Chapter 11

"I'm pregnant." Louis says; without thinking it twice. There's a uncomfortable silence between them. Louis smiles at him; but he's smiles disappears when he sees Zayn's face. "Zee?"

"I-I ... Hmm... Er.... I mean, congratulations!" Zayn fakes a smile.

"You don't have to act like you're happy," Louis says in a sad tone. "I know you're not."

"And are you?" Zayn asks; knowing that Louis didn't want to have another kid with George.

"I'm happy." Louis smiles; a few tears gathering in his eyes. "There's a baby growing here." Louis rubs his belly delicately. "He's my own blood, I can't just not be happy about it."

"You know I'm happy for you." Zayn smiles. "It's not the baby's fault that George is the father."

"I know." Louis gives him a half smile. "But I'm excited, you know."

"I know." Zayn says; noticing how Louis' eyes glow. "Congratulations though!"

"Thank you!" Louis smiles. "Now there'll be two little monsters calling you uncle Zazu!"

"Oh gosh!" Zayn laughs. "I can barely deal with him." He says looking at Alex.

"But you'll still love him, wouldn't you?" Louis asks in a serious tone.

"Of course I will." Zayn smiles. "Do you want another boy?" He asks; noticing that Louis always refers to the baby as a him.

"It doesn't really matter," He pauses. "I would like to have a girl but you know what George says about his family genes."

"I want a girl, too." Zayn smiles again. "And it doesn't matter what he says."

Louis smiles at Zayn; knowing that he'll always be there for him and his kids. Sometimes Louis wonders why he didn't fall in love with Zayn; everything would be easier if he was his husband.

"Papa," Alex pulls him out of his train of thoughts. "Play."

"Do you want to play at the house?" Louis asks him; hoping he says yes.

"No, park please." He asks in a polite tone.

"Last time you went bye bye without me, and I was so scared...."

"What sca?" Alex asks; with a confused expression.

"Huh ... You know how you feel when you open your eyes and Daddy or me are not there?" Alex nods; understanding the words open, eyes, Daddy or me are not there. "That's scared."

"Oh, sowwy." He pouts.

"It's okay baby boy." Louis says; caressing his hair. "But if you want we can go to the park."

"I told him," Zayn says out of nowhere. "You just need to do that pout and papa will do anything you want." He teases him.

"Whatever." Louis rolls his eyes. "Come on Alex, we're going to the park alone because like always uncle Zazu won't go with us."

"Hey!" Zayn protests. "Don't try to brain wash him against me!"

" I don't, believe it or not he understands what happens around him." Louis says; remembering when Alex notices the new bruises on his face two months ago.

"Okay little monster, don't go bye bye without Papa!" Zayn gets him out of his high chair. "I love you little monster."

"I love you uncle Zazu." He giggles against Zayn's chest.

"Come on, is getting late!" Louis says; getting Alex from Zayn's arms.

"No is not, you're getting jealous." Zayn teases.

"Whatever." Louis rolls his eyes. "Bye Zee." He hugs him.

"Bye Lou."

Louis gets to the park at 11:45 am, the sun is shinning, the birds are singing and Alex is eager to play in the playground. He taps Louis on the chest; telling him t put him down. Louis does but as soon as his feet touch the ground he holds his hand. They make their way to the playground. When they're about to get there Louis sees the most beautiful view he had ever seen in his entire life. Harry is sitting in the benches located in front f the playground. He looks so beautiful with his hair pull back by a fedora, the sunlight make his features stand out even more than he remembers him. His piercing green eyes focus on the ground, his thin pink lips press against each other as if he's thinking about something; needless to say Louis is curious about it.

"Papa," Alex says; pulling his sweater sleeve to get his attention. "Play please."

"Of course," Louis shakes his head. "Come on!"

He lets Alex go to the playground; he stands next to the bench where Harry is at. "Is this seat taken?"

Harry turns as fast as he hears the words coming out from Louis' mouth; he smiles at him. "No, you can sit there if you want." He says in his raspy voice.

"Thank you." Louis sits; smiling at him.

"Long time no see." Harry decides to speak up.

"Yeah," Louis fakes a smile. "We had been busy."

"I'm glad you're here then." Harry smiles and his two beautiful dimples come out. "So you can distract from the daily routine."

"I guess." Louis whispers; more to himself than to Harry.

"Papa! Papa!" Alex screams from the top of the yellow slider.

"Be careful Alex!" Louis says. "Excuse me." He says to Harry as he walks to where Alex is.

"Papa!" Alex says again; getting ready to go down the slider.

"Wait for me." Louis smiles at him; making his way to the top of the slider. He's tiny so isn't so hard for him to do it; when he gets there he sits behind Alex and wraps his arms around his little waist. Together they go down the slider.

"Yay!" Alex screams when they're at the end. "Again please."

"Of course." Louis kisses his forehead.

"Can I join?" Harry asks; smiling at them.

"Er ... sure." Louis says; not knowing if it's okay for him to do this.

"'Ally!" Alex screams when he sees Harry. "Play?"

"Yes," Harry says; lifting him which makes him giggles.


The minutes or should I say the hours pass by quickly. It's been 2 hours since Louis and Alex got to the park. They've been playing with Harry this whole time and sometimes Louis' heart swelled with adoration to see his baby so happy.

"Oh Lord." Harry says; trying to even his breath. "And look at him; he's not even flinching."

"Welcome to my world." Louis smiles. "Happens everyday I bring him to the park."

"That's why you don't bring him so often." Harry laughs nervously, he doesn't know if Louis understood what he just say the way he did but if he did he's fuck. Louis will think he's a stalker. He might or might not have come to the park everything day for the last two months to just see him again.

"He hasn't being here for two months, he has a lot of energy saved up." Louis shrugs. "And like you said, he's very energetic."

"I've noticed that." Harry and Louis laughs.

"Papa," Alex tells him; pulling by his sweater sleeve. "Play." He makes his best puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry baby but I'm tired." Louis apologizes.

"Want to go night night?" Alex asks curious.


"You want to go night night?" Harry asks confused.

"It means go to sleep." Louis explains. "Like bye bye means bye." They both laugh again.

"Sing the night night song please."Alex says; trying to claim into Louis' legs.

"When we're home." Louis says nervous.

"No, now please." He makes a pout.

Louis smiles nervously; he takes a seat on the benches and sit Alex's on his laps. He begins to sing the song in a whispers; not wanting Harry to hear him. When he finishes Alex's still awake; giggling at him.

"I love that song." He says in a tired voice.

"I know you do baby boy." Louis kisses his nose.

Harry smiles at the scene; he has never since a father loving his son as much as Louis loves Alex and that warms his heart.

"Alex," Harry says trying to catch his attention. "Have you been a good boy?"

Alex immediately nods, he doesn't know what 'Have you been' means but he knows what 'good boy' means so he nods.

"Oh really? You did not go bye bye without Papa again?" He tries to talk the way that Louis had been talking to him the whole afternoon.

"No," He shakes his head.

"Okay," Harry smiles. "Next time I see you I'll have a present for you."

Alex looks at him confused and Louis laughs at it. "He will give you a surprise surprise." And Alex's face light up to Louis' words.

"Thank you." He giggles.

"Aren't you the cutest thing ever." Harry smiles at him; his heart warms at the thought of Alex thanking him even when he hasn't give him the present yet.

"Say bye bye to Harry baby." Louis says to Alex.

"Bye bye 'Ally!" Alex giggles.

"Bye cutie pie." Harry smiles for the billion time in the day.

"Bye Harry."

"Bye Louis."

And with that Louis makes his way to the parking lots. He buckles Alex and goes to the driver side, today like the days before he doesn't have to worry about dinner so he decides to drive home as slow as he wants. When he gets home he puts Alex to sleep, his little angel is so tired. He goes to sleep with him in their bed; as usual Alex asks him to sing the night night song. When George comes home is already 5:49 pm so Beth serve dinner. During dinner Georges asks about their day and Alex tells him about uncle Zazu. Louis is nervous; he doesn't know if he's baby boy will say anything about 'Ally.

"And did you have fun?" George asks in a happy tone.

"Yes, uncle Zazu played with me." Alex claps his little hands.

"That's nice."

And that's basically everything the talk about their day; Alex didn't mention the park at all and Louis is grateful for that.


The next two weeks Louis, George and Zayn spend a lot of time together; planing Alex's 2nd birthday party. Louis gets a little nostalgic, he blames it on the hormones but he knows that whether he was pregnant or not he would be nostalgic because his little angel is growing up. They decide to do a Captain America themed party since Alex loves those movies; and let just say Zayn had draw it for him a couple times.

The guest list isn't long since Alex's not going to school yet and doesn't have friends, but George's friends and family are coming. Zayn's family is coming too, Trisha is so excited to see her son from another mother and his little baby. Louis would invite his family but he hasn't talked to them since he came out to his dad. He kicked him out of their house and forbid him to contact them. So far Louis have keep his word but he doesn't know how much longer he can go without knowing about his mother and sisters.

In the invitation Louis asks the parents to dress up their kids as any super hero; except Captain America because that's Alex's costume. The night before the party Louis can sleep; his brain keeps thinking if he has everything he needs for the party, he triple checked everything before Zayn left this afternoon.

"Are you okay?" George asks; seeing him wide awake at 3 am.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous..."

"Why?" George interrupts him; he turns on the reading light from his side of the bed.

"Alex's party ...."

"Will be perfect!" George interrupts him again. "Everything is ready and you triple check before Zayn left."

"I know, but I don't know I.. I feel like something will go wrong."

"It's because we invited my cousin Sam, isn't?" George jokes; making Louis smile. "I know he likes to drink but everything will be fine; I promise you."

"Yeah you're right." Louis cuddles into his pillow. "Good night."

"Good night." He kisses Louis' forehead.


Later that day Louis wakes up at 8:27 am; feeling sick. This pregnancy has given him many nausea; especially in the morning. He runs (tries to) to the bathroom and vomits what he ate yesterday. George wakes up and goes to the bathroom; Louis tries to kick him out but he just stays there, rubbing his back.

"I'm need to ask the doctor what can I get for this," Louis says; rinsing his mouth.

"I know, I don't want to see you like this through the whole pregnancy."

Louis goes to Alex's room to kiss him good morning; and sing him the happy birthday song. As always Alex just giggles to him; warming Louis' heart.

"You're getting old," Louis makes a pout.

"Papa sad?" Alex asks frowning.

"No, I'm just emotional." Louis smiles.

"What's emochannel?"

Louis smiles. "Is when you're so happy that you cry ..."

"Cry?" Louis asks confused.

"They're happy tears." Alex doesn't do anything; he just cuddles into Louis' chest.

"Happy Birthday Big Boy." George screams; making Alex jump in excitement.

"Daddy!" Alex says; making him grabby hands so Louis gives him to George.

"Are you ready to celebrate?" George asks in a childish voice. "We have cake and everything."

Alex's eyes go wide to the mention of cake. Beth comes later in the morning to help them to get Alex ready for his birthday party.


They get to the park at 12:48 pm, everybody else should be there at 2 o'clock. Louis smiles at Zayn who came early to decorate the tables and make sure the Captain America themed jumper was there on time. Louis told him that was a big part of the party since the kids always have fun playing there.

"Louis!" Zayn hugs him. "Little monster!" He kisses Alex's cheek; making him a funny face.

"Uncle Zazu!" He giggles at him.

"Hi George." His tone change to a serious one.

"Hi Zayn." George says in the same tone.

"Come this way," Zayn says showing them the way. "This is the birthday boy seat!"

"Zayn," Louis says; pulling Zayn by his arm. "Only the kids suppose to come dress up as super heroes."

"What?" Zayn gasps, holding his chest dramatically. "I told you I was coming dress up as Batman." He rolls his eyes.

Louis laughs; rolling his eyes at him as well. Minutes later George's family and friends start to get to the park. Trisha and Zayn's sisters get there too, and she cries when he sees Louis and Alex. She had been like a mother to him so she tells Alex she's Nana Trisha. Zayn and Louis laughs at Alex's confused expression but a few minute later he calls her Nana Trisha and she cries even more. Trisha holds him in his arms as they keep talking, Alex makes a confused face looking at something in front of him. "'Ally!" He screams and Louis' heart stop. He turns around to see a smiley Harry walking toward them.
As I said this isn't mine I'm just posting it!
But I hope you love it as I keep posting updates!
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