Red x Chefogus ❖ Cupcakes
This isn't really a love oneshot, this is a writing trade I did for my awesome friend _operaoflife. This was my first time writing gore! I hope it went good so far 👉👈 This was based on a MLP Cupcakes reference. Iykyk.
!HEAVY GORE WARNING! Skip this chapter if you need to. Read with caution.
Third POV
Like any day in the Airship, it was packed. Around the areas was full of crewmates walking around either having a chat with others or just minding their businesses.
What lurks around them was nasty, ruthless impostors blending in as 'disguises' they say. That disguises hides the ugly truth of what's truly them.
In the lonely small room shows a little space crew leaning against the wall. Today was not an exciting day. I mean, there was nothing really going on with the group. Pink always tries to make everyday an exhilarating moment, but only some tolerates it.
Same old activities like usual. Nothing much towards it. The lonely impostor let out a rather annoyed sigh. Even though nothing physically was annoying him. It was the thought of the cycle that was irritating.
What more could he do? Killing is fun..but what else? This alone let one bothered Red for some reason. He always wondered what could be more to life.
As an impostor though he couldn't relate to anything like that. So all he does is just murder for fun. That's really about it. Maybe something could heat things up for a bit...but what?
While he ponders in his head a sound of footsteps was able to catch Red's attention. He didn't expect anyone to find him in the Security alone. He was actually glad it was someone he trust.
His partner in crime showed up through the doors from the other room. He has been looking for Red quite a while now.
Green frown at the other who was doing nothing but just standing there. It was unlike Red to be alone and quiet. Green knew something was off about him this morning, but he didn't think to question about it.
Now is probably a good time to ask what happened. He walk closer to the quiet one who said nothing in response yet.
"What are you doing here?" He asked. It took Green a while to search for Red in a place like this. When searching he was stopped by others trying to talk to him about important stuff or other subjects.
Obviously Green couldn't care less about that crap. He just wanted to see his dear friend.
Red stayed dead silent for a bit. His gaze wasn't even on him. It kinda freaked Green out a little. Finally, he spoke,"Nothing really. I'm just bored I guess."
Green sighed at this. He could have figured that out sooner. "Bored ya say? Wanna go target someone then?" He suggested the idea.
Making plans was always fun with someone. Doing the deed was just their thing. This time though, Red was not feeling it.
The bored one shrugged,"Eh, not feeling it right now.." he blankly hinted it's not the best time for that today. He at least hope this feeling wouldn't last for a while.
It was an interesting sight to see Red not...Red, if that would make sense. Usually he's more of a chaotic type and just go for anything. No matter how reckless it is.
That's why the two were closer than anything. They both enjoyed each others company and vibes. Green never admits this, but he enjoys being with the weaker one. Not for only power or anything, it's just nice to protect someone lower than him.
Green couldn't care less if he wasn't that strong or smart. All he wants to do is be with someone who relates well. Green doesn't want this relationship to go downhill, so he must do something about it.
He brainstormed an idea he could try to think of. He wasn't a skilled IQ like Black. He's grateful he's not anything like him.
Then, an imaginary light bulb popped over his head in a flash. He grabbed Reds hand and dragged him over across the room.
"Hey what the— Green!" Red questioned angrily but didn't resist. He was a little curious what Green was going to take him.
The two left the room and headed to another. They stepped in a well known kitchen with bright lights looming over the counters. It seems a bit messy in here than usual.
The counters were always cleaned and neatly organized with food recipes and tools. The plates are placed where it needs to be cleaned without cluttering up the whole room.
It looks like a mess here. Some spilt tomatoes sauce over the counters is now slowly spilling on the once shiny floor. Leftovers cracked eggs were lying around, leaving the goo to rest on the tools.
Even the cheese was on the floor. How gruesome. It was a rare sighting to see the kitchens state. Surely something important is happening.
At the side was any regular crewmate wearing the famous chef hat. He is mixing the bowl pretty fast with no spill. There beside him was a bunch of jaw dropping sweets no one can look away from.
The dark chocolate cake was smoother than ever. A plate full of strawberry cover in chocolate lay there tasty next to the colorful glazing donuts as well.
Looks like this could be meant a surprise party for someone. Who? The two couldn't care about that now at least.
The chef was too busy to notice the two duo in the room with him. He was extremely hyper focused on finishing the current baking process, and it seems like cupcakes was the next food to make. Judging by the cup holders placed in the tray.
Red was still lost on what he's doing here. He gave the other a look of unimpressed. Green saw that face before giving him a sinister grin. Red knew that look of his, he knows it too well to figure it out.
Green lean towards Red to whisper something to him. Spilling all of the details and ideas he thought about what Red could do that's interesting.
The listener smiled after hearing the adoring plan he says. It was brilliant, too good that it would be risky to accomplish. And it wasn't for killing.
What would Red do without him if he wasn't here on time. He would might've just lay in bed all day and rot until his mood changes. That would take long hours.
The two exchange a glance before Red walk up to the chef. He changed his tone to sound more cheery and believable,"Hey Chef! Pretty busy today huh?"
Chefogus was startled by the sudden voice. He almost dropped the bowl he was stirring. The tense slowly went down when it was just a visitor coming by.
"Ah Red. Good to see you. Sorry but right now is not the best time to have a chat..I'm overfilled with orders!" He explained while going back to what he was doing before.
Red smiled and walked closer to his side,"So I noticed! I was wondering if you needed any help?" The impostor asked kindly as he could.
He paused for a moment at his words. Really, Chefogus works alone without any help around. He doesn't mind that at all. Being by himself with his cooking passion was all he could asked for. is taking a long while to finish his orders before the dead line. He wasn't able to get sleep as much because of Yellow taking his time to help him set up a party plan for Pink's birthday.
A party isn't a party without delicious food lying on the tables waiting to be eaten. Pink has also requested a colorful horse piñata filled with candy and confetti inside. Classic Pink.
The crewmate knew it was gonna be impossible to work on this alone, so he nodded,"Alright fine. Just follow my instructions and we will be able to get this done tonight."
It felt selfish for some reason to ask help for him. There was no other way though. Red beamed of joy and agreed.
He thought of what to instruct until he saw a glance of the tools. "I'm almost finish with the cupcakes so next I wanted to do was make cake pops. Go ahead and grab the butter," he pointed to the fridge.
Red obeyed and walked over to the fridge to get butter. Green already left the room to leave the two to have a bit of 'fun' bonding time together.
As Red brought back the ingredient the chef added another bowl for him to use. "Alright so you just put the butter in the bowl and use the mixer machine."
Chefogus kept his visors trained on the bowl in front of him. Red hold the butter in front of him then turning to the cook who was working. A smirk creeped up to his face as he drop the butter in the chefs bowl instead of his.
This led a shock unexpected surprise at the other. He look at him with a wide visor, wondering what the hell he was doing.
"Oops, I thought you meant your bowl instead of mines." It was a frustrating sight to see his own work being messed up by a butter. He was just too speechless to even think someone would do that.
Before he could argue, Red knocked the plastic bowl from Chefogus hands to the ground. The poor crewmate didn't have time to react as Red pushed him on the ground just like he did to the bowl.
His foot stomped heavy on the chefs chest. He grunt in pain at the harsh pressure keeping him underneath.
It was all moving so fast. What was he thinking? The question is, WHY is he doing this to him only? Crewmates are defenseless against impostors. That was always the truth.
"Let's do something interesting.." Red had the control to dominate him and this kitchen. Chefogus can't do anything but watch. The pressure was too heavy for him to do anything.
He grabbed the finished donuts and observed it. It was like looking at a fresh clear diamond from the heavens. He wasn't going to eat it no, but only do something worse.
He threw the donut and grabbed the whole box before smashing it to the ground. Spilling all of the hard worked donuts on the floor. The five second rules won't count this time.
"NO!" The chef struggled his way to get back up to his feet. His heart shattered, seeing something he worked so hard for go to waste.
Red ignored his cries and grabbed the fresh cake that was too perfect.
His visor widens when he saw the cake Red was holding. "Don't.." he pleaded dearly to him. He can't let this happen to him. He just can't.
"Where's the fun in that? Bet the cake tastes horrible anyway." The impostor boldly said before setting the cake on the ground. It almost looked like everything was in slow motion when Red stomped the cake down.
Hopes and dreams were shattered right in front of him. He could tear up watching this. Laugher filled in the room loudly after the action he has caused.
"HAHAH! Man look at your dumb face! You're seriously gonna cry over some dumb food? How pathetic!" Red continued to heckle the hell out of him.
The chef could only lay there and stare at him. He hoped this was just a silly prank. Hoping he would get him a new cake after destroying his. But he didn't hear it.
It took a while for Red to stop laughing at the smaller one. He wiped his nonexistent tears before leaving a relaxed sigh. "Wow that was pretty fun. Well I do wish you luck to finish everything on time now for the party. See ya."
He left. He left all of the mess in one place. Even leaving a mess on a person. He was enjoying seeing the fear and anger on someone so innocent and weak.
Red will thank Green for this later.
It was nighttime in the Airship. Everyone was sleeping in their assigned room with their partner or groups to sleep around with. It was the night before Pinks party.
Little ol Pink was super excited for her own personal party she invited everyone to. Well...almost everyone. Never mind that now, she made sure to get some sleep early for the big day.
With everyone asleep in a cozy night. A soft knock on the door was able to wake up the sleeping impostor on the bed.
Red grew annoyed and checked the time. It was three am. Who the hell would be up at this time? He looked over his sleeping friend Green on the separate bed. Apparently he didn't wake up from the noise. He continued to snore.
With an annoyed sigh Red got up from his small cozy bed. It was dark in the room but with his abilities like every impostors have is night vision.
It didn't take long until he opened the door. He expected someone to be in front of the door, but no one was there. Weird, he thought. Is this some prank someone was trying to pull? He hopes not.
Without a person around he grew more tired that no one was there. Before he closed the door, in the corner of his visor he could see something on the floor.
He re open the door again and step out to observe the item on the floor. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was a yellow note on the floor.
Again, he hopes this was a dumb prank Green was pulling. So he played along and knelt down to the ground picking up the letter. Now that he has it he look closer at the words scribbled on the paper.
"See you at the kitchen...the hell?" Red muttered in confusion. Just before he knows it, a heavy pain smash into his head like a bat hitting the baseball.
It was hard enough to knock out the impostor down in just a second. If he had a real brain, the brain damage would be the real deal.
The intruder stare at the unresponsive body on the floor. Their hands grip tightly at the metal pan they hold. Anger and frustration was the language in that grip. He smiled in satisfaction.
Small noises was the first start. The vision was very blurry. It was hard to make out on what's going on.
Head pounded like a never ending stab. It stings like hell. Is this what it feels like to be stabbed?
Now is not the time to think. He needs to figure out what's going on. It felt like centuries to get his visors to open up. It was all so blurry and fuzzy.
"Ah! You're awake, good." A voice rang out in the distance. Red knew who that voice was. He finally picked his head up. A force of adrenaline helped him get his focus clear and steady.
With his vision cleared he felt something tight holding him down. He looked at his hands. It was tied down in a metal, cold cuff. Both of them were.
Red was stunned yet bewildered at this. He tugged his wrist to slip off from the cuff that was connected to the rectangular metal he was lying on.
To double the shock he found out his feet were also cuffed to the metal. He tugged again but with his feet. Not a single bulge he can move. He's stuck. He cant get out of this with strength.
No...wait. His tongue! Surely he can use his powerful sharp tongue to get him out of here. With his mouth open, he was ready to strike on someone that moves.
"Wouldn't do that if I were you. I made a little..change, to stop you from escaping," what? What was he taking about?
Red look down at his tongue. His heart dropped.
His deadly tongue was pin down. Stuck, with a metal screw stabbed deep down in the middle of the tongue.
He couldn't move it. Even if he tried it would only cause more pain. His mouth felt numb with the screw dug down. Slowly impaling the poor tongue.
"WHA- WHA ZE FU IS WRONG WIH YOUH!" The only words Red could make out. It was hard to speak out any words with a damn tool stuck in your gums and skin.
The chef finally came out of the shadows he looked over. The only light in this room was the one above Red. Everything else was just pitch black. It was hard to see the surroundings, but Red memorized the layout of the kitchen.
He shrugged at the angry impostor,"Saving the best for the start. Now, let's get our cooking lesson started. Shall we?" He clasped his hands together in an exciting manner.
Red struggled as much as he could to get the metal strap off of his body. "Fuckin basard! I-I'll kill you when I geh ouz!!" He gritted his sharp teeth as he attempts to escape.
The other put his finger up and shushed him down. "Shhh..we don't want to wake the others up now, will we?"
His voice so different. It felt different, but it sounds normal at the same time. It was more sinister. More calm as well. Was this the true him?
"Anyhow, let's get to business!" The chef got straight to the point and set up a tray on the counter next to the trapped Red.
Red was doing the best that he could to get the hell out of here. With many and many attempts he just couldn't do it. He isn't strong enough.
Meanwhile the chef hummed a small tune as he set up the cup holders and put it in the tray. Next he set the bowl up with ingredients already inside there. It was a mystery to know what he needs next.
With that done he walk up to Red. It was a cute sight to see a helpless impostor stuck in his own creation. He was doing what Red did to him before.
"Here, let me get this out of the way." Chefogus insisted as he brought out a plier from the drawer that held on tools for his work. He lean close to Red and forcefully open his mouth.
Red opened wide. He wanted to bring his sharp teeth down into his hand so badly. Just at least one finger chopped off. But his grip was stronger to help him in a hold position.
He used the tool to grab the screw dug into the tongue and gently pull it out successfully. Red flinched at the pain rushing through his body. He did his best to not shudder in front of him.
"There we go.." he cooed quietly as he put the nail down on the table. Red felt relieved it was gone. But he couldn't move his tongue sadly. It was too numb to move an inch.
The crewmate was pleased to see Red complying instead of fighting. "You're doing so well Red. Next is something you have to be strong for."
This left Red confused at the other. As the chef dig through the drawer be pulled out a sharp sizer. Red instantly jerked when he saw the threatening blade. It was weird to see a threatening item he use to love killing with now be deadly towards him.
He came up towards him and gently tried to open his mouth but Red refused to open. He frowned at this,"It will make things difficult if you don't comply," the threat alone was not enough to get Red to obey.
The cooker hummed at his choice. He walked away to get a knife from the table. He returned back with the sharp blade on his right hand. Before Red could choose to comply yet, the knife cut deep into his chest in a flash.
Red let out a horrified scream with his head high up. The knife stick through the flesh of his fresh body. So hard it could might as well cut his insides guts too.
It was able to get his mouth open. Just what Chefogus needs. He grabbed the tongue and hold it by the tip length.
Red was too impaled to move. He didn't want to look at the sight in front of him. He was slowly being tortured. Very slowly.
A sharp gasp escape from his mouth when he felt the knife draw back from his chest. It was a sweet relief for a moment now that the blade was off. It didn't last when the pain lingered.
What he needs to focus on now is what the chef was going to do next. He wanted to speak— at least say some sound or noise. He wants to know if he was still alive. Or was this a dream?
The cook held the tongue high and stretch its length. He was observing the impostors body function for the first time. It was never too late to learn something new.
"Stay quiet for this one, yea?" They both exchanged a glance towards each other for once. Red sees his hand with the knife slowly lean towards to his tongue.
Red squirmed around, grunting at the heavy sting in his body just to stop him,"W-wait! P-please Chefogus..I-I'm sorray for everything just- just please, don't do this!" He begged for dear life truthfully.
There it was. He was hoping to see the weaker one tremble underneath him. He wanted to see him beg for mercy. He wanted to see him cry his name out in fear. It felt too good.
With his response, he just smiled at him,"Don't worry Red. Think of it as a favor. After did ruined my cooking. Now you need to make it up for it."
"W-WAIT PL- AUGH—!" His knife cut him off as he started to put the blade deeper into the gum skin. He made sure what length he wanted to get before he cuts it off.
It shows progress when the tongue started to rip like a piece of paper being teared apart. It was easy than he thought. He ignored the pleading screams and gave once last cut before finally getting the long piece into his hands.
It felt like millions of needles stabbing Red repeatedly over and over. The hyperventilating couldn't be stopped. His body was limp from the impact. This can't be real. The pain was real to prove him this was happening.
Chefogus walk to the counter and set the tongue on a cutting board. Black moist spill over the board making it more messy. That didn't stop him from using his knife to chop it into pieces.
The large chunks turn smaller pretty fast. He was a professional cooker after all. In the corner Red was watching this in horror. It made his stomach twist badly to the point he wanted to vomit.
Nausea was sinking in hard. But he kept strong and held it in with a low shaky breath as he turns away. He grew more anxious when he heard the chopping sounds suddenly stop.
No-...he didn't want to pick his head up just yet. He didn't want to see what was coming next. He would rather just keep his visor shut and hope for the best.
"And now for the fun part. Try not to bite your tongue too hard for this- oh wait, you don't have one!" Chefogus let out a giggle at his own terrible yet grueling pun.
Red obviously didn't laugh. He wished he could have killed him right then and there at that spot. He wished he could have made him suffer more.
It was extremely dead silent in the room. Red didn't knew why but he doesn't want to open his visor to care. A loud rattling noise was able to get his attention on what's in front of him.
His heart sank. He was staring at a chainsaw in his view. The sharp mini blades stare back into him. Hungry for his flesh. Red couldn't care less about his injuries and attempted one more time to escape this hell hole.
With courage and power he tries to accomplish, Chefogus pities him in awe at the same time. "No need to try're doing everyone a favor here. Not just me." He pulled the string to start up the chainsaw, failing to do so.
"Everyone at the party will be thankful for your help. Believe me," his hand pull the string again, the chainsaw still rumbled.
"Because what you're going to be helping with.." The chainsaw finally activated with the blades going off dangerously.
"You're going to be their deserts."
With one last breath, the chainsaw aimed for his chest in an effective way. Black substance splatter all over the two friends. Husked screams and terrors echoed in the room. If anyone would hear those screams, they won't be able to sleep very well at night.
The skin slice open so easily. He tried to be careful not to let any guts spill on the floor. Would be a dirty waste.
With the spinning sharp blade cutting open the remains left some huge amount of Red's blood spilling on the floor creating a pool. He can already see the liver popping out from the others form.
The struggles and screaming soon turn a little more quieter as he so on continued. The victim chocked on his own blood, making gurgling noises before coughing it out. It would be a shame death to choke on your own blood.
The cutter didn't mind the mess that was spilling on his face. Like always with his cookings, he remained focused on his work.
Reds eyes started to get heavy. He can feel his life slowly drift away from the world. It's sad he didn't get to say goodbye to his only friend Green. He wonders what he would think if he finds out how he died.
'Pathetic' is the word he thinks. He doesn't blame him if he does think of Red like that. He knew he wasn't the strongest impostor of all.
He at least enjoyed the time he spent with his loved ones and had chaotic fun. That's what was important to him.
With the blade cutting to an end he stops the machine. The chef pulls the chainsaw away and looked at the masterpiece he created. All of his parts have been exposed for him to use for his creations. It was a glorious sight to look at.
"Sleeping? It's okay, you worked hard enough." The crewmate spoke to the other. Yet no response came from the other. He just lay there limped without a movement.
Chefogus set the machine down and quickly grabbed the spilling parts coming out from the body. It was loosening like an egg yolk, so he had to be quick to catch it.
One thing he needed to do was a taste test. A single hand grab a piece of the goey gummy. It was thrilling to see what it will taste like. He doesn't care if it will turn out bad or good. Besides, Chefogus always wondered what impostors would taste like.
Without hesitation he put the gut parts in his mouth like it was nothing. The chef brainstorm for a minute to imagine and think of the taste.
"....a bit of salt would fix it." He concluded without a doubt.
He was able to put the remainings in the big bowl with the ingredients he added. Some of them had to be chopped up into smaller prices to fit right in.
The oven was re-heated and ready along with the decorations that will be added to make the food more 'cuter' in a way.
The food must look stunning. It must look divine. It must TASTE delicious.
It was baking time. Starting off with cupcakes first.
"Yaaaaaaay! Thank you everyone for coming today!"
A cheerful voice rang across the hallway. Balloons and tables were set up everywhere for the party guest to take a seat in.
Everyone was having a great time. No game, no murder, no fighting. Just a happy day for others to celebrate.
There awaits a cheerful yet tired chef standing by the tables filled with food and deserts around. He was waiting for Pink to come by. It was a nice sight to see everyone come together to just talk and hangout.
Everyone was here. Well, almost. Right after Pink was finished thanking the other for coming here she walk to Chefogus,"Chefie! Thank you SOOO much for creating these yummy looking food!" She thanked him dearly with her hands into his.
They both shook each other hands as he chuckled,"It's a no problemo Pink. I was hoping you would be the first to try out these cupcakes first?"
Chefogus asked nicely as he can. Even though he knows she will say yes. Pink jump excitedly at the request,"REALLY!? Of course I'll try it out!" She glee in joy.
The chef was happy to hear that. He turn his back to grab a single cupcake that was designed specifically for Pink.
He then turn to her,"Here ya go, hope you enjoy it," he smiled. Pink didn't hesitate on grabbing the cupcake and ate the delicious homemade cook.
Pinks visor widen in disbelief. It was the best cupcakes she has ever ate. The way it was structured is so perfect. " SO DELICIOUS!!!"
She pumped her fist in the air with extreme energy. The chef was delighted to hear the news that Pink enjoyed his cooking.
With her loud voice Yellow joined in beside her,"What's all the shouting?" He asked curiously.
Pink saw Yellow by her so she grabbed a cupcake and gave it to him,"Eat this! It's super yummy!" She insisted on. Yellow blink for a second and grabbed the cupcake.
He took a bite from the side before his visor lit up,"Oh wow! It sure is good! Good job chef!" Yellow complimented him with a glee.
Chefogus felt proud of himself for making the two enjoy his cooking he spent dedicated time on. He had hoped the food will be devoured by the others when afternoon time has come.
He listened to the two talking about the party. However, he couldn't help but turn his attention to a different person that walked in the room.
It was Green. He was looking around each and every corner. It was certainly like if he was looking for someone.
His gaze hardens a little at the other. Watching him like a hawk spying on its prey. His look cut short when Pink gained his attention back to ask something simple.
Green looked around and huffed. He was getting tired of looking around for Red again. It must be some silly game he was trying to pull just for funsies. After asking Warchief a question where Red was he shook his head no.
That was his last hope. Even the greatest detective of all doesn't know. Green was getting anxious but he did his best to remain calm as possible.
Not too far away he could see Pink with the others having a chat. So he walked up to them sternly.
Pink noticed Green first and turn to him,"Hiya Green! Glad you can make it!" She cheered. He ignored her welcoming and went straight to the point,"Have you guys seen Red anywhere?"
Pink blinked and made an 'o' sound,"Nope. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him all morning." She commented confused as Green was.
She looked at Yellow if he knew anything, but he only shrugged at the question she didn't ask. Green scoffed at them. Of course he figured they don't know.
He then turned to look at Chefogus who was standing there silently. Green look at him in a skeptical way. He knew where Red could be.
Before he can open his mouth Pink strikes first,"By the way? You should try out Chefies yummy cupcakes! They are sooooo good!" She grabbed a cupcake and shove it in front of Greens face.
Green was not having it. He didn't want to eat a damn cupcake right now. He just wanted to find his friend. But he was smart to not cause any problems on a special day like this.
With defeat he slowly grab the cupcake from Pinks hand. He observed the cupcake of how pink it was. Obviously it was matching Pinks color. But there were a few black marks stained beneath the frosting.
Green wasn't a professional cooker unlike Chefogus here. That's for sure. But the thought of the design felt off for him. It seems a little..unrealistic.
"Oh, by the way Green,"
He pick his head up to look at the speaking chef. Green shudder, the chilling cold expression was darkly unsettling to the other.
"Red won't be making it today sadly."
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