Day to Celebrate
"Looks like he's not gonna come." Cisco states, thirty seconds into the awkward silence after the mayor introduces the Flash, who is nowhere in sight.
"Give him a minute." Caitlin says, staring at the stage. Something told her he'd show. He didn't like recognition, but he wouldn't let Singh and Joe down like this.
After another thirty seconds, right as Captain Singh turns to start apologizing for his absence, the Flash appears next to him on stage, staring out at the crowd. Captain Singh smiles at him and reaches his hand out to shake. The Flash returns the handshake and accepts the key from the mayor. The mayor steps aside, motioning for him to step up to the podium and make a speech. Barry did not prepare for this. His eyes widen as he looks at the podium. He looks for Joe and Cisco for support and all the air leaves him when he sees who is standing in between them. Caitlin. Smiling encouragingly back at him. He takes a step toward the podium, a wave of courage washing over him. As he takes a breath to start speaking, he sees a bright light in the air coming toward him. The closer it is the more he can make out what it is: a metal hot dog cart.
He runs the mayor and Singh off stage to get them out of the way of the cart. Cisco, Caitlin, and Joe are looking around to see where the cart came from. Barry runs over to them.
"Where did that come from?" Barry asks.
"There." Cisco says, eyes wide. He's pointing at a large figure, dressed in all black with a black mask, walking quickly toward him.
Barry runs toward the man and he swats Barry away like a fly, sending him flying into the front of a police car. The other cops surround the man and start firing their guns at him. The man appears unphased, stripping off his coat and revealing a very muscular, and partially armored body. He pushes a police car into a group of cops and turns to Cisco, Caitlin, and Joe. Joe and Caitlin take a step back, but Cisco stands his ground.
"Cisco!" Caitlin yells. He doesn't move. "Cisco!" She reaches forward and grabs him, pulling him back and almost knocking him off balance. "What are you doing?" She asks, panic in her eyes.
He shakes his head and looks at her, confused.
"Cisco, the boot!" Joe yells.
Cisco turns to him and his eyes focus again. "Right, the boot." He runs to Joe's car and comes back with what looks like a gun with a large, rectangular barrel.
"What the hell is that?" Caitlin asks.
"The boot." Cisco says, as if that answered anything for her.
He hands it to Joe who aims it at the man and fires. A large cuff fires out of the gun and wraps itself around the man's ankle. He struggles for a moment as the cuff appears to electrocute him, but he is soon standing straight again, and growing bigger, breaking out of the cuff. The man in front of them is now almost twice as big as he was a moment ago.
"I'm assuming it wasn't supposed to do that." Caitlin says to Cisco.
"Nope." He says, stepping back with her this time.
Barry appears next to them holding a propane tank in each hand. He looks at Joe. "I'll throw. You shoot."
Joe aims his gun and Barry tosses the tanks. Joe fires at them and they explode on the man, who shrinks back down to normal size. Barry turns to block Caitlin and Cisco from the blast. The four of them are thrown against the car. They are all laying at the hood of the car, Barry's arm over Caitlin who is partially shielding Cisco. She turns to see a large piece of shrapnel in Barry's leg.
"That's Al Rothstein!" Joe says, pointing to the now unmasked man. "The dead welder we found this morning."
"Doesn't look so dead to me." Cisco states, crawling out from behind Caitlin.
Barry turns, cringing at the pain in his leg. He stares wide-eyed at the man he helped load into the coroner's van this morning. The man puts his mask back on and runs away, getting one last good look at Barry.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco is looking to ensure Rothstein was still in the morgue, and Caitlin is patching up Barry's leg.
"Rothstein has been in the morgue all day." Cisco says, pulling up the cameras at the morgue.
"Does he have a twin brother?" Joe asks.
"Nope. Only child." Cisco answers. "And guess what? The night of the accelerator explosion, he was on his honeymoon. In Hawaii."
"So not a meta?" Joe asks.
"He has to be. But it's not Al Rothstein." Cisco says. They both sigh and look over at the chair Barry is sitting in while Caitlin kneels in front of him, wrapping his leg.
"What do you two think?" Joe asks.
"I think he seemed a lot more determined on hurting Barry than anything else." Caitlin says, pulling Barry's pant leg down as she finishes.
"You're right. He didn't seem concerned with the crowd. Just Barry." Joe says, looking concerned.
"It can't be a coincidence that we find Al Rothstein's dead body the same day we see his clone tossing hot dog carts at a public gathering." Cisco states. "Maybe we need to look more into who killed the man we found this morning and why. Anything weird about it?"
"We found a radiation tag on him that had a blank reading. He was at a nuclear power plant, it shouldn't have been blank." Barry says.
Cisco turns to Caitlin. "Uh, yeah. I can look into that." She says.
"No." Barry snaps quickly. "No." He says more calmly. "I can handle it."
A loud beeping interrupts the room. Cisco looks at the screen. "Rothstein Returns is attacking the west branch of the power plant."
Barry runs out of the room before any of them can say anything, leaving his comm on the control desk. Cisco pulls the cameras up to see Rothstein holding his hand on top of tin, radioactive barrels in the back storage room. Barry runs in. After trying to punch Rothstein, who barely even flinches, Barry is grabbed by the neck. Rothstein throws him up against a wall and hits him into it repeatedly.
"C'mon Barry." Caitlin whispers to herself, standing behind Cisco and watching the cameras.
"Let me try..."Cisco starts, typing away on the computer. "Now!" He shouts, pressing a button and the alarms in the storage go off.
Rothstein is momentarily distracted, and Barry is able to run away. He lands back in the middle of the cortex, stumbling to a stop. Caitlin runs over to steady him and guides him to the med bed. He resists a little, but not much. She checks him for a concussion and discovers that he has one.
"I'm fine." He says, pushing her hand away.
"No, you're not." She says, glaring at him. "Now let me help."
"I don't need your help." He says, trying to stand and stumbling back again.
She reaches to steady him again, putting her arm around his waist. "I'm not asking for permission." She says softly, helping him back on the bed.
They sit there in silence as she gives him some medicine and checks his leg that reopened during his fight.
"So, are you back?" He asks as she's sitting next to him, rewrapping his leg.
"I'm here." She clarifies.
Cisco and Joe walk in with the radiation tag that Joe got from CCPD. Cisco hands it to Caitlin once she's done with Barry.
"I don't have any of my stuff here. I need to get this back to my lab." She says.
"I can take you." Barry says from behind her as he slides off the bed onto his feet.
"You don't need to be running." She scolds.
"I don't need to be fighting" he corrects. "I can run."
She sighs in defeat.
Barry runs Caitlin and Cisco to M.A.S.S. Labs. Caitlin leads them inside and to her lab. Cisco follows a little more quickly than Barry does since he keeps stopping to take in the size of the labs. Once they get to the main lobby in her wing of the building, she is stopped by Wally.
"Snow!" He shouts, running out of the Section 7 hallway. "Hey Cisco," he says, turning to look at Cisco once he notices him. "You'll actually be better to ask for this."
"Ouch." Caitlin says, turning to glare at Cisco.
Cisco straightens up and looks at Wally. "What can I do for you, young man." He says in a mock-distinguished voice. Caitlin raises her eyebrow at him.
Wally laughs and raises his eyebrow at Cisco too. "I need to talk to you about a project I'm working on for school. It's with biofuel."
"Ah yes. I shall be of much assistance to you." Cisco says, beginning to walk away with Wally, his hands behind his back and his chin high.
"That's much more my area!" Caitlin shouts after them.
"But you don't know anything about cars!" Wally shouts back.
"Indeed!" Cisco shouts, rising his finger in the air.
"Shut up, old man!" Wally jokes, elbowing Cisco as they disappear into Section 7.
Caitlin huffs and turns toward her hallway.
"Who was that?" Barry asks.
"College intern. Resident pain-in-my-ass." She jokes. Barry chuckles lightly. "Kind of my little brother around here." She says more accurately.
They get to Caitlin's lab and Barry's eyes are wide as he looks around. "Nice set up you got here."
"Yeah, it's alright." Caitlin says. She sets her stuff down at her desk and walks over to the shelves to get something. Barry helps her reach something on the top shelf. She shyly thanks him and he gives her a weak smile as he hands it to her.
Barry is quiet in the corner of her lab while she works at her desk.
"Joe tells me you've been helping out on some of the meta cases while you're here." He says, breaking the silence.
"Yeah. Any time I can." She doesn't take her eyes off her screen.
"Can't get away from it can you?" He half-jokes.
"I guess...maybe I don't fully want to."
"Just away from some things. Some people?" Barry asks.
Caitlin looks up from her computer at him with a sad look. "Barry..."
"Dr. Caitlin Snow?"
Caitlin turns to see a man standing at the entrance to her lab.
"Um, yeah. What can I do for you?" She asks, putting on a fake smile, and standing to greet him.
"I'm," He starts.
"Wells' attorney." Barry interrupts, standing up and walking toward the man and Caitlin.
"Hi, Mr. Allen." The man says, surprised to see Barry. "Dr. Snow here was just as difficult to reach as you were."
Barry gives a fake smile to the man and turns to Caitlin. "He came to my lab earlier today."
Caitlin turns to the man and waits for him to continue with what he came for.
"Ah, yes. My name is Greg Turk, I represent Dr. Harrison Wells, as Mr. Allen has just told you." The man starts. Caitlin nods as he continues talking. "I actually need to meet with both of you at some point. I was gonna wait until I got in touch with both of you, so do you have time now?"
They turn and look at each other and nod, turning back to Mr. Turk and nodding together.
Caitlin pulls over a chair for Mr. Turk and sits at her desk, Barry pulling his chair next to her and sitting on the side opposite the attorney. Mr. Turk pulls out a folder and opens it on her desk, passing the top page to Caitlin. She looks down to read it.
I, Dr. Harrison Phillip Wells, being of sound mind declare this to be to be my Last Will and Testament.
She reads the top line, then skims through half a page of legal jargon. The last two lines on the page cause her to widen her eyes and let out a half-breath.
I devise, bequeath, and give S.T.A.R. Labs and its accompanying assets to Bartholomew Henry Allen, and Dr. Caitlin Gwen Snow to be split equally.
I devise, bequeath, and give the remainder of my estate to Dr. Caitlin Gwen Snow.
Thinking of middle names almost killed me. It sucked. But a lot of you gave me feedback in messages and comments and I took some of your advice. So I tried to get all meaningful with it. I made Caitlin's middle name Gwen because when I thought of characters with multiple personalities that reminded me of how her and KF work later, I thought of Gollum and Sméagol. So I tried to go with a play on Gollum, which was painful and nothing came to mind so I just stuck with G. Then I looked up names dealing with 'ice', 'winter', etc. Gwen is a Welsh name that means white and fair. So, it felt kinda fitting. And Marie, Ann, etc., all seemed too basic for a comic book character (sorry if that's your middle name) and Gwen made me think of Gwen Stacy so, yeah.
Harrison, I didn't want to do a huge play on Thawne, cuz he wasn't Thawne when he was named. But their situation reminded me of an H.P. Lovecraft book The Whisperer in the Darkness. Another character pretends to be this man but still has access to his brain, which felt kind of fitting right? So I was gonna name him after the character whose body and brain were used, but his name was Henry and I couldn't do that cuz that's Barry's dad's name and Harrison Henry sounds funky so, no. So I went with giving him the same initials as Lovecraft with H.P., and Phillip felt the most fitting of the boy middle names.
So there you go. That's my thought process. If someone actually knows if they have a middle name, I will go change it cuz I looked for them but couldn't find anything. I was gonna go with H.R. cuz, well yeah, you know. But middle names don't have to be the same across the multiverse.
ANYWAY, I promise Snowbarry will come along, but it's been five months since they've seen each other, and yes they're friends, but there is some healing to do so give it some time.
Peace and Love! -Ali
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