"Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it's there if you look deep." Taraji P. Henson
"Timothy, I know," Bruce announced, voice calm and collected, sending an eerie silence across the dinner table. Dick swallowed thickly, Bruce sounded mad. What did Timmy do?
"You and I are going to have a talk after dinner. Is that understood?" Bruce all but commanded, glaring harshly at Tim.
Tim looked down at his bowl, swishing the food around inside, "Yes Sir," He answered lazily.
It only took a moment for Dick to decide that he didn't want to end up on the receiving end of that glare. Best to leave before Bruce had the chance to list off all the ways Dick was a disappointment to him. Especially since he didn't know why Bruce was upset. He seemed fine earlier.
"May I be excused?" Dick asked as he rose from his chair, not waiting for an answer, and rushed to put his bowl in the sink. He heard the screech of Wally's chair behind him and decided it was best to wait for Wally in the kitchen than to have his friend chase him throughout the hall.
Wally sped in, using his super-speed, and came to a halt in front of Dick, looking rather worried. Why is it, that every time someone looked at him now, their gaze was filled with worry or hate? Is that all Dick is worth now? Are they never happy to see him? It's all in the eyes. His Mother used to tell him about the importance of reading a person's eyes. That no matter what expression their face made, the only important thing to watch was their eyes. Dick still believed it to be true, especially now.
"Hey, man. Are you okay? You kinda rushed out of there?" Wally asked, giving Dick a quick once over.
Dick smiled sadly, "Yeah, I just don't feel too well, that's all," He lied. He couldn't tell Wally that he was afraid of Bruce. No way. Wally would laugh in his face, and Dick didn't think he'd be able to handle that right now.
"Okay, how 'bout we go up to your room and play some games? Just like old times," Wally smiled brightly, "I bet you I'll finally win," He added, slapping a hand onto Dick's shoulder.
Dick nodded hesitantly, "Yeah, why not. Just like old times." Anything to keep him away from Bruce.
"Timothy, sit down."
The door slammed shut and feet stomped across the carpeted hardwood.
"I saw the video and I know what you said to Dick. What I don't understand is why."
Tim threw himself onto the chair in front of Bruce's desk, crossing his arms and glaring profusely.
"So? I said what needed to be said. That's it, there's nothing else to it." Tim spoke harshly, slouching further down into his chair, averting his gaze to the floor.
Bruce took a deep breath before responding, it would do no good if he lost his cool. "Tim, I know you're a smart kid. Hell, you know you're a smart kid, which is why I don't understand where in your right mind you thought you could say that to Dick. In front of the Team nonetheless," He finished, his frustration barely slipping through.
"It's okay because it's true! If he'd told us his plan, then maybe people wouldn't have died, and M'gann wouldn't have fried Kaluder's brain!" Tim yelled, standing up to face Bruce, "I'm his brother! He should have told me these things!"
"And that gives you the right to say that he should die? That gives you the right to alienate him from everyone he cares about?" Bruce yelled back, "Because of you," Bruce jabbed a finger into Tim's chest, "and the Team, Dick's been neglecting his health. Because of you, I had to rush over to Bludhaven because Wally called saying that Dick wasn't okay. You, as his brother, you of all people, should know how bad Dick can get when he's alone. So what gives you the right?" Bruce finishes, his voice calm and collected as the sentence trails off.
"Oh come on!" Tim yelled sarcastically, throwing his hands into the air, "Don't you give me that bullshit. What about all the times you've ignored Dick. I'm just stating what I see. Bruce, you're a hypocrite!" He yelled, pointing a finger at his adopted father, "If you really cared about Dick, then maybe you'd check up on him more often. Maybe you'd actually act like a parent for once, instead of pushing him away!" Tim finished, his breath coming out in harsh gasps.
Deep down inside, Bruce knew Tim was right. He knew that pushing Dick away would hurt the boy more than it would help, but at least he knew. Tim didn't know. He didn't know what his words were doing to Dick, and that was the problem.
"Maybe if Dick offed himself, some of our problems wou-"
A resounding crack echoed throughout the study, followed by a stunned silence.
"Don't you ever, ever, say something like that again. Go to your room," Bruce replied coldly, "You're grounded until I say so, and until you apologize," he sat down, the chair creaking as he gripped the handles tightly, "to Dick, and to me."
Tim removed his hand from his ever reddening cheek, his mouth opened wide in shock, "Bru-"
"GO! I'm done with you."
Dick couldn't sleep. It was around one am and Dick was lying wide awake in bed, not sleeping. He and Wally had finished gaming a few hours ago -with Dick losing most of the matches- in favor of going to sleep. It seemed like a good idea at the time, it really did. But now, with Dick left alone with nothing but his thoughts and the sound of Wally's breathing, he really regretted coming to the manor. The one good thing about being in his Apartment was that when he couldn't sleep, he could always go out as Nightwing.
Maybe that's what he'd do. Not go out as Nightwing, maybe not even as Dick Grayson. Bruce should be out as Batman now, so it shouldn't be too hard to sneak out of the manor. Wally always had been a deep sleeper.
Rising from his covers, Dick reached to the side of his bed where he'd dropped his duffel bag, and grabbed some clothes from inside. Throwing on a hoodie, sweatpants, and socks, Dick snatched his shoes and padded across the floor, stepping over Wally carefully.
Sneaking down the stairs was rather easy, considering Dick slid down the banister instead of walking. He came to a halt however, as he passed the end table full of photos. Glancing at a few, he saw someone he hadn't thought about in a while. Jason. God, now Dick felt terrible. How could he forget Jason? They boy whose funeral he missed because Bruce never told him Jason died. What would Jason think of him now? He'd probably be disappointed above all else. Angry too, for not being there for him when he'd needed it.
Dick's eyes began to water. Everywhere he went, it seemed like everyone around him always died. His parents, Jason, Wally. Who'd be next? Bruce? Maybe he should just leave and spare everyone the pain of dealing with him. Dick made a mental note to sneak back in later and steal this picture. The only one he had of Jason and him was on the day Jason arrived at the manor, and neither of them looked to happy. Bruce probably wouldn't miss it anyway.
The clock struck two and Dick continued his treck for the door. He needed to leave. Thoughts on Jason could wait until he was hidden deep within Gotham, away from Batman's prying eyes.
An alarm on his phone went off, interrupting the speech he was giving to his captives. The phone was pulled from his pocket and the message read fairly quickly.
"Well, well, well, gentleman. It seems like today is your lucky day. You get to go free," He spoke, voice muffled by the modulator he wore.
The thugs faces scrunched up in confusion, and one began mumbling protests beneath his gag.
"What? You don't want to leave? Fine. You can wait here while I go find out whose trespassing on my grave," He finished, turning around to leave the warehouse.
The thugs let out even more confused sounds, but he wasn't listening. He was more curious as to who would be at his grave this early in the morning?
"Keep them warm would ya? I'm not finished with them yet," He ordered to one of his lackeys, not caring enough to find his Lieutenant.
Grabbing the keys to his bike, he readjusted his helmet, and sped off towards Gotham Cemetery. This would be interesting.
It was cold, much colder than Dick had anticipated when he'd left the manor. The cemetery was quiet, with only a few chirps from the early birds. It was...peaceful, strangely so, and Dick couldn't put his finger on why.
Walking silently through the many stones, Dick reached his desired destination. He stopped to look for a moment. It'd been so long since the last time he'd come here. The plot was nice, resting a hill underneath a willow tree. Jason would've liked it, Dick thought. Briefly, Dick wondered where his own would be placed. Next to his parents? He didn't dwell on it to long, he hadn't come here for himself. He'd come only for Jason.
Shivering, Dick tucked his hands beneath his armpits and knelt down onto the muddy grass. He pulled a few weeds and wiped off the headstone, reading the name splayed across the granite.
Jason Peter Todd
Dick's breath hitched, God, Jason was only fifteen. He bowed his head, and began mumbling quietly, "God, Jay, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I forgot you today and I-," he choked on his next words as the dam broke, tears finally escaping his tired eyes, "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me," A humorless chuckle flew past his lips as he wiped his eyes. He stared at the headstone a moment longer, tugging at the grass between his fingers.
"Little Wing, I-I know, I know you hate it when I rant, but I should be able to handle it, the things they're saying, right? But-," He breathed deeply, losing the last of his already fragile composure, "but I just can't take it anymore," Dick looked up at the sky, the beginnings of a storm were starting to appear. He didn't mind though. He was already soaked from the drizzle that came down a bit earlier.
"You're probably laughing at me, aren't you?" He asked sadly, curling into himself, "You'd probably think it's selfish of me for wanting this, wouldn't you?"
Dick rolled back on his heels and laid onto his back, his head residing next to the gravestone. "Just this once, you know? Just this once, I want to be selfish. I'm always giving, always. Someone needs help? I'm there. The Team needs a babysitter? I'm there. So why, why can't I be selfish, just this once? It's not like anyone would care."
"I'd care, because then I wouldn't have anyone to rant on my grave."
When he'd arrived at his grave, the last person he expected to see was Dick Grayson have a damn near panic attack on the ground in front of it. It surprised him to say the least, and even with his newfound hate for anything 'Bat' related, Jason had still wanted to rush up and help the man.
The wind was harsh, a storm was picking up, and Jason could only make out a few words at a time, but what he did hear, he didn't like.
"... forgot you today...laughing at me...selfish....just...once...why..."
One statement made it clear through Jason's mask, and that was when he knew he had to step in, else Dick pass out on his grave.
"...Why can't I be selfish, just this once? It's not like anyone would care." Dick asked, broken and sobbing softly.
Jason stepped forward out of the bushes, "I'd care, because then I wouldn't have anyone to rant on my grave."
Dick flinched and went rigid at his voice, turning around sharply to face him.
"Who are you?" Dick shouted, but the question came out weaker than expected. It was harsh and raw and filled with bubbling with emotion.
"Aww, come on Goldie, you don't recognize me?" Jason teased, walking closer towards Dick, who was now rushing to his feet and talking on a defensive stance.
"How do you know that name?" Dick asked shakily, lowering his fists a tad.
"Well I gave it to you of course," Jason said, and Dick looked at him confused, "Still don't remember me, huh. Maybe this will help." Jason reached up and removed the red helmet from his head, allowing Dick to see his face, "Hey Dickiebird, you look like shit."
Wally woke with a yawn and a feeling that something wasn't right. Ignoring it, he rolled over and fluffed his pillow a bit, intent on going back to sleep, when something caught his eye. The bed, Dick's bed, the one is friend was supposed to be sleeping in, was empty. What the heck. Bruce was going to kill him.
Wally shot up to his feet in seconds, "Dick?" he shout-whispered, running into the bathroom to look for his friend. Dick wasn't there. Wally went back to the bed, hoping he imagined Dick being gone. Nope, not there either. Shit. This was bad. He'd lost Dick.
Whipping out his phone, Wally prayed Bruce took his with him on patrol, and dialed his number. It rang for what felt like forever before a gruff voice answered with a grunt.
"Bruce," Wally said anxiously, "Bruce, Dick is gone."
Welp, looks like I've gone and updated again. I am impressed with myself, I updated sooner than I thought I would.
Anyway, what did you think of this chapter? Any favorite parts? Lines? Scenes? Let me know! I'd love to hear them.
Also, if you have and suggestions or requests for this story or any other story, leave a comment down below.
So I normally have a pattern in which I update my stories, but it looks like I've just broken it. Yay.
Til next time,
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