Chapter 10

Day: 986

Days Left: 4494

Lives Saved: 5

Almost every evening, Lili trained Corinna in how to fight, altering her fighting style from her previous spear focused set to unarmed martial arts. Yet, despite Lili repeatedly saying how much progress Corinna had made, Corinna herself felt otherwise; she may be more competent in a fight if it ever came to it, but that fear remained. So when she considered joining one of the others in leaving the campsite to scout or collect water or firewood, she hesitated, freezing at the edge.

Come on, what's wrong?

You can fight now even without a mask, and you're still so weak, so scared.

It's not supposed to be like this.

I'm supposed to be better by now.

Weeks of training did nothing to settle her nerves and only dwindled her self-confidence. What would she be like in a real fight? Would she freeze up?

"You're stuck in your head again, Miss Warren," said Lili, her arms folded as she waited patiently for her student to return to reality. "You need to remain focused."

Corinna nodded, sucking in a breath to calm her bubbling paranoia.

Lili studied her for a moment in silence, then said, "it's about time we train you with your mask."

Corinna froze, glancing down at her mask tucked away in a nearby bag. She shook her head.

"Why not? You wanted to learn how to fight. You'll be facing other monsters. Though what I have taught you so far may work on some, it would be safer in your mask form."

Corinna retrieved her whiteboard and pen from her bag and then wrote, 'what if I can't control it?'

"How can you control something without practice?" Lili sighed. "I can ask Mister Oscar or Mister Calixte to assist; if you lose control, which is unlikely, they can calm you down."

After a moment of consideration, gazing down at her blue, glowing mask, Corinna shook her head again.

"Perhaps another day?" Lili asked.

Corinna shrugged, chewing her bottom lip.

"The blood moon will be upon us soon." Lili began packing away her belongings. "It is just a recommendation, but practising using your mask outside of blood moons will give you more control." She paused, glancing at the ground before saying, "think about it, Miss Warren." And with that, Lili left to return to her royal bodyguard duties, ending the lesson early.

Corinna remained standing in the small clearing, staring at the mask in her bag. She wondered if she had made Lili mad by refusing to use her mask and thought about the prospect of that being her last ever lesson.

Would learning to use her mask help settle that fear inside of her? Or would it just make everything worse?

What if she lost control again and attacked someone?

No, she would never risk it.

And so, she left her mask unworn.


Lili glanced back as she left Corinna, regretting cutting the lesson short, but the tactic was to persuade Corinna into fighting against that fear hopefully. Though, perhaps it was best not to pressure her into it. She needed to defeat that doubt inside of her, and Lili just gave her a push.

Calanthe had already given Princess Alfreda her dinner, so Lili only retrieved a bowl for herself. She was about to head to the princess' tent to guard it when Ivette motioned over to her.

"How is Corinna doing?" Ivette asked.

"Miss Warren has made good progress," answered Lili. "She soon should be able to handle herself in a fight alone."

"I meant..." Ivette swallowed. "I meant, how is Corinna doing?"

Lili paused. "It is none of my business to know or share."

"But your lessons are helping her, yes?"

"They are helping Miss Warren learn how to defend herself, yes."

Ivette narrowed her eyes, realising that Lili would not answer her properly.

"Miss Warren is a grown adult," Lili continued. "If you wish to know her current mental and emotional state, you can simply ask her yourself."

"Are you at least going easy on her-"

"No, you cannot learn without challenging yourself-"

"She is in a fragile state at the moment!"

"And she will remain so if you treat her like she's glass."

The two of them glared at each other, neither wanting to give in and held their heads high.

"You are too harsh," said Ivette.

"I thought you were also pushing her into being independent," said Lili. "Allowing herself to learn how to write and do everyday tasks without hands. You are being hypocritical right now by saying I should coddle her."

"That is different!" Ivette hissed, quietening her voice when she saw stares from the others in the campsite. "I am not forcing her; I am just leaving her to her own devices."

Lili grumbled incomprehensible sounds of frustration under her breath. "If she did not want pushing, then she would not have asked for my help. Instead, she would have quit my lessons."

"What would be best-"

"If Miss Warren decides what she wants." Lili gave one last shot of disapproval before leaving Ivette to stop the argument then and there before it could continue any further.

She arrived outside of Princess Alfreda's tent and sat nearby, eating her food whilst it was still hot.

The other prisoners sat around the campfire, talking and laughing; everyone was there, apart from Princess Alfreda and Lili.

Once Lili had scraped her bowl clean, she stood up, about to return the bowl to be cleaned, when a voice stopped her.

"Lili," said the voice from inside the tent.

"Yes, Your Highness?" Lili responded, bowing though no one could see it.

"I wish to speak to you."

Lili straightened herself and then entered the tent to find Princess Alfreda in her fire demon form. Once prompted, Lili sat before her employer in the tent. "Your Highness?"

Princess Alfreda wafted herself with her paper fan, her eyes narrowing as she studied her bodyguard. "How have those sparring lessons been going?"

Surprised, Lili was late to reply, "Miss Warren has greatly improved, Your Highness."

There was a pause before the princess then asked, "you enjoyed teaching everyone, did you not? I believe that it was the only thing you did that wasn't related to your work."

"I taught everyone to fight so that the group was stronger. Stronger to defend Your Highness." Lili bowed her head even lower. "If Your Highness wishes, I can cancel the lessons with Miss Warren. No more distractions-"

Princess Alfreda sighed, shaking her head, the rings and beads hanging from her curled horns clinking gently as she did. "You are not listening to me, Lili-"

"I apologise, Your Highness, I-"

"You enjoyed teaching, answer!"

Lili hesitated, then replied, "yes, I did."

The fire demon snapped her paper fan shut. "That was what I wanted to hear, good."

"I can cancel the lessons-"

"Lili, that is not what I am asking of you."

Lili swallowed. "I thought Your Highness would not be so distracted from my duties."

"No, I do not." The princess glanced away. "However, these lessons you are holding are nearby. So it is not as if you are too far away if I should be in danger. And you always ensure that Calanthe or someone else is guarding my tent. You have not disregarded your duties, Lili."

Lili remained silent, her fingers fidgeting as she wondered why she was called into the tent.

"Do you not do anything else for yourself, Lili?" Alfreda asked.

"For myself?" Lili raised her head, her brows knitted in confusion at the question. "I do not understand."

"No, of course, you don't," the princess sighed. She snapped her fan open again. "You may leave."

"Yes, Your Highness." Lili obeyed, though hesitant, as she stopped herself from asking further questions. She wondered if she had somehow disappointed the princess.

As she exited the tent, she saw Ivette heading over.

Lili met her halfway, keeping her posture solid and straight. "Ms Ivette," she acknowledged.

Ivette sighed. "I am just worried about Corinna; that is all."

"It is understandable," replied Lili.

"You are... right that Corinna is to choose how she handles things, but I just wish she would talk to me about it or someone else." Ivette lowered her head, clasped her hands and fidgeted with the blanket wrapped around her legs. "She used to talk to me, or Rin, Sumit, or Calixte whenever she had a problem." Ivette chuckled slightly. "That girl would not stop talking about herself." Her smile then faded. "I was wondering perhaps if she was talking to you about anything? To know that she was finally sharing her feelings instead of bottling it all up would be a bit of peace on my mind- on all of our minds."

Lili shook her head. "No, we only discuss fighting techniques."

Ivette let out a sigh of disappointment. "I see..."

"Besides, why would Miss Warren talk to me about it? As you said, she has other people far suited to talking than I."

"Sometimes it is easier to talk to someone you are not particularly close with," said Ivette. "I meant no offence, of course, or to presume. But I have never seen you interact with someone outside of anything work-related."

"That is because there is no need."

Ivette scowled. "And that is the problem, is it not, my dear? You cannot keep to yourself all the time-"

"Miss Rin does-"

"Rin does socialise, believe it or not. You, however, do not! It is not healthy! You need to have some fun, Lili."

Lili straightened herself. "That is unnecessary. I have my duties-"

"You are teaching Corinna, too; that is unrelated to that princess." Ivette smiled. "Please, forgive me for earlier and join everyone for dinner."

"I have already eaten, thank you."

"Or join for conversation-"

"I have nothing to discuss."

Ivette was quiet for a moment, her smile remaining but wavering. "Perhaps another day, my dear. But please think about your own happiness eventually." The old woman left, rolling her body on the skateboard to rejoin the others.

Lili, as always, remained guarding Princess Alfreda's tent.

Day: 989 (Blood Moon)

Corinna had made all of the preparations for the blood moon, ensuring that everyone would be safe. The group was particularly anxious due to the large group of prisoners occupying the sector's food drop-off, concerned that they would have a horde of monsters at their doorstep as soon as the sky turned red. To prepare for that scenario, Corinna and Dex had set up traps and alarms on the outskirts of their campsite to warn them if any monsters got close.

Sumit was escorted to the Raining Marshes, ready for his transformation. As his mask changed him into an octopus, he required water to breathe and what better place than when there was infinite rain and large pools of water, though he avoided the ones occupied by nymphs. 

Rin travelled by herself to somewhere remote, her mask form being uncontainable and erratic, dangerous around others. Though Ivette and Corinna objected to this, Rin had proven to be safe by herself during blood moons numerous times.

Everyone else remained at the campsite. Then, when the moon and the sky bled into crimson, the prisoners all froze for a moment, their eyes glazed and tranced, before donning their masks and transforming in unison, unless they were already transformed like Calixte the amphibian.

Not even a few minutes into the blood moon did Corinna feel those violent urges in her mind, telling her to attack anyone nearby. But, through deep breaths and concentrating on her future construction projects, Corinna fought those thoughts back into the recesses of her subconscious.

Fortunately, she had more control compared to Ivette and the imps. Oscar and Calixte used their mask's powers to calm them; Calixte, with his hypnotising orb on his antenna, and Oscar, tapping the imps and naga to spawn an energy-sapping mushroom.

Though neither of them had trouble with violent thoughts during blood moons, Dex and Kai could not resist the blood moon's power of drawing you to nearby monsters, and thus Dex and Kai were stuck next to each other, unable to move unless they coordinated together. Occasionally, if someone passed by them, the two would follow like a forming a conga line.

Whilst Corinna did not have to worry too much about the blood moon's effects, there was still something she had to deal with, and that was the nature of her mask. When the sky turned scarlet, Corinna, like everyone else, donned her mask. Her body was soon coated in blue, shimmering and illuminant; tiny flecks of white slowly whirled around and dimmed and brightened like twinkling stars. Corinna did not know what she had expected when she had first received this mask, but at the very least, she had hoped that...

She had hoped that her mask form would give her hands. Hands to let her craft, wield a weapon to defend herself, and just pick something up instead of using her forearms. But no, this mask merely used her current form as a base, covering her in glowing blue light. 

But what was worse was that not only did she not grow hands in this form, she was also unable to touch and or hold anything. Everything that came into contact with her celestial blue, glowing body started to sizzle and burn. It was the same for her feet, and so Corinna was forced to continuously walk around during blood moons so as not to risk causing a forest fire.

And the constant blue glow rendered her the most visible thing for miles, not built for stealth. She only hoped that her mask form wouldn't draw the attention of the nearby group occupying the food drop-off.

For twenty-four hours, every blood moon since she received this mask, Corinna would walk around their camp, leaving a slight trail of footprints, singeing the grass. The other prisoners took turns keeping her company, which Corinna was very much grateful for, and sometimes she would have time to herself, thinking about future construction projects.

When Calixte was certain that Ivette and the imps would be calm for a while, he joined Corinna in her walk, enthusing about the book he was currently reading. Corinna could only reply through miming as she was still mute in her mask form, nor could she stop and write something; however, just hearing someone talk broke the tediousness of the twenty-four-hour walk.

After Calixte talked with the celestial for an hour, occasionally freaking out and hissing and gurgling violently when he heard a twig snap, the blood moon's influence, but then composed himself, and he soon returned to his guard duties. Corinna was alone for half an hour with her thoughts, and then it was Calanthe's turn. The towering minotaur said she wished that she could style the celestial's hair, as it was so blue and shimmery, floating and swaying despite there being no breeze. And then Calanthe, too, returned to take a nap.

But much to Corinna's surprise, the next person to come to talk to her was Lili. The giant tiger emerged through the trees and startled the celestial. Lili had never spent time with her during blood moons as she was always on patrol nearby Princess Alfreda's tent.

Corinna wanted to ask if it was alright for the royal bodyguard to leave her post, but it seemed that Lili knew what she was thinking.

"Princess Alfreda ordered me to leave my post," answered Lili. "The blood moon has temporarily affected her mind, and Her Highness required to be far away from others if she lost control and attacked someone."

Corinna nodded in understanding but could easily sense that the royal bodyguard disliked these orders.

The tiger glanced at the trail of burnt footsteps that the celestial left in her wake. "Have you reconsidered what I suggested before? About training with your mask?"

The celestial looked behind at the charred ground, quickening her pace, not wanting to ruin the grass further.

"If you learn and understand how your mask works, you could control that," said Lili. "You would not have to be continually walking all day for every blood moon."

Silently sighing, Corinna eventually nodded. It was pretty inconvenient this mask, how she could not touch anything without it burning. At the moment, all that it was suitable for was combat. She would be untouchable on the battlefield... but hopefully, it would not ever come to that. The nearby group occupying the food drop-off she planned on peacefully negotiating with, not fight, but what if...

Corinna shook away the images of when she was the golden knight, how she lost control and attacked everyone. She shouldn't rely on any mask for too long if that happened again, but perhaps if she learned to stop glowing so much with this one, she might find a non-violent purpose for her celestial form.

Finally deciding to want training, Corinna looked to Lili expectantly.

"You want to learn?" Lili asked to make sure.

Corinna nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you figure out how your mask works. I often escorted Princess Alfreda to the Abyss' broadcasts. I have seen countless masks on those videos and learned how most of them work." Lili paused. "Let's start with standing still."

Corinna almost did stop in shock but only sped up as she remembered what would happen if she did stand still.

"Miss Warren," Lili soothed. "It will be alright. Just stand still for as long as you can."

Corinna shook her head, continuing to walk.

"Fine." The giant wildcat sighed and then left her side.

Corinna wanted to call after to apologise.

She's only trying to help.

Why can't you do what she asks?

It is just standing still, and I can't even do that.

Shortly after, the tiger returned with a pail of water in her mouth. "I will carry this as a precaution," said Lili, her words muffled with the bucket handle between her fangs. "Before you stand still, I want you to imagine yourself not glowing."

The celestial tilted her head, prompting more explanation.

"If you can control this power, then it should be simple as just thinking," explained Lili. "I have heard it is the same with magic, and these masks are made from magic."

Corinna stared down at herself, at the glowing blue skin and constellation twinkling specks of stars.

Imagine them turned off.

Imagine darkness.

Imagine the cold.


She closed her eyes, focusing on that darkness and snuffing the light.

Just darkness.

All that exists is the darkness.

She breathed in.

And breathed out.



Slowly, she reopened her eyes, looked down and saw that she was no longer glowing, no longer luminescent. Instead, her skin had turned a dark blue, a few twinkling stars remaining but dim and faint, her hair flopped back down, no longer defying gravity. Moreover, the footsteps behind were not charring the ground.

The celestial stopped to a halt, able to stand still without burning anything.

"There we are," said Lili. "Progress."

However, the glowing soon returned, smoke rising from the celestial's feet, and Corinna jolted, jumping from the aflame grass. Her entire body burst into light and then flared out. Her vision whirled as if everything was zooming past her, her feet not on solid ground, and then she stumbled back, only she was not by Lili's side anymore.

No, instead, she was a few meters away.

Corinna paused, looking to Lili then at the spot she now was...

And then at the burning grass beneath her.

Her body again burst into light, and everything blurred around her, and she found herself back by Lili's side. Then, learning from her mistakes, Corinna resumed walking and moving around, not standing still.

The tiger quickly put out the small fires with her giant paws, then stared at the celestial before mumbling, "huh..."

Corinna waved her arms around and jumped up and down in excitement and fear. What had just happened?

"It appears that you can travel at great speeds, Miss Warren," Lili answered.

Corinna tilted her head.

"I saw you... turn into this ball of light and..." The tiger motioned to where Corinna had previously zoomed from. "I wonder what else you can do."

Lili continued to watch over the celestial to prevent any forest fires until Corinna was confident to be by herself.

On her own, Corinna spent the rest of the many hours of the blood moon experimenting with her newfound powers. She first controlled her breathing and shut off the glowing and imagined darkness, only lasting a few seconds before the blue light returned. Then she did the opposite, imagining a blinding light, and she would propel a few metres forwards in seconds. Finally, Corinna practised holding objects on nearby twigs and stones, seeing how long before they would start to burn.

Yes, Corinna thought, feeling the large smile on her lips as she gazed down at this powerful form. Perhaps in the future blood moons, she would actually be able to lay down and sleep. 

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