
She made sure everything looks how she's dreamed of it. She dreamed about them having sometime with her husband in the backyard having picnic with her new found recipe book. Zayn's grandmother sent an Indian recipe book through Mu'ayyad when he transited there from China. The book has amazing foods and many kind of delicious desserts. After finding out that she could cook Indian food without having problem nor did she burn the kitchen down, everything turned out perfectly good. Now she's setting a small picnic for them with Khumais sleeping soundly inside the house and his monitor is turned on.

She beamed, looking at the Uthappam waiting to be devoured. Checking herself once again at the floor length mirror that's in the living room, Nana fixed her new sari leaving her stomach bare and the dupatta is down from her head. Her hair is loose and longer making her look like an Indian even adding vermilion in between the cut on her forehead like they do in India, she made sure she put it fully in the long gash. She smiled at the mirror before bouncing out to the backyard after hearing his car rolling into the house. She's texted him earlier that he should meet her in the backyard after getting ready -removing his work clothes to comfy one.

Minutes later, a ravishing looking Zayn walked out of the house through the back door dressed in a beige knee length shorts and white shirt. He smirked at her when he saw how she seductively sat down with her flat stomach on display and a little cleavage leaving him wanting more. His woman is a darn seductress and she knew just how to get him. She looks yummy and he knew the lust in his eyes is not hidden, she could clearly see his love and lust mixed in his dark eyes. To top it all, she's wearing a red sari! That's just what did it, that's the colour of seduction. And her flawless back, he wants to kiss each part of it.

When he finally reach her, he gave her a once over as she sank her teeth on her bottom lip. She cast him a cunning felonious look, rolling her button lip out of her mouth before standing up straight so he could see the rest of her. Her wide hips fit in perfectly in the sari, making her walk even more seductive and alluring. She slithered her hand on his chest and slowly went up to his neck then wrapping her hands in his damp hair which showed that he has showered, before tiptoeing and pressing her lips on his in a hot passionate kiss.

Zayn's hand immediately went to her waist and aligning her body with his, discarding the space between them. If possible, he deepened the kiss more with his tongue fighting against hers. They're both fighting for their love and squeezing the their desire in a tight way. She's accepted him and he wants to take their relationship to another level. She wants him to claim her as his, consume her and mark her but there are some things that should be cleared between them before it happens. Her memories are more important.

Breathless, she pulled away and lie her head on his chest whilst he lie his on her head. She placed a small kiss where his heart lies when her breath even out. She loves this man and that's it, she can't even think of a life that he is not in. With each kiss, she only saw them in 70s with grey hairs sticking out of their dark hair.

"The food will get cold, love." He chuckled huskily in her ear before drawing her with him to sit in the carpeted floor with greenery surrounding them.

"I'm not done with you. I'm not dressed like this just for us to eat food." She whined, looking at him with a cute smile across her lips.

He knew what she meant and he more than her wants to devour her but he wants her fully -after knowing her real self. It's going to happen soon and he could feel it in his body, she's getting the pictures clearly now but brushing it off. Maybe he'll have to tell her the truth earlier than what he had planned. He should just spill everything he knew about her past then she'll be forced to remember.

They finished feeding each other and stood up, walking around the backyard whilst holding hands and talking about everything and nothing. She teased him about getting old and he starts to chase her all around the backyard. With her saree, it's hard to run like she used to so she surrendered and let him sweep her off her feet. He went around in circle, making them both dizzy till they collapsed on the grass laughing at each other because the house kept tumbling with them.

Nothing happened like Nana had expected! She knew those damn memories will always get in the way and she don't see any reason why the memories will hold them back. Is there something important that she should know about? If there is, then she'll demand that they tell her about it before she lost it. It's already two days after Maaysa's wedding and she could tell that the co-wives are happy with each other.

They moved back into the house and spend the time chatting and cuddling.


"We should not cook something traditional today, what do you think?" Rukayyah asked Maaysa, the duo were watching a wedding videotape that Rukayyah had been trying to edit.

"Yeah, Ya Mashhub likes those abroad foods." She absentmindedly replied, also trying to help Rukayyah edit.

"Yes, you're right. We should make wheat pasta, spinach, homemade sauce, chicken and a side of asparagus. What say?" Rukayyah suggested, closing the laptop and standing up, pulling Maaysa up with her as she did so.

"Yea! I forgot that I have one of the best chefs with me. You made those things sound very easy. Ya Mashhub is really enjoying himself, and now it's my turn to enjoy your special." Maaysa grinned, trailing behind Rukayyah who laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Will you stop calling him Ya Mashhub? He told you countless times that he hates it, you better find a nickname for him. Something romantic!" Rukayyah wiggled her brows at a blushing Maaysa meanwhile bringing out spinaches from the fridge.

"What do you think about, captain?" Maaysa beamed, after thinking about the names in her head for awhile.

"Aw, that's very cute. I call him g-man and he calls me wolverine. I know he's waiting for you to give him a nickname before he finds one for you. How cute!" Rukayyah swooned, earning a chuckle from Maaysa.

Mashhub walked into the house intentionally not yelling 'I'm home' to his wives because he wants to surprise them with the gift he bought them earlier. He kept his briefcase and coat on the sofa before following the sounds of them cutting stuff in the kitchen and their squeals and laughter. When he walked closer, he found out that they are listening to some music while sounding very off key. Maybe that was why they were laughing at each other 'cause it brought a chuckle from him just listening how they are ruining the artist's song.

Rukayyah is wearing an emerald tie waist curved hem midishirt dress with regular sleeves and standing collar finishing it up with a belt. Her legs are showing from the knees which made her look hot and not to forget how the chandelier is glistening around her legs because of the cream she applied which means they both just showered.

Maaysa is wearing a v-neck sleeveless striped maxi dress that also stopped mid calf. They all have their hair flying around with the fan around the kitchen. He could see how they are enjoying themselves as they danced to the song playing.

"Erhm..." He coughed lightly, pursing his lips when they didn't turn probably because they didn't hear him out.

He walked deeper into the kitchen and held both their hips and squashed himself in between. They duo jumped together in fright before their gaze rests on their husband. He could see they visibly relaxed before Rukayyah smiled and pecked his lips while Maaysa just turned around and continue to sauté whatever that it is in the pan, clearly uncomfortable with them. Rukayyah nudged Mashhub and ask him to do something to Maaysa which he did, he pecked her lips after turning her face to look at him.

She blushed and turned around again which made the other two chuckle at her shyness.

"I'll just freshen up. It smells amazing in here by the way." He hollered and walked out of the kitchen eagerly wanting to come back into the comfort of his wives.

"So, Maaysa here came up with a nickname for you. Wanna know what it is?" Rukayyah teased when they finished having dinner and are washing the dishes while he sat on the kitchen island toying around with knives while listening to them ramble. Maaysa is still not very comfortable with him.

"Don't do this now." Maaysa pleaded at Rukayyah but Mashhub heard her so he decided to play along with Rukayyah and tease Maaysa.

"Oh really? And what is that? I hope it's something very romantic." He hopped down the island and lean by the counter bench where Maaysa stood, squirming between the couple.

"Oh, she should tell you that herself." Rukayyah beamed again, laughing a little when Maaysa sent a glare her way but she flipped her off and walked out of the kitchen to give them space.

"It was nothing." Maaysa sputtered out when Mashhub trapped her between his body and counter bench.

"It can't be nothing when she said so herself. Tell me, what's the name." He lowly whispered, his breath fanning her face while he study every inch of her face, counting her pores.

"It-it's captain." She stuttered, blushing very deep red when a smile broke across his lips.

"That's quite romantic, shawty." He nuzzled his nose to her neck.

"We should not do this." She miserably try to move away from his grasps even though she's liking the feeling of him around her. She's shy that Rukayyah might find them in that uncomfortable position.

"Why? You're my wife or do you not love me anymore?" He pouted but didn't let her answer the question so she let him kiss her.

How are you all? How's ramadhan? I have this group made since 2019 on WhatsApp and thought I could communicate with my readers, you in? Holla me through DM or drop your digits and name...
Don't forget to say this dua during ur sujood Allahumm innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul afwa fa'fu anni all the time.
We're in the last ten, don't sleep too much and ask for forgiveness.
I was wondering what a woman can do on laylat al-qadr if she is menstruating at that time. can she earn extra rewards for engaging herself in worship? if so, what is permissible for her to do so that night?.


Praise be to Allaah.

A woman who is menstruating may do all acts of worship apart from praying, fasting, circumambulating the Ka'bah and doing i'tikaaf in the mosque.

It was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to stay up at night during the last ten nights of Ramadaan. Al-Bukhaari (2401) and Muslim (1174) narrated that 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: "When the last ten nights of Ramadaan came, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would refrain from marital relations, stay up at night and wake his family up."

Staying up at night is not only for prayer, rather it includes all kinds of acts of worship. This is how the scholars interpreted it.

Al-Haafiz said: "Staying up at night" means staying up to do acts of worship.

Al-Nawawi said: spending the night staying up to pray etc.

He said in 'Awn al-Ma'bood: i.e., in prayer, dhikr and reciting the Qur'aan.

Praying qiyaam is the best act of worship that a person can do on Laylat al-Qadr. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1901; Muslim, 760).

Because the woman who is menstruating is not allowed to pray, she can spend the night in doing other acts of worship apart from prayer, such as:

1-Reading or reciting Qur'aan. (preferably from memory, or device not from the mushaf)

2-Dhikr - such as saying Subhaan-Allaah, La ilaaha illa-Allaah, al-Hamdu Lillaah, etc. She can repeat the words "Subhaan-Allaah wa'l-hamdu Lillaah, wa laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, wa Allaahu akbar (Glory be to Allaah, praise be to Allaah, there is no god but Allaah and Allaah is Most Great)" and "Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdihi, subhaan Allaah il-'Azeem (Glory and praise be to Allaah, glory be to Allaah the Almighty)" etc.

3-Istighfaar (praying for forgiveness), by repeating the phrase "Astaghfir-Allaah (I ask Allaah for forgiveness)."

4-Du'aa' (supplication) - she can pray to Allaah and ask Him for what is good in this world and in the Hereafter, for du'aa' is one of the best acts of worship. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Du'aa' is 'ibaadah (worship)." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2895; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2370).

The woman who is menstruating can do these acts of worship and others on Laylat al-Qadr.

We ask Allaah to help us to do that which He loves and which pleases Him. May Allaah accept our righteous deeds.
Allah knows best


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