Chapter 27

//// Part 3 ////

Absently I drum my fingers on the wooden table. I ignore the angry and suspicious looks from the men that occupy the inn.

Whether they want me here or not is none of my concern. If they want me to leave they should come over and ask me to instead of staring at me.

Of course, it would be kind of hard not to, I tend to stick out in a crowd. You would think that someone completely dressed in black would go by unnoticed by others yet I tend to draw the attention of everyone I see.

Then again, the large crossbow that I laid on the table when I came in may be the cause of the rude stares.

What can I say? I enjoy showing off my weapons. Especially to witless men who think they can take me on in a fight.

One of the men (who is quite large) seems interested in getting a few teeth knocked out so he walks over to me, trying to appear menacing.

"We don't want your kind here elf."
He spat pointing to the door.
"Leave now before we make

"What makes you think that I'm an elf?"
I ask running a finger over my crossbow.
"I've seen you around here before. You cause trouble and mayhem everywhere you go."

"That is kind of the point. I am a troublemaker and I love what I do."
I reply turning to face him. I always keep my hood over head but when one of these pests begins annoying me I allow my eyes to show.

Because of their uncanny look they usually startle most people and Fatty here is no exception.

He backs away and I smirk. Turning back to my crossbow I believe that my work is done here.

Until someone slams a knife into the table which sends splintering wood flying in all directions.

"You heard him elf."
A man with a thick, black beard growls clutching the hilt of his knife.
"We want you to leave."

I sigh and recline in my chair, resting my legs on the table and putting my head in my hands.

"And I don't want to leave. I quite like it here actually. Now if you would be so kind as to get away from me I will reconsider throwing you out of here

I guess I should have kept my mouth shut cause Beard grabs me by the front of my shirt and throws me out of my chair.

"What are you going to do elf? There's only one of you and...."

He lets his voice trail off and I look up to see about twenty men standing over and around me.

This could be a problem.

I smile as I get back on my feet.

For them.

"This is your last chance elf. Arw you going to leave?"
Fatty asks.
"Now come on gentlemen, can we not solve this like civilized folk?"

My smile grows bigger as they all take menacing steps forward.
"Alright then, we'll do this your way."

Beard lunges at me first with his knife. I sidestep him and grab his arm with one hand and the back of his head with the other.

I slam him onto the table and he goes down. Two more men come at me with fists ready to srike. I lift up one arm to block one blow and grab the other man by his wrist.

I fling him into the man who tried to punch me and they fall onto the floor. Now all the men are coming at me at once.

I manage to dodge their blows and send them crashing and tumbling into each other. Then someone had to pull out sword.

"This is your last chance elf."
The man with the sword threats.
"I thought I already used my last chance?"
I ask innocently.

The man with the sword roars in anger and comes at me. I sigh and pull out two long swords. He hesitates but not fast enough to avoid my swords.

He cries out in agony as both and arm and a leg are severed from his body. His sword clatters onto the wooden floor and I dare someone to pick it up.

The men watch as their companion writhes in pain on the floor and I calmly sheeth my swords.

"Now that I think about it, I don't really like this place at all. It's too crowded."

I retrieved my crossbow from the table and kick a moaning Beard in the side as I walk by him.

As I exit the inn I am unaware of another hooded figure watching me, and eventually following me out.


I walk without a care in the world through the small village. Every man, woman, and child run for their lives as I go by.

I walk by one of the small shops and pluck an apple from one of the stands. I can take what I want when I want, it's a great life.

I leave the village and debate on where I should go next. There are many villages of men in Gondor, although I wonder if a visit to Minas Tirith would be a good idea or a bad one.

I pause for a moment as the sound of footstepts fills my ears. I wait until I know they are just behinf me and then I rapidly draw one of my swords just in time to block the blade of another.

A hooded figure is the one wielding the sword. I can't see what they look like in the dim light but appearances don't concern me at the moment.

"I've been looking for you elf."
The figure says in a strange voice.
"Am I really that hard to find? One would think that a person cloaked completely in black and carrying dozens of weapons would be easy to spot in a crowd. And why does everyone think that I am an elf?"

The stranger whips her sword to the side and knocks my hood off, revealing all of my obvious elven features.

"Lucky guess."
The stranger says as they begin to circle. I start circling as well, if there is going to be a fight I plan on making it as interesting as possible.

For me anyway. The stranger raises their sword and I draw my other, wondering whether or not they'll back down.

They don't and I am surprisingly impressed.
"You have courage I'll give you that."
I say lifting my swords.
"But can you last long against an elf?"

"I've fought elves before, ones that would actually fight instead of talk."

I pause for a moment and tilt my head to the side.
"I'm almost considering letting you live."
"You couldn't kill me even if I let you."
"You are quite bold for someone who is about to die."

At that moment I'm done talking and ready to fight. My opponent must be thinking the same thing because at the same time we fly at each other.

They manage to block both of my swords with their one and we both are forced back from each other.

"You are quite strong my friend."
"Since when did I become your friend?"
They ask as they prepare to attack again.
"My friends are all the people that I don't like and want to

I explain charging at them again. Sparks fly from our swords as they collide. We spin and twist our bodies as we try to land a blow on each other.

When we break away again I'm surprised that they are still able to go on.

"Are you an elf?"
I ask curiously.

You could say that."
We throw ourselves at each other again. Only this time I'm far more concerned with figuring out who this person is.

"Are you part elf?"
I ask parrying a blow.
"I guess so."
They try to land a blow on my legs but I easily dodge it.

"Was your mother a beautiful elf maiden and your father a rugged man whom her father did not approve of?"
I ask as we continue to fight.

They reply and I can hear weariness creeping into their voice.

"Was your father an elf and your mother a human?"
I ask refraining from using my other sword for the time being.
"I am not part human."
They say trying to hide their growing exauation.

My eyes widen as I hold my sword up and they push against it with theirs, trying to force me backwards.

"By Morgoth were one of your parents a dwarf?"
"Now that- is just- offensive."
They pant and my eyes widen even more as the voice they had been using suddenly changes.

This person was never using their actual voice. I decided the time has come to stop playing games and I use one sword to trip them and the other to send their weapon flying out their hand.

They fall onto the ground and at the same time their hood falls off, revealing long blonde hair and blue eyes, and that the stranger is a girl.


A/N I recently went back and divided this story into parts. Yes this is the third part which means that we have entered the final stretch of Amarth's story. Don't worry there's still much more to come so stay tuned!

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