Ch.1-I'm Charlie Weasley!
Before beginning, I want to remind you of what the different dashes mean:
Y/N–Your Name(obviously)
L/N–Your Last Name
E/C–Eye Colour
S/N–Sibling Name (if you have one)
N/Y–Number of Years(it'll make sense)
H/N–House Name
H/C–House Colours
So that's all, enjoy!
"Bill, you first!"A ginger woman said, looking back at her clan of children behind her. A fourth year Bill Weasley nodded at his mum before running straight through to 9 3/4. Molly Weasley looked at her twelve year old son, who was nearly the same height as her already, and smiled warmly. "Ready Charlie?"she asked, and the boy nodded, smiling back at his mum.
Charlie gripped his cart tightly and ran towards the wall, being transported onto the Hogwarts Express. He sighed happily, excited for his second year. Bill was waiting patiently for his large family. He caught sight of Charlie, and pulled him along towards him. Soon their seven year old twin brothers came hurdling through, before one stopped suddenly, forcing the other to crash into him. Charlie and Bill smiled at their antics, as both ran towards their older brothers. Their matriarch came through as well with her nine year old holding one hand and her five year old holding the other. Arthur Weasley soon followed, the youngest of the family and their only girl holding tightly onto his neck.
Bill led the group of gingers towards the train, with Charlie following close behind his brother. Fred and George Weasley were play fighting behind the two, causing Molly to scold them. Once near the train, the two actually heading to Hogwarts turned towards their family, and hugged each member. "Take care darling, and don't forget to write,"Molly said to her twelve year old, before hugging Bill and saying the same thing. The two climbed onto the train, both finally going their separate ways. Bill smiled at his younger brother one last time before entering a compartment his friends were already in.
Charlie Weasley was a quiet kid. He spent majority of his 1st year reading up on the fascinating books about magical creatures that he would find at the library. He was too shy to befriend anyone, and Charlie assumed that this year would be the same. He sighed out and walked past numerous compartments filled with other witches and wizards talking animatedly with their friends and colleagues with whom they haven't seen since the end of the school year last year. The boy finally came across an empty compartment, and settled himself into it. He looked out the window, his eyes wandering around the train station, trying to find his large family. He smiled upon seeing them (thanks largely in part due to their hair–and the twins getting scolded by their mum for something mischievous.
The Hogwarts Express finally began moving, and Charlie instinctively began waving at his family, all of whom waved back at both him and his brother who was a few compartments down. As the Hogwarts Express began picking up speed, Charlie dug around his luggage and took out his copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" that he had gotten for his birthday last year. The second he unwrapped the book he couldn't put it down. He knew that it must've cost his parents quite a lot of galleons, since this year he had to obtain Bill's old textbooks. Charlie did feel guilty for a couple of months after his birthday, but the more he read it, the more he appreciated the gift.
He had read the book front to back multiple times at this point, but his favourite chapter was the one on dragons. He couldn't get enough. He flipped to that section of the book, and dove right into Newt Scamander's writing on the fascinating creatures. He was so caught up in the section that he didn't even resister the small knock on the glass of the compartment door. It wasn't until the knocking became louder that he finally looked up, hoping he wouldn't lose his place. In front of him stood a twelve year old girl, looking towards him curiously with E/C eyes.
"I'm so sorry, but may I sit here, everywhere else is full,"she spoke in a hushed voice. Charlie nodded, and she sighed out in relief upon seeing his head move up and down. She sat down opposite of him, and looked out the window. Charlie removed his blue eyes from her face down towards the pages in his hands, but he couldn't focus anymore. No one has ever asked to sit with him on the Hogwarts Express. He finally decided to just give up on the book, and closed it.
The sound of a book closing made you look away from the prairie side and back towards the ginger boy. He sat his book down, and looked down at his lap in concentration, as if debating onto what to say. "Charlie,"he spoke out in a small voice, making you tilt your head. "Pardon?"you asked. You assumed that was his name, but you weren't necessarily sure. "I'm Charlie Weasley,"he said again, this time with more confidence in his voice. You smiled at the boy and decided to give him your name. "Y/N L/N, pleased to meet you Charlie Weasley,"you said, holding out your hand for him to shake.
Charlie glanced down at your hand before taking it in his and shook your hand. He smiled at you warmly, causing you to smile. As the silence surrounded you, you had glanced over to the book he was reading before you had interrupted him. "How far are you?"you asked, causing Charlie to follow your gaze. He opened his mouth, but then closed it. "Uh, ac-actually I've already read it, multiple times,"he stuttered out, a blush creeping it's way onto his freckled face. You nodded, but continued to prode him. "How many times?"you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "I um, haven't kept track, but I'd say about, 50 or 60 times,"he said, his voice lowering by the time he got to the numbers. "You must really like magical creatures then,"you smiled, causing Charlie to light up.
"I do. They're just so interesting to learn about!"he said happily, his shy demeanor suddenly fading away. You were taken aback by how differently he was acting suddenly, but you continued beaming at him, knowing this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
As the Hogwarts Express finally got to the castle, every student had gotten off, the sound of the train's whistle, the steam, students chatting excitedly and Hagrid's booming voice filled the air. You stepped off of the train, waiting for Charlie. You finally got a glimpse of his red hair, followed by another redheaded boy. You remembered vaguely about hearing of another Weasley at Hogwarts, but you couldn't remember his name. You squeezed and pushed your way past other students and made your way towards the two boys.
Much like Charlie, you haven't really made any friends yet at Hogwarts. Sure, you've obviously had acquaintances you've met since being sorted into H/N, but apart from them, you didn't really have anyone to call a friend. Charlie looked around anxiously, before his eyes settled on you. His expression softened, and he waved you over. You had found your way beside him, smiling at Charlie before looking at the other ginger. "Y/N, um, this is my brother, Bill,"he said, glancing between you and Bill. "Pleasure to meet you Y/N, it's nice to see Charlie with a friend, but remember this young Y/N, I'm very protective of my younger siblings,"Bill said, before being pulled away by other older students. You glanced over at Charlie, a big smile plastered on his face.
"Don't mind him, he's just, well, like he said, protective,"Charlie said as the two of you followed behind Bill and his friends towards the Thestrals and carriages. "He said siblings though, you have younger siblings?"you asked, getting into a carriage with him. You noticed others refusing to get on, despite their being plenty of room. "Yes actually. I've gotten... well,"Charlie said, trailing off. He was scared to tell you about his big family. "I've gotten five younger siblings,"he muttered, causing you to lean towards him. "I'm sorry, pardon?"you asked, not hearing him properly. "I've got five younger siblings. Four brothers and a sister,"he said in his normal voice. You were slightly taken aback by that. He's in a family with seven children?
(Depending on the amount of siblings you have–if you have any–one of the next four paragraphs may apply to you)
You were an only child, so hearing that he came from such a large family scared you. It wasn't everyday that you encountered someone who had that many siblings. It made you wonder however how he ever gets along with that many siblings. And his poor sister, having six older brothers. She must hate it.
You only had one other sibling, S/N who was only N/Y older/younger than you. He/She/They was/were fairly close to you, since you two had to stick together for majority of your lives. You would do anything for them though, and neither of you couldn't imagine what it was like to lose the other, so you couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like to feel that but for six other siblings.
You were the oldest/middle/youngest child of three children. Yes, having two other siblings sucked, but you all loved each other. It didn't matter whether or not you got on each other's nerves, you all knew that you'd all sacrifice yourself for the others, unless one of them really got on your nerves. You honestly didn't understand how he could be the older brother of five different siblings.
Being the eldest/middle/youngest of four children made you understand his worriedness of telling you his number of siblings. You had to deal with three others who would all gang up on you. Yes, it was frustrating, and yes, it made you lonely, but you loved your siblings, no matter how weird they were, no matter how many times they would scream at you, to wish you screamed back, they were your siblings, and you were stuck with them. It did make you wonder though, how many different personalities could their possibly be with several children in one family?
"I think it's nice. You must love having that many siblings, right?"you asked, the carriages moving you towards the castle. "Yeah, of course. However we do get on each other's nerves basically all the time. It got drastically worse once Fred and George came along,"Charlie smiled, and you assumed that they were a pair of twins. "Sorry, um, Fred and George are twins, and they can be quite naughty. From burning a hole through our younger brother's tongue to making his teddy bear a giant spider. They are hell,"Charlie explained, and you swore you could hear him talk about his family forever. It was clear to you that he loved his family, no matter how chaotic they can be, especially after hearing his stories of Fred and George.
Soon however, you had made it to the castle, where you both went to your houses Common Rooms to change into your school uniforms. Once you placed on your H/C tie, you made your way towards the Great Hall with your house's prefect where you all awaited the first years. They finally made their way into the Great Hall, where every single one of them got sorted. Obviously, you cheered on with your housemates when a first year got sorted into H/N. Throughout the commotion of the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore's speech and the first feast of the year, you had let your excitedness of finally creating a friend die down inside of you.
Once the feast was finished, you watched the first years follow your prefect towards the H/N Common Room. You headed towards Charlie, and touched his shoulder, sitting down beside him at the Gryffindor table. "Hey, I hope we're in the same classes this year!"he exclaimed excitedly. You smiled at his giddiness. "Me too! I'm happy I met you Charlie Weasley,"you said warmly to the boy. "I'm happy I met you too Y/N L/N,"Charlie said back in the same tone and manner. Finally a seventh year prefect from each house made it obvious to the other students to head to their houses now. You headed to H/N house while Charlie headed to Gryffindor house (if your in Gryffindor, just ignore this part). You climbed up the stairs to your dormitory, where your other dorm mates were already changing to head to bed. You followed, and tucked yourself into bed, happy to be back at Hogwarts.
Charlie was pleased with himself to have finally made a friend at school. He knew his mum would be expecting either a letter from him or Bill, however knowing Molly it would've been both, but Charlie was too exhausted to write a letter to his mum at the moment, so he climbed up the stairs to his dormitory, changed and climbed into bed, ready for his second year at Hogwarts, where hopefully this one won't be as sad and lonely as his previous year.
So, here's the first chapter! I'm actually excited to be working on this! I'm thinking of making another fanfic about a one shot in my one shot book after I'm done this one, but I don't want to put a lot on my plate at the moment since I'm fairly busy (since I'm in my last year of high school!). However, I'm still updating my One Shot Book, and this one. I'm going to come up with a schedule soon, so I'll keep you all posted! Have a great morning, afternoon or evening, and stay safe!
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