Chapter 10
//// Part 2 ////
I wake up in a daze. I shake my head in an attempt to clear some of the fogginess from my mind. What had happened? Where was I?
I sit up and the first thing I realize is that I'm in a bed. I look down at the blanket that covers me in disbelief. I rub my hand over the soft material as if to convince myself that it is real.
What was I doing in a bed? I haven't seen a bed for years! I slowly take in my surroundings, I'm in a bedroom of some sort. The floor is made out of a dark wood and the walls are lighter.
There are two windows and the one beside my bed is open allowing sunlight and a cool breeze to enter the room. The one in front of me is closed.
I carefully lift the white blanket off of me and see that I'm wearing a blue tunic with grey trousers. I swing myself onto the side of the bed and place my bare feet on the floor.
I stand up and approach a small dresser with a mirror over it. When I look into the glass I hardly recognize the elf looking back at me.
My face is haggard and my eyes are dull. My hair hangs in tangled strands around my shoulders and down my back.
It's like looking at a ghost.
I stumble away from the mirror and place my hand on the wall for support. How could I have changed so much?
I stagger back to the bed and sit down. I place my head into my hands and take deep breaths.
I recall what had happened days ago. How much time had passed since my days in Rhun?
I remember that Veliron had sold me to the cloaked man, and that I had lost conciousness as I was being led away.
Another thing that I remember is what the cloaked man said; I only have a few years left to live.
I also remember my back, it doesn't hurt as much as it used to, is it still injured?
I'm about to lift up my shirt and see for myself when I hear the door creak. Someone's coming in. On instinct I brace myself for whatever is about to happen.
I've grown so accustomed to Veliron and his guards coming to torment me that I expect whoever is about to come in to do the same.
The cloaked man enters the room and seems surprised that I am awake. His hood is once again down and he no longer wears the darl blue cloak, just a light blue shirt and brown trousers.
This man must really love blue.
"I didn't expect to see you awake so soon."
The man says as he approaches the bed. I shrink away from him and he smiles in a way that seems friendly.
"How are you feeling?"
He asks.
I narrow my eyes at him as I look past him and at the open door.
"Where am I?"
"You are in my house in one of my guest room. It's yours for as long as you wish to stay here, if there is anything you need just ask."
I don't know what to think of this man. He seems friendly but I can't trust him, not until I learn more about him.
"Did you poison me?"
I demand.
The man's smile fades a bit.
"Perhaps we should discuss this over breakfast. Are you hungry?"
Hungry? I'm starving!
I nod and stand up. I haven't eaten anything but stale bread and water ever since my first day of captivity.
I cautiously follow him out of the room and see that we're in a two story house. He leads me down the stairs and there is what looks like a kitchen on the right and a chair in front of a fireplace on the left.
"Have a seat, I have already prepared the food."
Nervously I sit down in one of the three wooden chairs. The man sets a plate of fresh bread with honey and fruit in front of me as well as for him.
I eye the food suspiciously but also longingly. I haven't seen food like this for what seems like ages.
"Go ahead and eat."
The man says.
"And if you're still hungry after that I can make some eggs and bacon for you."
I have no idea what to make of this man. First he follows me around in Rhun, poisons me, buys me, and now he's made me breakfast?!
I pick up the bread and breathe in its sweet scent. I take a small bite and immediately take another.
I savor each bite of the bread before moving on to the fruit. The man eats slower with a look of amusement on his face.
Once the fruit is gone I instantly want more, but then I remember that I know absolutely nothing about this man.
It was time for some answers and he knew it.
The man sighs and begins his tale.
"My name is Pallando, and I have lived in this land for all of my life. I have heard about the harsh conditions in Rhun and I have always been mortified at the prospect of the slave trading that goes on there."
"Sometimes I go into Rhun and purchase worn and beaten slaves from their owners in order to free them. I bring them here first and nurse them back to healt before sending them to a place where they can start their own lives."
"After I discovered that an elf had been taken captive and was being used as a fighter I knew that I had to do something. I knew that Veliron wouldn't sell you as long as you were able to fight so I bided my time and waited for an opportunity to free you."
"After you were beaten I knew that I had only a small chance for my plan to work. I offered to help you for free and I slipped a mild poison into the tea that I gave you. I do apologize for any pain or discomfort it caused you but I can assure you that it is not life threatening."
"You will not die and by now the poison has already left your body. You should be back to normal in a few days."
Pallando stands up and takes my plate over to a sink. I stare straight ahead as he finishes.
"You are free to stay here for as long as you like. Whenever you are ready to leave I will provide you with whatever you need to get back home. I'm sure that you are eager to return to your people."
Home? People? I laugh scornfully as Pallando looks at me in confusion.
"I no longer have a home. My people abandoned me and my family is dead. I have no where to go now."
Pallando says nothing as I glance in his direction. Even though I've heard his story I still don't trust him. How do I know that the poison is gone? How do I know that he isn't going to harm me?
"I know that you're afraid, and I can understand why."
He says slowly.
"You feel betrayed by your people and everyone else you have encountered has harmed you in some way."
Pallando walks over and places a hand on my shoulder. I flinch and shrug it off.
Pallando shakes his head.
"I see it will take a lot more than words to convince you to trust me. Very well, you will overcome your suspicion in time. In the mean time would like to go out and have a bath? I'm sure that you haven't been properly cleaned in years."
I glare at him as he helps me from my chair. I hate to admit it but a bath does sound nice. Pallando retrieves another set of clothes as well as a towel and leads me out of his house.
There is a wood not too far away and he brings me towards it. As we walk a few miles into the trees we come across a small pond that is secluded in the safety of the trees and bushes.
"I'll be at the house when you're ready to return."
He says handing me the clothes and towel.
"Take all the time you like."
With that he disappears into the trees, it might just be my imagination, but it almost seems like the trees close behind him.
Creating a private and secret place hidden from the ouside world. I look at the crystal clear pool and think about how cool the water is.
I also take into consideration about how filthy I am. I'm covered in dirt and I haven't had a bath in years.
I smile as I approach the water. I am going to enjoy this.
By the time I finish bathing it's nearly dark out. I pull the shirt that Pallando gave me on over my head.
I use the towel to dry off my hair and I sigh in content as I run my fingers through it. I never knew how much good a bath could do.
I gather my previous outfit into my arms and head out of the wood and back to Pallando's house.
As I walk I think about that one time I brought Anna with me to the river near our home. She had been swimming and had made it her personal goal to get me as wet as possible.
"Anna stop it!"
I shout as Anna sends water flying at me.
"Come on Caran! You know that you want to get wet."
"I'd like to wait until after I've removed my best shirt thank you very much."
Anna rolls her eyes. She doesn't care that her own shirt is becoming soaked in the water.
"Why would you wear your favorite shirt to go swimming?"
"Why do you insist on getting me wet before I've even entered the river?"
Anna sticks her tongue out at me as she dives under the water. She doesn't come back up.
I search the water but I don't see her.
I race into the water and frantically search for any sign of her.
Suddenly she bursts out of the water. She laughs as I become drenched in the wave she causes.
"Anna! Don't do that to me!"
I pull her into my arms and hold her tight.
"You worry too much about me Canar."
"It's because I love you Anna. You're all I have left."
Anna smiles and returns my hug.
"I love you too Caran."
She shrieks as I suddenly lift her into the air and throw her into water. She resurfaces coughing and spluttering as she calls me a stupid, thick-headed elf.
The memory fades and I find myself standing at the edge of the wood. In the distance the sun is setting, turing the sky red and causing the shadows to grow long.
Pallando's house stands on a hill a few feet away, a single light from a downstairs window is all tat shows that the house is inhabited.
Thinking about Anna rips a hole in my heart. Is she alive? And if so why I am here free from capitivity and she's not?
Why couldn't Pallando have saved her instead of me?
I hand my head as I continue walking towards the house.
If I could switch places with Anna now I would. If she is even alive....
I want to cry in that moment. Thinking of little Anna, alone in that forsaken place fills me with anger and despair.
I failed her, just as I failed Elwin and Rilien.
If I could give my life so that they could live I would. But it's too late now, they are gone, dead.
All I can do now is keep moving on, an one day I will take my revenge.
They will all pay.
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