Anonymous Tip

"Has anyone seen Harry?" Cisco asks Barry and Joe as they walk into the cortex.

"Not since....uh, no. I haven't seen him." Barry answers. "How're the goggles coming along?"

Cisco turns and glares at him, giving him his answer.

"So where are we at on this?" Joe asks, looking between Barry and Cisco.

"We have a way to Earth 2," Barry points to Cisco, "but no way to save her once we're there. We have an idea with no idea how to execute it. We have a genius who usually comes up with the left-field plan who is nowhere to be found. We have nothing." Barry spits the final sentence. "Two days and nothing."

"At least we know he's not hurting her." Cisco says.

"Have you vibed her again?" Barry asks.

Cisco nods. "Just once. Still nervous about it, but nothing had changed."

"Has anyone checked in with Jessie? Has she heard from Harry?" Joe asks.

"No, she hasn't. She hasn't left the house. With Zoom free to travel between earths, she's been a little on edge." Cisco answers.

"I don't blame her. Can't imagine what spending months locked up in that place would do to a person." Barry says, his voice dark.

"Hey." Cisco walks over to him. "She won't be there for months. We're gonna get her back. Have you gotten any sleep?" Cisco asks, looking Barry's tired face over.

"Some." Barry looks away.

"Have you been home at all?" Joe asks.

"No. I can't be there. Not without her." Barry stands. "Not until she's home." He says to himself before he walks out.

"He's not okay." Joe says to Cisco. "Cisco? Cisco."

Cisco comes to and turns to Joe. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" Joe asks.

"Yeah. I gotta get to work." Cisco walks out to his workshop.

Joe sighs.

"Hey, dad. Thought I might find you here." Iris walks in. "What's wrong?" She asks, noticing the discouraged look on his face.

"Harry is M.I.A. and Barry and Cisco are both too worried to think clearly about a way to get her back or stop Zoom." Joe explains.

"Well, then maybe we need a distraction." Iris offers, a smirk on her face.

"I was thinking the same thing. I thought about giving Henry a call. If anyone can talk to Barry about this, it's him." Joe explains. He notices the look on Iris's face. "What'd you have in mind?"

"Oh, just a little something out of Caitlin and I's playbook. A way to get the Flash back out on the streets."

"You think we can get Barry's speed back?" Joe excitedly asks.

"Huh? No. Not a clue." Iris answers. "But I may know a way to distract Barry and who knows...maybe get Zoom's attention enough to come back? But I need to talk to Cisco."

"He's in his workshop. I'll call Henry. You get to work on...whatever the hell it is you're doing."


"You want to what?" Barry asks.

"No, Barry, it's brilliant. We project a hologram of the Flash into Central City and we can trick people right into the cops' hands." Cisco says excitedly.

"How does this help us get Caitlin back?" Barry asks, annoyance clear in his voice. They called him here saying they had something. This wasn't what he expected.

"If Zoom thinks the Flash is still running around, maybe he'll come back to check it out." Iris explains. "And that at least opens up the possibility of him bringing her or us knowing where he is so we can go get her."

"That's not a plan." Barry scoffs

"No, but it's a step forward."

Barry turns to see his dad standing at the entrance to the cortex. His face drops and he takes long strides over to him. Henry pulls him in, and Barry buries his head into him, looking like a kid.

"Hey, Slugger." Henry says softly, patting Barry's back and giving a sympathetic look to Cisco and Iris. "Did I hear we're getting the Flash back out there?"

Barry pulls away and looks at his dad. He nods lightly and turns around. "What's the plan?"


"Woo!" Cisco shouts after a Holographic-Flash helps a team of cops catch a runaway motorcyclist.

Henry and Joe smile at each other when Barry gives a half smile and high-fives Cisco.

"Team Flash is back in business." Cisco cheers.

"And how is this supposed to stop Zoom?"

They all turn to see Harry leaning against the wall near the entrance.

"It'll draw him out." Iris explains.

"And then what?" Harry asks. "How does a hologram defeat him?"

Barry sighs and looks down. Iris glares at Harry for bringing down the mood again.

"You need your speed back."

"No shit Sherlock, but it's gone." Cisco snaps. "We can't mope around about it."

"No. We do something about it." Harry says firmly. "We get it back."

"You think you have a way to do that?" Barry asks, perking up.

Harry nods. "I might."

"That's what you've been working on?" Cisco asks. Harry nods. "So...what's your big plan?"

"We recreate the particle accelerator explosion."

The entire room sighs, having hoped he had a better idea than that.

"The explosion blew up an entire city last time. Created hundreds of metas." Joe reminds him.

"It won't this time." Harry defends.

"Can you be sure of that?" Cisco asks.

Harry hesitates. "Yes."

Joe sighs. "No. If there is any chance at all, we aren't doing it."

"This..." Harry motions around the room. "This subterfuge. It won't stop Zoom." He turns to Barry. "It won't save Snow. It won't bring back our Caitlin." Barry nods. Harry storms out of the cortex.

"Hey, Harry!" Cisco calls, running after him.

"What, Ramon?" Harry says flatly, continuing to walk.

"Where have you been?"

"Working to figure out how to get Barry's speed back. It's the only way we're getting Snow back."

"By blowing up the town? Have you even thought about this at all?"

"Yes, Ramon. It's all I've thought about."

"She wouldn't want us destroying the town and she definitely wouldn't want us risking Barry's life."

"She gave up the choice when she let him take her." Harry snaps, turning around. "She knew we wouldn't be able to save her without his speed."

"She saved Barry's life." Cisco defends. "She knew we'd find a way."

"This is the way." Harry argues.

"There has to be another one."

"There isn't!" Harry snaps.

"She won't thank you if people die."

"They won't. And I won't need a thank you. She'll be alive." Harry turns to walk away.

"And what about Jessie?"

Harry stops. "What about Jessie?"

"Did she forgive you? Did she understand when you killed Turtle and tried to take Barry's speed to save her?"

"She's alive. That's all I care about."

"She was scared of you." Cisco argues.

"I don't care. She's safe." Harry spits, turning around. "I'm her father, it's not my job to be liked. It's my job to keep her safe." Harry sighs and rubs the back of his head. "I keep losing people. I couldn't protect my wife. I couldn't protect my daughter. I couldn't protect-" He takes a deep breath. "This is how we get Snow back." He says under his breath and walks off.


Caitlin looks around and sees the familiar station of Earth 1 CCPD. She looks over the balcony and sees that most people are still at work. She looks down the hall to where Barry's lab is. Every ounce of her being wants to run to the lab, but she'd never make it.

"Don't even think about it." Jay whispers darkly to her. She looks down at her hands and sees that the shackles have appeared around them, securing her to the bannister. Her ankles are secured to the lower rail. He puts his hand on her cheek. "Don't get in my way." He says softly, smiling at her. He runs off.

She sees him reappear at the entrance to the station in front of the offices, his mask now on.

Caitlin looks down and sees Joe and Wally standing by the front desk. Joe pushes Wally behind him and pulls his gun out, aimed toward Zoom. Captain Singh and the other officers are near the doors, guns aimed at Zoom.

Zoom chuckles. "Do you think your guns will work on me?"

Joe fires. Zoom grabs him and throws him up against the wall in front of the other officers.

"Hello, old friend." Zoom taunts.

"No!" Caitlin yells from up on the balcony, tugging at her chains.

"Caitlin." Joe chokes out.

Wally is staring up at her, wide eyed.

"What good are they to you? Let them go." She begs.

Zoom stares at Joe and turns to the other officers, holding Joe up by his collar.

"Tell everyone this city is mine." He growls. His hand starts vibrating, being held directing behind Joe.

"Please, no!" Caitlin yells, ripping at her shackles, causing the already weak skin on her wrists to break and start bleeding."

He drops Joe who crawls back away from him, staring up at him as he does.

"Consider this, your one mercy." Zoom says. "From this day on, anyone who disobeys me," he looks up at Caitlin and back down to the other officers, "will meet their end."

Caitlin drops to her knees and sighs in relief.

"Alright. Clear out!" Singh orders.

Everyone at the precinct starts making their way out. Joe looks up at Caitlin. She's breathing heavy, exhausted, and her arms are dangling from the shackles, blood lightly running down her forearm from her wrists. She nods, assuring him that she'll be okay, and he needs to go. He clenches his jaw but nods back. Wally and Joe run out of the precinct.

"I won't spare them for you." Zoom growls at her once the station is cleared.

Blue lightning appears and she finds herself on the floor, chained to a desk in the offices. Zoom takes his mask off.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asks, sounding sorry for him.

"Whatever I want." Jay says, squatting down to be eye level with her.

"And that's to kill people? To kill everyone?" She asks.

"Not everyone." He smiles at her.

She shakes her head. "Why bring me here? Just to see this."

"Because I don't want to be alone anymore." He says, reaching out for her face, but she jerks away. "When you're ready to let down that wall...when you're ready to be honest about who you'll see. We were made for each other, Cait."

Caitlin twists her face in disgust.

"Until you realize that...I've brought other friends to keep me company." Jay looks out the precinct, a dark smirk playing on his face. He walks into the entrance to meet a man with a glowing red scythe.

"Rupture." Zoom addresses the meta.

"What do you want me to do?" The man asks for his orders.

"The cops are assembling at Jitters. They think I've spared them. Tonight, show them they're wrong." He orders.

Rupture leaves. Jay takes off his mask and walks in, noticing the look of horror on Caitlin's face.

"You disapprove."

"Of course, I disapprove." She snaps.

"You can't keep killing people. Where does it end?"

"It ends when the multiverse bows to me." Jay smirks. "But tonight...this is just a lesson. They'll learn."

Caitlin shakes her head. "Not all people are that weak. They won't submit out of fear."

"They'll submit to power." Jay argues.

"You have none." She spits. "Power is more than just intimidation."

Jay chuckles. "I guess you need to learn a lesson too." He smiles at her. "I'll be back for you tonight." He runs off.

Caitlin shakes the shackles, hoping something will be loose, but quickly feels the pain in her wrists and stops. She looks around and sees evidence boxes under the desk next to her. She sticks her foot out trying to reach it and accidentally knocks it further.

"Shit." She grunts.

She stretches out, pulling on the cuffs and reaching her leg as far as she can. She gets her foot on the other side of the box and pulls it toward her. She looks through it for anything that might help her. She finds a phone and turns it on. She sighs in relief when the screen lights up. She types in the number to S.T.A.R. Labs.


Barry is sitting across the room with his head in his hands.

"You're sure Wally will be safe there?" Joe asks Harry.

"Yes. I double checked all the security before I put Jessie there. They'll be safe at Wells' old place."

Joe sighs. "What now?"

"Why did he bring her?" Barry mumbles to himself.

Harry looks over to him. "To show power. It's the same thing he did on my earth. First it was the murders. Killed dozens of policemen and women."

"Caitlin stopped him." Joe says.

"But for how long? If she keeps working against him, Jay's affections for Snow won't mean a thing." Harry argues. "Next he assembled all the metas. Those who refused to work for him, died."

"We have no way of knowing if that's what he'll do here." Cisco argues.

"Where did the police go?" Barry asks.

"They're gathering at Jitters." Joe tells him.

"They're not safe there." Harry says. "They aren't safe anywhere. We need to stop Zoom." He turns to Barry. "There is only one way to do that."

Barry sighs. "Not until we know no one else will be hurt."

"People are going to be hurt with Zoom here." Harry argues. No one responds. He turns to Cisco, hoping to get some voice of reason, but Cisco is turned away. He sighs and walks out, turning before he leaves. "You're letting people die." He spits back. "You're letting her die."

Barry cringes and looks down, gripping his hair and rubbing the back of his neck.

"We're gonna figure out another way, Bar." Joe assures him.

"This doesn't have to all be on you, son." Henry says, following behind Joe.

"Tell me why I shouldn't do it?" Barry begs. "Tell me why I shouldn't let Harry try to give me my speed back."

"What is the cost?" Henry asks. "Barry you were in a coma for nine months last time. Who's to say you won't be again? People died. Hundreds were injured or turned into these meta humans."

"It's been over two years and we're still recovering from the first accelerator explosion." Joe adds.

"But what if we can't recover from Zoom at all?" Barry asks. "We can't stop him without my speed."

"We'll find another way." Joe says.

They all turn when they hear a beeping on the computers. Harry runs back in from around the corner. He opens a message on the screen.

Rupture attack Jitters tonight.

"The message came from CCPD." Harry informs them, tracking the signal.

"Cait." Barry breathes out.

"Who is Rupture?" Joe asks.

"Meta human from my earth." Harry informs him. "Against the Flash I wouldn't worry, but a group of cops...yeah. He's a threat."

"Then let's give them the Flash." Joe says, looking at Cisco.


"Everything set up?" Joe asks. Barry nods.

"Did you call the Flash?" Singh asks Joe. Joe nods. "Good. We'll need him."

Barry takes a deep breath and looks around. "Are you sure we can do this?"

"No choice now." Joe says.

Barry nods. "It'll work." He reassures himself.

"Alright everyone. Get in position." Singh orders.

Barry runs out to the van Cisco has parked outside. Joe and the other cops get behind the counters. Rupture breaks down the door.

"Where is everybody?" He taunts.

The Flash runs in.

"The Flash. This is unexpected." Rupture says. "You'll be a nice warm up."

He directs his scythe toward the Flash who runs away in time to dodge it. He throws blast after blast trying to hit him, barely missing each time. The Flash finally appears in front of him long enough to get hit. The success distracts Rupture long enough for Joe to appear behind a counter and shoot him with a meta cuff. He drops his scythe. Singh walks up and cuffs him, handing him off to two other officers.

Barry and Cisco high five in the van after Cisco turns off the hologram.

Back at CCPD, Caitlin is watching the newscast covering the attack. The reporter informs them that the attack was stopped with no casualties.

"You warned them."

Caitlin turns to see Jay standing behind her, pissed.

"How?" He snaps.

Caitlin stares coldly at him.

"How?" He yells. She doesn't flinch. He looks and sees the evidence boxes under the table next to her. "Oh, you are smart." He breathes out. He looks up at the smiling reporter. He smirks down at Caitlin. "Your lesson is about to begin."

Jay sets Caitlin down on the upper deck inside Jitters. She looks down to see the cuffs aren't there. He races through Jitters, killing the rest of the cops and reporters inside, leaving only Joe, Singh, and Rupture. He holds Singh up by his neck.

"No!" Caitlin yells, but he doesn't react.

Barry runs in.

"I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me." Zoom growls.

"Stop! You've made your point." Barry begs.

"Barry." Caitlin breathes out.

"Not yet." Zoom responds. He turns and picks up Rupture, pinning him to the counter. "You're the biggest disappointment of the night." He growls. He shoves his hand through Ruptures chest.

He walks over and picks up the news camera.

"The Flash that has been running around your city is nothing more than a trick." He says into the camera. "A hologram to give you hope. But there is no more Flash. There is no one left to protect your city...from me." He says coldly. He throws the camera to the ground.

Caitlin makes her way quietly down the stairs.

Zoom picks Barry up, throwing him against the wall and holding him by his throat.

"And no one left to protect you." Zoom taunts.

Caitlin looks around, knowing begging won't work this time to save Barry. She sees a dead officer behind the counter next to her.

"Stop." Caitlin says calmly but firm. Zoom turns at the sound of a gun cocking. "Me or him." Caitlin says, her face stiff and eyes cold. She's holding the gun to her head.

"No." Barry chokes out. His eyes are pleading.

"He dies, I die." She warns him.

Zoom turns around to face Barry. He takes a deep breath. "She can't protect you forever." He growls. Barry drops to the ground seeing nothing but blue lightning before Zoom and Caitlin both disappear.

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