Sara pov:

"Innaya shehryaar asif" she reply given all of us in war of confussion, i look at window shehry i stading their hussain and waqas holding him."Do you want me to call him?" Justin ask she nodded,shehry came and give us confusse look. I smile but he didnt"so miss innaya dev" dr justin just about to say more but cut by innaya"mrs:innaya shehryaar"

I know justin said that perposly to clearfy shehry confusion, shehry eyes show the happiness after listen her. Justin look at me and i nodded in understandment"so mrs shehryaar i may take your leave my junior help you" he said pointed toward me, innaya nodded still looking down. I geuster shehryaar to come beside her he fellow suit"how are you?" I ask her as dr justin left us.

"Innaya" i called her she look up at me i smile she minorr it but her smile faded way" i will come later" i informe them as i know they both some space to talk.


After sara left us i let out my courage and look toward him, he is not looking at me for once and that hurt me" she....shehryaar" i try to called him he look at me with blank experssion"i...i am...so.sor" " you need rest" he cut me and turn around to leave when i grabb his hand"no please" i pleased he take a step back and come to same point where he was standing before.

"Shehry i...wo" i try to explain him still holding his hand but he didnt seem to hold my hand"you know dr justin is one of the best docter in this hospitel" i said ignoring me completly "aaahhh" i soft yell as i move a little.he hurridely bend down touching my shoulder"why the you try to move?" I look toward his eyes which only have concer for me, i wrapp my free arm around him he stumble a bit at my sudden action and hide my face on his crook.

"I am sorry shehry.... i am really sorry. I know k maney bht barri galti ki hai but i plain everything before going their" i cried"liken sab....sab garbar hogai i forgot my moblie at home. Please maff kardo agar ma nai jati to wo mah...maha ko nai" i tighten my grip around him waiting him to hide me in his arm but he didnt, he still their as a froze person he both hand resting the side of my bed to contain his balance.

"I near forgive myself if anything happen to maha because of me" i explain him everything hopping that i founf my shehry back but he pull me away from him holdimg my both shoulder and straighten his poster" and now i am not able to forgive myself" he word pin me like a kinfe" shehry please otherwise" i try to convence him"otherwise what you leave me haaa! You try that before already and i must say that a good try" he smrink given me more pain.



I part my lip to say more harsh word but stop and we both look toward the door, it open and sara came in, innaya wipe her tear and smile at her but i know it was fake"hmmm! Actually officer are here to interrogate her" she informe us and soon two officer come in both are the same who help us to find her.

One of the officer look at sara and she nodded" are you oky with it?" She ask from innaya and innaya shook her head in yes. Sara leave to room i am also about to leave when she grabb my hand again"please" she please make me to close my eyes, her voice in deep pain.

"Miss we have to ask you somehing and that in alone" one officer informe us"no i am not leaving him" she protest" its oky" the other officer said"so will you please tell us that how you been here?" Officer ask she gluped down i found nevourness in her but why?.

"Yes" she reply shortly"good so brief us" officer demaded" i met to an accident with a car when i am runnig to save myself"her word made me close my eyes,i cant bare this its not easy for me." Oky do you know that person?" Officer ask"yes i know them" she reply i hold her hand listen her last word, she look toward me"them?" I formed she nodded her head i gluped down"so it mean their are some other also involve" officer try to sort his confussion.

"Yes they are two" she told us i tighten my grip"who?" Officer ask "one is fahad and other is......." she took pause a long one enough to boil my temper"mrs:shehryaar" officer her she look up toward them"and other one" officer ask again she gluped down and parted her lip to say but close, this women is going on my nerves"damit innaya tell us who is the other one?" I yell on her she jump a little.our eyes met and i found her body is shivering because of my anger.

I close my eyes for brief movement to clam down my temper them sat beside her and hold her hand with my left hand, i side hug her and caressing her right arm gently not want to hurt her"ssshhh!clam down i am here" i said softy and her body calm a little"oky now tell us who is the other guy?" I ask softy she turn to face me"first you promise you wont be anger" she demand"innaya" i emphises every letter"no first promise" she stubbornly said i let out my breath"oky but i am not peomissing" i told she fonally agree.

"He is....no....nofile" she ulter his name and my blood boil but i contain myself infront of officer. They ask some more question then left, innaya turn to face me" you should rest know" with that said i make my way out not give her change to protest"you said you wont get anger" i heard her before clossing her room door.


I am tapping my finger on this glass table waiting for sara to come with her report, after some more hours docter finally agree to do her test and i demand the quick result."stop tapping shehry,clam down"waqas said seening my impatinet behaviour.

Sara cabin door open and she come in with worried look my heart beat quicken looking her expression, i mentaly parying that everything is oky"what happen?" Waqas ask before i part my lip to ask,she shook her head in disapprovle."what in this report?" I ask without wasting any more time"shehry you have to listen it creafully" sara said i roll my eyes"shoot it sara" i demand.

"You need to calm down first" she said"i am already calm down now let me damit" i yell"shehry you are making it difficult" she told me"really wahoo" i fake laugh she look at waqas which was only in this cabin with me, he look down in helpless"what happen to her?" Waqas ask cooling down sara sign.

"Their is many vein in our brain which function differently an"....."WTH will you stop that and come to the point" i cut her in middle she give the look"partial ammnesia"she said i formed" its a term of psychology illneses, it happen to those people who take lots of stress and went to depression. If they met into any accident and they got hurt in their brain partial ammnesia take place. Its very rear only two to three person have this" she told us making me more confussion

"But innaya is really lucky that it was just start,in some case paitents alomst forgot their present and their minde stuck at their past but in innaya case she not completly forgot her present,yes something her mind react that she was still in her past but only care and love help her to recover soon" she complete and i chuckled "that mean she forgot me and i can do anyhing" i said"no shehry only you are the one who help her in this, her mind need to calm down i you were reacting thi then t really hard for her" she try to convence me.

"What she did sara still you think i cant get angery with her" i shoued on her"stop it shehry" waqas warn me i hufff"look any further stress can suffer her more,choices is your" she informe me and folded her arm across, i angerly got up and wake away leaving both of them.

I entern her room and found her sleepy,smile appare on my lip but soon faded away as i saw the marks on her face. I went near to her and sit beside her, i bend down tear roll down from the coner of my eyes i close it and planted a kiss on her forehead,sara word reloving around on my mind. Their was a mark at the coner of her lip, i bit my lip to controll myself she move a little as her breath fancy on my face given me world best feeling.

She parted her eyes little slowly, here gaze ment my and i froze at that movement their was only pain in her eye which was give by me and that hurt me more. I gluped down and bend a little to preak her lip bu she go up"aaahhh" she yell in pain"hey hey relax" i told her holding her shoulder, i lay her down back"bhai where is bhai call.called him" her word cracked."ssshh he want to talk with docter" i told her she nodded"who are you" she ask in sobb"you friend" i said and smile she formed, i caress her hair to make her relax as she look uncomfortable aroin me. Her eye closing but she dn want to do that"sleep" i said sofly"i am scared" she hold me, ben down and kiss on her forehead" i am here dont worry" i told her she wrapp her arm arond my am and sleep. Her simple geauster is enough for vanish my anger.


Hey everyone how are you all????

I want to write more but my finger start hurtting *pout* sorry for late yaar actually i am bussy in some personal stuff so cant make it sorry *preety please*

As i am late so for my beautiful reader here is a lanba kamba chapter :p. Hope you like it :D

Guys please do vote and comment. That make my interset level more and more to write XD.

So how was it????

Finally know what happen to innaya poor she :p. I know that i publish one chapter before this but i unpublish that because it was messing my storry. Dnt worry tha part also come after some chapter, pluse my this book i reaching 60 chapter i mean wahoo more then half century :).

Dont forget to vote,comment and share.

Thanks for 9k reader mean alot yaar.

Love you allllll♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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