Chapter 19
I never thought that I would ever willingly enter Rhun, yet here I was. Returning to the city that had caused me so much pain and torment.
Although compared to what Alatar did to me my time spent as a slave was nothing. The city was almost exactly the same since I last saw it. There seemed to be more buildings and more people but that was it.
I pulled my hood up more, conceiling my face. People gave me suspicious glares as I walked by but I ignored them. None of these people were familiar to me. Probably because all the people I had grown used to seeing were all dead.
As I walk through the crowded streets I puzzle over where Anna could be. If she is here and alive. I know that there is one place where I could get information, but it would be risky going there.
I sigh and continue down the street. As I push my way through the crowd I hope that this isn't in vain and Anna is alive.
If she is, I will free her from this place and bring her somewhere safe. I'll protect her and make a home for us. Out in the wild where no one would ever find us. No one would ever hurt us again.
As I near my destination I debate on whether or not I should take the dagger out of my bag, just in case I'll need it. I stand outside the door of what was, and still is, the busiest inn in the entire city.
I sling my bag off of my shoulder and take out the dagger. I hide it in the folds of my cloak and return my bag to my shoulder.
I take in a deep breath and enter the inn.
The inn is crowded with rowdy men who have obviously had too much to drink. Fights are breaking out all over the place and I can see several men placing bets on the brawling men.
Rhun is just as I remembered it, and the people here are just the same. Lovers of violence and money. Pallando once told me that not all men were like this. Yet as I watch the continuing fights from my table I find it harder and harder to believe him.
I keep my hood on and keep a careful eye on my surroundings.
Talk from the table nearest to me catches my attention. Mainly because it involves the son of a certain man that imprisoned me for nearly twenty years.
"I know what it is I heard, Valiron is growing poorer and poorer by the day. He'll have to sell something if he wants to hold onto his wealth."
One man says taking a big gulp of ale.
"If you ask me he should sell that pathetic exscuse for an elf. I don't know about the rest of you but that scum is worthless."
Another man commentes. His words cause me to straighten in my seat.
Could they be talking about Anna? And why would she be Valiron's slave? Veliron sold her!
"Remember that one elf Veliron used to have? I used to sneak into the pits when I was a boy just to see him fight. Shame it got sick and died."
These men must have been children when I was last here.
"Do you think anyone would even be interested in Valiron's elf? She's not a fighter and is far too timid to be of any use. The only way he'd get any money off her would be to send her to the mines."
It had to be Anna, it just had to be!
"Whatever Valiron does with his slaves doesn't make a difference to me. He wasted all the money his father earned so whatever happens to him is his fault."
I no longer care about the men's conversation. I push my way out of the inn and break into a run. Anna has to be alive, she is alive.
I run through the streets ignoring the angry shouts of men and women.
All I can think about is reaching Anna, and I don't stop running until I reach Valiron's home.
It's exactly as I remembered it. Except now it's falling apart in some places and looks nearly abandoned. If there hadn't been lights on inside and people wandering about I would have thought that it was.
I creep around the crumbling stone walls like a shadow. There are barely any guards so I have no difficulty in sneaking in.
I know where the dungeons are so that's the first place I look. The smell of dank air and mildew fills my nose as I enter the cold dungeon.
I shudder at the memories that this place brings to me. If Anna is here....
Any thought of her being here vanishes instantly as I take in the dungeon.
No one is here, it looks as if no one has been in years.
I turn around and make a quick exit. If Anna isn't here, then where could she be?
I tense as I see a man walking towards the house. Two guards are at his side and I recognize him immediately.
Valiron. Throwing all caution to the wind I run straight for him. I whip out my dagger and press it against his neck before he or his guards can process what's happening.
"Let me go!"
Valiron shrieks.
"Do you want money? I have money but please don't kill me!"
His guards don't bother to do anything and actually back away from me. My hood is still pulled over my head so I must look pretty menacing.
I press the blade deeper into Valiron's neck. I never got to do this to Veliron, it reminds me of when his men held a blade to my son's throat.
I am going to enjoy this.
"Do you have an elf slave?"
I demand in my most menacing voice. It has the desired affect and Valrion begins to tremble.
"I- I used to but- but I-"
"Speak! Or I'll kill you right now."
"I sold her! I needed the money and I-"
"Who did you sell her to?"
Valiron hesitates.
"I- I can't tell you that."
"Who did you sell her to?!"
I nick his neck with the dagger and drew blood.
"I sold her to a friend of mine!"
"Where is he?!"
"I can't-"
Valiron looks as if he's about to faint.
"I- I'll show you. But please! Don't kill me...."
I pull the dagger away from his neck and drag him behind me. I shoot warning glares at Valiron's guards, daring them to follow.
"If you deceive me I can assure you that your death will be slow and painful."
I hiss as we move forward.
"I won't! I promise, oh how did I get into this mess?"
How can this be the son of Veliron?
I don't have time to think about it as he leads me through the city, and to Anna.
I'm coming Anna, just wait a little while longer.
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