Seven days after Naazwa's demise, everyone is now slowly getting out if their grieving situation and are now functioning a little more properly than before. The Borkan mansion's light is brought back but not like before, they are slowly trying to bring back the happiness that was there before because that is what Naazwa would've want them to have if she was there and alive.
Nana, Maaysa and Rukayyah remembered that they need to do something to bring smiles and happiness in the mansion so they formed a small dinner for everyone in the compound. They invited everyone and set a dining room out in the backyard with mats and lights. They cooked a lot of food and even give some to the beggars in the evening and ask them to pray for Naazwa's light in the grave. The beggars were very happy and rain prayers to Naazwa making everyone happy at their thoughtful idea.
Zayn's parents, Mu'ayyads parents, Nana's parents, Jumaimah, Maaysa, Rukayyah, Kadira and her husband are all around the house making it lousy and the children laughter is bringing more life to the geriatrics heart.
"This is amazing. We have lots of Cooks here, Masha'Allah." Alhaji Khattab complimented swallowing the morsel of tres leches cake and let out a moan after that.
"Why, thanks, Paa." All the ladies mumbled at the same time erupting loud rumbles from the geriatrics and also the youngsters.
"Grandpa, can I have a belly like yours? Mummy said that I don't eat food that's why my stomach is flat." Khatija, Kaadira's first daughter requested making all the people there laugh again because Alhaji Khattab's face was priceless when he heard that. She was silently sitting on his lap eating the cake together but her attention went back to his stomach and she couldn't hold back.
"Dear, don't have belly like mine till you get old." He finally said after recovering from his set of guffaw.
"Okay..." She trailed off and stuff her face with more cakes.
Nana enjoyed her time there and when everything is cleared and everyone has to go home, her heart clenched. She really doesn't want to go back home to face Zayn alone because he's been so distant lately and with him like that, she will only feel more lonely so she wished they'd stay a little longer. She sighed internally and help Jumaimah do the dishes with Hidaya whilst the other girls left for their homes. Nana decided to stay as her house is in the building and she won't find it hard to stand up and trek there.
When they reached home, Nana tool her shower and get dressed into one of her nightdresses before leaving the room to give Khumais a bath also. He looks sad also having being with kids the whole day and now he is all alone which will go on for forever. Her heart clenched again at the thought of not able to give him a sibling and Zayn not able to carry on their family name. He is the only male and the only one that could take their name further but because of her, he can't do that again.
She hates letting her thoughts wander off to those places but sometimes even when she is watching movie or is just sitting with Zayn, her head just had to go there. Will Zayn be able to live without a baby for the rest of his live? His own flesh and blood? Personally, she thinks he will go all berserk later after finding out he won't be called father by his flesh and blood so her heart always bleed at that thought. He will think about other wags to have a baby and there is no way with her.
Placing a fake smile, she gave Khumais a quick bath and dress him up but he wasn't willing to sleep so she lie down and cuddle up next to him letting her hands wander across his curls. She saw his eyes closing slowly as he ramble on and on about what he did today with his friends which Nana found adorable as he can't talk much but manages to spurt out the things they did. She smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room after switching off the lights and leaving the one by the bedside.
She met Zayn sitting in their room on the bed looking fresh. That means he took a shower because even his clothes are changed to sweats. He look up at her and open his arms, inviting her to get into them which she did with a smile of her own. She lie down next to his and place her head on his chest, feeling his heart thudding in her ears and she sighed, it is lulling her to sleep which she really needs. It's like she hasn't slept in a long while.
"I know I've being distant and all cold but I'm back now, Mami. I don't even know what was the need for me to be all drawn back because my sister has died. You are the only one that I could lean on and my only support, I don't know why I turned my back against you. I'm really sorry about all that happened though, I didn't mean to. I should've accepted that death is something everyone must taste but I didn't." Nana smiled and place her finger to his lips to quieten him down.
"I understand." She gave him a peck and lie her head back on his chest.
"You are not mad, are you?" He look down at her his eyes sincerely showing just how sorry he is about the whole thing that happened.
"I'm not, I understand!" She said sternly this time and crash her lips on his in a scorching kiss leaving him breathless but he soon took the lead and lie her down underneath him.
"Are you sure?" He purred into her ears, biting gently on her earlobe and suck it into his mouth. He moved his mouth away and blew some air through his lips making her shudder.
"Y-yes." She breathed, shivering underneath him in pleasure. He just knew the buttons to push to have her submit to him all the time.
"Hmm..." He muzzled his nose into her neck, sucking and biting it then giving her a hickey then draw his lips down to the swells of her chest, discarding the pieces of clothing coming in his way.
"I love you." He breathed and collapsed next to her, sending kisses to her naked shoulder.
"And I love you." She was breathless so she didn't bother even moving a muscle, she just needs sleep as she is satisfied.
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life, you know that right?" He placed another kiss on her sweaty forehead and she could only nod and snuggle deeper into his embrace. Her arms, her home.
"She was my elder sister. A figure I never wish to lose but here we are now with her underground. I can't even think about not having her around, my heart breaks at the mere thought that she won't give me advice for my wedding. She promised, she promised that she will be the one to draw my ear film it yawed red but she didn't fulfill it." Hidaya cried and Ja'afar doesn't know what to do so he just stared at her.
"It's going to be alright. She is in better place inshaAllah." He try to reassure and it did work because the next minute, she grinned and wipe away her tears.
He never thought he would see that vulnerable side of Hidaya. He thought she is always string and all but seeing her all sad now, he knew she isn't the Hidaya he knew. The Hidaya he met is always strong and has a worth billion if dollars and he would pay anything to see it back in it's place.
"Let's go get ice cream. How does that sound?" He cheered with a big grin producing another from her own lips.
"Legs go!" She yelled out and together they walked to the ice cream parlour near Hidaya's home. She is so bored and tired of crying and staying with mourners. Naazwa wouldn't want that from them and she gets it that time.
"Prey for my deceased sister." She said in her terrible Hausa to the almajiris she gave new hundred naira note to. They were standing by the sidewalk begging money from the passerby so she stopped and gave the eight of them.
"Allah yaji qanta yasa ta huta." They both mumbled in sync, smile breaking their faces and it warmed her heart to see what she did produce such smile from someone.
"Amin amin." She heard Ja'afar say from behind her making her smile and they continue their journey to the ice cream parlour. It was packed with lots of people.
Hidaya saw someone she never expects to see in her whole life. There stood Zayn's ex wife and the one who came in between Zayn and his family. If not that God has saved them from her claws, they wouldn't be talking to their amazing brother and wouldn't have met Nana which is a terrible loss from their side. Nana is someone everybody wants to meet and want to know. She has special something about her that makes you be good even if you don't want to. You just instantly become pure and religious.
Halima has a baby boy in her arms making Hidaya wonder where she gets the baby from. The baby looks to be around a year or less but that means she's left their house since before he was conceived, a great relief. Hidaya wanted to judge and say she gets that baby by whoring around but don't want to do that to the cute baby. He don't deserve to be called a bastard because of his mother's terrible mistake. He is such a cutie and Hidaya can't even begin to think who the father is. He must be extreme handsome to overcome Halima's ugliness.
"Hello. Hidaya right?" Hidaya blinked upon seeing Halima standing in front of her. Was she staring at her for long?
"Yes, Halima huh?" Hidaya inclined her head, she is taller than her and so she look like she is intimidating her.
"Yes, yes. You are Zayn's cousin huh?" Halima continue to ask as though she can't remember who she is when she clearly can do so.
"I am and you are his ex wife. Who is this?" She couldn't hold her curiosity and asked who the baby is. Her whole attention got back to the cute baby sucking in his thumb.
"My son, Muhsin. I got married and live in the States." She smiled genuinely talking about her marriage. Even when she met Zayn at the supermarket, she was married but didn't love her husband and didn't like that he got her pregnant so she thought Zayn will go back to her and she will push the son into his arms then they will get married again.
She's honestly loved Zayn and if not for Munir's greediness, she would've being happily married with him instead of his current wife. She is happy for him though, he deserves that much after having people betray him his whole life. Now she also loves her husband, after holding her bundle of joy, she fell in love with both the father and son making her life easy and happier. She is happy and contented with what she has.
"That is very nice to hear. Meet my fiancée, Ja'afar." She introduced Ja'afar who was calmly standing beside her at some distance but perked up when he heard his name.
"Nice meeting you two but I need to go, I have a flight to catch." She immediately left the parlour with a wave.
Well, Hidaya was surprised but also happy for the lady. That was new.
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