Unknow pov:
It night time and the weather is so hard, i was driving on my way to home. I have to cross that dark forest at this harsh weather, their was fogg everywhere and its also snowing. Driving in this weather is not good, i wish i listen to mom.
I bend down a little to switch on the radio so that it at least kill my surounding, i know at this time and this weather no one out and espcally in this dark forest. After killing the silence i pull up and from no where a fargile body come infront of my car, i press the break but its to late. The body got bump into my car and roll over from my car and fall down at back of the car.
I froze at a movement that what happen,*shit* *shit* *shit* i mumble under my breath, i let out my courage and get out from the car. I went near to body to see who is it, it was a lady lying down in blood. My eyes wide 'if anything happen to her then i am not gona forgave myself' i thought and make my way back to my car. I open the car door and pick up my phone from deskboard.
"No net work....shit" i yell in furstration, she is in deep pain i can see that. I was thinking how to save her when i hear a sound indicating that police car is coming in our direction. I sign in relife and switch on my phone flash light, i start waving my hand n air so that they stop the car as my signal.
*after innaya leave the house*
I pull my hand out in her direction to hold her again, i feel uncomfortable to not having her in my arm. My hand held in air as if i not found her beside me i formed an open my eyes to see her. The space is empty 'she is still in washroom, why she is taking so much time' i thought and make my way toward the washroom. Knock at door "innaya" i called her but no reply, i again knock and called her still the same.
I formed why she is not repling me "innaya" i called her and held the knob, twisted it an open it with hesitation. I roamed around the washroom she is not inside, i close the door "must be in downstair" i said to myself. I came out and went down, the whole house is in dark only the light cmmg from kitchen. I sign in relife and make my way to kitchen "innaya you where" i was cut by myself.
"You?" Ask him, he formed his eyebrow. I drink he water and put the glass on counter what happen bro?" He ask in formed "i thought you were innaya,she is not in room" i told him brushing my hair with my hand."are you serious?" He ask still in formed but his formed soon faded and smrink take it place "sain i am not in mood now, i am already stress with this fahad thing" i sign in furstration. " dnt worry she must be around, i check backuard while you check inside" i infrome me, worreid tone also visible in him too.
He left for backyard, i went to livingroom but no sign for her, i make my way to upstair. I went to maha room to check her she must be their, i went near to maha she is sleeping peacfuly, i cover her with quilt and roam my eyes around her room. I also check her bathroom but cant found her, tension now engulf me. "She must be in terrance" i console myself and went to terrance to check her but still no sign of her.
Now i start panicking because i have no sign for her, i went to our room took my phone from side table and went down while dailing her number "mili?" I heard hussain panic voice i shook my head in no. I press the green button and wait for her to pick, we both look at eachother in confussion way. The sound was coming around us more of from hussan back, he turn around and my eye wide as her moblie came in our view.
I cut the call hussain pick her moblie with formed eyebrow "where the hell you are innaya" i yell in furstration " yo!man what going on" i heard a voice from back, i turn and waqas was standing their with sleepy eye and yawing. "Ina...innaya is...mis...missing" i said in craking word, word are not coming out of my mouth in horror."what?" Waqas said almost ask "she must be here" he try to console me, i shook and brush my hair. I am doing this almost five to six time.
"Guys" i open my mouth to said somthing when hussain intrupt us,we both look him in question look. He experesion is mixture of confussion,tense,horror and more worried, i formed my eyebrow "what?" I ask he pull his hand infront of me showing her phone. My formed deeper i snatch her phone and troll down to look at it, my eye wide in shock more in tense and worried "are you freaking serious" i yell, waqas put his hand on my shoulder "slow down shehry.
" i yank his hand "she cant be that childish, she cant do this"i shouted in irration more worried because i cant think what to do. We heard the door knob open of mom and dad room, dad came out following mom at his back. They look us in worreid"what happen? Why you all are here? Shehry why you shouting?" Dada fullfill me with his question " uncle innaya is missing and we found her moblie and the message of fadah in it" he pause as if find some word " he call her at the forrest at this time" he told them in low try his best to tranfer his information to them.
"Yah! Allah" mom gapes as tear strat coming out from her eyes, i controll myself to not to loss hope" i am going to find her" i anounced, i grabb my car keys and make my way to out of house" wait we are also comming" hussain yell i nodded.
We sat in car, i start the engin and reverse my car to take it out on road lain. When car hit the road i over speed it "please be save biwi" i mentally parying for her. Hussain sat next to me roaming his eye out to find her in mide way where as waqas is infroming police about innaya " they are coming" waqas informe us, i nodde still brusing my hair trying to controll my heartbeat, which was racing in horror.
" yo bro watch out" hussain yell making me out of my negative thought, i took sharp turn but controll my car from hitting that rock "shehry dnt over speed, we will catch her, she is fine" waqas try to console me but i am not in a mood to listen to them.
Soon police car join us one is in front of our car and the other was at back ansuring that we were at least save. I stop the car from a far away from forrest because the police car which was infront held us to stop as well. The two officer came out from the car and taking with some man, i felt irritation because my wife is in danger and here the are slove someone else problem.
I came out from car and took a hurreid step toward them in anger, i just about to fir them with my anger when my gaze went to that person who was lying on the road in blood. I stumble back as my leg feel jelly, my eyes wide in shock i am not in the situation to consume anything. I put my hand on car bonnet to keep me in standimg position.
" o my khuddaya" waqas voice make me out of my gazze, i car toward her but one officer held me in mid way to stop me going near to her "she is my wife damit! Leave" i yell on him and push him away from me. I kneel down infront of her, tear coming out from my eyes as her blood body and pale face lying infront of me.
I forward my shiver hand to scoop her face, i place her head on my lap, blood coming out from her head which was covering her face. Their is not a single space left of her body that dnt have blood coming out. I close my eyes to controll myself"biwi i am here please wakeup" i said to her shaking her face trying to wake her up.
"We cant able to contect with them sir, hospitel is about 45 mint from here" one of the officer came to my hear, anger boil in me, my wife is here lying in blood and they cant able to conect them. I cant wast any single mint now, i carry her in my arm like bridle style and turn around" waqas chal" i shouted,we make our way to car officer doesn't stop us as they dont have any other option.
We sat on car, i sit at back carry innaya in my lap,waqas and hussain sat infront. Waqas start the engin and speed over the car as fast as he can" innaya,biwi please wakeup please" i cried slaping her face trying to wake her up but she not listening me.i rest her head on my neck wraping my arm around her, ansuring her in my arm.
Feeling her warm breath on my neck, i making me relif that atleast she is breathing "shehry" it escape from her mouth i hold her head facing her to me"innaya,innaya i am here biwi, i am here" i cried "please open your eyes ones please just onece please" i slap her face ahgain amd again and again.
I stop when i found her breathing got uneasy, i start panicing "no innaya no dont do this to me,please dont,please dont" i pleased her but no use. Her breath got uneasy" waqas drive fast" i yell on waqas hitting his sit. They both wete also panicing like me and more worried "innaya i cant live without you please dont do this to me" i cried more " i promise i will listen to you and ner....nerver teas you and never lea...leave you alone, try...try to breah please try" my voice craking as i sobb holding her in me.
Her breather cant seem to control as if she were lost of her breath. Car stop i look up with my bloodshot eyes we were at hospitel. Hussain open my door i came out and scoop innaya in my arm, soon wardboy came with stretcher. I lay her down we rush to inside the hospitel, they take innaya in i.c.u.
I also want to get inside near to her but some doctor and wardboy stop me"she is my wife please let me in" i pleased them " sir her condition is criticle please cooprate" one of the doctor said and push me out of from i.c.u. i stumble at back but someone hold my arm from saving me to fall.
My leg feel jell i bend down on my keen in front of i.c.u wait for them to come,only want to hear that she is fine and save,want to see her smiling face,her anger face when i teas her,her face when she fight with me, the way she cunddle in my arm, the way she hide blush face when i lean her for kiss her, the way she stop me from lossing my control on her and said wait till ruksati,the way sh..she call me jaan.
I am sitting their helpless waiting for them to come, i internally sobbing and weird thought engulf me of loss her. How bad am i, i not a good husband,not a good friend,not a good lover who have to pretect her but now i am sitting like helpless. "If anything happen to her?????"
This is it guys :''''(
I am crying yaar. This chap is really hard for me to write it. I try to put all the emotion and if i am not suceed in it then please forgave me :'(.
So for chap like it or not???
What do you think going next???
How was shehry reaction????
I need your best wishes because next chap is really hard then this :(.
One word for shehry????
Vesey i want husband like this shehry who care for her wife so much :). Wish i got that but still its a story not real life :(.
If any mistake then ignore it please *pouting*....
Dmt forget to vote,type comment and share to other as well i you like it :D.
Love you all ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-
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