Two Lies, One Truth

Only a few minutes after Nightwing left the cave, Wally sped into the room. He skidded to a halt, placing his hands on his knees. He was slightly bent forward and breathing heavily. The room was silent, only the faint echo of Nightwing's name and Wally's breathing could be heard in the hushed cavern. He coughed, clearing his throat and taking a few deep breaths.

"Was that Nightwing?" he asked the team, breathless.

Nobody answered him for a few minutes, their gazes focused on their feet and the floor below them. Wally didn't think too much of it. As his breath evened out, he asked the question again. This time it was Robin who replied.

"Yeah, you just missed him. He was popping in to check up on us, see how we're doing."

Wally had just gotten back from the speedforce a few weeks ago, and hadn't even seen his friend yet.

"Oh...why didn't he come say hi to me?" Wally asked. This was his best friend after all, so why didn't he come visit him? He was usually hanging around somewhere, hiding in the shadows. After all, it's not everyday someone comes back from the dead.

"I guess he just didn't want to see you." Blue Beetle offered, eyes cast downward. "I mean, he didn't even mention you when we were talking."

"What? What do you mean he doesn't want to see me? That's just crazy, of course he does! I'm his best friend!" Wally practically shouted, throwing his arms into the air.

"No, Blue Beetles right." Conner interjected, "Wing's been kind of a dick lately, pushing everyone away. Not to mention that he hasn't been to the mountain in months before today." He crossed his arms over his chest, an angry scowl creeping across his face.

"Yeah," Robin added, "He hasn't even been answering my phone calls. It's totally inconvenient." The teen huffed, obviously annoyed.

"Well... Robin, can you tell me where he lives? I want to visit him. I'll find out why he's ignoring everyone." Wally stated, looking at Robin for an answer. Surely everyone missed their ninja-leader.

Robin shuffled his feet, and glanced down before looking directly at Wally.

"Well, if you want to find him...he lives in Bludhaven. That's all I know. " Robin said. "He moved about a month ago and never told us his new address. So... good luck, I guess. You can get his number from Conner." He gave Wally a wave and started walking towards the zeta beam. "I need to head out, Batman and I have a case to finish. I'll see everyone tomorrow." He said as he walked into the tube.

"Okay. Well...guys I'm going to head out to. I've got someone to find." Wally stated, zooming back to get his coat. He reappeared and started typing coordinates into the zeta. "I'm heading to Blüdhaven, I'll be back in a few hours."

"Are you sure you want to go?" a quiet voice spoke from behind. Wally turned around to see M'gann walking towards him, her face filled with what looked to be...nervousness?

He flashed her a quick grin and looked over the rest of the team. Wally finally took notice of the odd expressions on the faces of his friends. Anger, guilt, sadness. But why? What was wrong? He'd have to figure that out later. It probably had to do with what he was about to go fix, anyway.

"He might have made some really dumb decisions recently, but he's still my best friend and I care about him." Wally spoke before adding, "And if people are saying he's pushing everyone away, I'm going to find out why."

"Are you sure though? What if he hurts you when you find him? He has been different lately." M'gann plead. Well, it looked that way to Wally at least. What was going on? Why was the team acting like this?

Confused, Wally spoke with an irritated tone. "Hurt me? Nightwing would never do that! What even gave you that idea?" he demanded, voice slightly going up in volume.

He looked at the guilty expressions on the Team's face. Something wasn't right. He could feel it.

"I need to go. I'll be back later," and with that, he sent a glare to the Team and was gone in a flash of light.


Water pelted onto his back, turning the skin red from the harsh abuse. It had gone cold long ago, but he didn't care to turn it off. He'd been sitting on the shower floor for what felt like hours. Dick's eyes were red and puffy from all the crying he hadn't meant to do.

Nightwing was... strong.

He wasn't supposed to cry.

But none of that mattered because right now, he was Dick Grayson. Lonely, tired, and broken Dick Grayson, who hated himself more that anyone hated him.

He tightened his fist around the object in his hand, causing a small pain to course through his palm. Dick promised himself he would only cut a little. Although it seemed his promises meant nothing nowadays because he just kept breaking them. He watched unfeeling as the vital fluid dripped into the water below, staining it pink. Dick drew in a deep shuddering breath and folded himself into the fetal position.

Maybe he should just do what Tim wanted. What everyone wanted. They've already told him they wouldn't care if something happened to him, so why not grant them their wish?

Why not just end it all?

The glares, the cruel words, and the constant hatred he received from everyone. Why not just let it all go down the drain? Why not? Nothing was stopping him anymore, he could finally be free. Dick lifted the blade and placed it vertically onto his left arm. He took a deep breath, 'This is what everyone wants,' he thought sadly. His breath was starting to come out in small gasps now.

Dick's thoughts began to drift as he prepared himself. How long would it take them to notice? Would they come looking and find him lying here? Or maybe he'd just lie rotting in the tub and never be found. He honestly just didn't care which one happened anymore. It wouldn't make a difference either way.

Dick moved in the tub, getting into a better position. His legs were now laid out in front of him, and his arm rested on the tubs side. The movement caused his back to release a sharp pain. His skin had turned a bright red from the hours it spent under the blistering water. He let out a choked sob and squeezed his eyes shut. Hot tears began to roll down his cheaks again. Dick pushed the blade forcefully into his skin, causing blood to pool up around the cool steel. He let out a small yelp and grit his teeth together. All he had to do was pull his hand towards his chest. One quick movement and it would all be over. Everyone would be happy. But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Dick jerked suddenly and dropped the blade, creating a small gash on his wrist. "What was that?" he whispered to himself. He shuffled around and leaned over the tub, pointing his ear towards the door. He could hear the small shrill of his phone through the locked door. 'A call,' he realized, 'Who could that be?'

Dick listened silently and once the ringing stopped, he picked up the blade again, his hand trembling this time. He hesitated as he placed the metal on his skin, avoiding the already made gash. The wound had started to stain the water a cloudy pink. Blood beading up at the wound and slipping away.

Doubt began to creep into his mind as he watched his arm bleed. What if the call was important? What is somebody needed his help? He tried to push those thoughts away and finish what he started, but his worry got the better of him. Dick pulled himself up, a little unsteady on his feet. He climbed out of the shower and placed the blade gently onto the counter. He'd finish that later. Dick grabbed a towel and wrapped himself in it. His body moved itself as he grabbed some bandages and clumsily wrapped his arm with shaking hands.

The bathroom door creaked quietly as it opened. Dick padded across the carpet and towards his bed, water still dripping from his body. He picked his phone up from the mattress and checked the notification.

Three new voicemails, ten missed calls, and thirteen new texts

Dicks eyes widened in surprise, 'Who?' he thought, tapping at the screen.

Unknown number

'Well that's strange,' he thought, 'only the Team has this number.' He tapped on the messages, quickly reading through a few as he collapsed onto the bed.

11:53am Dude

12:32pm DUde

1:15pm Hey

3:00pm Answer me

3:10pm Where do you live?

4:30pm Hello...

4:32pm Is it me you're looking for?

5:40pm Sorry. Come on man, answer already :/ Are you okay?

Dick furrowed his eyebrows as he read. 'Who is this?' he thought, frustration growing as he tried to figure it out. He dropped his phone onto the bed, running a hand through his hair. He glanced briefly at his alarm clock. 5:46pm. He needed to eat and get ready for patrol tonight. This mystery number would have to wait a few hours.

Dick went into his closet and fished out his Nightwing suit. It still had a few tears and holes in it from last night that he needed to fix. Nothing to serious, though. He pulled on a pair of boxers and threw on his suit, leaving the gloves off for now. He needed his hands to eat after all.

As he walked towards his kitchen, he let his eyes roam the many pictures he had hanging around his small apartment. Pictures from when he was still Robin, the happy boy that loved to play with words. Pictures from when the team began, a time when everyone trusted each other. He stopped walking and stared at a group photo of the Team. Everyone was smiling and laughing, a truly happy photo. Where did it all go wrong? He wish he knew. With Roy after he left? After he quit being Robin? Wally leaving?...Becoming Nightwing? He shook his head, ridding his brain of those thoughts and continued on. It would always be his fault.

Dick's kitchen was bare, except for few apples that rested on the counter alongside a few cereal boxes and a half loaf of bread. His fridge wasn't looking any better either. Everything in it was either molded or expired. 'Well, looks like I won't be cooking tonight.' He thought dryly. He scanned his options once more before deciding on toast and apples. At least he can't catch the kitchen on fire making that.

Dick finished his meal- if you could even call it that- fairly quickly. It wasn't that large after all. His clock beeped, informing him it was time to leave for patrol. He snuck out his window and slipped onto the fire escape, almost losing his balance in the process. Hopefully he wouldn't run out of energy tonight. He had been feeling kinda weak lately. Probably caused by his change in appetite. He just hadn't been feeling as hungry lately. Although, he probably should head to the store soon. It wasn't a good idea to let any 'monsters' grow from the mold in the fridge. Dick closed his window, leaving it slightly cracked and shot off a grappling hook. He steadied himself and swung silently away into the night. 'Time to catch some crooks.' he mused.


Wow, I'm back everybody! I hoped you liked the chapter! I'm sorry it took so long for me to post again. Life kinda got in the way.

So what did you think? I love reading your comments so please leave some! Even if you just say one word, I love hearing what you guys think. 

My beta is taking a break right now, so if their are any errors in the chapter, please let me know! I'll fix them right away! 

Til next time,

Rachel :)

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