Breach Boys
Caitlin wakes up to the smell of something burning. She gets up and runs into the kitchen, quickly joined by Barry appearing beside her, to see the room full of smoke and Jessie fanning a skillet of burning...what looks like maybe bacon.
"Sorry!" She cries out, now trying to fan the whole room. "I'm not used to cooking on a stove without a bacon button."
Caitlin looks at Barry in confusion. He races around the room, moving the skillet off the hot stove, opening a window, and covering the bacon so it stops smoking.
"Did you say 'bacon button'?" Caitlin asks while she finishes cleaning up the kitchen. Jessie nods. "I don't even want to know."
"I wanted to make breakfast for you guys since you're letting me stay but...well yeah. Didn't work out so well."
"Different earth. Different stove. Can't blame you." Barry says, starting to brew a new pot of coffee that actually has coffee grounds in it this time.
"Yeah. Never really learned how to cook. Dad isn't much of a home meal kinda guy."
"Hadn't noticed." Caitlin jokes.
"I think he's already gone through a few loyalty cards at Big Belly Burger." Barry adds.
"Well I have semi-successful toast and I was able to cut up some fruit." Jessie points out.
"That's already more than you needed to do." Caitlin says. "Thank you."
The three sit and eat breakfast while Jessie fills them in on what Harry was like before Zoom and the metas. She informs them that her mom died when she was young, and he hadn't been the same since.
"I uh...actually haven't seen him this relaxed around people...ever." Jessie says, her eyes on her food.
"He's relaxed?" Caitlin asks. "He's like ten seconds from blowing up at all times."
"That's eight more seconds than normal." Jessie says, smiling at them.
"Well speaking of, I gotta get to the labs. Harry and I are meeting with Cisco about using his powers to open a breach." Barry says, standing up to put his dishes away.
"Think that'll work? He's still working to get more control of his vibes." Caitlin asks.
Barry nods. "Harry thinks he can find a way to help him channel his powers to open a breach. Won't know till we try."
He kisses Caitlin on the head and runs out.
"Don't you need to get to the labs too?" Jessie asks.
Caitlin shakes her head. "No, I need to finish packing. Barry and I are moving into the new place tomorrow...finally, and Eddie and Iris are coming over for dinner tonight since Eddie is back in town and I need to get stuff to make a decent dinner. Different from our frozen pizza or fast food usual."
Jessie just nods while Caitlin collects the rest of the dishes.
"Do you wanna help?" She asks.
Jessie turns and looks at her with a small smile. "If you don't mind having me around all day. I could go back to the lab and give you some space."
"Nonsense. I could use all the help I can get."
Jessie and Caitlin get to work on packing up the last of Caitlin's things while she tells Jessie about the team and starting out, what Harry has been like since he got here, and their experiences on Earth 2. When lunch time comes around, they decide to go to Jitters.
After ordering and sitting down, they see a very distressed looking Barry walk in.
"You got the gloves ready?" Barry asks Harry who is fiddling with a pair of gloves in front of him.
"Almost. Is Ramon ready?"
"He'll be here any minute." Barry assures him.
Cisco walks in hesitantly, eyeing Barry and Harry. "So, what do you want me to do?" He asks, sounding almost scared.
"We need you to open a breach." Harry says dryly, not taking his eyes off the gloves.
"And how am I gonna do that?"
Harry puts some final touches on the gloves and holds them up, facing Cisco. "With these. Your powers are the same as Reverb's on Earth 2. He could open breaches, so you should be able to too."
"He was also, oh I don't know...evil!" Cisco reminds them.
"Yeah?" Harry says as if it was an irrelevant fact. "Let's go." He says quickly standing up and walking out of the room.
"Where are we going?" Cisco asks nervously.
"Breach room." Harry says from down the hall.
Cisco turns and sees Barry giving him a reassuring smile. "Think of this as training. Just working on your powers."
"Yeah. Sure thing. Just...opening portals between worlds." Cisco mumbles.
Barry laughs and wraps his arm around his shoulders, leading him out of the room.
Cisco puts the gloves on while Harry explains how they work. Harry and Barry step aside while Cisco works to focus on opening a breach. He squints his eyes hard and flexes his hand, pressing into the air, trying to focus on the breach that used to be there. Nothing happens.
"Maybe his powers aren't the same as Reverb's." Barry suggests.
"No." Harry says. "He just needs a little more help." Harry runs out of the room and comes back in with a scanner in his hands. He holds it over the area where the breach used to be. "The trans-dimensional energy from this breach is almost completely gone. We need a stronger breach."
Harry walks out again without another word. Barry walks over to Cisco.
"Hey. We're gonna figure this out."
Cisco looks up at him and nods before they walk to find Harry.
"This area has the highest levels of trans-dimensional energy." Barry says, holding the scanner as him, Cisco, and Harry walk into the room. "This should be the easiest place to open a breach."
Cisco looks around the abandoned ward of a children's hospital that they just walked in. "Really? Here? In this Patch Adam's Nightmare." Cisco looks nervously at Barry.
"If it doesn't work, I won't ask again." Barry assures him.
"Right here." Barry says, pointing to the spot where the scanner lights up.
Cisco moves to stand in front of the spot he is pointing to and puts on the gloves. Harry and Barry watch as Cisco holds out his hand, squinting, and flexing his arm. His hand starts to shake as a small blue light forms where the breach previously was. Cisco opens his eyes and sees the blue light.
"No." He says quickly, pulling his hand back. "I can't do this." He starts taking the gloves off, handing them to Barry.
"Cisco, you were-"
"Don't ask me to do this!" Cisco begs Barry before storming out of the room.
"Well, that went well." Harry says flatly.
"I don't know what to say to him." Barry admits.
"I'll talk to him." Harry says, already sounding exasperated by it. He walks out to follow Cisco to the labs.
Barry walks into Jitters and sees Jessie and Caitlin sitting and eating.
"Everything alright?" Caitlin asks as Barry approaches their table.
"I'm not sure." Barry admits. "We almost got the breach problem figured out, but Cisco's having some second thoughts."
"About?" Caitlin asks, sounding concerned.
"I don't know. Harry mentioned Reverb and Cisco kinda...froze."
"Reverb? Cisco's doppelganger? The one Zoom killed?" Caitlin asks. Barry nods. "When Cisco first discovered he had powers, he was scared of what it meant. Thawne told him he gave them to him. That he'd thank him. He thought it might make him bad." Caitlin scoffs. "As if he ever could be."
Barry sighs. "So, asking him to access more of his powers..."
"More risk of accessing his 'dark' side." Caitlin finishes.
"I don't think that's how powers work." Jessie cuts in. "Every meta I've met, if they were good before, they're good. Bad before, bad now. Pretty straight forward."
Caitlin nods. "For the most part...same."
"Well, Harry went to talk to him so...maybe that'll help." Barry informs them.
"Yeah. Pep talks? Not exactly my dad's specialty."
"He's given me a few good ones." Barry says.
"Me too." Caitlin adds. "And him and Cisco have gotten pretty close. It could help."
"It has to." Barry says softly. "We gotta take care of this...before things get worse."
"Barry..." Caitlin starts, not wanting to get into Earth 2 destruction in front of Jessie.
"I'm serious, Cait." Barry pleads. "I can't shake the feeling that the longer we wait, the worse it'll be. We're not done with this and the sooner we stop Zoom, the better."
"I know. I get that. But every time we think we're ready, something proves us very wrong. And with Zoom...that could be catastrophic."
"We're ready." He says firmly.
"Well now you've jinxed us." Caitlin says, grinning at him.
He can tell she wants to change the subject, so he drops it. She's been scared of Barry facing off against Zoom again ever since they brought up the idea. The only thing they have on their side is knowing Zoom's back story, which he'll know they know considering Jay disappeared after Caitlin found out and Zoom not knowing that Barry has gotten faster. But he wants Barry to get faster, so maybe that won't be in their favor. Either way, Barry is psyched, Harry is reluctant, and Caitlin, Joe, and Cisco are hesitantly optimistic.
Barry answers his phone. "Hey Harry." His eyes widen. "Yeah I'll meet you there." Barry hangs up and looks at Caitlin. "Cisco's gonna try again."
Caitlin smiles. "Good luck."
Barry runs out.
"Does that ever get annoying?" Jessie asks.
"Eh, not really."
"Ramon." Harry says in his best attempt at a soft voice. Cisco is sitting in his workshop at his desk, staring at nothing. "Ramon, what happened back there?"
"Nothing. I just can't do it." Cisco mumbles.
Harry pulls up a chair next to them. "Clearly you can. You don't want to. Why?"
Cisco takes a deep breath. "What if I become him? Reverb. Having these doesn't feel like a power I should have. What if the more I use them...I like it...too much. And use them for bad things. Use them to hurt people."
Harry chuckles. "So dramatic Ramon." Cisco turns to look at him. "Reverb was a less than stand-up citizen before he got his powers. Known hacker. Always for personal gain. Sold stolen tech on underground markets. He chose how he used his powers. Just like you choose how you use yours. If you don't want to use them to hurt people...then you won't."
"But what if I don't have a choice. What if my powers...what if they start to control me? Change me."
"Do you have any reason to believe they will?" Harry asks, confused by Cisco's concern.
"Something Thawne said to me-"
Harry scoffs. "If that man accomplished anything it was the impact he had on you three. What have I said ever since I arrived here?"
"You're all idiots?"
"No." Harry sighs. "I am my own man."
"Oh. Yeah."
"So are you, Ramon. So is Allen. So is Snow. Woman, in her case. You decide who you are and what you use your immense amount of talents for. You, and you alone. Power is not evil. It's how you use it. Don't ever be scared to see what you're capable of. In the end it's always you who decides what you do with it."
"I'm using it to bring an evil speedster back to this Earth." Cisco reminds him.
"To stop him. And to save an entire other earth from being terrorized by him."
Cisco takes a deep breath.
Harry chuckles to himself. "You're braver than you believe." Cisco turns to look at him. "And stronger than you seem."
Cisco smiles. "And smarter than you think." He breathes out, as if to himself, chuckling. "Okay. Not what I was expecting, but I'll take a Winnie the Pooh quote. Let's go do this."
Cisco hops off his chair and walks out of the workshop. He pops back in. "Coming, Eeyore?"
"I am not Eeyore. More of a Rabbit. Or Owl." Harry argues. "For the record, I read that book to my daughter."
"Uh huh." Cisco taunts. "Whatever you say."
Harry huffs and follows Cisco out. He pulls out his phone. "Barry. He's trying again. We're on our way there now."
Harry, Cisco, and Barry gather in the abandoned hospital again. Cisco takes a deep breath before focusing on the breach. He holds out his hand and closes his eyes. The blue light reappears in front of them and slowly grows. Cisco's face starts twisting and he pulls his arm back.
"What happened?" Barry asks. "It was working."
"He's there." Cisco whispers out. "He's waiting."
"You could feel him?" Barry asks.
"I could...see him. On the other side." Cisco explains. "We can't open it until we're ready." He turns and looks up at Barry. "He already is."
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