Chapter 26

Day: 1180

Days Left: 4300

Lives Saved: 6

Satisfied with how much rope they had made, the woman and Jules packed everything up and took the pot off the fire.

"Kai!" a voice called out.

The woman motioned to the other side of the camp to where the voice was coming from. Jules looked over and saw an elderly woman in a- wait, was that a wheelchair? And not just any ordinary wheelchair, one constructed of wood, the same colour as the surrounding trees, and instead of the traditional two wheels, it had tank treads.

Did they also make a fucking wheelchair!

"Kai!" the elderly woman continued to call the name.

Jules laughed to himself. Whoever this Kai was, they were in big trouble.

That was when he heard the rolling of wheels behind him.

The elderly woman cleared her voice loudly. "Mister Kai," she said quietly with an underlying sinisterness. "You were on dish duty today. Why are they not clean? Oscar and I are about to sort out dinner. We can't eat off dirty bowls and plates, now can we?"

"No," Jules squeaked. He looked to the blonde-haired woman for help, but she had already escaped with a smirk on her face.

"Why are they not done?" asked the elderly woman.

"I... had a traumatic experience today," mumbled Jules, unable to think of anything else.

"Yes, yes, we all heard about your bowel troubles, but that does not excuse you from skipping your chores!"

Jules yelped as he was hit on the head with a dinosaur claw stick. "Okay! Okay! I'll go do it now!"

"I guess he was lying about his name being Riley Jackson," mumbled Jules as the elderly woman rolled away in her wheelchair. "He's called Kai." He repeated the name to memorise it.

Rubbing his head to soothe it, Jules went over to the stack of dirty plates, unsure how to begin.

"You're going to need water, stupid," said a voice.

Jules turned to see a young woman with long black hair carrying a pot of hot water that had been previously on the fire. She placed it on the ground beside the dirty plates.

"You should know better now than to incur the wrath of Ivette."

Jules laughed. "Thanks for the water."

"That's as much help as you're getting," said the woman as she quickly left.

"Ivette..." Jules said to himself. "Ivette... Kai..."

After finally washing and drying all the dishes and cutlery, Ivette and a man with fair hair, whom Jules presumed was Oscar, delivered dinner to everyone.

They all gathered around the campfires as they ate their food, chatting.

Jules looked around, trying to think of the last time his own group ate like a community. He had friends, of course, that he would eat meals with, but everyone would run on their own schedule. But here, it was almost like a family, how they worked together, ate together.

It was... nice-

He snapped out of that line of thought, remembering that this group was dangerous to his friends. He was here to infiltrate and steal their knowledge.

Don't become indoctrinated by the enemy, Jules!

So, instead, he focused on the food, examining the brown sludge. What was in it? It looked nothing like the meals that came in the silver packets. What could it be? There was so much of it to spread amongst such a large group. If they were not going to the drop-offs, where were they getting all this food...

Jules froze, his stomach churning as a theory crept into his mind.

What if... what if they were cannibals?

He had heard prisoners resorting to such desperate measures, eating other prisoners or parts of themselves as they would eventually grow back.

That blonde-haired woman was missing both hands, and Ivette, though a blanket was covering it, Jules could tell that she was missing parts of her legs. No wonder Annika and Talon were worried about this group; they were cannibals.

Jules looked down at his bowl of food, imagining the lumps to be...

He put the 'food' aside, unable to touch it even to uphold his cover.

"You not hungry?" asked the man sitting next to him. He had dark unruly curls, which Jules was envious of, resisting all urge to touch them.

"Yeah," mumbled Jules. "Not got much appetite at the moment."

"Don't blame you," the man snorted. "After your 'incident', I imagine if you ate anything, it'll all go straight through-"

"Mister Sumit, please, that is not an appropriate conversation for dinner," said what appeared to be some form of humanoid fish monster; its teeth thin and long like grass, keeping its lipless mouth constantly open, resulting in a lisp. "It is not an appropriate conversation for anywhere."

Sumit, Jules noted. Kai, Ivette, Oscar, Sumit... He then groaned, counting how many of them were around the campfire, so many names to remember. And then there was the problem of the masks; if any of them transformed, he would not recognise them. Everyone was in their human form aside from the politely spoken fish monster and seven... imps?

Why did I accept this job?

"I think I need some air," said Jules, rising to stand. "I still feel a bit queasy."

Everyone gave their best wishes for his health in various ways, from the exaggerated politeness of the fish monster, sympathetic 'aws' from a tall woman with fair hair, to the seven imps making farting noises.

I can't do this for every meal, though, thought Jules as he wandered to the outskirts of the camp, resting against a tree. I'll have to be this talkative clumsy Kai until...

How long did he have to do this for? Until he learned all of their building skills? Or until he finds out their intentions of staying? Regardless, Jules hoped that it would not be too long.


Eventually, everyone finished their food and began tidying up all the dishes. Jules returned to help, bombarded with people asking how he was feeling. He would reply that he still felt nauseous, hoping they would leave him alone.

Jules tried to remember the last time anyone made such a fuss about him. If anyone got injured or sick or were just upset about something, no one would be rushing to your side; your friends perhaps, though sometimes they would just say, 'it's okay, it's the Abyss, you'll get over it soon enough' or 'everyone is going through the same thing.'

It was nice to have someone fretting over you, despite it being such a minor thing.

They're only acting like this because they believe I'm Kai. They must all care about him a great deal...

After all the dishes were cleared up, most of the group retired to their own wooden huts. Jules looked around. Which one was his? He inspected them, hoping to find any signs, but only one hut had any writing engraved which read 'Her Highness, Princess Alfreda's Abode. Request audience with Lili or Calanthe'.

Princess? Jules frowned, the name Princess Alfreda sounding familiar, but he was unsure. Was she really a princess? If so, then she must have been from another country to Jules. The Abyss may take your memory but not your knowledge.

"You tired yet?" asked a man who approached Jules. He was the one with the fluffy-curled mohawk.

Jules nodded, his hand fidgeting with his hair, looking at the man's mohawk in envy. He even had a beard, the lines neat and blended nicely with his hair. Jules rubbed his chin, feeling a few stray short hairs, but it was mostly clean-shaven. How he would long for a beard! For hair!

"Come on," the man punched Jules' shoulder playfully. "I thought you would be a lot more excited than this. It's our first night in our new house!"

"Ah shit, yeah!" Jules yelled, putting on a smile. "You know, I almost forgot."

The man laughed. "How could you forget? You've been going on about it non-stop."

Jules shrugged, though the man appeared not to show any suspicion.

So Kai shares a house with this guy? noted Jules. He followed closely behind the man, making it look like he knew where he was going as he was led to 'his' newly built house. It was similar to all others in its construction, being box-shaped, though Jules was certainly not complaining. As soon as he entered the door, he had to keep his gasp of awe from escaping. It looked so cosy.

Inside the hut were two low beds, the frame made from numerous twigs and bark, and the mattress was condensed leaves and moss. Apart from the two beds, there was one thing else in the room: a basket containing a small pile of clothes.

The man took off his weapons, mask, and other supplies and put it inside the basket; Jules copied, then sat down on one of the beds, testing its strength. Back at his own camp, they had access to the Land of the Lost and could construct their own bedding of numerous pillows and duvets. Whilst this bed of leaves and bark would not be as comfortable; it was nice to be sleeping in something resembling a bed.

"This is nice..." the man sighed, looking around the small hut. "We can decorate tomorrow and make it look like a home."

Jules nodded. "What are we thinking? Fairy-lights? Pin-up posters? Cat calendar?"

"Potpourri and candles?" the man laughed, then sighed again. "You hear that?"

Jules frowned, listening. "I can't hear anything-"

"Exactly! No more being next to Sumit and Oscar. Ugh, they could be so loud at night! Every night! How could they be doing it every time? Get some rest, you two!"

"Well, the Abyss does improve our stamina," Jules joked.

So Sumit and Oscar are a couple, huh? Jules then froze. How could he not think of this before? What if Kai was in a relationship? He'd definitely be in trouble, then.

There was a moment of silence as Jules internally panicked about having to kiss a stranger until his roommate broke the silence, bringing him out of that derailing thought.

"Hey, Kai?" the man hushed in an almost inaudible whisper. "We never really talked properly about what happened with Klei."

Jules bit his lip, keeping quiet in the hopes that the man would keep on talking so that he could gain more context. But the guy looked so serious, his voice so soft and almost fragile... Jules felt he was about to learn some secret or personal matter. Was it right to be hearing this?

"I just..." the man glanced down at the floor; his hands clasped together were slightly shaking. "I know it was difficult to decide, Kai, and I wish you didn't have to, but I-" the man hesitated. "I am happy that you decided to choose me- to take my side over Klei's."


Jules froze. What did he just say? Are Kai and this man... Oh no, my cover is going to get blown!

"I know you two had history," continued the man. "And you've known Klei longer than me, but..." The man chuckled slightly, his eyes misted. "I guess I want to say thank you, Kai, for still being by my side."

What the fuck do I do! Jules internally screamed. What do I say? So, let me get this right, Kai chose this guy over his long-term relationship with a man called Klei? Shit, what am I going to do?

"Kai?" hushed the man after he received no response.

He's looking at me so intensely. And we have to share a room! What is this! Is he expecting us to kiss right now? I know I'm straight, so I don't particularly want to kiss a dude, but Kai seems to be at least gay and- I mean, this guy does have amazing hair, and such a strong jawline, and his eyes- no, I am not going to kiss him! Surely kissing someone whilst they believe you are someone else is akin to sexual assault, right? No, I can't do that even if it risks my cover being blown. But wait, does that apply to everything I do? If someone consoles in me something believing that I am Kai, but I am not Kai, that's pretty bad, right?

Consumed by his questioning of the mortality of his mask's abilities, Jules did not answer again.

The man sighed. "I... you don't have to say anything, Kai. I-"

"No, I-" Jules paused. "Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I made the other choice... if I chose to be with Klei, but I..." He put on a soft smile. "I do believe that I made the right choice. I don't regret it."

The man looked away, though Jules could see the smile on his face.

"Well, that's enough serious talk; I'm tired!" Jules flopped onto the bed and curled underneath the blanket woven from soft bark.

Fortunately, the man laughed and went to sleep too in separate beds, much to Jules' relief.

I guess he and Kai aren't the type of couple to do it every night like Sumit and Oscar.

Day: 1181

Much to Jules' relief, he had an uneventful evening. Though this bed was not as comfortable as the numerous pile of pillows he had at his own camp, the house itself was properly isolated, keeping in plenty of warmth and quietening out the blowing winds outside. He could not remember the last restless night he had. There was no set sleep time with his group; everyone slept whenever they wanted, which meant that most of the time, Jules would attempt to sleep whilst there was loud, raucous chatting outside.

"How did you sleep?" asked his roommate, whose name Jules should find out.

"So much better than a tent," Jules sighed dreamily, wanting to sleep all day in peace if only he didn't have to keep up appearances. As he stretched and yawned, Jules smelt something cooking. "Breakfast?"

His roommate, or possibly Kai's boyfriend, or platonic friend, what was their relationship? Anyway- the man nodded and rose, retrieving a fresh pair of clothes from the chest.

Jules froze, then quickly looked away as the man began to change. So they are boyfriends, right? Or, at the very least, very comfortable with each other.

"I'll see you outside," said the man, frowning slightly as he noticed the fake Kai avoiding his gaze.

"I'll be right there," said Jules. Once his roommate had left, with his dirty clothes in hand, Jules looked into the basket, hesitating to choose his outfit. Which was Kai's, and which were his roommate/ partner's? Betting on the small sizes being Kai's, Jules changed into a fresh outfit and then headed outside with his laundry.

He noticed others carrying clothes and putting them in a hamper. Jules copied, followed everyone to the centre of the camp, the fires currently being set alight by... what was his name? Oscar?

Breakfast was served, a meal similar to dinner but smaller and with a slight colour change. What was in it? Where were they getting this food?

"You feeling hungry today, Kai?" asked Oscar as he got around to Jules. "Or does your stomach still need rest, you think?"

Jules nodded. "Yeah, is it alright if I have breakfast later?"

"Of course, just come to Ivette or me when you want it."

"Thank you."

Oscar moved on to the next person in the queue.

To keep up appearances and not knowing what else to do, Jules sat around the campfire whilst everyone ate their breakfast. His roommate sat beside him, giving him a quick smile and nudge.

The fish monster asked how they both slept in their new house, to which Jules responded in great length. Since the house was as new to him as it would have been to Kai, the answers came easy.

Fortunately, breakfast was over quickly as no one lingered, ready to start the day. As soon as someone finished their meal, they stacked their bowl and cutlery to the side, ready to be washed, then went over to a wooden post with a sign nailed to it.

Curious, Jules went over, finding that there was a work rota, though the layout and pictures made it look more like a chores chart for children.

Oh, thank you, whoever made this! Jules sighed. This would make his life so much easier, knowing what he was supposed to do as Kai each day.

Today he was on... Plant duty?


Jules looked around to find any plants, but there were just trees. So what was he supposed to do with trees? Strip them of bark again?

He examined the chore chart again and found that Ivette was also on daily plant duty. So perhaps she was in charge of the plants, the chief gardener? But where were the fucking plants?

Jules found Ivette, the elderly woman in the wheelchair, who had just finished her breakfast. "You ready for plant duty!" he sang with great enthusiasm.

Ivette smirked. "Give me a moment. I just need to discuss some things with Oscar. So start without me; go fetch the water."

"You got it!" Jules turned, his face souring. "Where do you get water from?" he mumbled, looking around. The pots on the fire were now empty.

He searched around the camp in desperation, finding no sign of water.

"I do apologise, Mr Kai!" the fish monster called out, holding the hand of an imp. "THis little one took the buckets; he wanted to make a drum kit."

The imp pouted before reluctantly handing over two metal buckets to Jules.

"Ah, that's okay, buddy." Jules smiled. "When I'm finished with these, you can have your drum kit back."

The imp bounced up and down, clinging onto Jules' leg.

"How about you apologise to Mr Kai by helping him carry water?" suggested the fish monster.

Jules was about to reject the offer but remembered he had no idea where to get water. "Alright, let's go, team, lead the way."

Holding Jules' hand, the imp led him outside the camp, where nearby there was a river, only how straight and neat the river was, suggested that it was not natural but dug out.

So they made a river connected to that ever-lasting rainy place? Clever, remarked Jules.

After scooping the water into the buckers, Jules and the imp returned to the camp. Jules thanked his little assistant and bid him leave, and then he was left wondering where to take the buckets.

That was when he heard the noise of tank treads- Ivette's wheelchair. Following the sound, Jules entered a wooden hut, the largest in the whole camp.

"I got the water..." he froze as he saw what was inside.

In his many years of imprisonment, Jules had seen a singular Abyss fruit which another prisoner had discovered. The prisoner, holding onto hope, planted the seeds in the ground, but nothing ever sprouted, and thus they both starved for a month afterwards.

But before Jules were twelve Abyss Plants, all flowering and fertile, with at least three Abyss Fruit hanging from their stems.

So, they aren't cannibals; They just figured out how to cultivate the Abyss Fruit.

The plant nursery had a large hole in the roof to allow sunlight and any rainfall but also had a cover in case the winds grew too wild. Along the walls were shelves of gardening equipment, the majority handmade.

This is... this is incredible...

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