*Chapter Seventy-One*

"Alvina, what are you doing?" Bonnie asks, hesitantly entering the room where Alvina and Katherine are.

"You know, Kai told me something that really stuck with me. If someone dies in this world, they come back the next day. There's no end. While that's very heartbreaking in Kai's story I couldn't help but to think of all the wrongs Katherine has done and further thought how one death wouldn't be satisfying enough,"

On the bed in front of Alvina lies Katherine. She's covered in sweat and her body flinches every couple of seconds. From the markings along Katherine's arms, it's clear that she's suffering from fairy toxin.

"You're torturing her," Bonnie whispers, slightly horrified. Alvina simply smirks sadistically as she watches the last breath leave Katherine's lips. "How many times has she died?"

"How many days have you and Kai been trying to get your magic back?" Alvina asks, finally taking her eyes off of Katherine.

Since Alvina and Kai have decided to be proactive in finding a way to get out, Kai has been working with Bonnie on unlocking her magic. It wasn't hard to come to the conclusion that Bonnie's sudden inability to do magic has to do with Alvina's mother.

Kai has been trying to help Bonnie but in... unconventional ways. Alvina's surprised Bonnie hasn't tried to kill Kai at this point. He puts madness into 'method of madness'. He's been driving Bonnie up a wall trying to get her to do something.

"How much longer are you going to do this to her?" Bonnie asks. Alvina stares at her for a moment.

"You two have bonded since we got here, haven't you?" Alvina asks, tilting her head. "Well, let's just put it this way. The sooner you get us out of here, the sooner her suffering ends. Let's call it motivation," Alvina states cold-heartedly. 

Alvina could see the discomfort in Bonnie's eyes. Bonnie rarely saw this side of Alvina. If she did, it wasn't like this. After everything, Bonnie is still so queasy over a little brutality.

"Bonnie, if you get through this life with your innocents and rainbow eyes intact, you'll have to author a how-to book. How to Survive the Supernatural World and Keep Your Sanity," Alvina teases and Bonnie rolls her eyes.

"I think it's normal for anybody to get uncomfortable around someone torturing someone else to literal death," Bonnie snips.

"Sure, it's normal," Alvina shrugs, approaching Bonnie. "If the person dying was innocent. Katherine's played nice these last few weeks because you and Kai are our ticket out of here. Don't forget all the horrible things she's done. She has sins to pay for and I'm more than willing to distribute the punishment,"

"And when we leave?" Bonnie asks.

"She won't have to worry about me for past actions," Alvina reassures her. "I'm not sure how much pull I have over Klaus at the moment, but I'll try to get him to give her a few years break. Possibly convince him to just not actively look for her,"

Bonnie sighs and looks back at Katherine. She's never seen Katherine look so exhausted. Her skin looks sunken in and despite being dead for the time being her body seems to still be in pain.

"If you're so worried about her, why don't you look after her for a while? I'll keep Kai distracted," Alvina states, winking at her. Bonnie moves to the side to let Alvina leave the room. "Oh, and I'd be careful around her when she wakes up. I don't think the two of you have bonded so much that she won't attack you when she wakes up. She'll be a little bit hungry," Alvina advises.

"Yeah, maybe it's better she has some time to herself," Bonnie mutters, leaving the room as well.

It wouldn't be for another couple of days until Bonnie's magic final breaks through the barrier that kept her contained. Kai had really set her off and she nearly set him on fire. If Alvina hadn't thought it was so funny she would have been angry with Bonnie for trying to set Kai on fire.

"Ok. To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an Ascendant, and it looks like this," Kai says showing Alvina and Bonnie a model of the relic. "The last time we had it was in the Pacific Northwest - Oregon,"

"We?" Bonnie asks. 

"It belonged to my family," Kai explains pulling up a map on the table and then a knife from his pocket. "So, here's a little blood to get you started." He states, pricking his finger allowing the blood to drip on the map. "Now all we need is a locator spell to pinpoint its whereabouts,"

"Think you can find out ticket out of here, Bonbon?" Alvina asks.

"Hell. Yeah," Bonnie responds. Kai falls back on the couch beckoning Alvina closer to him. She climbs on top of him, cuddling into his neck.

"Don't mind us, Bonnie... We'll just be over here until you're finished," Kai states cheekily. Bonnie rolls her eyes and tries to perform the spell.

It took a couple of hours until the blood began to move. It was like breaking through a fog. The longer she used her magic the more natural it felt.

"The spell's moving towards Virginia," Kai notices, standing up to look at the map. "That can't be right..."

"The spell's working. It's showing me Mystic Falls. It feels so... close," Bonnie whispers turning towards Kai. "It's right here," Bonnie moves closer until she's touching Kai's chest. Alvina's jaw clenches but she relaxes when Bonnie moves away.

"Very good," Kai mutters, pulling the real Ascendant from his pocket. Alvina rolls her eyes.

"That's the Ascendant?" Bonnie states, crossing her arm.

"The one and only," Kai smirks.

"Funny trick, baby," Alvina whispers, coming up behind him. Her arms slip around his waist, and she kisses his neck. "But I'd really like to get out of here so maybe save the mind tricks until later?"

"It was just a test," Kai shrugs, keeping his eyes on Bonnie while turning his head to kiss Alvina's forehead. "To make sure Bonnie's magic was precise enough for the spell. I do believe you're ready. Pack your bags; we're going home," Kai announces.

"Why don't you go collect Katherine and I'll wait here with Kai," Alvina shoos Bonnie away.

"You sure you're ready to leave?" Kai asks, turning in her arms. "We could stay a little longer, ya know? Have some time to ourselves and have an extra few days with your play thing," He whispers.

"I think Katherine's paid for her sins by now," Alvina says.

"How merciful of you," Kai whispers pecking her lips. "Come on, let's find the spot for our spell," Kai mutters pulling her out of the house.

"What're you looking for?" Alvina asks.

"The exact right spot," Kai mutters looking through the Ascendant and into the sky. "We need to find where the power of the eclipse is focused,"

"Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you're in your element?"

Kai lowers the Ascendant and turns towards Alvina. She eyes him and licks her lips. He smirks and darts towards her. She squeals and tries to run away. Kai lets her slip from his fingers enjoying the chase far too much to catch her so soon.

Alvina can feel her heart jump from the adrenalin pumping through her veins. Kai speeds up feel his instincts flare. Before she could get too far into the woods Kai tackles her to the ground. Alvina giggles rolling onto her pack with Kai on top of her.

"Two more seconds and you would have never caught me," Alvina whispers.

"We'll have to test that theory some other time," Kai growls, kissing her deeply.

"Hmm, look forward to it," Alvina winks at him. The two stand up as Katherine and Bonnie come out of the house.

"Keep an eye on them, I'll be back," Kai kisses Alvina's cheek before leaving as Bonnie and Katherine approach her. 

"Evening Katherine," Alvina smirks. Katherine refuses to make eye contact and even stays a step behind Bonnie. "Kai has some things to grab, he'll be back,"

"And you're positive this man is your mate?" Bonnie asks before quickly regretting it as Alvina's eyes darken.

"Everything resets here," Alvina states. "Every time we try to bond it works and then it's ripped away from me when the day resets. Over and over again," She growls. "Yes, I'm certain he's mine,"

"Sorry," Bonnie whispers, stepping back. Alvina forces herself to relax.

"We'll get back to them soon," Alvina promises her. "But we need Kai to get back,"

It takes a couple of minutes but soon Kai returns with a bag and a pickaxe. He leads the group into the woods, occasionally aiming the Ascendant into the sky until he finds the right spot.

"Here. The eclipse will happen directly overhead. In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation," Kai explains and then tosses the axe toward Katherine. "You need to dig into the tunnels below us,"

"Why?" Bonnie asks.

"Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before?" Ka asks patronizingly. Alvina laughs but Bonnie isn't impressed. "Ok look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the Ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and then poof! Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the Ascendant goes home,"

"By witchy woo, assume you mean the spell?"

"Uh-huh," Kai nods.

"Let me see it," Bonnie says. 

"When the time comes," Kai says mysteriously. "So, get to digging," He encourages Katherine. Katherine looks at Bonnie before sighing and getting to work.

"So, what's in the bag?" Alvina asks, snatching it from his hands curiously wondering what he'd want to keep with him. "Zima, grunge, Alex Rodriguez rookie cards, and... is that a pager?" Alvina asks.

"555-Hiya-Kai, no way I'm giving those digits up," Kai states causing Alvina to laugh.

"They're all yours baby," Alvina says, draping her arms around his neck. Kai hums, grabbing her ass and holding her close. "I can't wait to get home and introduce you to the others,"

"Well, for that to happen somebody's gonna have to dig faster," Kai says loudly.

"You're more than welcome to help," Katherine snarls.

"You're doing great, love," Alvina grins. Katherine looks away and continues to dig.

Nearly an hour later and they're in the tunnels. It was nearly unbelievable how easy it was to return back home when the eclipse came. There was nearly nothing else to it. The light from the eclipse, the Ascendant, and Bonnie's magic teleported the group back to the real world.

The instant they arrived Katherine was the first to take off. None of them cared where she went.

"Alvina?" Kai asks, sounding a little worried when her legs nearly gave out. She gasps and clings to him while Bonnie clings to a tree. In an instant the bond return, snapped right back into place.

'Alvina?!' The voices of Enzo and Jeremy echo through her mind. She smiles widely and lets out a happy laugh.

'Boys?' Alvina asks hesitantly.

'Where are you?' Enzo asks, his voice tense and anxious.

'Are you hurt? Where did you go? What happened?' Jeremy's voice overlaps Enzo's.

'I'm in the woods somewhere,' Alvina says, looking around. 'We're near Damon's place, we'll come to you.'

'If you're not here in a couple of minutes, we're coming after you,' Enzo practically growls.

"Come on, this way," Alvina says, giving Kai the largest grin. She pulls his hand and picks up a skip on the way toward the Salvatore home with Bonnie trailing behind them.

They get a couple of steps into their walk before Elijah appears out of the blue. He sweeps Bonnie into his arms, twirling her around. She laughs elatedly, kissing him the instant he sets her feet on the ground. The kiss is short and sweet. Elijah pulls away first to stare into her eyes before lifting her in his arms once again and speeding off.

"Well, that was something," Kai comments.

"That was Klaus's brother, Elijah, and Bonnie's mate," Alvina explains, turning her head towards him. "Come on. If we don't hurry, they'll send a search party," Alvina warns dragging him through the woods.

"I thought you loved a good chase?" Kai brings up.

"I do," She assures him. "Just not today," She explains before coming to an abrupt stop. When she turns around to face Kai, she has a mischievous grin on her lips. The type of grin that has Kai all kinds of excited. "Of course, it'll be quicker if we fly,"

"Fly?" Kai asks before remembering she's a fairy. He grins as she steps away from him and shifts to her natural form. Kai watches as a sense of relief flows through her body.

Kai had seen drawings of what fairies are meant to be in his mother's room. His mother loved fairies. She thought they were inspiring, powerful, and a symbol of life. He remembers her telling his siblings bedtime stories of these creatures. Creatures who looked after the forest, the plants and wildlife. Selfless creatures but proud ones. He remembers her teaching them about how they nearly went extinct and thinking 'how can something so powerful be wiped away?'. She had told him that vampires had hunted them down for their blood until there was nothing left.

Standing in front of Alvina, Kai can understand the obsession. He could feel it take over his own mind.

"Come on! You're going to love this," Alvina says fluttering closer to him. He lets her pull him close and waits for her to take off, but she doesn't move.

"Change your mind?" Kai asks, going to kiss her thinking she wanted her mates to come find her instead of going to them.

"Something's wrong," Alvina whispers, looking around. Kai does the same. "We're being watched,"

Kai grips her hand and siphons her magic. She breathes in sharply and leans into Kai temporarily forgetting what had caught her attention. Kai smirks drawing more from her until he could sense what she had.

"You're not supposed to be here,"

Alvina spins around and sees her mother standing there. Her hair seems slightly unkept and there's an edge to her that even Kai could pick up. Her lips twitch to a snarl, her eyes narrowing at the couple across from her.

"You're back too soon. It's too soon!" She snaps.

"Well, you shoved me off in such a hurry it made me curious to figure out what you were up too," Alvina says. "Look, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Why don't we go out for coffee, and you tell me how you're still alive?"

Calypso tilts her head, her body deflating a smidge as she considers Alvina's offer.

Alvina could see her mother's mind spinning. Even as the craziness subsided and the motherly look returned to her face she knew there was something waiting just beneath the surface. The woman standing in front of her isn't the same woman who raised her and the realization tugs at her heart.

"Fine," Calypso nods. "We have so much to discuss, Cherub... You can leave your... plaything here," she says, nodding toward Kai.

"The plaything is coming," Kai says, puffing his chest. "Can't be too far away from my battery," He jokes, draping his arm across Alvina's chest. Calypso's eye twitches.

"I'd like some alone time with my daughter," she says, trying to keep up the calm and collected act.

"No," Kai snarls.

"Alvina. Come." Calypso demands. Alvina leans back into Kai instead. Before Calypso could snap, Enzo and Klaus emerge from the dense trees. Alvina perks at the sight of them.

"Calypso, it's been a while," Klaus greets, keeping his eyes on her, refusing to look at Alvina. Enzo's the opposite; he keeps his eyes on his mate searching her for any injuries. When he notices Kai hanging off of her, he instantly knows he's the finally piece to the puzzle.

"Klaus," Calypso snarls.

"Are you the one causing all this trouble? I thought you gave up trying to kill me in the '96?" Klaus brings up.

"No, I didn't give up... Just reevaluated my options," Calypso shrugs, giving him a sly grin. "Needed to find a new angle... and I think I've found it," She whispers, her eyes returning to Alvina. Kai's arm tightens around her.

"You barely escaped with your life last time, Calypso... Why don't you just give it up? You're obviously out matched,"

Calypso laughs manically; the crazy returning to the surface.

"Oh, darling, you never came close to killing me," Calypso tells him. "Us fairies aren't easy to kill... Not anymore," She adds at the end. "Alvina, do you know that Klaus is responsible for the death of 1/3 of our population?" Calypso asks. Alvina glances at Klaus.

"She's lying," Klaus tells Alvina. "She thinks just because I'm an Original that everything is my fault. I'm not responsible for those who came after me," He tells Calypso.

"You are," Calypso argues. "You're impulsive, bloodthirsty, and power hungry. Your actions directly led to the purging of my people!" She shouts, glaring at him.

"Mom, there's no way Klaus could keep track of every vampire he and his siblings sired," Alvina says, cautiously stepping towards her. Klaus's head snaps back to her when she reveals that Calypso is her mother. "Besides, species have been at war with each other for centuries. Not one person started it. We fight over territory and power and the safety of our people. It isn't Klaus's fault that vampires and fairies fight each other. It's just nature and instinct going against each other,"

"Your mate is a murderer!" Calypso shouts. Alvina snorts.

"He isn't the only one," Alvina reveals. "Enzo's a vampire and Kai is in the process of eliminating his family," Alvina introduces. Kai waves sadistically. "And I'm not exactly innocent either, mom," She shrugs, looking back at Calypso. "Get with the times, murder is in these days," She jokes.

"You just don't get it, do you?" Calypso growls frustratingly. "Our people are dying because of him, of them!" Calypso says pointing to Klaus and then Enzo. "We used to flourish through the forest. People would fear us just as much as they loved us. We were on top until them," She snaps.

"Mom," Alvina whispers, her shoulders falling slightly.

"You're different," Calypso shakes her head. "You used to be driven, motivated, and powerful. Now you're just... content," she says, disgusted. "Our people need us. Without us they won't be able to come out from hiding, they won't be able to grow,"

"Our time has been over for a long time-"

"No!" Calypso shakes her head, inching closer to Alvina. The two were gravitating towards each other. The closer they got the more Enzo, Klaus and Kai tensed. "You just don't get it," Calypso sighs. "And that's alright," she says, her personality switching suddenly. "I didn't get it either. Not until after I died. I had to die to understand how everything worked. I had to die to find my destiny,"

"Mom?" Alvina whispers, stepping back.

"Ok, that's enough," Klaus mutters, rushing forward to grab Alvina but he only gets about half-way before Calypso is forcing him back with her magic. Alvina gasps as Klaus flies through trees for miles.

Before Enzo could even think of coming to either her aid or Klaus's, Calypso is forcing him onto his knees. Roots and vines wrap around his body keeping him securely in place. Enzo fights against the bindings but while they strain under his strength they don't break easily.

Even Kai, with Alvina's magic flowing through his veins, isn't a match for Calypso. He puts up the best fight and even scratches Calypso's cheek but, in the end, Kai ends up pinned against a tree. 

Alvina turns to her mother, but Calypso isn't done. With a few waves of her hand, Klaus is dragged back through the forest. His body flies through the air before penetrating itself on a broken tree limb. He groans as the branch impales his chest, scarping his heart but not stabbing it.

"That's enough!" Alvina snarls, the magic in the air buzzing more intensely. She hisses warningly at her mother while waving her hands in an attempt to undo the power Calypso has over her mates.

"Sit down, I'm not done yet," Calypso says, casually flicking her wrist. Alvina gasps, falling to her knees feeling drained. Her muscles ache and her breathing becomes erratic.

"Oh shit!" Jeremy gasps, being forced from his hiding spot in the bushes. Calypso didn't consider him a threat but ties him down beside Enzo.

"There... Now we're all here," Calypso sighs as if she can finally breathe. "Look, Alvina, I know we've been apart for a long time, but I need you to trust me. Everything is going to make sense soon, but I need your help. You need to cooperate,"

"Fuck you," Alvina hisses. "I'm not doing anything for you, and you better run fast when I break this hold you have over me," She growls. "You're not going to die fast,"

"You've been misled and that's my fault. We were separated too soon. You have no idea the power you possess, the things you can do. I'm going to help you reach your potential. I'm going to teach you about our people like I should have done. I kept you in the dark and I'm so sorry, my little Cherub,"

"Don't call me that!" Alvina snaps. Calypso sighs.

"You're not going to make this easy on me, are you?" Calypso asks. Alvina glares at her. "Fine... We'll do this the hard way then," Calypso states, marching up to her.

"Vina," Jeremy whimpers, trying to break free but all he can do is squirm around. Her eyes shift to him as her mother kneels before her.

"I didn't want to do it this way... But maybe now you'll be able to see," Calypso says.

"No!" Klaus shouts. Alvina's head snaps to him on the tree. He's trying to pull himself off, to work against the magic, but it's slow work. "Calypso!" Klaus snarls full of rage. "This is between us! I killed your people, I slaughtered them in their forest and laughed as the screamed!" He snarls.

"Oh, I know," Calypso says, smiling at him. "You'll get what's coming for you," She promises. "Twofold," She grins, thrusting her hand through Alvina's chest and swiftly ripping her heart out.

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