The sounds of distant whispers, loud laughters, teasings and dhol was prominent as it was a wedding in the Grover family.

It was around 6 in the evening when the household had finally got free with the haldi function that started around 1 in the afternoon.

The whole family, close relatives and even some distant ones were sitting in the massive lounge that perfectly gathered everyone.

While Ayla was sitting on the right side of Tanvi, Ms. Khanna whose name was Leela was sitting on Tanvi's left side. Ayla knew that Leela Khanna was Tanvi's college time friend seeing that they'd went to separate colleges because of different choices of fields. But no matter Leela was a good friend of Tanvi, probably just after herself, she didn't have a great bond with her as she could never imagine herself talking so freely with Leela Khanna. That woman was surely not to get comfortable with.

As Leela had busied Tanvi in a conversation since 20 minutes, Ayla had no other option but to sit quietly and look at everyone talking.

She felt the couch dip beside her and someone's hand now wrapped around her lean shoulders. Hoping it was Atharva, she turned her face towards the direction of the person and her frown increased as she noticed it was Tarun who was busy giving her a mischievous grin on his boy-ish face.

No one could tell that Atharva and Tarun are real siblings. They were poles apart.

While Atharva was mature in every sense, Tarun didn't have a single idea about what maturity is.

"Bhai is calling you upstairs." He whispered mischievously in his ears and it took every effort from her side not to scream due to happiness.

He had finally come almost after 8 hours as he had to leave her in the morning itself due to some work.

"Okay then, I am off." She grinned almost jumping off the couch and ran to the direction of the modern staircase.


Her excitement level had no bounds as she took the last step on the staircase now making her walk on the corridor of the second floor.

Instead of going to his room, she decided to go further to the only lounge in this floor that was at the very end of the corridor.

She knew he must be sitting there only, waiting for her.

As soon as she reached the very end of the corridor, there she saw him sitting on one of the couches, his left leg resting on the the right one by the ankle as he was busy doing something on his hand.

Going closer, she finally noticed the wound on his left hand, blood oozing out of it and some splashed on his crisp white shirt as well.

He was wiping and treating the wound with a blank look as if it wasn't hurting him at all.

It only made her heart clench thinking how much pain he must be in but as always wouldn't show.

"Atharva." Mumbling this loud enough for him to hear, she walked towards him who snapped his head up hearing her soothing voice.

He gave her a smile in between this task and this only made her anger increase.

"How are you? How did the day go?" He asked in between as he turned his attention back to treating the wound.

"How am I? Do you seriously think this is a time to ask such type of question?" She asked bewildered, sitting beside his.

Even in this state, she couldn't miss his spicy cologne that made hard for her not to swoon.

Snatching the cotton and antiseptic from his hands, she placed his calloused hand on her lap and herself started cleaning it. She had her whole focus on it while his grey orbs were looking at her intently with a small smile.

His other hand went to cup her face softly but she just removed it, with a small pout almost having tears in her beautiful eyes.

She was cleaning the wound ever so softly as if she didn't want to hurt him. Who knew he had made the habit of not letting out any reaction to whatever amount of pain he would feel.

"What happened?" He asked, lifting her up and placing on his lap as soon as she was done with treating his wound, not caring about his hand or any other thing.

"Why do you have to get hurt Atharva? Why can't this just stop?" She asked helplessly, burying her face in his chest snuggling some more.

"You know this can't my love. You need to stop worrying. I won't let anything happen to my family." He said, cupping her face, looking at her all softly so unlike what he had been doing some hours ago.

"And what about you?" She asked, kissing his bandaged hand began opening the button of his shirt because the sight of blood made her almost puke.

"No one would dare to mess with me. And even if they try to do so, I will burn them alive." He muttered harshly as he helped her by removing the shirt completely from his body and threw in the fireplace beside them which soon turned into ashes.

"Don't say this." She said, barely thinking about what he just said.

"This is nothing baby. Now how about you give me a kiss and join me in the shower after that?" He asked with his signature smirk.

And before she could recover from her blush, he had crashed his lips on her plump ones for a kiss that made her beart flutter. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip, trying to gain access to her mouth which she denied, still busy kissing his perfect lips.

A single pinch from him on her waist and her mouth parted open in response due to which he plunged his tongue inside, exploring there as if this was the first time of them kissing.

"I love you my Ayla." He murmured in between, lifting her from the couch with himself and walked towards his room.

And she could only bury her face in his neck as he undressed her for them to join for a shower which would definitely include a heated makeout session.


Currently the whole Grover family with their relatives and all were sitting in the lounge just as before. The only difference was that this time Atharva was sitting with them.

He looked someone who is full of power and that's why the ladies of this house had ever been a bit scared and hesitant of talking to him freely.

And beside him, on the big sofa was sitting Ayla ever so silently as the males were having a discussion regarding business and all.

"You need to visit the company too before going for your work wherever needed. There's an important meeting which cannot be missed at any cost." Atharva's father, Raghav Grover said nodding his head a little and Atharva did a mere nod in return.

Atharva had his arm draped around her petite shoulder which was a bit embarrassing for her since the ladies and females present her kept looking. Some were looking at them adoringly while some were envious and jealous.

And Ayla could clearly point out that the most jealous amongst everyone was Leela Khanna who was drilling holes on her head with the hard glare. She and Tanvi kept whispering in between to each other while Leela didn't waste a chance to show her anger at Ayla.

But what was the use of it? Atharva loved Ayla and only wanted her by his side. She didn't feel insecure or anything knowing how Atharva is. If even once he would get to know about Leela's behaviour, he would surely bury her 6 feet under the ground.

The most shocking part for Ayla was that Tanvi was acting weird around her. She hadn't spoken much to Ayla but kept on indulging in a fun conversation with Leela.

Maybe she was sad about leaving her house or maybe Leela had forcefully kept her busy just so the bestfriends duo couldn't talk, she thought.

Ayla felt bursting into a pool of tears as she felt all alone here. It was only Atharva she could feel with her. Only him that made her feel comfortable or that she belongs here.

Tanvi was too busy to give her some company while Vinita Grover had to look at everything as the lady of the house.

Her mother hadn't come her too as she was supposed to. Even Leela's family was present as per Vinita Grover's request for a dinner but Ayla's mother hadn't returned till now from her business trip.

"Uhh- Raghav Ji, I wanted to talk to you about something." A man spoke up of around 50 years and Ayla remembered him as Leela's father.

"Yes, of course Lalit Ji." Raghav Grover nodded his head in a stiff manner as a sign for him to continue.

"We actually wanted to give you a proposal. I mean our Leela for your son to marry." Lalit Khanna hesitantly said, seeing how powerful men were sitting in front of him.

"Oh, Lalit Ji. Our Tarun is still very young to get married." Raghav said with an apologizing smile.

"Not Tarun, Raghav Ji. I was talking about Atharva."

And as soon as these words came out Lalit Khanna's mouth, Ayla's hand went clutching Atharva's barely processing anything and Atharva's eyes turned red, jaw clenching with anger.

Her nails were digging in his forearm, but he didn't stop her. Instead he let her do whatever she was.

"What the hell are you even saying? How dare you even talk about Atharva's marriage with your daughter?" Raghav Grover's yell was heard as he got up from his seat frantically at what he just heard.

"I- I didn't say anything wrong Raghav Ji. Atharva seems perfect for a girl like my daughter, Leela. She'll take care of him." Lalit Khanna stuttered seeing Raghav Grover's angry form.

Till now Atharva hadn't said a single word. He was bubbling up with anger, yet not expressing it.

And Ayla only kept feeling tears glistening in her beautiful eyes.

"Who said she's perfect? The one who is perfect for me is already sitting beside me. My wife is sitting beside me." Atharva roared getting up from the couch, his voice booming through the mansion making Ayla flinch.

"Wife?" People gasped.

Everyone was shocked of the fact except some that included Raghav, Vinita, Tarun, Ravi who was Raghav's younger brother and Ravi's wife, Amrita. Even Tanvi had a flabbergasted look at the shocking fact she just heard.

Her bestfriend was married to her brother?

When did this happen?

Why didn't she know about this?

"This bitch is married to you? She bloody doesn't deserves this! Does she even knows how naive she is for you? You need someone who can stand beside you, not someone who will hide behind you. She's nothing but a coward where you need a bold and confident wife. You still have time Atharva, divorce her and marry me." Leela shouted in her high-pitched voice making tears leak from Ayla's beautiful eyes.

"How dare you? How bloody dare you utter a single word about my wife? Tarun, get her and throw in one of the cells. Right now!" Atharva ordered Tarun who nodded obediently at what his Boss just spoke.

"Calm down Atharva. You're not supposed to talk openly about it and you it very well." Raghav ordered his son in a stern voice.

There was pin drop silence. The only sound that was heard was of Atharva's harsh breathing and Ayla's small sniffs from time to time.

As she sniffed once again, Atharva's angry face snapped towards her and as she saw his jaw clenched, veins popped out on his neck that made her shiver.

But who would tell her that all of his anger was on Lalit Khanna and his not so good daughter Leela who had spoken such bad words about his girl.

The only reason his eyes darted towards her was because he couldn't see her cry. Her tears were precious and he was the one that needed to make sure every single time that she doesn't cries.

She just wanted to sob. She wanted to shed tears and without looking at anyone or at her surroundings, she ran to the direction of the staircase where she knew her destination was the second floor. His room.

Vinita Grover was about to run behind her when Atharva showed her his palm, stopping right there.

"You know how to deal with them Tarun." Muttering this harshly, he walked towards the staircase only to follow his girl, his wife knowing how much she must be crying.

Her pretty little heart didn't need to bleed with tears because of some rubbish people and their words for her.


Tears were something that weren't stopping flowing out from her beautiful brown eyes no matyer she kept on rubbing them like a small baby.

Her heart was paining at what happened moments ago.

"Ayla." His deep voice reached her ears and she glanced at him only to notice that his anger was comparatively subsided and he atleast didn't have that look which would make one cry out of fear.

"Stop crying." He continued, freeing himself from the suit's jacket he was wearing and threw it beside her form who was laying on his bed, face buried in a pillow.

"Ayla, stop crying this instant otherwise you know I'll chop them off as they dared to speak ill about you." He warned, sitting beside her and ran a hand through her silky locks.

"No, don't do that. I don't want anyone to be in trouble because of me." She sniffed in the pillow, her voice hoarse due to crying.

"You're still saying that knowing what they said downstairs?" He asked in a stern voice, lifting her up with his strength.

He held her in his lap who snuggled into him, letting herself completely free, sniffling in his neck from time to time although she had unknowingly stopped crying.

"Atharva, please don't make me stay away from you any more. I can't deal with this. I want everyone to know that you're my husband. I want people to know that we're together so that they forget even thinking about getting you married to their daughters. You say it's for my safety but I will feel more safe when I will stay with you. I want to stay with you for 24*7, not for a few hours or something. Please Atharva." She said helplessly, tears again leaking from her eyes as she looked at him pleadingly.

"I'll do as you say, but just stop crying. If you want us to live together like we should, we will do that. But promise me that whatever I'll ask you or do you for you, it'll be fore your own safety and you will not get angry at me for this." He said, caressing her hair.

"I promise." She sniffled.

And as soon as he heard this from her, he had immediately made up his mind to arrange more guards around their house and even some personal bodyguards for her whenever she'll have to go anywhere. He couldn't risk her safety at any cost.


The tension growing in the atmosphere was hard to ignore second by second and the fear was clearly evident on the faces of some men who were standing either in the corner or behind other men.

In the middle sat 4 men.

They were the boss of their mafia. The ruthless.

And now it was a time for discussion of next Leader, that too of all four mafia gangs.

Every leader wanted their heir, son to be the next Mafia leader. One who is feared in the underworld by every single human.

Amongst them was seated Atharva Grover who looked like he owned the place. Even in the presence of other leaders, it was evident how he seemed the most confident and powerful.

He knew that it would be the disaster for every mafia if their good for nothing sons will be declared as the mafia boss. Not to brag about, but he knew and believed in himself that if it would be him, then the mafia would never fall apart.

The other mafia leaders sons didn't bother coming for such an important meeting. They must be fucking a girl in some cheap hotel.

And here Atharva had to leave his favourite task, looking at Ayla the whole time and come here.

"And by what means should we agree for making Atharva our leader? He isn't even married which is the first condition for someone to be a mafia leader." One of the mafia leader scoffed, and the other two nodded in agreement in a stiff manner.

"Atleast our sons are married and even have started families with them. Look at your son, Raghav. From where does he seems apt for this position?" Another one smirked, smoking with the cigarette in his hand.

"You're worried about the fact he isn't married and doesn't have a family? Don't worry, that won't take much time to happen." Raghav Grover said in a harsh tone.

He was already sick of Atharva not marrying seeing he was the next heir of his business and underworld legacies now that he was 27.

"What benefits would we get once we make Atharva our leader?" The last one questioned.

"Just like my father didn't let mafia fall apart because all of your exploits, I won't let that happen too seeing how pathetic of a heirs you all have for your mafias. Atleast the backbone needs to be strong, doesn't it?" Atharva hissed looking at the other two challengingly.

"But he isn't married-" One of them started with the same topic again.

Having enough of their bullshit, he raised himself from the chair, exploding with anger.

"By the end of this week, your shitty eyes will be seeing me with my wife beside me. The meeting next week will only be for me declaring myself as the leader and your loser asses accepting that fact." He gritted out and walked flawlessly out of the place the meeting was held in.

Raghav was proud of his son would be an understatement. He knew his son had all capabilities of being a mafia leader and all he worried now was about finding the right girl for him and making him understand how to keep the underworld and family separate like he had to do  for so many years of his service.

"My son, who do you think will be perfect for you?" Raghav asked him son, who was standing outside the place, in front of the sleek black car thay belonged to him.

"The only one that'll be perfect is my Ayla." Atharva voiced out, crushing the cigarette under his shoe.

"A-Ayla? Son, she's too young for you. You're 27 and she's just 19. Also, she's too innocent for this world." Raghav tried to reason, immensely shocked at what he just heard. Ayla was one little innocent girl who liked coming to their house because of being Tanvi's bestfriend. Nothing else.

"I will always be there to save her innocence from this world. She would not need to worry about that. And I won't let anyone else have on what is mine. She's only mine and she'll be the only one I promised myself that I will marry." He muttered harshly, breathing unevenly.

Raghav just sighed in response. The way he spoke about Ayla, it only meant that there was no way he would even think about not marrying her. She was his world and now she would be a part of his underworld too, no matter he wouldn't let her have a single scratch because of the same.

Atharva had always dreamt about having that girl as his wife. Only his. He didn't even know about the family's secret about the underworld when he'd already made up his mind. He haven't looked at a single girl the way he does with Ayla, let alone be with anyone else for that matter.

He had saved himself for her knowing he would eventually make her his.

Now there was no way anything or anybody would stop him.

And just as he thought, in the following week Atharva had married Ayla sealing their fate and deep down she was ecstatic since she mad many times caught him looking at her adoringly. Also his intimidating personality was enough to catch her attention. She wanted to drown into him.

But the conditions was clear from the very beginning. That she'll be completing her studies, hiding this from everyone except her mother who didn't want any kind of trouble by having issues with the mafia and also that she'll continue to stay with her mother like before.

In these two years, she just kept falling for him and he too didn't waste any moment to not express himself, though only in front of her. She was his everything and he kept her close to himself yet keeping her safety by staying away at times that majorly included them not staying in his mansion and everyone knowing about their marriage.

She was the ray of light in the world of darkness. She was the only flower blooming in his lone desert.


PS: Now don't ask me where my imagination comes from.😂🤚 These all are shower ideas.

○How was the chapter?

○So...Ayla and Atharva are finally going to live together. What do you think is going to happen ahead? Any suspicions?


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