We're a Team

"One more step!" Joe cheers on Barry as he gets six steps by himself on a cane. Barry's legs start shaking and he stumbles into the chair in front of him. "That's good, Bar." Joe says proudly.

"Yeah six whole steps. Someone give me a Bozo button." Barry cheers sarcastically.

"It's gonna take time Barry. A normal person would've been paralyzed." Joe says. "Permanently." He adds more firmly.

"How long until I'm fully healed?" Barry asks impatiently.

Caitlin puts a picture of his MRI from a week ago and one from this morning up on the bigger screens. "I'll save you the jargon, but you're almost fully healed."

"I'm still having trouble breathing." He says, pointing to his chest.

Caitlin nods. "Normal with a spinal injury." Barry sighs and turns away.

Harry walks through the room with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Where are you off to?" Joe asks.

"Back to my earth."

"Come to our earth. Mess things up and just leave. Sounds familiar." Joe scoffs.

Harry points to him. "Wasn't me. Zoom is still out there and he still has my daughter. Now if you don't mind, I need access to your breach room."

"Gladly." Cisco says, following Harry out of the room.

"Wait." Caitlin calls. They both turn. "You can't leave."

"Yeah he can. Jay showed us how to use the breaches." Cisco defends.

"No. You can't leave yet. Like you said, Zoom is still out there and you need our help as much as we need yours."

Harry turns to look around the room. "No thanks." And he turns to walk out with Cisco.

"Caitlin if he doesn't want to be here, let him go." Barry argues, not looking at her.

"I can't do that. Not yet."

Caitlin leaves the cortex and gets to the elevators to see Cisco standing alone.

"Where'd he go?"

"Needs to figure out which breach will get him to his lab." Cisco says. "Then he's leaving. Why do you want him to stay?"

"We need his help. Between him and Jay, I think we may have a chance of defeating Zoom, but we need them both because...I think he's right about Jay being scared. He hesitates. We need Harry."

Cisco sighs. "Fine. But you're talking to him. Not me."


Caitlin walks into Big Belly Burger to see Harry sitting at the bar with a drink and a burger with fries. She walks up and sits down next to him, facing forward.

"Don't get the cheese curds. They're addicting." She says flatly.

"I suppose you're here on behalf of your wonderful team?" He says, not looking up from the paper he's working on.

"Nope. They didn't want me to come."

"Then why are you here?" He asks, sounding uninterested.

"Getting lunch." She smiles at the waiter who recognizes her and nods.

Harry chuckles but doesn't look at her. He continues eating and working on his paper. The waiter brings her the food and she thanks him. She pops a cheese curd in her mouth and turns to look at Harry.

"Whatcha working on?" She asks eagerly.

"Trying to find which breach on your earth will take me home." He says flatly.

"Wouldn't it be the same one you came through?"

"Not necessarily."

Caitlin hums in response and goes back to eating her food. She turns again after a few minutes. "You should stay."

"And why should I stay?" He asks, sounding annoyed. But he'd been expecting her to say it for a while now.

"The same reason you came here in the first place. And because you want to."

Harry chuckles. "Is that right?"

"Yep. You're a father and whether you want to admit it or not, I think it affected you seeing Barry that hurt."

"Not my kid. Not my problem."

"No, but he's someone's kid. And you thought about your daughter. You avoided us last week because you felt guilty. You care about him. And we care about you and by extent your daughter." Caitlin says, sounding scolding at first, but ending with a tone of concern.

"I can take care of myself. And my daughter. I made a mistake coming here and now my daughter is in more danger than before." Harry snaps.

"The best bet at saving them both from Zoom is to work together. Alone...you're no threat to him. Neither are we. We're a team. And that doesn't mean always getting it right. It means...sticking together."

"I'm not part of your team. Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do." He abruptly turns away from Caitlin.

Caitlin stands from her seat. She lays her money on the counter and walks over to Harry's other side to get his attention. "Harry... Let us help. If we had succeeded in closing all the breaches before you got here...admit it, you'd be screwed."

He doesn't answer at first. His pen stops and he turns to look at her, realization clear on his face. "The breaches."

"What about them?"

"We need to close them. All of them except the one at S.T.A.R. Labs. Then he only has one way here. " He is smiling mischievously at her.

She smiles back at him. "I want credit for the idea."

He stands from his seat, grabbing his papers and coat. "Not a chance."

"But we're a team." She says in a mock-offended voice.

"No, we're not!" He calls back as he quickly walks out of Big Belly Burger.

She follows closely behind him smiling at the fact that he's decided to stay. "Harry!" She jokingly whines." He speeds up, but a small smile breaks on his face at the child-like voice Caitlin used. "You didn't even pay!" She calls louder, still following him. He keeps walking.


"What do you mean you saw a bird?"

"I saw a bird." Cisco repeats.

"You had a vision...about a bird?" Caitlin clarifies.

"We agreed to stop calling them visions. They're vibes. And yes...a bird." Cisco says.

"A big bird?"

"Very big. Human sized."

"Was it a person in a bird costume."

"Nope." Cisco says, popping the p. "Big bird."

"Wouldn't we have noticed a giant bird flying around town." Caitlin asks, confused but mildly amused that a vibe of a bird ruined Cisco's date.

"Shouldn't people have noticed a thought-to-be-dead, previously handicapped Harrison Wells walking around town? Yes. But they haven't." Cisco rambles.

"Fair." Caitlin laughs. She starts to ask another question, but she is suddenly distracted. A loud ringing fills her ears, but before she can react, she feels herself lose control of her body. Flashes of metal tables and bright lights enter her mind.

"Maybe it was an angel." Cisco fantasizes, looking into the empty air. He starts to turn. "It was an angel." He sees Caitlin staring blankly at him. "Caitlin?"

Caitlin tilts her head and, without warning, punches Cisco in the face. She turns to walk out, the sound of Cisco yelling at her fading in the background behind the ringing. Caitlin walks out of his workshop, to the elevator, and out of S.T.A.R. Labs. She continues walking, only partially aware of her surroundings, her mind still flashing with images and her ears still ringing. Control of her body still not with her. She walks and walks and the next thing she knows, her body is collapsing on a cold concrete floor in a dark room.


"Did Caitlin come through here?" Cisco asks loudly as he enters the cortex.

Barry turns in the wheelchair to face him. "No. Why?"

"She just hit me and walked out." Cisco whines.

"Yo! Grodd's back!" Joe yells, running into the cortex.

Barry stands up in panic and hobbles over to the control desk on his cane. He pulls up the S.T.A.R. Labs surveillance cameras and sees Caitlin walking out of the exit. He starts skipping on his leg as quickly as possible and takes the elevator down to the main floor with Cisco and Joe. The three run out of the door, Barry less gracefully than the other two, to see Caitlin is long gone. Barry's face turns to worry, and he rubs the back of his neck, taking a deep breath.

The boys make their way back upstairs and try to track Caitlin through her phone, finding themselves lead to Cisco's workshop where her phone still is. Cisco tries to track Caitlin through he satellite, no luck. He pulls up traffic cameras and sees no sign of her.

"What's going on?" Harry asks as he enters the cortex.

"Grodd took Caitlin." Joe says blankly as he stares at the screen Cisco is working on.

"Who is Grodd?" Harry asks, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Mind-reading gorilla." Joe answers.

"Telepathic." Cisco corrects. Joe scoffs.

Harry looks down to see Barry scanning through any surveillance he can find that might have a sign of Caitlin. "Where are you? Where are you?" He is whispering just loud enough to be heard behind the other conversation.

"I can find her." Harry says confidently. "But how do you plan on getting her back?"

Cisco turns to him. "I may have an idea." An unsure look forms on his face. "But uh...Barry, you're not gonna like it."

Barry turns to look at him. "Whatever it takes."


Caitlin wakes up, shivering from the cold floor and wincing from the skull-splitting headache. She rolls over and looks up to see that she is in a dark room with a high ceiling, a sliver of light coming out of a high window. She looks around and sees a table set up like a make-shift lab with seemingly random substances on it. A loud thud pulls her attention away from the table. She turns to see a large figure emerging from a shadow in the corner.

"Grodd." She breathes out.

"Caitlin." She hears Grodd's gruff voice in her head.

"Grodd, what am I doing here?" She asks in as kind of a voice as she can manage.

"Need help."

"Help with what?" She hesitantly asks. What could a giant telepathic gorilla possibly want help with.

"Again." He says, pointing to the table.

Caitlin stands and walks over to the table to look at the substances. She gets through the first two without noticing anything familiar, but the third one triggers her memory. These are the substances they gave Grodd when he was little.

"Again what?" Caitlin asks softly, scared of the answer.

"Make Grodd again."

She sighs. She hoped this wasn't what he was asking. "You want me to make more gorillas like you? Grodd, I don't know if I can."

"Try." He says more threateningly.

She takes a deep breath and looks at the table. There was no way she was getting out of here by herself. The best bet she had was to look busy until someone came to help. Which she is able to do...for about two hours. Until the angry gorilla in the corner grows impatient.

"How long?" He asks angrily.

"Not much longer. It took us days to do this before, Grodd." She lightly scolds.

He huffs. He takes a step toward Caitlin, but quickly turns when he hears a sound at the door. Caitlin looks up. Her eyes widen in horror and she stumbles back when she sees who made the noise. Her breath is caught in her throat. She shakes her head lightly in disbelief and denial. Her eyes are locked in a stare down with a familiar man in a yellow suit. The Reverse Flash.


"They're gonna be fine, Barry. They'll bring her back." Henry tells Barry as he rubs his back. Joe called Henry to come talk to Barry and hopefully cheer him up and motivate him. Joe's convinced that his lack of recent progress is a mental block, not a physical one, and Barry's behavior toward Caitlin the night before confirmed that.

Barry is sitting on a stair in the training room, knees to his chest. "This is the second time I've let Grodd get her." Barry says, sounding ashamed.

"There was nothing you could have done. But there is something you can do now." Henry advises. "You can put that suit on and go out there and save her."

"I can't." Barry breathes out.

"Yes. You can. Physically Barry, you're fine." Henry points to Barry's head. "It's up here that you still need to heal."

Barry swallows hard and looks intensely at the ground. "You saw what he did?" Henry just nods. "Then you know I can't go out there. He showed the whole city that their hero isn't good enough. How could they ever believe in me after that?"

"Because people, Barry, good people...aren't that fickle. If you show them that you came back from that. You show them that their hero is still here for them...If you still believe in them, they're going to believe in you." Henry says softly. He leans back on his hands. "And if you need people to show it first, then let that be the people in this room. Everyone here, Cisco, Joe, Caitlin, all of them believe in you."

Barry scoffs. "Don't know how. They're the ones who have seen me at my weakest."

"And seeing that is what makes them realize how strong you really are." Henry says softly scolding, leaning forward.

"I broke in front of her dad." Barry whispers, ashamed and embarrassed. "How could she believe in me now?"

Henry chuckles, leaning into Barry and wrapping his arm around him. "It's not one person's job to the be the strong one in a relationship. That is shared. The hard part is finding someone you trust enough to be weak in front of, knowing they'll be strong enough to bring you back." Barry looks up at him, his eyes sad. "But...you have to let them." Henry scolds in a whisper.

"Get out of there!" They both hear Joe yell from the other room.

Barry unsteadily runs into the cortex. "What happened?" He asks in a panic.

"Caitlin and Harry are trapped in there, and Grodd is pissed." Joe explains.

"Snow?" They hear Harry through the comms. "Snow, don't!" He calls out.

Barry's eyes widen. His dad puts his hand on his shoulder and Barry turns to him. "Go get 'em, Slugger."

Barry speeds out of the room.


"Hey, buddy." Harry says confidently. He is standing firm at the doorway with Cisco hiding a few feet behind him. Caitlin has taken a step forward again, regaining her composure after realizing it was Harry.

Grodd growls and stalks toward Harry. "Easy buddy it's me. I'm back." Harry looks at Caitlin who is still staring back at him skeptically.

"Father, you died." Grodd says, almost sounding sad, in Caitlin and Harry's heads.

"No. No, buddy, I didn't die. I just went away for a little while."

"You're doing great Harry. Just keep him talking." Cisco whispers to him through the communicator he has with him in the hallway.

Harry looks to the doorway where Cisco is hiding. Caitlin follows his eyes and sees their exit. "But now I'm back. So, we don't need Caitlin anymore. You can let her go."

Caitlin is shaking her head as subtly as she can while still being aggressive about it. He's being too soft, and she knows it. Grodd won't fall for it.

"Can we do that, buddy?" Harry asks, stepping closer to Caitlin. Caitlin closes her eyes in defeat.

Grodd growls and Caitlin's eyes go wide. "Father never ask. Father take!" He yells.

Harry's face drops as he looks at Caitlin who is staring in horror back at him. She looks to the door then back at him. "Run." She whispers.

They both take off toward the door, but she suddenly stops, that ringing returning to her ears.

"Who are you?" Grodd yells, reaching and grabbing Harry, throwing him into the table.

Harry struggles to stand, but his face hardens. "I am Father. And you hit Father." He scolds.

Caitlin turns and walks toward Harry. Her eyes are glazed. She has no control over her body. She walks toward the table and squats down. She fills two syringes with the chemicals she was working with and stands, facing Harry. She takes a step toward him.

"Snow?" Harry says quietly, breaking character but hoping Grodd won't hear him. She raises the syringe as she steps closer. "Snow, don't!" He yells, jumping out of the way of her trying to stab him with the syringes.

Grodd growls and walks over to grab Harry. He holds Harry in front of him as Caitlin turns to walk toward them again. Her face is contorted, trying to fight Grodd's control.

"Snow." Harry pleads.

He can see her arms shaking. As she gets closer, he can see the tears in her eyes. She uses all her strength to turn the syringes in her hands to face away from Harry. Her hands are shaking even more. She is directly in front of him now. "Help." She is able to squeak out.

He looks at her hands and sees them turned. As she breaks focus and Grodd takes over, her arms collapse to inject Harry, but he is able to reach up and stop her hands, redirecting them behind him and into Grodd's chest. Once the syringes pierce his skin, he yells out and loses control of Caitlin. She falls into Harry. He catches her under the arms and holds her up.

"C'mon, Snow." He says as he helps her get her balance back. "Let's get out of here." She stumbles, keeping one arm over Harry's shoulders. He has an arm around her waist and helps her out of the room where they expect to see Cisco waiting in the hallway. He wasn't there. Before they can question it, they find themselves back in the cortex. Harry still supporting Caitlin.

"Oh, thank god." Cisco breathes out when they are all in the cortex. "That didn't go as planned." He says as he slumps in a nearby chair. Caitlin and Harry stumble together into her lab followed by Barry. Henry walks up and grabs Barry's arm, pulling him back. He gives him a look telling him to be patient.

"Harry, get the suit off and I'll check that out." Caitlin says, pointing to the wound on his stomach. She sits down and rubs her temples.

"Hey, kiddo." Henry says squatting down in front of her. "You first." She gives him a weak smile. He checks to make sure she doesn't have a concussion or any hidden injuries. "All clear." He smiles at her, allowing her to stand and tend to Harry who is now laying in a tank top in the med bed with a large gash on his lower abdomen.

Caitlin starts cleaning and putting medicine on his injury, avoiding eye contact with him. She can feel him looking at her out of the corner of her eye. She turns and catches his eyes. "Thank you...for saving me. You didn't...you didn't have to do that." She says, sounding like she's apologizing.

He gives her a half-smile. "We're a team, right?" Her smile widens and she turns to finish covering his wound. "Thanks." He says as he pulls his shirt back down and turns to stand from the bed.

Caitlin cleans up and turns to see Joe, Cisco, and Barry all standing by the door to her lab.

"We gotta do something about Grodd." Joe breaks the silence.

"I...may have an idea." Harry says, pulling a sweater over his head. "Ramon." He calls to Cisco. "I'm gonna need your assistance."


"Cait." Barry whispers to her. They are standing at the side of the building where Grodd held Caitlin. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

She nods. "He can't stay here and...as much as I wanted to try to help him...we can't. This is the best option."

"I don't like that we're using you as bait."

"I'm not worried. You won't let anything happen to me." She says in a serious tone, not smiling.

He just looks at her, thinking about his conversation with his dad, as she finishes talking to Cisco and Harry, making sure they're ready with the breach on their end. She turns to him. "They're ready. Let's go." She walks out and he watches her confidence, not wanting to admit that its her confidence in him, but not being able to deny it.

"Grodd!" Caitlin calls. She hears a growl and braces herself.

"Caitlin." She hears his voice in her head. She looks up to see him jumping out the window and down the building until he lands with a ground shaking thud just feet in front of her. He takes a step toward her and watches in anger as Barry speeds by and takes her with him. Grodd runs, leaping to catch up with Barry.

Barry drops Caitlin off at the site with Harry and Cisco. He waits for Grodd to arrive. Grodd lands on the opposite side of where Barry was hoping he would. He takes a step toward Grodd, anticipating a fight. The two both jump and meet in the air. It's not long before Grodd has a grip on Barry, throwing him away from the breach. Barry rolls and stays down as Grodd stalks closer to him. Caitlin runs up in front of him, putting herself between the two.

"Stop!" She yells.

"Cait, no." Barry quietly grunts, trying to get the strength to stand.

"Caitlin." Grodd says. "You betrayed Grodd."

"No, I didn't." She defends. "You wanted more like you Grodd and we can give that to you. You just have to trust me." She says. Barry is slowly standing up behind her. She walks toward Grodd. She stops in front of him, putting her hand out, palm up. "Trust me." She says softly.

Grodd puts his palm-up hand in hers. She smiles at him. He turns his hand and wraps it around her wrist. Her eyes widen and she tries to pull her wrist away but can't shake his grip. Grodd pulls his arm to the side, tossing Caitlin aside so he can go after Barry. Barry stands in time to catch Caitlin and surprise Grodd. The two fight again, Barry able to slowly push Grodd toward the breach. The pull of the breach isn't enough to grab Grodd. Barry runs off.

"Where did he go?" Harry asks. Barry appears again, fist forward, leaping toward Grodd.

"Supersonic punch baby!" Cisco yells as Grodd is pulled into the breach.


Caitlin is sitting, staring unfocused at the ground, in her lab. The boys are standing around talking about the city of gorillas that they sent Grodd to on Earth 2.

"Snow." Harry says softly as the others leave for the night. Caitlin looks up at him and gives him a half smile. She raises her eyebrows, acknowledging him. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just thinking I guess."

Harry takes a deep breath. "You thought I was him, didn't you?"

Caitlin turns away, sighing. "For a second...yeah."

Harry recalls the look of horror and confusion on her face when he walked into the room where Grodd had her. How quickly she stepped back.

"I saw the look on your face when you saw me, and I just wanted to say thank you."

She gives him a confused look. "For what?"

"For asking me to stay. For deciding to help me, despite my face." He says lightly.

She chuckles and gives him a weak smile. "You can't help your face." She says, smirking at him.

"No. No I can't." He lightly chuckles. He turns to see Barry standing at the entry to her lab. He nods at Barry and turns back to Caitlin, giving her a nod and a half-smile. "Well, goodnight Snow."

"Goodnight, Harry." She smiles.

Barry nods goodnight to him and waits for him to exit the cortex. Caitlin stands and starts walking toward him.

"Barry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hover last week and I-" She's cut off by Barry pulling her face in to kiss her. She puts her hands on his waist, taking a step toward him. He pulls back and looks at her.

"Never apologize for being here." He whispers to her. "I'm sorry I tried to push you away."

"Why did you?"

"I hated you seeing me like that." He admits, leaning his forehead against hers. "I'm supposed to be the hero."

"Sometimes. And sometimes you're allowed to be human." She says softly, pulling back from him.

He looks sadly at her. "Thank you for saving me."

She smiles at him. "Thank you for letting me."

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