Chapter 7: Two ends of the Dynamite

(Slenderman's P.O.V)

On the couch I was reading and
Constantly checking the time for I had to leave soon to walk with (y/n).
Within my head I was debating either to ask her tonight or wait.
Ever since our relationship became stable again I was bickering with myself  but ended up blowing it off till the next day only to keep blowing it off again.
I sighed as it was two minutes before meeting (y/n), I decided to get up when my brother walked in I could feel something was wrong with him.
"Luke is everything alright?" I asked closing my book and setting it on the living room table next to me.
He was silent for a moment before stepping toward me.
"Brother..." he spoke, his voice was raspy and low.
He never called me brother unless it was serious.
"I have something to tell you...."
"Yes, what is it?"
"It's (y/n)...."
My heart sank million of miles below sea level making my mind race in all direction.
"What? What happened? Is she alright? TELL ME." I placed my hands on his shoulders aggressively shaking him.
"She......killed herself on the cliff near the warehouse deep in the woods."
Right then all color drained from my world as I slowly stepped back.
I thought everything was getting better...I thought I was doing everything I could to make her happy..
"H-how could this happen?" I sat back down the couch burying my head in my hands.
Luke placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Richard...."
I got up shaking my head in denial,"no...this couldn't have happened....."
"I need some time...." I teleported to god knows where but I couldn't think straight.
My thoughts were blurred to the max.....if (y/n) is dead....that means I failed her..and myself....I failed to achieve my goal.

I brushed my hair in my room getting ready to meet Slenderman.
I had a feeling tonight was going to be special so I wanted to dress nice.
I placed my hairbrush on my nightstand and reached for my phone to notice it wasn't there.
Shit...where's my phone...
  Next to my hairbrush was a small vase I had put the Rose Offender gave me when I first met him. Slenderman was hesitant about me taking it at first but he said nothing happened last time about it. I was confused about what he meant about last time. That was first meeting him...maybe he was talking about another girl.
   Everyday I'm surprised it hasn't died after all this time, even after I forget to water it.
  But for some reason it glowed making me raise my eyebrow.
An alien did give it to me...what did I expect?
  Mom?!" I called out from my room, I could not find my phone anywhere, I checked everywhere in my room and checked the bathroom.
Where the heck is it?!
"MOM!!" Still no answer.
A frustrated sighed leaked out of me making me stomp down stairs, I could have sworn steam was coming out of my ears.
"Mom?" I tried to keep a calm voice while looking for her through the house.
She wasn't here, "are you kidding me?" I was about to huff again before noticing my phone on the dining table.
It had a note on it.
Be back soon dear, left to the store and you really need to stop leaving your phone in the car.
Xoxo -Mom.
I chuckled from my stupidity and placed my phone in my back pocket.
It was really late outside.
HEHEHE guess it's time to see Mr.Smarty pants!.
And with that I skipped out the front door across the street and into the woods.
It was chilly that night good thing I was wearing my favorite sweater.
"Mr.Smartypants? Slenderman! Are you out here?"
I kept walking deeper and deeper into to the woods.
That's strange he would have came to me by now.
Look behind you dearest.
Wow Slenderman! You almost had me but what happened to your voice?chuckled out loud and turned around to see most defiantly NOT Slenderman.
   More like a Gangster want to be Slenderman.
    He wore a fedora and long trench coat, a cigar sticked out of his mouth.
      "Oh hi Smexy." A gentle smile arose from my mouth.  
     "Hello (y/n)" he voice was smooth but it wasn't as comforting as Slenderman's or as gentle.
    "Where's Slenderman? Can he not meet me tonight? I was hoping we could go for our evening walk today."
     Smexy leaned against a tree, "no he can't meet you tonight...he's busy that's why he sent me."

    That sounded a little fishy, I mean yes Slenderman was a busy man but I don't think he would have sent smexy to walk with me...but I'm sure Smexy wouldn't Lie to me.
"Oh...well uh....are you willing to walk with me for tonight?" I asked
"I can do more than that......"
I took a step back this...seemed to familiar.
" thank you....uh I think I'll just go home..."
"Rude...its because I'm not Slenderman...isn't it?" He scoffed crossing his arms.
I threw my hands up in defense, "Smexy it's not like that! It's just..."
"It's just what? I'm not good enough for you?" I could hear the anger in his voice start to raise.
"I can do more than he can....than he will ever be able to give you...."
"Smexy stop...please."
"No (y/n)...the reason he sent me out here because....(y/n)...he's moved on...." he sighed.
I swear I heard some glass break somewhere.
"W-what....." I choked on a whisper.
We weren't together but that still hurt like anything.
"You're too childish for him....well that's what he told me anyway...."
I could feel tears start to build and my heart start to race with anxiety.
"N-no! YOUR LIEING" I roared hugging myself sniffling on the tears and turning away breathing heavily.
"(Y/n) please know he would always wants what's best for you...."
A tear slipped down my cheek.
I'm not good enough? I'm too childish for him?? ....I can be a little...wild but....
I turned back to smexy with a soft but hurt look.
"He really meant those. things...." I sniffed.

I could feel him stare at me, I knew he was serious.
Anger boiled more than ever I've been mad before but this was pure rage building.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I roared throwing my hands up in the air.
Smexy jumped back shocked that I cussed out loud.
"AFTER EVERYTHING HE'S DONE TO ME? AND IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM? PURE BULLSHIT." My mind was clouded with red I was on the edge of killing someone right now.
"You know what....Fuck him...." I hissed wiping away my rage tears and staring at the ground.
That when I remembered the Rose Offender gave me.
I looked back up at Offender he had a blank expression and he removed the cigar from his mouth holding back blowing a ring of smoke.
I don't know what came over me but something in my right mind made me hug Smexy.
Slenderman told me not to test, or tease him I wasn't sure why but I think I was about to find out why.
"Do you have a pain reliever? My chest hurts...." I sniffed burying my face into his coat.
He reeked of cigarettes and alcohol, the odor was so strong I would have backed away but the pain in my heart and mind was blocking all sense out and letting the emotion in and take over.
"Of course I have a pain reliever...I have multiple."
His voice was sinister and low something to make the hairs on your skin rattle like maracas.
I shouldn't trust someone like him not with his personality, his mind. Everything about him was twisted in the worst way, especially around young girls like me.
"I need it.....right now."
I could hear small rumbling with his chest.
He was purring.

Pills give me the pills...where's my know what no...I need a drink...
"I change my mind can I have a drink instead?"
"A drink-"
"Alcohol....strong too....."
"(Y/n) you know Slenderman wouldn't want you drinking."
"Slenderman is not here and he won't be so who cares."
Right then the whole scenery changed and I was in my room.
I let go of Offender looking around and stared at my bed then the Rose.
It glowed even brighter than usual.
Suddenly I felt something wrap around my waist.
   Maybe...just this once.......No I can't even if Slenderman Dosen't see the same way about me....
"" I sighed closing my eyes tightly and gently pushed whatever wrapped around me away
Just let it happen....
"OFFENDER I SAID NO!" I pushed away from him completely opening my eyes to see him without his trench coat on and his tongue slipped from his mouth.
  White tentacles snaked from his back and around me.
  "NO!!" I screamed trying to wiggle to get free.
  His tentacles wrapped around my mouth to keep me quiet.
   "You took the rose (y/n), I would  have gotten to you sooner if Richard wasn't in the way." Offender growled roughly pinning me to my own bed.
  "And don't try calling him....with the Rose in the area...he can't smell or hear like I said...let it happen....don't worry you won't have to live with the pain afterwards...." he chuckled evilly as his mouth widened revealing sharp teeth like slendermans.
There was nothing but pain,emotionally and physically.
  He used me like ragdoll and there was literally nothing I could do, I was helpless as he just turned me over and over like a pancake.
   When he was finished he got himself clothed letting me lay there shivering and groaning from the pain.
    One of his tentacles wrapped around my neck slowly tightening as he reached for his Rose breaking it in half and placing on my bare chest.
  The Rose lost its color just laying there gray and wilted.
   "Shouldn't have taken the Rose (y/n)...this could have turned out so much better...." he hissed as my vision began to blur.
  S-Slenderman! H-HELP me
My lungs began to ache for air and my body became heavy before I knew it darkness began to collapse on my world drowning out Smexy's dark chuckling.
   Then ......nothing.

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