Shehryaar pov:

"She is gone" the word which escape from salena mouth make me froze" gone where?" I ask impationaly "dnt know" she utler this. I tried hard to controll myself"how did you come here and why were you dress like innaya?" I ask her controlling my anger.

"She gave me this dress for tonight and call me here" salena told me i fromed"shehry she know that we both love eachother and i make you happest then her" she come forward and try to convence me. My blood boil know i cant able to controll on me." I dnt love you and their is nothing in this world make me happest then only her one smile can do". I yell on her she jump back in shock.

I trace my hand on my hair in furstration. I dnt know what do to, world seem like stop for me. Where she gone?why you did tgis to me? Only this sentence were playing on my mind. I pick up my moblie from table and found a note under it."sheh"..she want to say something when i point my finger to stop her.

It a letter form innaya" hey!shehry...yah! I know naraz ho, but i do this for you. You have to live happy and care free and my life is completly a mess. So ap ko aur zayida mess me nai daal naa chati isly ja rehi ho. Plz live your life and move on with salena she is a nice girl" tear rolling down from my eyes. " i need to stop her, i need her in my life" i mumbled.

someone put his/her hand on my shoulder i look at the onwer its salena, i yank her hand" shehry have this" i look at her hand. "Car key" i formed she nodded"go and get her in your life back. Sorry for coming between you too" she said i imagetly took key and went away.


I think i love him and he love me but not, we dnt love eachother.... the reaction of him when he come to know that innaya gone i cant explain it. He love her alot that cant except that she was gone. He became complty mad.

Throw every possible think which come in his view. His eye show me the pain of lost his love or in easy word lost his life. I cant see him like this, i try to console me but it vein he only want one think that is innaya.

If he became like this only an hour i wonder how he became his rest of life if he cant find innaya.i pick up the letter,after reading it he smash it and puch the wooden table which cause a loud sound " i need to stop her, i need her in my life" he mumble and cant able to controll his tear which was waiting to come out.

I handed him my car key and apologise to coming between both of them. This is love which i think i have but not, they love eachother way to much.


I come back home. It take me two hours reach here, i unlock it and went in. I switch on light all the memory me and him come across me. They way we used to fight,we laugh,cracke lame joke to eachother,his hug,his care,his teasing, we talk all night with ramdom think more above all his love.

Tear start falling down from my eye, my legs became jelly i cant contain any more. I fall down on my knee and cried loude. I dnt want to leave him but its good for him and i have to did only for him. Yes! I love him, i cant denny anymore and his happness is all for me.


I start the engine and over speed it, i dnt kno where to go but my heart is telling to check at house first so i make my way their.all the time rafay word playing on my mind"trust her but not her mind, khabhi bhi kuch bhi sochta hai us k dimag"

The distance is about two hours but for my speed it only take me one and a half hours to reach at place. I press the break which make loude voice of force. I park it and hurriedy get out, i look at her house. I sign in relif that the light of her house is on. I entern the key and its open,i turn out knob and open the door. I found her standing in front of me carring her wheel in her hand.

Her eyes is wide open seeing me their,she drop her wheel and forze it. I went to near her as fast as i could and put a tight slap on her face.



I took my wheel and make my way to down stair,one last time i am look all around the house rewinding all the memorys once again. I heard the tier screeming voice"ya allah! Shehry na ho" i menatlly praying that i wont be shehry but soon the main door open and in come only one person in my view.

I froze at that movement and drop my wheel,he came near to me as fast as he came. His eyes bloodshote showing the pain and anger for me. I curse myself menatly when his sudden action maje me froze.

"Slapppp" he put a tight slap on my face which make my head to turn a right. I put my left hand on my cheeck. He grabb my both arm and jerk me harshly that i can face him now"where the hell you were going haaan" he yell on my face shaking me to respose. His gripe on my arm is that tight that i make my blood circulation stop.

"Bolo kha ja rahi thi tum" he again yell"she..she....shehry ma..main wo".... i want to say but no word coming out of my mouth. "Whay shehry haan? What shehry?" He yell in his sore voice because of crying"its hurtting shehry" i ulter the word, my arm is really hurting because of his grip." Really" he said and tight his girp more. I close my eye to contain myself.

"Shehry is hurting lea...leave me" i said in craking voice "leave you want me to leave you" he said but this time his voice is low i open my eyes and look at his eye only find pain which i gave him. My vision got blurre because of tears which non stop coming out.

"Do you want to leave me?" He again yell i look down not able to face him. He yank me back and i hold head of sofa to contan my balance.


I yank her back and turn around i trace my hand on my hair of frustration. I turn around to look her again and grib her arm again at same point , i know it was hurting her but what she did its hurt me more.

"Oky you" i close my eyes to contain myself then speak again "Do you want to go na?" I ask in low tone. She didnt ulter a word,i cubb her face and let her see me. I wipe her tears with my thumb she look confuse."come i will drop you at airport. Then where you want to go you can" i said and grab her wheel in one hand and in other ger wrist and dragg her with me.


He turn around and ask " you want to go?" His voice crake he close his eyes to hold his treas then open it and ask"Do you want to leave?" He ask i am not able to speak a bit. My arm is not hurting that much as his painful voice killing me inside.

He cubb my face do that i look at him,his bloodshot eyes and never stoping tears. He wipe my tear with his tumb given shiver inside me."come let make it easy....i will drop you at airport then you free to go where ever you want" he said try to controll his anger, then he grabb my wheel and me and dragg me with him.

He stop at door way and speak" Be happy always... move on in your life and please do me favour never came back" he took pause then continue" beacause you never able see my garve" his word made me forze at that very movement." What....what do you mean?" I finally ulter the word which came out bye shock.he laugh it clearly seem a fake" you are leaving me and do you thing i can leave without you?" He question i formed my eyebrow because i cant understand any thing.

" i would dead after i lost you" he said and turn around to continue. But i didnt move a bit he look at me back"what happen?" He smrink." I dnt want to g...go" i said the word which i want to say before but cant able to said"khu?" He ask again and laugh out loude in pain.

I close my eyes to see him like this"i dnt want to go anywhere. Do want to leave you" i said but it vein, he ignore me and dragg me with him"shehry ....shehry listen please i dnt want to go" i try to convence him but no use. He open pessenger seat of his car and let me sit with force then slamp the door. I try to open it but its childlock.

He put wheel at back and come to sit on driver seat, he start engine and i keep trying to convence him but he keep ignorring me."shehry please i dnt want to please" i sobb but his concentration on road.

I look away and close my eye to think that who i convence him, how make him belive that i am not want to go.

Mind: dnt get much into, their is some way to sort this?

Heart: i am telling you not to do this not to do this but you never listen to me.

Mind: oky..oky i except that i dnt listen to you but ab hogaya na.

Heart: just say sorry he will listen.

Mind: O hello! You were doing this since at hour but no used. He is anger we have to do somthng else.

Heart: what? Some thing else like what?

Mind:hmm! Rafay challange.*smrinking*

Heart: noooooooooooo

Mind: have something else?...

Heart: but this nooooo

Mind: stop getting so nervouse he is your husband and its your right. Wesey khab khabar ungil tari karni parti hai.

Heart: but this??

Mind: yes this is only way left.

I open my eyes as i decided that what to do. I gul down my nerveous and look at him. His gaze still on road, i put my hand over his hand to consol him but he yank my hand and point a finger on me.


She put her hand over my hand i yank her and point my finger on her" dn you dare touch me, i am not gona a forgave you that easly" i said gritten my teeth to not loss my control. She sobb, her sobbing make me weak.she then ran her hand throw her hair in frustration.

I can see her from the coner of my eye. She look me back. Our car stop because of traffic"sheh...shehry"... she about to say more when i cut her off.

"What shehry haan? What shehry?shehry..shehry...shehry... i have been listening this from last past hour cant you see i am not interested in talking to you. What did you think only you are the one who can do what were you want to. No miss innaya you are wrong" i sobb and trace my hair.

"She...shehry"... she sobb again i cut her again." What shehry what shehry" i slam the straning wheel " shehry...shehry....shehry....what sheh....hmmmm" i froze at her sudden action i wide my eye in shock dnt except that. I fluttering close my eyes as her lip touch me causing shiver inside me.

After a mint she stop and move away but i lost in her my harmonos is not in control, i hold her waist and pull her more into me and kiss her back. She interwine her hand on my hair making me moan.our lip move sync.


He hold my waist and pull me more into him. He kiss me back i close my eye, his warm lip making me shiver. I put my hand on his neck and interwine my finger on his hair which make him moan.

He stop so did i to catch our breath which was lost because of kiss. He touch his head with mine we both havenly breathing."waooo! This is unexceptable" he said in harsh voice. I smile and look down not able to look at him as what i dod a mint before.

"You really did this?" he ask still in shock i blush at his experssion. I nodded "hmmm! I want it more" he said smrinking i look at him. "Shehry i was hmmmm" this time his lip touch mine making my eye fluttering close, i rest my hand on his chest making the distance between us.


This sound make us to come back really, i yank him away he groan in anger. He start the engin and drove off dnt know where we were going i look out throw window. He told my hand i look at our hand then look at him. "We were not done yet" he wink i blush and look away. He is going on my nervous.

He park the car at some silent road and went out i fomerd at him. He come on my side and open the door, he held my hand and pull me out i collide with his. He close the door and rest his hand on my waist, he leaned in making my heart go wild.

His eyes is shining with happness which was lost for some mint before, i wrape my arm on his neck and hug him he wrap his arm around my waist and tighten his girp." Shehry" i call " hmmm" he humed" sorry" i appologise he let his breath out " never do that again" he whisper i shut my eye as his breath tickling me.he planted a kiss on my neck i tight my grip so did he.

We broke the hug our face was inch a part with eachother, he leaned more in and kiss on my left cheeck making it more red. He kiss their more then one." Shehry" i call him again he stop and look at me. His eye show me pain i kiss in both of his eye" are you oky?" I ask he smile"more then oky" he rubb my nose with his i giggle.

" wesey biwi tum mujhe aset hi manao gi jab mein tumhe ignor karong ga?" He smrink i slap on his cheeck " kush fami much" i reply "no i like the know" he wink at me. He lean in i leaned back and put my hand between our lip he pull up his eyebrow for asking me 'what?' I smile "not before rukhsati you have to controll mister" i said he roll his eyes"not fair" he pout i pull his cheeck" ooo mera baby" i teas he yank my hand.


"But want one" i state her eye wide "no" she reply" only one please" i act like stubbor kid"no" she again said no. I sign in frustration "just little one" i try once more but before she protest i planted kiss on her lip. Her eye wide at my sudden action i smile in kiss.

We pull away "you" she give me anger look i pull her cheeck" you look more cute when you were angery" i smrink and earn another slap form her. I laugh at her cuteness, then i cubb her face and trace my tumb at her left cheeck"biwi i am sorry i dnt want to".... i want to appologise when she hush me"sshhh! Ek thapar ne dimaga thik kardya mera" she wink i smile and again kiss on her cheeck at same spot.

Innaya pov:

"Shehry put me down" i protest. After coming back home , i went to my and he went to his. I took 15mint shower and change in my night suit blue t-shirt and white trouser with pink and black little flowere on it.

I decied to go to my bed but door bell cancle my concetion with love of my life my bed. I lazy open it and found one and only person. I instruct him that he cant stay night in my house and specially not today.

So he carry me in his arm like bridle style and make his way to his house."shehryaar asif put me down" i groan while he was just walking toward his house.

"Nope" he simply reply i roll my eyes. "Shehry please" i whisper not want anyone wake up as we were on stair now going to our room. He shook his hand in no.

He kick the door then close it with the help of his leg. He lay down me on bed"shehry"... he put his finger on my lipe to stop me. Then he took out oinment from drawer and make his way toward me. He then apply it on my arm which have his finger print on. Then we lay down bed.

He hug me from back "i love you biwi" he whisper i smile "i love you too jaan" i reply he smile widely and kiss on my cheeck making it more difficult for me :p. I turn to face him and hug him, he arm his arm around me and i rest my head on his chest and we both dozze off.

Finally finish this one big long chapter.

Intense much na and rommance :p

Ufff! My finger its hurt :'(

Well i am happy for innaya and shehry or said shehaya :p

One word for shehaya???

How was it like it or not???

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Love you all♥♥♥♥

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