fist. "Lead the way."
Harry turns around and rolls his eyes when George isn't looking at him. At the other aisle the shelter has the puppies and Alex almost has a heart attack when he sees a fluffy curly black hair puppy. He kneels in front of the cage and pretends to pad the puppy.
"I think he already chose one." Harry smiles at Alex's action. "Do you like her buddy?"
Alex nods; admiring the dog with heart eyes. "I want please?" He looks at Louis and George.
"Well, tells us about it!" George says in a rude tone, pointing at the puppy.
"Of course," He clears his throat. "She's Baylor, she's 2 years old, she's a poodle..."
"How long have you have her?" Louis asks in a sweet voice.
"Two years," Harry smiles. "She and three more were dump in the front door two years ago." He says in a sad tone, "To be honest I don't get it how people haven't adopt her yet, I mean look at her!"
Louis, George, Alex and Harry stares at the puppy who's looking at them with a confused look. George smiles at the puppy; he's more of a dog person than a cat person.
"How much does she weight?" Louis asks curious; staring at the puppy.
"Er ... 25 pounds." Harry says in a nervous voice.
"And that's why people haven't adopt her." Louis says in a mocking tone.
"We have bigger dogs than her." Harry says. "The weight doesn't matter when it comes to adopting a pet."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." Louis apologizes.
"I'm know, I'm just saying." Harry gives him a half smile.
"Do you want her big boy?" George asks to Alex who nods his head anxiously. "Okay, can we have the paper work?" He asks to Harry who nods as he walks to the front registers where they have all type of paper work. He returns to where they are as he smiles at Louis who only looks down.
"Here you go." Harry says giving the paper work.
"So, do we need to get her to the animal hospital after this?" Louis asks as George fills up the papers.
"No, we take care of that here." Harry smiles. "She's already fix so don't worry about her getting pregnant or her period."
"Puppies get their periods?" Louis asks curious and Harry chuckles when he notices his facial expression.
"Yes they do, but yours won't." He smiles for the billion time which bothers George.
"Here you go!" George says; throwing the papers at Harry. "Can we have her now?"
"Of course," Harry looks at the papers. "Mr. Woods."
Harry puts the papers on top of the cage; noticing hoe excited Alex is to have Baylor on his arms. Harry opens the cage and grabs Baylor gently; caressing her head.
"It's time for a new home Miss. Baylor." Harry keeps caressing her. "Look, this is your new family." He tries to make her look at Louis, Alex and George.
"I hold her, please?" Alex says making grabby hands to Harry.
"Of course." He says placing Baylor on his arms; not giving her to him completely since Baylor weights 25 pounds.
"Heavy." Alex says; trying to hold Baylor in his arms.
"I know little guy." Harry smiles at him.
"Hold her papa?" Alex asks to Louis who smiles at him.
Harry and Alex give Baylor to Louis. In the exchange Harry's hands rub against Louis' skin. Louis' heart beats faster; Harry's skin against his skin is burning him inside. Harry in the other hand is no difference, the butterflies in his stomach are going wild as he feels Louis' delicate skin against his.
"Lord, she's heavy!" Louis coughs nervously; praying the gods above that George didn't see what just happened.
"She's the fifth member of our family." George adds; hugging Louis from behind.
George's words plays on Louis minds. 'She's the fifth member of our family', she as a female, no penis but a vagina. He doesn't understand why in the hell he's not making a big deal out of it. I mean, he always says he only wants boys, boys, boys. He decides to let it go; hoping that Baylor won't end up like Fuffy. After that Harry helps them to get her food, shampoo, conditioner (yeah believe it or not they fucking use conditioner), toys, a bed, a tag with her information and everything Baylor may need.
"It's official!" Harry smiles at them. "Here." He says giving the papers and a sticker to them. "You can put the sticker in your car or anywhere else you want."
The sticker says: I didn't rescue my dog; my dog rescued me.
"Thank you." George says in a cold tone. "Let's go guys!"
"Bye bye 'Ally." Alex waves his little fist at him.
"Bye bye little guy, take care of Baylor." He adds; staring at George.
George pushes Louis to the exit before he can even say goodbye to him. On their way there Alex is holding Baylor leash who's is excited to be out of the cage. When they get to the car George puts the bags in the trunk as Louis buckles Alex. Louis seats next to him and George gets into the driver's seat.
"You knew he was going to be here, didn't you? You wanted to have some alone time with him!" George says out of the blue.
"Do you really think I would let you come if I knew or if I want to have some alone time with him?" Louis rolls his eyes. "Please George, can we discuss this where Alex doesn't see us?"
Louis looks at Alex who is busy playing with Baylor. He smiles at the image as George starts to drive home.
20 minutes later they get to their flat and George asks Louis to go to the bedroom with him. Louis tells Beth to watch Alex as he walks there.
"Yes George?" Louis asks as he hears the door being close.
"Are you cheating on me? Is this his baby?"
"For fuck's sake George!" Louis raises his voice. "You're are unbelievable! How can you even asks me that?"
"I don't know, I see the way that fucker looks at you!" George screams back.
"Do you want to do him a DNA test?" Louis asks rubbing at his belly, "Believe me I don't have a problem with that!" Louis says as he leaves the room.
The next day when George is long gone for work Louis takes Alex and Baylor to the park. He knows Alex is going to tired her out with all the playing around they're about to do. Louis unbuckles Alex and put the nappy bag on his shoulder; he puts Alex and Baylor on the ground. They walk to the playground; Alex holding Baylor's leash again.
"'Ally!" Alex screams and Louis' heart starts to beats fast again.
"Hey little guy!" He says; high fiving him. "I think someone is attach to each other."
"Tell me about it, they're attach to the hip now." Louis smiles; seeing how his son tries to make Baylor to go on the yellow slider. "She even sleeps with him in his room because he's afraid she's going to go bye bye like Fuffy." They seat on the bench.
"He didn't run away, did he?" Harry asks and Louis shakes his head with his gaze fix on the floor, too ashamed to look at him in the eyes. "It's okay."
"No, is not." Louis says trying to control his tears. "I lied to him."
"You did it to protect him," Harry says; trying to comfort him.
"I know, but it doesn't make me feel better at all." Louis sighs. "But don't worry about it, I'll get over it soon." He smiles. "So tell me, how come you work at the shelter?"
"I don't work there," Harry gives him a dimple smile. "I volunteer there on the weekends."
"And they let you volunteer dress like that?"
"What's wrong about the way I dress, I'm just volunteering there!"
"Wow!" Louis teases him. "I'm sorry Mr. I just volunteer there on the weekends!"
"I only do it on the weekends because during the week I go to school and I work on my family flower shop." Harry explains. "And FYI I dress like this when I work there, too."
"A flower shop?" Louis asks curious.
"Yeah, Styles' Flower Shop!" Harry smiles. "My sister works there, too. She has pink hair, last week she changed to purple so yeah I think it's in my family's genes to be unique."
Louis' eyes go wide remembering when he went there to buy the Camellias for his and George's 5th anniversary.
Two hours later Louis gets back to the flat with a sleepy kid and a thirsty puppy. He opens the door to a dark flat; he turns the lights on and notice George at the corner of the room.
"George?" Louis whispers; trying to not wake Alex.
"Go put him to bed," George says and Louis does that; he also gets Baylor inside of Alex's room and lock the door.
He walks back to the living room; noticing drinking a beer. He looks around trying to see Beth but she isn't anywhere.
"Where's Beth?" Louis asks walking to George.
"She's gone." George says and Louis can tell this isn't his first beer.
"Oh, okay." Louis walks to the kitchen. "Let me get something out to make dinner."
George grabs Louis with both of his head from his shoulders; pulling him out of the kitchen. He throws him to the floor and starts kicking him.
"GEORGE!" Louis screams; trying to cover his belly with his hands. "WHAT THE HELL?"
"YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH THAT FUCKING KID!" George screams as he keeps hitting Louis anywhere his feet land. They can hear Alex screaming from his room.
"STOP! YOU'RE GOING TO HURT OUR BABY!" Louis tries again.
"OUR BABY!? I BET THAT LITTLE BASTARD IS HIS! I 'M NOT EVEN SURE IF ALEX IS MINE ANYMORE!?" He keeps kicking him; harder every time.
Louis stars to cough; the pain in the chest and stomach is so much he starts to see blurry. He tries to put his hand on the floor to stand up but George sends him to the floor again; hitting him even harder than before.
"Geo-rge?" Louis barely says in pain. "Stop-p you're g-going to hu-rt our-r son."
George stops hitting him just to makes his way to Alex's room. Louis tries to stand up but he can so he crawls to the hallway where he holds to the walls to stand up.
"Stay-y away from-m h-him." He says; trying to pull George away from the door.
George turns around and throws him to the ground again. He kicks Louis again and again; hitting his stomach so hard that he leaves him breathless.
"Please-e George?" Louis says again.
"Daddy NO!" Alex cries from inside the room and that makes him stop.
George screams as he leaves the flat; leaving Louis in the floor.
"Alex-x?" Louis crawls to his door. "Baby-y are you-u okay?"
"Papa!" He cries; making Louis more despair.
"It's-s okay-y ba-by..." He stops at the middle of the sentence because of an intense pain in his belly. He freaks out when he feels something liquid in his rear area.
"No, no, no, no." He whispers as he gets his phone out to call for help.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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