Chapter 13

Louis wakes up to the same symptoms; he jumps out of bed covering his mouth. He makes it to the toilet; he's getting tired of this morning sickness. When he's done he goes to the sink and pour cold water on his face; he brushes his teeth trying to get rid of the nasty taste. When he has a fresh minty breath he walks to their room again; he notices George still sleeping in the bed. He sighs as he makes his way to Alex's room. Alex is still sleeping and Louis just stands here watching him.

"Mr. Wood?" He hears Beth's voice.

"Hi Beth." He turns around and smile.

"Good morning Louis," She smiles. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, I just woke up with morning sickness like always." Louis shrugs.

"Is that normal? I mean for you to have morning sickness every day?" She asks curious.

"I don't know, I actually going to asks Dr. Swan on my next appointment."

"Yeah because that's not pleasurable."

"Not at all." Louis frowns.

"Do you want me to start breakfast?"

"Sure, let me wake them up."

And that what he does, he wakes Alex first.

"Baby boy." He says in a sweet tone. "It's time to get up."

Alex buries his face on the pillow. "Want to night night."

"But it's morning already." Louis tries again. "Come on, I need you help me to wake daddy."

He yawns; blinking a few time trying to get use to the light. Louis looks at him; thinking is one of the most beautiful views in the world.

"Papa," Alex says in a sleepy voice. "Play?"

"Right now?" He asks surprised.

"No," He giggles. "Later, park please?"

"We are going to talk to daddy about it." He smiles.

"Okay." He buries his face on the pillow again.

"But right now we need to wake up." He tickles him.

"O-okay." He says in between laughs; sitting in the middle of the crib.

Louis takes him in his arms; he kisses his cheek as they make their way to the room again. When he opens the door George is still sleeping since his alarm clock hasn't go on yet.

"Daddy!" Alex screams; jumping up and down in Louis' arms.

"Good morning big boy!" George smiles at him. "Hungry?"

"Yes, cochalate pancakes please." He says; trying to pronounce chocolate.

"Chocolate." Louis corrects him. "Chocolate chip pancakes!"

"Okay, let's get some chocolate chip pancakes!" George says; getting off the bed and carrying Alex in his arms.

They go to the kitchen table where Beth already has the breakfast serve. As always Beth feeds Alex and George and Louis just eat their breakfast in silence.

"Papa!" Alex says; trying to get his attention. "Play? Park?"

"Er... George? Can we go to the park today?"

"Is he going to be there?" George asks without looking at Louis.

"He?" Louis asks confused.

"Don't play stupid with me." George rolls his eyes. "Is your lover going to be there?"

"Not again," Louis sighs. "I already told you he's Alex's friend."

"How can he be his friend but not yours?"

"Look, if you don't want us to go to the park just say so and that's it." He says rubbing his belly.

"I was just asking, I don't know, I can tell that boy is interest in you."

"Interest?" Louis laughs. "Please, what's he going to do with a 24 years old married/pregnant man who also has a 2 years old kid?"

"I don't know," George shrugs. "Maybe he wants to have an affair with you."

"I don't know and I don't care." Louis sighs. "So can we go to the park or not?"

"Of course."

Louis rolls his eyes at his answer; he doesn't understand why George is acting like this about Harry. Is not like Louis would actually leave him to be with Harry.

When 11 in the morning comes around Louis gets Alex ready to go to the park. As always Beth wants to do it but Louis refuses to let her. He tells her she can help him with the nappy bag.

15 minutes later Louis is parking on the Park's parking lots. He unbuckles himself and goes to the back seat. Alex is excited to play in the playground; and Louis is excited to see if Harry is there. Louis holds Alex in his arms and the nappy bag in his shoulder. He walks to the playground with his head down.

"Papa down, please!" Alex says; tapping on his chest.

Louis looks around to see if Harry's there but to his surprised he's not and he feels disappointed. Well he feels a hold in his stomach, but he doesn't know what to call it.

"Papa?" Alex says in a confused tone.

"Huh?" Louis whispers. "Yeah, sorry." Louis puts Alex's on his feet as he grab his fit.

"Papa okay?" Alex frowns.

"Yeah, it's just baby right here." Louis rubs his belly. "Is making me nauseous."

"What nau nau?" Alex says; pointing at Louis' belly.

"The nasty water."

"Oh, bad baby bad baby." Alex says rubbing Louis' belly.

Louis smiles at that; picking Alex again.

"Let's go play!" He says in a childish voice.

"Oh, so that means I'm not late to join in." A voice says and Louis' heart stops at the raspy voice.

"It depends," Louis smiles at him. "Do you have a membership to join this VIP club?"

"Ugh!" Harry groans making a very cute pouty face, if you ask Louis he would agree. "No, I don't but I would love to be part of it." He gives him his best dimple smile.

"You're lucky you have dimples." Louis rolls his eyes. "Come on! He's been waiting for three days to do this."


Harry walks to the bench exhausted; his heart beats raising by the second. He seats on the bench; taking deep breaths to fill his lung with fresh air.

"It's barely been ten minutes and you're dying already?" Louis asks in a mocking tone; sitting next to him.

"Ten minutes!?" Harry asks as he tries to even his breathing. "It felt like 10 hours."

"I know, he's brutal when it comes to the park." Louis laughs; watching his son going down on the slider.

"This is a work out." Harry adds; putting his hair in a bun.

"A bun?" Louis asks with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a manly bun." Harry says in a defensive tone.

"I didn't say it wasn't." Louis says; trying to contain his laughter.

"But you're laughing." Harry gasps.

"I'm not laughing...." Louis covers his mouth. "I'm just ...."

"It's okay, you wouldn't be the first one who teases me." Harry rolls his eyes. "Gemma teases me a lot, mostly because I always steal her elastics."

"Oh," Louis smiles again. "Why don't you buy your own? They're not that expensive."

"I know, but I would have to go to the store/the girly section ..."

"Come on! You're going there to get elastics not tampons." Louis laughs out loud.

"Same thing," Harry rolls his eyes.

"If you keep doing that, your eyes will stay like that."

"That's annoying." Harry says out of the blue.

"What?" Louis gasps dramatically.

"I use to tell Gemma the same thing and she always says it's annoying and she's right." Harry laughs.

"Papa!" Alex screams as he runs to them. "Water, please?"

"Sure." Louis says as he looks on his nappy bag.

"So how's fuffy?" Harry asks Alex.

"He fine." Alex giggles; taking the bottle from Louis.

"Do you like him?"

"Yes," Alex says as he sucks at the bottle like if his life depends of it.

"He plays with him every day; he even wants to sleep with him but George d-doesn't let him." Louis says; feeling ashamed as he remember how George acted at Alex's birthday party when Harry was there.

"Oh," Harry tries to smile but he notices Louis' change when he talks about George. "And where does he stay?"

"He stays in the Bathroom." Louis smiles. "I make him a bed every night in the tub."

"Awesome." Harry says; looking at Alex who's giving the bottle back to Louis.

"Papa, home please?" Alex says rubbing his eyes. "I want to go night night."

"Aw my little angel is tired." Louis says picking him and placing him on his laps.

"Yeah want to go night night." He says again in a sleepy tone.

"Well, that's my cue." Louis smiles at Harry as he puts the nappy bag on his shoulder. He stands up; placing Alex's head on his other shoulder.

"Bye bye 'Ally." He whispers.

"Bye bye little angel." Harry stands next to Louis and caresses his cheek. "Behave and don't ever go bye bye without Papa again."

"No," Alex whispers.

"Okay, so it's time for us to leave." Louis says and Harry smiles at him. "Bye Harry."

"Bye Louis, have a nice day." Harry says; not knowing what to do next. Should he hug him? Or kiss him on the cheek?

"You, too." Louis smiles for the billion time this day.

Harry smiles back at him; he stares at him as he leaves. When he can't see them anymore he goes back to his family flower shop. There he finds Gemma talking to the skinny kid again.

"Hey Gems!" Harry says as he smiles at her.

"Hey H!" Gemma rolls her eyes at him.

"He's here again?" He asks; looking at the skinny kid.

"Hm ... I-I ... Er..." The skinny kid stutters. "I'm A-ashton-n."

"Hi A-ashton-n." Harry laughs at how nervous Ashton is. He's about to say something else when Gemma stops him.

"Harry!" Gemma whispers/screams; wanting to kill him. "Don't pay attention to him Ashton," Gemma smiles at Ashton. "He's an idiot!"

Harry rolls his eyes at her, "What do you do with the roses anyways?" He asks to Ashton.

"I-I .... I leave them to a beautiful girl." He blushes.

"Oooh!" Harry teases him. "And who's the lucky one? I mean I thought it was my sister."

"So you're the one who leaves me a rose every single day at my Art class?" Gemma asks; smiling at Ashton.

"Yeah." Ashton whispers.

"That's the sweetest thing ever." Gemma blushes; trying to hide her smile.

"Gems! Umm if you don't mind I kinda need to talk to you." Harry says ruining the mood. "So let me know whenever Romeo leaves so we can talk."

"Umm ... It's okay." Ashton smiles. "I have to go." He gives 5 pounds to Gemma.

"You can leave the rose here." Gemma smiles.

"No, for some reason whenever I leave it on your art class is better." Ashton smiles. "I always love to see your reaction."

"Stalker much?" Harry says out of the blue.

"Stay out of this H!" Gemma says in a serious tone.

"It's okay," Ashton says admiring her. "I've been called worse."

"You're a nice guy, don't listen to him." Gemma says in a polite tone.

"Thank you Gemma, see you tomorrow." Ashton smiles at her for the last time.

"You're scaring him away!" Gemma says in an angry tone when Ashton gets out of the store.

"Sorry." Harry gasps dramatically.

"You say you need to talk to me so what's up?" Gemma changes the subject.

"Er ... Um ..."

"And you dare to tease Ashton?" Gemma teases him.

"Oh shut up." He rolls his eyes. "It's about Louis."

"Oh." Gemma says in a serious tone. "Okay, what's going on?"

"I saw them today ..."

"Them?" Gemma interrupts him.

"He and his son..."

"Son as a child or as a pet?" Gemma interrupts him again.

"Come on Gemma! He has a child so what? Why it should matter?"

"Is he married?" Gemma asks curious.

"Why it should matter?"

"It matters because if he has a husband you can get hurt," She gives him a weak smile. "And I'm not just talking about the husband beating you but what about if he never feels the same as you do? What about if he's happy with his husband and child? What are you going to do then?" Harry doesn't say anything so Gemma keeps talking. "Look H, I'm not telling you this because I want to hurt you but because I love you."

"I know Gems," Harry sighs. "But I saw him at the party ..."

"What party?" Gemma interrupts him.

"Alex's birthday party." Harry smiles, "But that's not what we're talking about," He pause to take a deep breath. "I saw him, I saw how he treated him and if you ask me that's not the way he should be treat."

"How does he threat him?"

"Like if he doesn't love him." Harry says in an audible whisper.

"They have a child for ...."

"He's pregnant." Harry interrupts her.

"What the hell H!?" Gemma screams. "He's pregnant with his child and you say he doesn't love him? Are you fucking kidding me? What's going on with you?"

"I just like him, I really like him."


When Louis gets home Beth his feeding Fuffy, but he runs to Louis' side when he enters the flat.

"Papa down!" Alex says; rubbing his eyes with his fits.

Fuffy goes to him; purring and meowing. Alex picks Fuffy and bring him into his chest; the kitten keeps purring and meowing under his touch.

"Daddy here." Alex says and Louis looks around to see if George is home but he's not. He looks back at Alex who's is cuddling the kitten like if his life depends on it. That warms Louis' heart.

"Baby boy you say you want to go night night." Louis says picking him up. "Time to leave Fuffy here and you need to go to bed."

"But Fuffy," Alex makes a pout.

"Is staying here, you need to sleep, sleeping beauty." Louis kisses his cheek.

"Okay," He says making another pouty face.

Louis takes Alex's to his room; he lays him down on his crib and sings him the night night song.


Two hours later George gets to the flat; as always Beth already has dinner. She serves them and feeds Alex. When they're finish Beth picks up the dishes and wash them. She cleans the kitchen and picks Alex's toys from the living room. At 8:25 she says her goodbye as Louis is trying to get Alex ready for bed. Alex doesn't want to because he doesn't want to leave Fuffy.

"Baby boy you have to go night night." Louis tries to convinces him.

"No Papa!" Alex cries making a tantrum.

"Alexander Woods Tomlinson!" George screams in an angry tone.

"George don't talk to him like that!" Louis snaps, "He's just a baby!"

"A baby that if we don't educate now he'll be spoiled!"He walks to them.

"Stay away from him!" Louis says putting Alex closer to his chest.

"I'm not going to do anything to him." He gets the kitten away from Alex harshly.

Alex begins to cry loudly; asking George to give him back. Louis sees something in George's eyes he hasn't seen before so he gets Alex to his room. He lays him his crib and sings him the night night song. When he finishes the song Alex is still wide awake; looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Baby you have to go night night sweetheart." Louis says caressing his hair.

"Bad daddy." Alex says in between hiccups.

"No baby," Louis smiles at him. "He just wanted you to go night night because you suppose to."

Alex doesn't say anything after that; he just closes his eyes and Louis takes it as his cue to leave him to sleep. Louis goes back to the living room where the lights still on, he finds George sitting on the big couch.

"How is he?"

"Scared." Louis whispers. "What the hell was that? I swear God if you ever hurt..."

"I'm not going to hurt him, Louis." George interrupts him.

"I don't know," Louis looks at the ground. "I saw something ..." Louis stops when he sees Fuffy laying on the ground; not moving at all. "Y-you killed-d him-m."

"What?" George says pissed.

"You killed Fuffy." Louis whispers; walking to the kitten.

"Throw the thing out before it starts to stink." George says as he walks to their room.

Louis puts Fuffy a double bag and takes him to the dumpster. He stays outside for a few minutes; wondering how could have he fallen in love with George and why in the hell he agreed to have another kid with him.

As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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