*** Hey sorry guys, but this is a filler :3 And this one was kinda rushed too but at least it's a chapter. STAHP YELLING AT ME!!!! D': ***
Chapter 9
The cold room was pitch black until several torches were lit. Except there wasn't a living thing in sight that could have lit them, they only flickered on as if some invisible creature had ignited them. Even if that was the case, it couldn't have been possible if it was by itself, because every torch in the room has been lit. It was silent for a few minutes, nothing but the reddish glow the messy walls gave from the faint light, and the fact that they had a few blood splatters on them, and the floor. But the floor did have an extremely noticeable difference of the dried red substance on it, but it was barley anything compared to the mechanism at the center of the room.
It was shaped like a wheel, like the ones found on wagons, but was a much greater size. It was meant for a human being to be tied onto it. Why? Because they could be held down and tortured by any way the person torturing wishes, or if tied a certain way, they could be tortured, then left to suffocate to death. It's for how the person torturing pleases, though. This was the perfect machine for the girl they call Alana. She was overly excited and reckless, and was talented too. Back at home, she could do many things, art, writing, and more, but mostly art. Drawing, to be exact.
At her last session, she believed she was ready for something more extreme, something that would suit her. The Shadow certainly thought she was ready, so he told her that she can try this.
After a while, the door sprung open and a cloaked figure ran in, as if exited.
"So what's this again?! Did you say that I can do whatever I want with it?"
"Yes," the dusty voice of the Shadow replied out of nowhere. "Your victim is ready - by the way - Alana."
Alana looked behind her to see that indeed there was a person there tied to the wheel. She was a bit confused - she was certain she didn't see her there when she entered.
"I just put the victim there for you." the Shadow assured her. She nodded.
"Alright, fun time!" Alana said as she clapped her hands together. She found a table nearby containing various hand-held torture mechanisms, but she wanted it to be entirely done by her hands only with something simple, like only a simple knife.
"Please don't do this!" the prisoner on the wheel cried. "You don't have to! I can't take it anymore!" she screamed. She didn't expect the next movement by her tormentor to be so sudden. Alana spun around and slashed her across her arm, making a bloodcurdling scream emanate from her throat.
"Listen," Alana said, "you're allowed to talk, but just know that if you annoy me, things will get much more painful. M'kay?"
"No - I am going to talk!" the prisoner said. "I will not listen to you!" Alana smirked under her hood.
"Oh, that's too bad -" she brought the knife to the woman's wrist. "-I really wanted to do this later. But -" she slid it across the woman's skin, the blood seeping out and dripping on to the floor "-you asked for it." she said as the painful cries of the prisoner almost covered up her voice. The prisoner was beyond sobbing hysterically.
Alana continued to draw patterns lightly, but enough to make the skin softly bleed, around the victim's arms and wrists. After finishing off the victim's second arm, the victim spoke again, her tears staining her face.
"Please stop! How could you do something like this?! It hurts! You're hurting another human being like yourself! How could you do this?!" she pleaded. Alana stood back and looked at her, then chuckled.
"Duh, of course it hurts. If it didn't then I wouldn't be doing this, would I? Besides, I may be human, but I'm special." She says with amusement in her voice.
"How so?" the victim asks. Alana smiled and laughed a little before she responded.
"Wow, you're the most talkative victim I've had. Congrats." she says.
"I asked you a question!" the victim yells. Alana raised her eyebrows a little at how different this victim was. "How are you so special?"
"Because I'm stronger than everyone here." she replied.
"What do you mean?" Alana pulled up her sleeve on her left arm which revealed numerous scars and some of fresh-looking cuts on her wrists. The prisoner gasped when she saw it - they looked so awful, and she was surprised for a second that this tormentor didn't kill herself by that.
"I know what I'm doing," Alana told her strongly. "I know what the pain feels like, only yours is a bit more dramatic." She laughed. "But the best part is, I found out a secret about pain. All you have to do is not feel it!" She laughed again, with more amusement. "That's it! You're just not supposed to give in to it. Once you over come it, then you won't feel anything. That's why I love cutting myself. Every time I see the skin rip open and it feels like nothing more than a slight scratch, it tells me that I'm strong enough to overcome pain.
"I guess that power is what influences me to do all of this-" she gestured to the torture mechs. "I gain more power every time I kill someone. And the best thing is - is that I know that no one is as strong as me. I confirm that when I hear their screams of pain every time I torture them."
"You - you monster!" the prisoner whispered with an awe-struck face.
"I'm sorry," Alana said. "Would you like proof?" She slid down the sleeve of her right arm, which contained no cuts, and the held the knife there.
"Don't-!" She slashed across her skin quickly, slicing her veins from the top of her wrist and down to her elbow. She grinned and looked at her bleeding arm.
"You see?" she asked reassuringly. "Nothing. Not even a trace of a pinch. Of course, this type of cut could kill me, so-" she bandaged it up quickly. The prisoner went on a rant.
"No one can just cut themselves and feel no pain! Everyone feels pain!" As the prisoner spoke, Alana sighed and turned back around at the table, and seemed to be selecting something new. "You're corrupted! You don't deserve this! You don't have to do this! You're so young - I can tell by your voice. Something happened to you to make you do this! Please just-" Alana had come back with a different looking knife and held it to the prisoner's throat, silencing her from her speaking.
"I told you earlier that if you talk too much, everything will be just that much more painful? Now, you don't want that, do you?"
"I don't care!" the prisoner shouted at her face, her black hair clinging to the sweaty skin on her face. "I won't stop talking! I won't listen to you! I will fight back!" She had hit a nerve - she didn't know that Alana hated to be talked back at. She forcefully opened the prisoner's mouth and held open her jaw roughly.
"You're going to keep talking, huh?!" she demanded. "Well then, I guess I'm going to have to re-arrange that!!!" She forced the knife into the victim's mouth while the victim squirmed as much as she could to try and stop her, but it was no use. "Any last words?" she asked tantalizingly.
"Go to hell!" the prisoner screamed louder than ever, her pronunciation quite clear. Alana cut off the victim's tongue with a lightning quick swipe of the knife and threw it aside, laughing hysterically.
"W-wow!" she gasped, trying to stop laughing. "I LOVE doing that! Ohhhhhh, it's the best!" She turned to the weeping victim, the blood seeping through her mouth as she was coughing, trying not to choke on her blood. "Oh yeah," Alana said, "try not to choke." she laughed.
Alana then spent several hours tearing open the skin of the victim and drawing numerous patterns using the victim's blood. The prisoner had passed out long ago before Alana was finished mutilating her, but she gave her that special medication to keep her alive.
Later she broke both of her arms and legs and then untied her feet so she would dangle there for hours, and the shoulders dislocated.
"Wow, you worked pretty hard in this one." the Shadow's voice rang in Alana's ears.
"I'm saving it for - her." she replied while heading out towards the door.
"So we should put this one where . . ." Alana thought for a moment.
"Right outside the prison cell." She finally said.
"Okay then. We'll do that." There was a cold breeze that came from the room that was behind Alana, and she knew the body had disappeared.
"I can't wait to kill that littl-" Alana cut off abruptly and collapsed on the ground, unconscious.
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