¹¹ 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨
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Stuck in front of her locker, Hana was half-listening to Sora Amano's monologue. She had spent a thrilling weekend in Tokyo, and every time she met one of her friends in the corridors of the establishment, the student had to tell them everything about it. From the beginning. Every detail. Details that Hana had the joy of hearing for - at least - the third time in the morning.
Hana yawned with boredom, but neither Amano nor her friends paid any attention to it. They were all too obsessed with their conversation to realize that someone wasn't listening. So nobody noticed the look of complicity that Hana exchanged with another student who passed by, and no one noted the message that made her phone vibrate with the random excuse that the young woman invented to get away.
Taking a slow step to not be noticed, Hana left the main building and went around it. On her way, she met a small handful of students passing near the vending machine, but none of them wondered what direction she was taking, or even the fact that she was the second person in less than five minutes to head for the paved driveway everyone knew was a dead end.
Hana loved this place since the time she found it. When the weather allowed it, she would take refuge during her breaks to admire the pretty flowers that had chosen this spot as their home. She clearly preferred the company of these charming plants to that of her somewhat superficial companions. So, as soon as she could, the brunette would throw the first lie that came to her mind to get there.
However, Hana wasn't the only one enjoying the tranquility of this place. Another person was often already there when she arrived, an orange tube on the lips and a shimmering glow at the bottom of her translucent gaze. The addiction to nicotine forced Keisuke to regularly visit this dead-end to satisfy it. And if at first the presence of an intruder had annoyed him, the situation had changed since a certain secret bounded them.
Several weeks had passed since their detention in the library. Neither had bothered to come back to what had happened. And in the end, they had not really needed it; things between them had taken a whole other dimension without any discussion being necessary, and the terms of their little arrangement were more than clear: no feelings. No need to waste once's breath on saying it out loud.
A sort of routine had taken hold between them. In the corridors, each one of them never addressed more than a sneaky glance to the other one. They acted as if nothing had happened, like two people who didn't know each other at all. But out of sight, in an empty classroom or in a remote corner of the institution, things were very different. The idea that they could get caught at any time only made their little game more entertaining, forcing them to be more and more inventive so they don't arouse the suspicion of their comrades.
This paved driveway was a bit like their daily meeting point. This time was no exception, as Hana arrived at her destination and found the boy already sticking his cigarette to his lips. She sat quietly by his side and a few minutes passed, during which they exchanged nothing more than their mere presence. It was often the case, too. Each one took care not to interfere too much in the other's life, and that suited them perfectly.
But this time, Hana felt particularly talkative. And seeing him about to light a new cigarette, the young woman could not help but tell him about a question that had been running through her head for a long time.
—How long have you been smoking?
Keisuke glanced at the pretty brunette beside him. He didn't expect her to speak, especially with such a question. The young man didn't, however, formalize and replied to her a few moments later.
—A few years, he said, taking a new drag. And you? He added in a sneer.
—I don't smoke, I told you already, said Hana, pressing her head against the wall behind her. I don't want to become an addict.
—That's exactly the impression you gave me when you smoked my joint, he remarked, amused.
—It was exceptional, replied Hana vehemently. And if I plan to be a pro skater one day, I can't risk ruining my health.
Speaking this, Hana echoed unwillingly to the pack of blondes she still possessed, hidden in the lining of her school bag. She hadn't found an opportunity to return them, and as time went on, her willingness to do so diminished.
First, he didn't know that she had stolen them. Otherwise, he would have let her know. Secondly, the young woman didn't know how to give him the package without it being strange. She didn't see herself telling him that she had those cigarettes all along and that she hadn't said anything. And lately, Hana didn't want him to make the connection between that and the time he caught her smoking. He would understand that she had taken from his package, and the young woman didn't want to be seen as a profiteer.
As a result, Hana was carrying around his cigarettes, waiting to decide what to do with them.
—You're gonna be a pro skater?
Akaashi's voice took the student out of her thoughts, and after a few seconds of thinking, she shrugged her shoulders gently.
—I don't really know, she admitted slowly. In fact, I don't know what I'm going to do after high school. I can't imagine myself that far and... I think skating is my only option. Or at least, that's the way everyone pictures me and my future.
Hana went silent, suddenly feeling as if she has said too much about what she really thought. She looked down at the few blades of grass that she had pulled out, observing them as if it were the most interesting thing on Earth.
—Excuse me, I shouldn't have said that, she said in a small voice. I forgot you're in last year...
The young woman didn't know at all if her comrade had made his mind about his own future. If he was in the same case as her, Hana feared that she had put some pressure on him by reminding him that he still hadn't made up his mind. She herself was anxious not to know what she would do with her life when she had two full years left to think. He had only a few months left at most, so she didn't dare to imagine...
But fortunately for her, the young man seemed to read her thoughts as he quickly dismissed, to her greatest happiness, her silent questioning.
—I'm going to inherit the family business, it was already established before my birth. So I don't really have to worry about anything, revealed Akaashi without going into more details.
—Oh? Hana said with surprise. Now that you say it, it's true that it's the most logical thing to do, but... I thought you'd be looking for something out of the ordinary, she explained in a subtle tone.
A flash of surprise passed through Akaashi's eyes, then a smile appeared on his lips. Light but authentic. A real smile. Hana unconsciously held her breath. It was the first time she had seen him smile like that, and she couldn't help but think it suited him unexpectedly well. Few people were to have the privilege of attending it.
—I enjoy... drawing, Akaashi finally confessed while tapping his thumb on the filter of his cigarette. And photography, too, he added in a lower voice.
The words of the young man resonated in Hana's mind and were printed in it with great care despite her willingness. He never talked about his personal life and apart from what she had seen of him, the brunette knew nothing about him. At least in comparison to everything he had learned about her. While resonating, Hana still felt a little ashamed of the way she had opened up about her life when they met. Throwing a bunch of personal information – including the death of her parents – while she was drunk wasn't exactly what the young woman boasted about. Thank goodness, he never made a single remark about it.
Hana looked at her partner, thoughtful. So he had a certain affinity for art? She could not determine whether it surprised her or not. But now that she knew, the brunette could not help but see the signs everywhere, starting with the snake that marked her skin. Could it be that he drew the pattern himself? Hana didn't dare to formulate the question aloud. Instead, she focused on another small detail that now made sense. How could she not have made the connection earlier between his often ink-stained fingers and his passion for art?
Hana was easily picturing him sitting at the back of the class, sketching in his notebooks instead of listening to the teacher, with his pen in one hand, his head resting in the other. The only times he raised his head, the young woman imagined him either looking out of the window for inspiration, or to stare at the clock while thinking that it would have been better to skip his hour of class. This last thought made Hana smile without her realizing it.
Yeah, that looked like him.
—Tell me, Hoshino, you got something planned for Saturday? Asked Akaashi, turning his face towards her comrade.
Their eyes inevitably crossed, and Hana couldn't help but carefully turn away hers, aware of having been caught staring at him. She thought for a moment before answering.
—Not much, apart from my skating lesson, she replied with a sigh, annoyed in advance by this program which was boring to her.
—There's a party thrown by old friends of mine, wanna join ? Asked the boy.
A party? The invitation couldn't have come at a better time. It had been a while since she had gone out to have some fun, and Hana needed to let go.
—Sure, said Hana, smiling a little to him.
—Cool, I'll come and get you around eight o'clock, said Akaashi, smashing the rest of his cigarette end against the stone slab.
As the break was coming to an end, the two students returned at the same time to the main buildings. They exchanged some banalities about the upcoming party, then the moment of separating came.
—Goodbye, said the pretty brunette, turning to her comrade.
—Yeah, see you tomorrow.
—Oh, and... happy birthday, Hana whispered after a few seconds.
When he heard those words, Keisuke raised an eyebrow, surprised and amused. He had never specified his birthdate, and the way she acknowledged that information suddenly interested him. Did she question Kazuya Shirai about it ? Even though imagining the head that he would have pulled amused him, Keisuke knew that this idea was totally improbable. She was far too smart to report their relationship in this way...
However, Keisuke hadn't the time to ask for further explanations and he was entitled to nothing more than a mysterious look and a false innocent grin from the young woman, visibly proud of having disturbed him.
In a blink of an eye, she had already disappeared among the stream of students.
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