Nana grinned and look around the whole room she asked the room service to arrange before hastily going out if the room to stand next to Zayn outside the hotel they checked in.
Zayn's parents thought that they need escape from reality for a few weeks seven months after Naazwa's death and they agreed instantly because they really needed that trip. Hajia Rehma took Huda and Kaadira took Khumais for the time till they get back. Nana smiled at their kindness and immediately packed her clothes along with Zayn's in two trolleys.
"Where to?" Zayn asked, turning to look at his stunning wife in her calf length sundress, a hat and matching the sunglasses he is wearing.
"Anywhere, I'm up to anywhere!" She beamed, locking her arms into his and they start to move around the quite silent place.
They are in Pu'u Pehe (Sweetheart Rock) and she already has a cup of coffee for both of them as they walk around the rocks enjoying the breeze hitting their face. Zayn has his arms around Nana's waist and she lean her head on his shoulder smiling at the view before remembering Rukayyah's threat and decided to take picture of them or she has her head. Not that she wouldn't keep that for their children to see and they also could see it and remember how much love there is on earth.
The day is sunny but the weather there isn't. The cool breeze kept hitting the lovers faces and they could only grin at each other. There is no way better than being in your lover's arms. Even if she was there alone, she wouldn't have enjoyed seeing the rocks and water. Zayn is her soulmate and other half and whenever she is going, she makes sure she has him in her arms. He is never allowed to go on business trips alone, she is always attached to his hip whenever he leaves the state or country.
Later that evening, they left to their hotel room in Pine Groove Resort. The suite has a living room, kitchen, toilet and one bedroom. In the living room, there are complete set of white sofas, a black middle table and matching carpet on the floor. The floor is wooden and there is fireplace right in front of the living room then a small dining area behind the living where four black chairs are located and one white table in the middle of the chairs.
Meanwhile the bedroom has king sized bed, a lush carpet covered the wooden floor and the walk in closet is coloured white. The theme of the room is red and golden unlike the white and black living room. There are two love seats in the room, a coffee table and a desk also. That is their first night their so they decorated the place with candles and petals all over it. Her father in-law asked the hotel to do that for them as they are like honeymooners.
"I'm so hungry right now." Zayn whined removing his boots from his feet and sat down loudly on the couch emanating a grumble from Nana as she hates when he does that and he sheepishly smiled.
"Me too. What should we cook or should we order?" She lean her head back on the couch and threw her legs on his thigh making him smile before he placed his dainty fingers on her toes to give them massage.
"Pizza is okay." Nana shrugged and moaned when his finger weave into her toes making all the muscles there to unveil.
Zayn's pupils dilated and he yawed his eyed to hers where she easily caught it. He's told her time and again how much her moans turn him on and she did that unintentionally but he still got it. She shivered seeing the desire swirling his eyes and the way his hands move from her toes up to her calf then to her knees, moving the gown she is wearing up as he move his hands up her mocha coloured skin complexion.
When he reached her thigh, she is already squirming and clenching her legs together but their eyes are still looking deep into one another's. Nana's stomach is clenching and unclenching so Zayn removed his hands from her thigh and draw her close to him in a swift moment that she was also surprised how she move from the couch to his laps in just one move. He has that talent of making her think about things after they were done.
"I'm not hungry for food anymore, but you." He breathed on her lips then dip his lips to take hers in a hot almost punishing kiss.
Her hands tremble as she wound them to his neck bringing him closer to her not wanting to leave any space between them. He weave his hands into her hair and tug her close to him, wanting to feel her warmth in his body. They both can't leave their hands still and let it tug, weave and push anywhere it reaches.
"But I'm hungry." She moaned when she moved away from Zayn but he was not having it. He could feel how much she needs him and he won't let that chance slip, they are on their honeymoon after all.
He kissed down her neck then back to her jaw in an open mouthed kiss making her frisson and dug her hand to his onyx hair. Zayn groaned in delight and kept moving lower to her chest making her heave loudly and very fast. His hands move to her mounds and massages gently through her clothing making her breath hitch in her throat and the sound she released from her lips are not something she knew of. It feels like she isn't the one moaning and whimpering like that.
He took her effortlessly in his arms and banged open their bedroom door closing it with his leg and move them to the bed covered in petals and the room that is covered with candles.
Taking off her sundress and bra, he glance down at her through hooded eyes and she is also doing the same thing. He placed his hands gently on her chest and tweaked her nips between his thumb and forefinger and she arch her back in pleasure. Her eyes closed instantly and her hands clutch the bedsheets between her fingers. She is afraid her heart will blow out of her ribcage because of the rate it's beating at.
The next morning, Nana woke up feeling fresh and happy. She went to take her bath but Zayn walked in just as she was about to leave making her go back into the bathroom with him for another bath and she didn't complain. They were going to Hulopoe Beach that day and they have all day at the place. They rented it for the whole day for safety major except for the woman teaching her how to snorkel, Zayn knew exactly how to do it so he don't have any problem her getting a woman.
After their bath, she changed into mustard light dress with ruched waistband crossover detail at the bust then add black dove hijab with flip flops so she could change into the body hug swimsuit later. Zayn wore a beach flowery shorts and white shirt with matching black flip-flops as Nana. They don't want to have trouble changing so having light clothes will be quicker to change. Nana is so excited yet nervous about the whole snorkeling thing.
He drove the car they rented to Hulopoe Beach and true to Alhaji Borkan, the place is empty meant only for the couple to enjoy. Nana saw a petite woman waiting for them with a big duffel bag in hand and her brunette hair is flailing around in the wind. Nana's eyes zeroed to the blue crustal water glistening behind the woman and she gulped in anxiousness and also enthusiasm. She can't wait to have a dip into that water so she could learn how to swim in the one in her home.
"Hello, I'm Marie." The woman shook Nana's hand but Zayn shook his head with a smile not wanting her to feel rejected and she understood that they are Muslims and they don't touch their opposite gender which was fine by her.
"I'm Nana Aisha and he is Zayn." Nana introduced and gently tugged her hand away from the woman and stood beside her husband waiting for the woman's command.
"You can change into this." She gave them the duffel and that is when Nana noticed that the woman is in her own swimsuit and has everything needed for snorkeling making her heart to thump louder in her chest.
Both Zayn and Nana moved to the back where a small room is located and that is where the woman gestured to. Nana's swimsuit is navy blue while Zayn's is onyx black and they look smokingly hot in it. Her curves are all there and be chest is tighten in it then she adjust her fish legs which they found funny and together they laugh at how funny they both look in those clothes before they closed their faces with the mask given to them inside the duffel. Nana's is more than enthusiastic and hurried Zayn out of the room to where the woman is patiently waiting on the sand.
Marie adjusted both their mask defogger and swim cap bandana then the float belt. She asked them to put on the biodegradable sunscreen then their wetsuit is back in place. Nana grinned widely at Marie as she ushered them to the water. Nana wasn't willing to get into the water so Zayn snaked behind her and took her in his arms before dipping them both into the water. Nana shrieked and laughed while Marie only grinned at the couple. She likes supervising couple more than she does children, it makes her believe in love again. It makes her feel like love is really there and she just needs to find hers.
A long day at Hulopoe Beach, they went back home and got dressed again for a dinner date made for two in their hotel. Zayn asked for the whole rooftop for their date and Nana couldn't be more grateful for having a husband like Zayn. He is the kind of man any woman beg for in sujud and during qiyam al layl and she finally has hers, she is just wishing everyone will get one like that. Though in hundred percent of men, only three are remaining like Zayn and she has no doubt.
The next day, they went to Lanai Cat Sanctuary where Nana fell in love instantly with a porpoise coloured cat with the most beautiful hazel eyes she's ever seen and wished she could take it back home with her so her children can play with it. Zayn only smiled at his silent surprise. He will take that cat with them but won't let her know till they land back in their home and she will see her children playing with it. He wants nothing more than to continue fulfilling her wishes just like that one.
"Only three more days huh?" Nana pouted at the thought of them having only three days left in the beautiful city of Lanai.
"Yes, Mami. We've been here for two weeks." Zayn laughed thinking she's forgotten how long they were there.
"I know. It should've been two months or even two years. Well, if my babies were here." She huffed and fold her hands underneath her breasts.
"We can come back some other time if your want." He draw her closer to him and lie his head on her chest making her smile and think about Huda and Khumais. All the three like placing their hairy heads on her chest or thigh.
"Yes please, we should."
When they went to Keahiakawelo also known as Garden of the Gods, the place took Nana's breath when she stood at the far end and gaze at the brown almost red sand and rocks. It is a landscape with boulders and rock towers making her wish she was one of those people created during Prophet Hud's time and when she told Zayn, he laughed so hard and decided to pick her up in his arms so she could see the far end she wants to and she did.
"You know those ungrateful people were so tall and huge like it is described." She rolled her eyes thinking about those people make her feel like the wind sent to them isn't enough.
"Yeah, but you won't look too good with height like that." Zahn chuckled when she hit his chest.
"I will look beautiful no matter what."
They walked around barefoot enjoying the cool sand underneath their feet and their grins couldn't be wiped away by anything. The rocks were so tall and the boulders she sat on. Zayn took so many picture of hers and then they took selfies with Snapchat filters. Nana was laughing the while ride because Zayn tried playing hide and seek but ended up tumbling down a stone he was hiding behind. His neck was so red and Nana didn't stop her tears from falling due to laughter. He looked so cute with pink blurring his neck and hairlines.
"May, are you for real?" Rukayyah asked Maaysa who is standing by her room's door with many paper bags with baby tags.
"Real that real." She grinned and trudged into the room then started removing every piece of clothing she bought together with Nana when they went out earlier.
Rukayyah is nine months pregnant and she will give birth anytime soon so she stopped going out all together as she hates the idea of going into labour in the middle of the street, that is something she hates. She waved them off when they left since in the afternoon and they didn't come back till after maghrib just for her to walk in with loads of clothes that the baby will wear till it's growth. Not to talk about the ones loaded in the room waiting for the baby's arrival.
"You are crazy. What are we going to do with so much clothing? I can't even count the numbers of clothes we have in the nursery but you are bringing we more?" Rukayyah shook her head at her crazy co wife who is not ready to accept that she should stop buying more clothes for the unborn child. She is already spoiling the baby's rotten.
"Nana is way crazier than I was. I only thought about buying thirty pieces of overalls but Nana, she went overboard and bought another thirty pieces which is why we are here with these loads of cute outfits." She shrugged her shoulder and packed everything in a trolley sitting in Rukayyah's room and took it to her walk in closet.
"You both are crazy and stupid." Rukayyah hissed underneath her breath but is utterly grateful for having them in her life.
"Whatever, baby mama. I'm going to go change and hope Captain brings what I asked. I ordered pizza by the way." Maaysa sassed and left the room to hers.
She quickly changed into a knee length indigo sweatpants and white shirt then tied her hair in a low bun. She walked out of her room and went into the kitchen to make Rukayyah's daily greentea. She loves having it before ishā because she said it brings so much energy into her and they also have something to do that night all together. They are going to paint the nursery into a baby girl's colour as the baby's gender is female when they went to their last scan in the hospital. They didn't want to find out the gender but Rukayyah became persistent that she can't hold on the suspense and the doctor revealed.
"Have your tea, I have a surprise for you." Maaysa grinned and kept the mug of coffee on the table in Rukayyah's room. The mug is magical as it has the picture of them three that was taken five months ago when they went for photoshoot in a studio with Nana and Hidaya both with their husbands.
"I don't like when you say that. It's either you are going to do something crazy or you want me to stroll around again." She sulked hating the thought of moving around their house like a mad woman just because the doctor asked her to move her body in exercise but not too much.
"You will love it. I don't know why you have so teeny weeny beeny faith in me. I'm a nice person with golden and big heart. I'm one in this earth." Maaysa exaggerated sipping her hot tea with gutso.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, stupid woman." Rukayyah muttered the last part but still wanted Maaysa to hear her and she did but didn't comment because she heard Mashhub's voice hollering out their names.
"Pizza is here!" And Maaysa ran very fast out of the room making Rukayyah's eyes to widen because it's been long since she last ran but seeing Maaysa do so is making her stomach hurl. The girl has so much energy and Rukayyah is afraid when she falls pregnant, they will have a hard time stopping her from running around like that.
"Gosh, you are such a sweetheart!" She shrieked and took the three boxes in her hands then rushed to the kitchen.
"Have some, mommy Nawal." Maaysa pushed the plate of pizza that has five slices.
"I don't have five stomachs. I only have one and one baby in my womb and not five." Rukayyah complained but started pushing one slice into her mouth while Mashhub serve her another cup of greentea.
Rukayyah has never regretted letting Mashhub marry Maaysa because without her there, their loves would've been so boring. Maaysa has been the life in their house and the ball of joy moving around their lives. She thought every cowife is like the ones she read in books and the ones she sees in television but Maaysa proved her so wrong. She didn't act all arrogant and only bow her head to let her take the lead. She makes her feel like she has the sister she never had and the best friend she wish for not that Nana don't have that place already.
"Let's go." Maaysa helped Rukayyah off the bed while Mashhub lead the way to the guest room.
"Tadaaa!" Mashhub grinned widely opening the guest room's door. It is blank except for the buckets of paint and some other furniture that are not yet fixed around the room.
"We are painting the room baby pink and sky blue. Let's start!" Maaysa grinned widely and made her way to the buckets where she opened the lid and removed the brand new paintbrushes from their packs.
"Maaysa, I feel so weak right now. I think you should do it together with, G-man then surprise after you are done." Rukayyah excused, resting her weight against the plain white walls in the guest room.
"Are you okay?" Both Maaysa and Mashhub asked at the same time making Rukayyah's heart to swell with love for the two important and constant people in her life.
"Just tired. It's okay for a pregnant woman to feel like that." She chuckled at their worried gazes but they didn't find it funny.
"Let's take you to your room." Mashhub said and Maaysa nodded then assist him to Rukayyah's room. She could only smile at them.
"You guys should do it before morning so I can be surprised in the morning." She commented, letting them draw the duvet to her chest.
"Sure, sure, Mrs." Maaysa grinned before leaving the couple in the room to say their good nights.
"I love you, you know that?" Mashhub inclined his head to the side and placed a kiss on her lips.
"I love you too." She grinned, mirth and happiness shining in her eyes before she got all serious and narrowed her eyes into slits making him widen his eyes. What has he done again?!
"What now?" He asked uncomfortably.
"You haven't confessed to Maaysa till date and you know you love her right? Why the delay?" She scrunched her brows and unknowingly pouted her lips.
Yes, Mashhub has never said the three magical words to Maaysa and she never pressured him nor does she ever say it. She don't need to tell him how much she loves him cause he knows that and she shows him with everything she does. He knew he loves her but he finds it hard to confess his love for her when he has his first wife. They always say it with Rukayyah like it is not something someone yearned to hear. They are used to saying it to each other but never with Maaysa.
He thought about making it special but he can't wait to hear those words from her lips so he might do it sooner than he expected. Rukayyah has being talking to him about it but he is nervous, he knew she loves him but deep down, he is afraid she's stopped loving him along the way and is only with him for the sake of marriage. He wants to man up and he will do that very soon. He will tell her what he has in heart and hopes he hears that from her too when he does say it. Oh Lord, he sounds so whipped. He is afraid for his heart. How could he love two women? He thought it was not possible but it really happened.
"Soon." He smiled a place a gentle kiss on her forehead then switched off the lights and left.
"Better be too soon." He heard her yawn and he grinned before leaving the room and closing it behind him.
"Let's start! I will paint the pink while you do the blue." Maaysa excitedly said to Mashhub as soon as he walked back into the guest room they are supposed to paint.
Thirty minutes into painting, Maaysa sneezed and closed her mouth. Mashhub yawed his gaze back to her when she sneezed. They've being talking since they started painting so he was worried when she sneezed and he walked to where she is and scrunched down to her level. She raise her eyes and grinned widely showing him that nothing is wrong with her and he sighed. He hates it when she gets flu because of how their tissue goes to waste and how much she suffers before getting out of it.
"I am so okay." She grinned and he could only stare at him, enticed and totally lured into her charm.
"Are you sure?" He breathed in her ears, sniffing her hair with eyes closed and mind jumbled.
"Y-yes." Her breathing quicken because of how his close proximity is taking a toll on her brain and heart.
"I'm glad." He nibbled her earlobe in his mouth and sucked gently making her moan and clutch his shirt tightly in her hands.
"What are you doing?" She manage to breath out, feeling as though her heart traveled to where she didn't sent it.
It's not like they never made love, they have but there is just some emotion he is pouring into that nibble that makes her heart pound and her pulse to tighten. His hands snaked to her waist and move it up to her chest then stopped when they reached the swells on her chest. She took a shuddering breath and released with equally shuddering lips. Her eyes are already lulled to the back of her hand and her eyes are dilated.
"I love you." She moaned when she heard him say that before her mind freeze to process what he said.
"What?" She asked, her heart still beating and her throat now parched.
"I love you." With each word, he press his lips firmly on hers and massaged her neck.
"Really?" She doesn't know what to say and that is the only question that came to her mind.
"Yes, my dear wife. I love you!" This time around, his didn't let go of her lips but after minutes, she moved back to confess.
"I love you too, Captain." She smiled, a very wide smile that could break her cheekbones into two.
Hidaya shrieked and hold her hands to herself. She was making pancakes but end up burning her index finger with the pan. There is no day she won't burn her hand while making pancakes in the morning but she never gave up on doing so every morning. Her husband is about to go to work and she really needs to make breakfast for him not that she does it everyday but she tries her best to make him happy like he makes her.
She's been married to Ja'afar Muhammad for five months now and all she could say is, she loves being a married woman. If she knew marriage was that amazing, she would've gotten married years before, well, that is if Allah has planned it like that. Marriage is amazing though! She is hopelessly in love with her husband and can't see herself leaving him for any other soul. He is her soulmate and she is his, he clearly loves her a lot too.
"You should stop burning your hands, my love." Ja'afar walked in looking smart and handsome in his business jade black suit and frost white shirt tucked securely into his slacks and his striped tie is sitting around his neck.
"Good morning to you too, bobo." She greeted with a cheeky grin looking at her index finger in annoyance.
"Let me have a look." That is almost all their morning routine after they got married and she tries making pancakes for him.
"It's just a small burn and it'll heal soon." Hidaya argues, taking her hand off from his and started to set their morning table on the kitchen island.
"That is always what you say. You should start using some ointment or we won't eat some day because your hands will be burnt." He chuckled when she scowled at him just before she ran to the bathroom to pour out the strawberry juice she had in the morning.
"Are you okay?" She heard her husband's worried voice from behind her soothing her back as he hurriedly give her the mouthwash when she stood up straight.
"This darn nausea. I think this is all pregnancy signs. I'm I pregnant?!" Her eyes widened through the mirror when she splashed water to her face.
She thought she wouldn't ever be pregnant after three months of not seeing any symptoms and didn't miss her period. Everyone thinks she wanted to rest and have time with her husband but in all honesty, Hidaya wants to give birth as soon as she gets married. She is old enough to have a baby and wasting time getting to know her husband will only prolong the situation. Not that she don't want to know him, she is just too eager to be a mother. She is ready to have her own baby in her arms.
"What?" His eyes are equally wide in the mirror.
"I missed my period." She grinned widely before leaving the bathroom and ran to their bedroom to change into a dress. She needs to be in the hospital as soon as possible. She wants to confirm what she is thinking and hope it's not a false alarm.
"You should not run like that, my love. Who knows whether you are really pregnant." He sighed, pushing his nose deep into her neck as she stood in front of the vanity mirror spraying little perfume after wearing a lipstick coloured binding bow embroidery maxi dress with crew neckline and regular sleeves.
"I know. I'm just so excited! I hope this is not a false alarm, bobo. I really want a baby." She grinned widely, finished tying the black veil around her head.
"I want that too. Let's go." He took her hand but she stopped him and made her way to the kitchen. She packed some stacks of pancakes in a plate and poured apple syrup on top then took the coffee she kept on the table for him.
As they drive to the hospital, she feeds him the pancakes as well as herself while making small talks about how nervous she is with all the pregnancy thoughts. She just hopes she is pregnant and she should be at least four weeks along. If only she could draw the days closer and she would wish to give birth the next day and hold her babies. She found out she loves babies when she held Huda, Nana's adopted daughter. She feels some thing weird because they are both adopted.
Since it's morning, there wasn't much people in the hospital so the gynecologist asked them to go in. After little questions from the doctor, she asked a nurse to take both her blood and urine to confirm her pregnancy meanwhile she is to take pregnancy test from the sticks the doctor provided. She gave it to Hidaya who excused herself to pee on the stick. Three minutes later, the doctor came back and told them the sticks are positive and they should only wait for the results of confirmation.
"Congratulations, you are pregnant and six weeks along." The OB/GYN smiled widely at the couple looking at her nervously on the chairs opposite her.
"Oh my God!" Hidaya shrieked and leaped into Ja'afar's arms who is waiting for her as though he knew she will do just that.
"Alhamdulillah!" He kissed her forehead fondly and continue to cuddle her in his arms. His dear wife and the love of his life.
"You are pregnant?" Nana shrieked into the phone hearing Hidaya's loud voice as she announced her pregnancy in the conference call she made.
"Heck yes!" Another shout roared then the girls congratulated her just before they heard Rukayyah's yelp then silence.
"What is wrong?" The girls asked at the same time with worry dripping down their mouth. It is palpable even in the phone that they are afraid of what is happening with their friend.
"She's going into labour. I'll hang up now, we're going to the hospital." They heard Maaysa said into the phone then she hung up. The girls stopped for a few minutes before they sprung into action and started getting dressed to see their friend in the hospital as it is time.
Four hours later, the doctors walked out of the theater room looking all tired and sweaty making the girls anxious about what they are about to say. The doctors aren't smiling and Mashhub isn't out of the room yet which is making them all the more worried about what is to come. They hope nothing happened to their friend because they are afraid of anyone giving birth after what happened to Naazwa.
"I'm sorry, we couldn't save them."
"She had twins but they are not alive. Well, we are suspecting one is alive and is under observation in the ICU. We'll inform you when there is any improvement. The other baby wasn't noticed as it his behind the first one and that caused complications." The doctor explained to Mashhub whose shoulders are slumped and mouth is set into a thin line.
Two days later, the news that the other baby is back and healthy filled the air in the Borkan mansion and everyone was happy, especially Rukayyah who refused to eat anything and kept praying for her baby's safety.
"What is wrong now?" Zayn's heart is pounding loudly in his ears making his feet jump from one place to the other.
"She is pregnant." The doctor informed with a wide smile.
"What?!" Zayn's heart was bursting in her chest and he hugged Nana tightly in his arms hearing the good news.
How is everyone?!
I don't know what to feel having to write the last chapter of Memory Lane! This book has always being close to my heart for some odd reasons. I like making my characters highlight some of my behavior and Nana also has some qualities making me feel so close to her.
And not to talk about my mam crush! Y'all know how much I am obsessed with Zayn Malik so I used his name and have him play the protagonist role and hope you enjoyed every piece of it cause I did.
Though this book don't have much comments and views, I still have my personal space for it.
Thank you all for reading this book from the beginning till now. I really effing appreciate all your efforts. You guys supported me through this and I am grateful. I love you loads and loads and loads!
Help me share the book and let's kuku hit 100k!!!!!!!! And I might write one hella bonus chapter after reaching that. But I might remove it from this platform too so please let's do this fast😆 Lots of love from me to you.
Check out my new book as I'm releasing the first chapter 15th August 2020 and you can't afford to miss it wallah!
Warm regards,
Copyright© 2019. All rights reserved.
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