Chapter 1: Blast From the Past

Levi's POV

"How's your head?" Petra asked me as her hand caressed against mine as we walked down the mildly busy sidewalk. 

10 am on a Saturday, and surprisingly, it was mildly busy. Usually, it'll be busy and crowded with families shopping on a Saturday. But thankfully, there was little action. Better for my headaches. Recently, my headaches have gotten worse for some reason. Doctors said that it could be that my memories might come back.

"Remembering anything from the last few years?"

"I don't remember anything else than the time I met you, Petra," I smirked a bit, remembering that day. 

I always treasure that memory because that's the only fragment of my past that I can remember. Anything before that, it's nothing. I can't remember how old I am or when my birthday is. I can't remember my family or friends. All I knew was that I was in an accident, and my car had caught fire. That's according to the hospital when they found me.

My fingerprints were not in the system, and everything burned in the car. I had nothing but only a name: Levi. That's all I had in my memories. Because I had no one, the nurse that tended to me decided to take me under her wing. That was Petra. I lived with her for the past 3 years as she managed to me. Eventually, it turned into love. 

"And I don't regret it."

She looks away, sighing softly, "You don't regret it?"

"Why should I?"

"Levi, it's almost the 4th year of you with amnesia. Are you not worried about your life that you had forgotten? Are you not worried that you had an important life and you left it behind? And you get me instead? I love you, Levi, I truly do. But after this long, I'm worried about your past life."

"If I was someone important, don't you think I'll be found easily?" Petra stayed silent, "Exactly. I'm not important to whoever I knew in the past. Let's just... forget it and have lunch. Please?"

She rolled her amber-colored eyes as she opens the door to the cafe. I followed after her. We stay silent until we tried to order coffee. 

"We didn't get our shipment of coffee beans, so we can't serve coffee, unfortunately," the waitress says, wincing as if she was embracing a wave of angry comments.

"That's okay, I'll get a strawberry smoothie instead," Petra says softly, smiling.

"I'll..." For some reason, I instantly thought of tea. "I'll take the tea."

The waitress writes it down, "Thanks for understanding." She says sweetly before walking back.

Petra smirked at me, "Tea? You do realize that they only sell black tea here, remember?"

"Maybe. For some reason, I wanted tea. For the past few years coming here, I never ordered tea. Maybe it'll help spark some memories."

"That's good then. You remembered something."

We began talking about ways I could get my memory back, though, at this point, I don't want to. I'm happy where I am now. I'm happy with Petra and I'm happy with this life. Who knows what stupid crap I've done in the past... now, I am free from that. I just want to live a life without the pain of the past creeping behind me.

We finally received our drinks, and the second I take a sip of the black tea, I remember this taste. I remember drinking this almost every morning. For years, I have never drank this and never felt this feeling of love for it.

"I can see that smile, Levi," Petra giggles softly, "I guess black tea was once your favorite. I assume you'll want to be ordering that from now on?"


"Hey, it could lead to more memories you could unlock-."

"It's not a video game, Petra. This is real. And... I don't know if I want to remember. Not anymore."

"And why's that?"

"Because I rather spend the rest of my life with you."

*   *   *

Walking down the sidewalk once more as she leans against my shoulder, we hear a shriek of a kid. We turned our heads, seeing some children running to a playground. Mothers sat on the benches, whispering words of motherly wisdom.

"Do you remember anything of that sort?" Petra asks, pointing to the kids. "Like having children."

"That part... I don't remember."

"Hopefully, you will."

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head. "I'm not sure how I'll get my memories back for that specific part. But maybe I can become a different person now. Maybe I never wanted kids back then, and I might now. Who knows. I'm a completely different person now."

"You can't be completely different, Levi. I don't believe that you're a brand-new person just because you lost your memories. I think the person I see right before me and who I love is the same as the past self. The only difference is that you don't have your memories now." She kisses me on the cheek, "Come on, let's keep walking."

"Sure thing."

As I walked, I tripped over a kid. Petra seemed to find it amusing while I did not.

"Are you okay?" I asked the kid, seeing her with sad, gray eyes and her hair tied in a cute braid. She doesn't answer me but left her mouth agape. "Listen, sorry, I didn't see you. Are you hurt?"

Her eyes seemed to brighten up after I spoke again. "Daddy?"

"Um, no, I'm not your dad. I'm sorry, but I'm not."

I get to my feet, asking her the same question. But I got nothing in response.

"Are you okay?!" A brunette woman runs up to the child, holding her closely. "Are you hurt? Any boo-boos?"

The child shook her head but continued staring at me. It was creepy. "Daddy?"

"Raven, come on," the mother ignores the child's cries, picking her up in her arms. "I'm so sorry for my daughter-." She turns around, speaking before she cuts herself off. In awe, she stared at me through her glasses. "Levi?"

"Mommy, that's Daddy, right?"

The tears began to swell up as she continued to stare at me. "Levi, is that you?"

"My name is Levi, but I don't know who you are."

"You don't remember me?" The woman blinked some tears away, holding her daughter close. "So you just... abandoned us? That's nice to know." She rolled her eyes before Petra had to stop her from walking away.

"You know who he is, right?"

"Petra, stop-."

She ignores me, stopping the woman and her daughter from leaving. "Ma'am, you know him?"

"Of course, I know him. He is... sorry, was my husband. He was Raven's father." The woman glared at me with pure hatred. "I see that you decided to run off and forget us-."

"No, you misunderstand, ma'am. He was in an accident- a car accident. He lost his memories because of it."

"That's his excuse. I'm not buying it."

"All I know was that his name is Levi. That's it." Petra turns to me, "Levi, this is your chance to go back to your old life."

"I don't want to know anymore. I will rather be here with you."

"Levi, if that's your wife and daughter-."

"According to my wife, I'm nothing to her. If I meant something to her, as I said before, I would've been found much earlier." The woman began boiling with anger in her eyes as I spoke. "I don't know what happened between us, but I rather keep my distance from you."

"What happened is that you disappeared from our lives." The woman's tears began to slip down her precious face as her daughter clung on to her mother for dear life. "Levi got into a car and never came back. He left me alone when I needed him the most. You decided to run off with another woman and never looked back."

What did I do to abandon those two? Whatever I did to leave them... it makes sense why they never bothered to find me.

Petra bowed her head, "I'm sorry to hear that, but again, he lost his memories from a car crash. We had notices out for his identity, but no one stepped forward. He's been living with me ever since."

"We lived in a few cities over, and I decided to finally move to downtown since I can't afford... I can't afford a house anymore. Not after Levi disappeared. We've been searching for him... and at that point, it felt like he abandoned us after... we stopped looking because we couldn't find you."

"Levi," Petra scowled as she turned to me, pointing to that woman. "I don't care how much you hate it, but I want you to go and talk to her. She's a key to your past. Talk to her-."


"Don't." She says sternly, "I don't want to hear that you want to stay with me. Just talk to her. Talk to her about your past." She turns back to the woman, smiling as if she didn't act scary to me. "If you don't mind, I want him to talk to you. I'll just... be around shopping. I'm so sorry for everything that happened."

The woman stayed silent, wiping her tears away. "I don't even know if I want to talk to him anymore. Not after everything."

"He doesn't remember anything. I swear. I want him to remember his past, and if possible, for him to go back. I love him, but I rather he is back in his old life as much as possible. Especially for you and your daughter."

The woman sighed, distraught, "Fine... we can talk. All I want to know is why he left."

"He may not remember. Maybe talking to him about his past might help him unlock some memories?"


Petra, I'm going to kill you.

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