We went to my room and sit on computer as it was science project of global warmimg.......while we were reserching i small so bad thing......

What was that small?????

Small....their is no small rafay added....

In a second bisma small it too....one by one everyone feel that small it was so bad that my whole room cover with that sh**t small......

Anusha:who done this....yeek! Who fart that bad man.....

I didnt do it fahad said like (chatur ramanlingam from 3 idiots)........

We all look at him and start beating him with cusion and pillow.....god fahad you fart that bad yeek!.....


While i am pass through aya room...i hear their sound....WTH this gugs up too...does they were doing their reserch.

I open her room door....what are you guys doing.....you arr not studing i sound like anger to them so that they back to their studies.....

Yeekiii: who fart that bad.....it was soo bad that to stand their was not easy.......

Everyone their fingure to fahad....i give him an anger look and came out from the room.......


I was shook that ahad bhai was in anger....he never get angry .....then he ask us about the small we all point our finger to fahad....he just give the look and go out.....i can understand what he is up too....

Why yor brother doesnt like me aya fahad ask....well my bro know that you are not a humman you are a monkey who always act like donkey......

We all laugh at him......

For a while bhai came back with roomspray/ roomfreshner on his hand..

He start sparying on fahad back.....now your fart never small that bad....

We all busterd out on laughter at what my bro is realy doing....he is spraying fahad bummp........

Ooo my god! My stomach got aching....

While then another voice came out....it was so loud we cant hold our laughter..

We bursted out with laughter........ fahad ran straightly ran to the washroom......

OMG! what a nut he is i speaking while laughing...........

After that we all start our work........because we have only a day to complete it............

Its 10 o clock night.....we were foing our work since morning......i am realy tired..as well as all my friend too.....

We want to dinner then Rafay & Fahad go to their house as it was late already...Anusha,bisma & afwa dicided to stay woth me....so will all three went to my room.........

I change in my night dress and give my another dress to them so that they will aslo change it......

Now we all are in same bed.......i open my laptop to see my fb account.......

BISMA: hey aya!lets see the video of db is their any new upload.......

Ahaa! Bis i now you are a bigg fan of them.....specially sherhy is your first love i teas her......

Then we start looking their video......ooo!they are so funny especaly sherhy...

Ye he is mine.....bisma said......we both start laughing at her.....well i am so tired i want to sleep i said in yawing......

Me too anusha said......then we shut laptop and went inside our blanket......   -------♥--------------♥-----------♥----------♥

We went to our class as it was starting in 15 mint.....i set on second beanch with Roshine,Hadi,Samara,Liza & Abhi......

Zaib was on first beanch with Anabia next too him then Aloke,Roshni,Hamza,and Wasay.........

It our history period......i hat history..... who like history perideo Abhi said......ummmmm.... zaib and anabia i add we all laugh and zaib,anabia blush.....


Our history period is over it so borring but Anabia like it so i also like it......well i like her she knows and everyone in our group..

Lets go to canteen i said.....we all went to canteen for lunch and our next class were started after 45 mint......so how was everone vacation i ask?

It was good wasay said while eating his chips.......why you guys cant come for the trip with us he add.........

Well actually papa dont give us permission....even chachu Anabia and abhi father try to convence him but it cant work..........

We realy have fun their..... Roshin add

Hmmm!that great i said it in sad tone.......


I know my bro is said because we dnt get permission to go on california trip.....

I add to make him smile........hey you guys now what had happen today morrning.....

What anabia ask.....well.....stop iy zaib said....i teas him then said my intelligen bro pour water in toothpast tube....they all shock & start looking at him ...but why roshine ask because the tube was empty so he think that we can use it one more day....

We all laugh at loud of our throwth....at canteen everyone was looking at us we just some crime...........

Then bell rang and we all went to our own class because we were at saperate class only history class is same.......

I went with roshine,hamza and abhi....

Zaib with anbia,hadi and samara

And Roshni,alako,wasay and liza are in the same class........

We met at parking area i said.....every said okyyyyyyy.......

After college is over we all met at parking area.....we set on Abhi mustang and half of us sat on samara car we went to our own house........

Zaib:wait i have the key......oky so open it i said....he open the main door and we entern i house at it was 6:30 evening.....

Papa is in the home at this time but why i ask as a question.....then we saw mom coming out of their room her eye was already red......

They again fight zaib said slowly.....ssshhhh.... mom hey! When you guys came?.....just a mint before.......

Hmmmm!oky go and pack your back....why? we were going some where....yes tou both have to go to Anabia house as tomorrow they were throwing party so your aunty sara call me i gave you the permission..........

Oky mom but what about papa he doesnt allow us to go.......ooooo!leave him to my go.....as your dear uncle his on they oky.....

Oky mom we both add and went to our room for packing......after packing i came down and saw zaib is already their.....mom ask do you guys want some thing to eat.....

Hmmm!ya sure zaib said then she give us smoothi wahoo mom smoothi......

She give us world best smile....then door bell rang.... mom open the door its our uncle.....come in bacha......

Salam bhabhi.....wsalam how are you...and how is everyone?.....

Well everyone is fine their bhabhi......uncle ________...... we saw him and greet him oky so lets go you too are ready..... we always ready uncle zaib said......

Oky bye....kids.....bye mom......

We went with our uncle to go to Anabia house as she was our another uncle daughter.........


We sat with uncle in his car.....he played the music and all three of us sining so loud.

Uncle can i ask you something.....ya shure zaib......well you are so cool.....then why is your bro is so borring......

He saw me and give me a smile....then he said your father is so cool then me......then what had happen to him i add.....

He smile and said nothing.......as i ask same qustion to so many people who know my father and the answer were same nothin nothing......


When zaib ask this question to uncle i want to say shutup.......but i also want the ans but as usuall the answer is same nothing......

We almost reach at Anabia place..... uncle park the car then we get out from the car...

We rang the bell........

Its aunty sara......we greet them as well as uncle greet her salam bhabhi....i return she greet us and tell us to come in......

We get inside we saw Anabia father was on his laptop doing some thing we greet him and went to Abhi room all our group was their.... i ask to Anabia

Anabia where is Roshni,Roshine,Hadi and Hamza?........

Well had some other party today so they will be hear tomorrow......

Hmmmm!oky what are you guys doing zaib ask to them......

Well we were looki.g db video Abhi ans.....

Hmmm they so different in the video naa...wasay said......

Yes they were so cool i added........

Beta came down for dinner aunty call us....

Lets go guys samara said.......

We all want for dinner......at table at the anabia father set on infront of table next to him aunty sara next to her my another uncle next to uncle i next to me zaib next to him anabia next to her abhi next to abhi samara and next to samara its wasay.....

We all settle down.......waaooo!aunty biryani zaib said.........she smile......ya!but not better then your mother i gave her smile too...........

After dinnet both of uncle set to living room and talking some thing really serious then aunty join them too.......

We wash all dishes i told to boy.....then all boys went to Abhi room......while washing door bell rung....... anabia went to open the door...........

Its samara and wasay parents.......we greet them......then they also went to living room where all elders were siting.........

Hey!  What they were up too i ask to anabi.well i dont know that why they were that much serious........

We complete our work thrn went to abhi room we saw that boys were watching horror movie.....i whisper pay back time....

What anabia ask......i told them about morrning......oky i have an idea samara said.....what say it fast.....she tell us then we went to anabia room........

We put some makeup to look horror.....then we also put our hair down to our face to make it more..........then we take white bed sheet and cover us.......

Heheheheheeee! We entern the room and sound like witch......

WTH! Aahaaaaaaa! all of them shouted loud then their throwth......

Hahahahahaha! Olloo banaya bara maza aaaya.....we said in a singing tone........         _______________________________

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