Twenty-Three - Cupcakes
a/n: i apologize for my laziness. ;v; also, please excuse the typos/grammatical errors. my sleep-deprived self wrote most of this.
"Ooooh! These look nice!" the school nurse remarked with eyes open wide, leaning forward toward the transparent container of three decorated chocolate chip cupcakes I had made for her. I felt myself smile at the amazed look on her face.
Hirano-sensei turned to face me, a crumple between her eyebrows slowly taking from. "I can't accept gifts from students!" she said, slamming her forehead on her desk with a regretful look on her face. Puffing up her cheeks and pouting her lips, she, who I always viewed as a though-looking school nurse and health education teacher, looked like a child who was forbidden from eating candy. I resisted the urge to giggle at the sight.
Behind my back, I held onto the knot of the furoshiki (the square cloth one would wrap around bento boxes and other items for convenience) containing the stack of two more containers of cupcakes and a container for my own rice balls. It was hard trying to fit everything into one furoshiki, and I didn't know what I'd do if I had more cupcakes I'd have to give away.
"That's a shame...," I remarked, not really knowing what I was supposed to say at the situation or if I should subtly retrieve the container lying expectantly on her desk.
She sat back properly on her seat, gesturing me to come closer. I complied, taking a few steps closer to her.
"Say, can we keep this a secret?" she whispered with a small sheepish grin.
I nodded, feeling satisfied all of a sudden, liking the idea of being this helpful teacher's accomplice with a little crime in spite of being worried about it a little. What if she gets caught?
She clapped her hands, leaning back comfortably to her seat with a grateful grin, her shoulders relaxing visibly. "Thanks!" She patted my arm, her grin growing wider. "Come ask me for assistance if you ever need any," she said with a wink, though I could sense the genuineness of her words. As I was about to nod again, she added, "And tell me what's going on honestly, 'kay?"
I nodded again like an obedient four-year-old, doubting myself if I would really do that.
After dropping off the cupcakes that was my way of thanking Hirano-sensei, I reluctantly made my way towards the student council room. There was no way I could just knock to give some treats to the food-loving Kanato-kun and be in the risk of the door being opened by Akashi-kun (which was I was also doubtful of, since he'd be too busy to do so, I think). It came convenient that Kanato-kun had insisted entering his phone number into my phone.
I stood outside of the student council room, taking my phone from my pocket with my free hand and started typing in a text message:
To: Migakura Kanato
Subject: Favor
Kanato-kun, would you mind going outside of the room for a bit? I have something to give you. ^^;
The second I pressed the SEND button, I heard the receiver's distinct "Uwaaa!" before the door swung open about three seconds later. I jumped away in surprise, meeting Kanato-kun's wide-eyed gaze. "Cinna-chan~!" Just as he spread his arms wide, ready to tackle me into a hug, I quickly took a few steps backward, holding tight on the furoshiki's knot, holding my hand up to stop him from doing what he was planning. He stopped in his way, blinking in confusion.
"You... don't want a hug?"
Ooohhh shooot. He looks like he's gonna cry!!!
"A-Anyway, Kanato-kun!" I attempted to divert the conversation to keep him from being disappointed, showing him the cloth-wrapped plastic containers of cupcakes by outstretching my arms with the containers hanging from the hands holding the knot. "I've brought you some cupcakes!" I made an effort to smile and make my tone more cheerful, when in reality I felt sleep-deprived and already socially exhausted—the conversation with Hirano-sensei being a factor. I could only admire people who can talk to teachers with ease.
He stared at what I was showing in front of him, a wide, dog-like grin growing on his face. "All this?!" he asked with an open-mouthed smile filled with delight as his pointing finger pointed from the top to the bottom and back and forth.
Knowing Kanato-kun, he might just scarf everything down in one go and eating too many cupcakes in a really short period of time was certainly not something he could just report to the school nurse being the cause of his stomachache. I didn't want to be held responsible for that, nuh-uh. And he's probably overestimating, since I was in a rush this morning for waking up late since I kind of binge watched this amusing (and good-looking) Japanese-German YouTuber's videos until 2:30 am that I packed everything, including my lunch, into one furoshiki, that his share of cupcakes included the container of my lunch.
"All of it would be a little..." I forced a giggle. "Just two containers," I tried to say, noting the small change in his still positive expression, "which, uh, you could probably share...?"
He nodded, his grin a little smaller than earlier. "What about the other one? Would you be giving that to the guy you like?" He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.
An image of Akashi-kun eating one of my cupcakes flickered in my mind.
"W-Wha—It's my lunch,Kanato-kun!" I frowned at him, puffing my cheeks like a blow fish, dropping my cloth-holding hands to the front of my legs.
Kanato-kun stared at me for a few seconds, then laughed. "So Cinna-chan can make such a cute face as well!"
I blinked at him in confusion, until I realized that I was making a childish expression and it was Kanato-kun, who always acted so childishly to me, who was pointing that out. I forced my expression to turn neutral, then forced another smile (which I hope didn't turn out to be menacing) and tilted my head to the side, chuckling softly in disbelief at his flattery.
He grinned. "Then, let's unpack it inside!"
Without letting me utter another word, he effortlessly pulled me inside. At first, I was fine with the idea of unpacking the tied-up stack inside the dreaded student council room then leaving once I got the lunch, until I remembered that Akashi-kun would be there, and it's highly unlikely for Kanato-kun to just drop the cupcakes off and not spend lunch period the heater-using room. It was too late for me to pull away though; when I was about to take my hand from his grasp, the door shut behind me and I was greeted by the room's cozy temperature and pairs of eyes staring at our direction.
Akashi-kun was looking at me with an unreadable expression, along with two girls, a guy, and Mari-san, with her ridiculously doll-like features.
I gulped. I'm in a lion's den.
The clueless Kanato-kun wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him. I noticed Mari-san raise her eyebrows. "Everyone~! My friend Cinna---Akiyama Saki-chan here baked some cupcakes for us!" I baked them for you! Akashi-kun blinked, then looked back down to the document he was holding. Mari-san seemed appreciative. The other three---who seemed hungry---perked up, and looked at me as if I'm their mother bird who went home with food and they're my hungry chicks. I tugged the smiling Kanato-kun's shirt to make him look at me, which he did, and I scrunched up my face and shook my head in a form of disapproval then gestured to what I was holding, as if to say, "No, no! Everything's all yours! No more sharing!"
He didn't get my panicked charade; he smiled then turned back to his little audience. "So is it okay if she stays here for lunch?"
No. Say no!
"More than welcome!" said the only other male. The girls nodded in agreement. Mari-san only smiled politely.
"And that's settled, Cinna-chan!" Kanato-kun smiled down at me (as I furiously shook my head), took the furoshiki from my hands, and tugged me to one of the couches that surrounded the coffee table with various papers scattered all over it. He sat me down on the comfortable couch. The three people I don't know, who might as well be upperclassmen, sat opposite us, while Mari-san sat on the one that was in front of the table Akashi-kun was currently using. The 'upperclassmen' freed some space, letting me see the actual wooden surface of the table, and Kanato-kun placed the containers there. He untied the cloth and set the two cupcake containers on the table, placing the container of onigiri on the table in front of me. "Let's dig in!"
The upperclassmen's eyes sparkled.
"I'll go make tea!" said one of the girls, standing up. "Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate?"
The others, including Mari-san, Kanato-kun, and Akashi-kun, told her what they wanted, before she turned to me with a questioning look. "And you?"
I'm included?! "...Tea, please...," I replied softly. She nodded with a friendly smile.
Why am I here again?!
"So, are you a freshman?" the male asked, tilting his head. He seemed like the refreshing but reliable type.
I nodded politely, trying not to move too much, trying not to look at Akashi-kun and Mari-san.
The other girl, who was staring at me, suddenly tensed up, her eyes wide, then nudged the male. She whispered something to his ear, giving me shifty looks which only made me want to dash out of this ridiculously comfortable room and leave my lunch behind. The male nodded in understanding before smiling at me.
"I'm Kusanagi Naomi, a second year," the girl introduced herself. "This guy here's Yamada---he's a third year; that girl over there is Tanizawa, another third year. I assume you know Mariya and Akashi-kun?"
I nodded. She smiled.
Tanizawa-senpai arrived with her tray, skillfully serving all of us, the cup not making much sound when they hit the table's surface. I could tell that she's at least good at tea ceremonies. She took her seat beside the other two upperclassmen after putting the tray away. She placed a cupcake on the lid of one of the containers and served it to Akashi-kun, who nodded at her in acknowledgement.
"Thank you for the dessert!" the student council members, with the exception of Akashi-kun and the addition of Mari-san, said in unison, before taking one of the cupcakes and giving them a bite.
"Uwaaa~! This is delicious! Just like Cinna-chan!" Kanato-kun remarked with his mouth full. The four, which included Mari-san, stared at Kanato-kun with shocked expressions.
"Heeeh~? Are you two going out?" asked Tanizawa-senpai, who seemed like the mature type to me.
Kanato-kun suddenly stood up, his cheeks red. "EEEHHH?! Cinna-chan and I are not going out!" He turned to Mari-san's direction. "We're not going out, Elizabeth! Please don't misunderstand!"
Why do I feel like there's something between them?
She let out a sigh. "It's Mariya. Or Maria. Not Elizabeth," she said nonchalantly. "And I know that Saki-chan's standards are high enough to not to settle on you." She paused. "Right, Saki-chan~?" she chimed with the usual sing-song voice, making me flinch. I managed a nervous chuckle.
Kanato-kun sat down, dejected. "Is that true, Cinna-chan?! I'm not your type?!" he demanded answers, and I unconsciously looked away. Oh, Kanato-kun. You have no idea how she knows that so well. I might had thought of Kanato-kun as a male version of Sleeping Beauty, but I never really did think of him in that way, in spite of the slight harassment during our first meeting. I felt like I'm, in one way or another, more like Kanato-kun's Mom Friend™.
"Am I that undesirable?!"
"This is delicious though, Akiyama-san!" Kanato-kun's whine came ignored at Yamada-senpai's remark, chewing.
"True!" Kusanagi-senpai agreed after swallowing what was in her mouth. "You sure these aren't store-bought?"
I shook my head with a proud smile I forced not to be so wide and noticeable, finally deciding that it couldn't be helped; it might as well eat my lunch here. Preferably in the naturally fastest manner I could. In a small effort to keep a small smile as well, I picked up a rice ball I prepared last night and took a large bite (but not too large).
"These are good!" Mari-san remarked as she stared at her own cupcake, and I forced myself to smile at her in spite of my bulging cheeks full of chewed-up rice. I swallowed, before she added, "Don't you think so too, Sei-chan?"
I threw her a glance. She smiled at me and tilted her head before she looked back at Akashi-kun. He's probably too preoccupied to pay---
I jerked my head to look at him in shock. He didn't even say anything about the treats I made back then! From the papers in his hand, he looked up at me, the eye contact making me immediately turn away, warmth rushing to to my face.
Mari-san giggled. "You're working hard, Saki-chan~!" Did she think that I baked these because I'm pinning after him...?
I might have to clear a few misunderstandings.
Attempting to look composed, I stuffed what was left of my first rice ball and sipped on the tea, which surprisingly reminded me of the expensive tea this certain tea house sold. Wasting not another moment, I latched unto the second rice ball and bit half of it.
The upperclassmen were now talking and laughing with Mari-san, looking like they're enjoying what I brought. I received a nudge from Kanato-kun, who made a gentle smile, which felt extremely different from his usual excited ones. "I told you it's nice here~!" he said, grinning widely.
"Yeah," I told him right after I swallowed my food, wishing he wouldn't bring up his request for me to stay regularly here. I devoured the second half of my rice ball, and now I was left with the last and third one. I glanced at the wall clock; I've already spent half of my lunch period. I took the last rice ball. A few seconds of silence passed between the two of us.
"Do you really think I'm not desirable, Cinna-chan?"
I looked at him. He seemed really troubled, like my answer would determine the direction of his life for the next ten years. Or the direction of his food choices, at least. I tried not to laugh.
"I think Kanato-kun is really good-looking," I answered indirectly, starting to take normal bites into my rice ball. "And adorable." I couldn't see him in a "desirable" way, actually. And what did he mean by that word, anyway? It made me think of ideas that were certainly not Kanato-kun, and certainly not the context he used that word for.
His smile turned more child-like, and I could see the rainbow-like sparkling aura surround him. He seemed genuinely satisfied with my answer. "I'm glad you think that way!" He glanced at Mari-san, who, when she noticed that he was looking at her, raised her eyebrow before turning back to talk to the upperclassmen. She seemed cold to particularly him.
He turned back to me. "I guess being good-looking and adorable isn't enough," I heard him say softly, his tone somber, in spite of the upperclassmen's laughter. I gave him a questioning look. "I'll tell you some other time!" he replied, reverting back to his usual cheerful nature. Huh. I nodded anyway, even if I was truly curious.
I finished my last rice ball and drank the rest of my tea. I took the furoshiki and folded it until it could fit into my pocket without making those large diagonal creases. As much as the room was cozy and comfortable to be in, my heart was in the opposite side of the spectrum; Akashi-kun was in my 2-meter radius, silently eating my cupcake.
"I'm have to go now," I told Kanato-kun, giving him an apologetic smile. "I still have homework to finish," I lied, hoping that he'd accept it.
He looked a little upset, but he nodded.
I stood up, gaining everyone's unwanted attention, and bowed politely. "I have to take my leave. Thank you for having me here. Please excuse me," I said each well-practiced sentence before straightening up.
The four voiced their farewells and gratefulness for the little snack. I managed a smile, making my way toward the door. As I was about to grab the door's handle, my heart leapt at the sound of someone's familiar voice.
"Akiyama." The room went silent.
"Y-Yes!" I about-faced a little too quickly, unprepared for him calling my name, calling my surname. I noticed that the cupcake on his table was already gone. His expression still seemed distant, but his crimson eyes' gaze felt heavy.
"May I have a word with you after class?"
I stared at him and blinked, my breath caught in my throat. "...Yes," I managed to say, bowing my head and finally leaving the room.
hallo guys~
do you want to do the ask the character thing i mentioned last chapter?
i planned to make a separate story part for that but i don't want the chapter order to be disrupted ^^;
i guess maybe you can just leave the questions (and who you're asking) in the comment section? either i'd write the replies in the next chapter or i'd reply to them directly. hopefully this will bring back my full motivation to this story universe ahaha
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