Chapter One

He sat at the table, his head bent down as he carved the last bit of the new spoon in which he created. He sighed, hearing his mother's footsteps.

"Done with the spoon, Alfred?" she asked, stirring the pot of stew with the much larger wooden utensil in the boiling water.

He breathed shakingly, prepared to hand her his creation. He got up from his seat; standing a foot away from her as his hand stretched for her to take. Once she took it, she complimented her son's hard work with an affectionate, but brief pat on his shoulder.

"You better wash up, or we'll be late for the Gospel." he nodded silently, stepping out of the kitchen and upward to his room so he could read the verses his father had assigned him to study; memorize; and practice for the deed of the Good Lord.


Alfred had just finished his verses when his father stepped into his room; a tired sigh escaped his lips from a hard day's work.

"Alfred, have you finished your religious studies, and your chores?" Alfred looked at his tired father, nodded silently as apposed to his image. In the village, there was a rule: Children are to be seen and not heard, they are to obey their father and mother and are to attend Church every Sabbath day.

"Ye-yes, Father," the twenty-two year old stammered. Though he was in twenties, he wasn't married yet, and he hadn't found a place of his own. "I did e-everything you've asked me to."

"That's a good boy," his father patted his son affectionately, leaving the room with a smile.

Being a twenty-two-year old Amish man was a hastle. Alfred ---- who wanted to be known as Freddie in secret ---- thought it was just too much; he wanted to leave the country.

The truth was, he wanted to leave the Amish community.

"Now, let us bow our heads and pray." Pastor John McDowell said as he clasped his hands together with a grin on his face.

As everyone prayed, Alfred wanted to run. It wasn't that he hated church, it was the way they ran things. He was miserable inside. He hated being Amish, and all he wanted was to go out and explore the world.

But, running away would mean he would be shunned from the community he knew now. Maybe for now, it was best to stay here, and be married to some Amish girl.


Later that evening, Alfred was finishing up the dishes; a sigh escaping his lips. Just then, he heard some type of machinery pull up before his house. He walked over to the front entrance, seeing a family get out of the station wagon before him.

He walked over to them, stating, "Is there something I can help you with?"

The man turned around and smiled at Alfred. "Yes. See, our car has broken down and we need a place to stay. Do you know where we can find a motel that's just up ahead?"

Alfred pondered for a moment, then said, "No, I don't. But we wouldn't mind having you stay with us for a bit. I'm Alfred." he turned around to see if no one was near him. He then lowered his voice. "But please, call me Freddie."

"Thank you." With that, the family walked behind Alfred, seeing this as an opportunity to get to know new people.

He saw her. She was a beautiful gem to Alfred. With her brown hair, hazel-green eyes and luscious red lips it was hard not to be obedient to his parents. He mustn't think unholy thoughts; such as letchery, kissing, or touching a woman in such a sinful way.

But she was beautiful. All he could think about was kissing her.

"Alfred!" his mother's voice rang through his ears, snapping the dirty thought out of his head. He waved to the family who stayed at an abandoned shelter no one used in the village. He ran towards his own home; seeing her mother scrubbing down the pot which was contained with stew from earlier.


"I don't want you around that family." she continued to scrub.

"Why? They seem harmless," he stated, "it's not like they're out to hurt us or anyth---"

"Just stay away from them!" she bellowed, "They aren't good in the Lord's eyes. If you're around that, that Devil girl you'll bound to sin. You stay away from them, understood?"

"Yes, Mother." he then walked upstairs once again, blowing out the candle as he was welcomed in his own bed. He then closed his eyes, going into a deep slumber, but to only dream of lust.

Lust was a sin; and only bad children dream of those things.

A u t h o r ' s N o t e ,

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- Valerie

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