11 | Two Refugees

Song: "Woodland Tales" by Adrian Von Ziegler

When I learned about the Obtainment War in school, you gave me several books to read on the matter. The largest one was a philosophical piece that I only half-understood. The war between Arxia and Bright Moon over the Spell of Obtainment left so many dead, caused Emeth Auctor to go down in history as a villain, and split the kingdom after its runestone was destroyed. The province of Delvala on the mainland became part of Bright Moon, and the part on the western isles became Mystacor. They often discussed the price of peace - how much pain and heartache the world must suffer to become wise.


Festinia sighed as the council sat in the next Guild meeting. "Bravo. You were right. What's your plan now, princess?"

"We fight," Light Spinner said. "Isn't it clear? Mystacor has an advantage; the entire kingdom is under a protection and invisibility spell. It would be the perfect place to lead a rebellion - "

"Okay, I wasn't serious there. You really are obsessed with war, aren't you?"

"Of course not," Light Spinner said stoutly. "I don't wish for war. I never have. All I want is for Etheria to be safe."

"I have another suggestion," Norwyn said from the cauldron. "We should focus on helping those affected by the attack on the pauperum. We have many refugees who wish to come here - those can pass through the mist with their families if they are sorcerers. Light Spinner and I are taking Sarah's children, but we have many more in need of homes."

Light Spinner frowned. This is a strange solution to such a large problem. "Wait - Master?"


"With respect," she said, "we cannot take in refugees forever. The reports we received about this threat are grave. They carry technology vastly more complex than our own, and they are fully capable of taking Clerbélia and seizing the Black Garnet by winter." And if they do that, I'll never prove myself to Estila, and all my work studying that rock will be for nothing. "It's not wise to simply sit here and pretend the problem will go away."

Norwyn sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I will not have this argument again," he said softly.

Festinia gave a growling sigh. "Look here, girly. We don't agree with you, and this isn't your kingdom, remember?"

Light Spinner folded her arms. "I don't wish for unanimous control. I wish for us to do something besides staying here in this bubble of safety. Taking in refugees is a temporary solution. We cannot afford to fill Mystacor with non-sorcerers anyway; that defeats the purpose of this kingdom."

A large red light flashed in the center of the cauldron, beeping incessantly. Norwyn tapped it, and the image of one of the Tropicil Scorpion Militia appeared. The satyr folded his arms. "What is the report?"

"There has been another attack on the beach pauperum village," the Scorpion said. "We have also received word from Salineas that they have gone toward...Beast Island." The message ended abruptly, and the Lunarium was uncannily quiet.

Light Spinner broke the silence. "Beast Island?"

Festinia shrugged. "It's a frozen hunk of rock in the southern reaches of Etheria. Nothing survives there, including them. Aren't you happy?"

Light Spinner swallowed. I wish we were powerful enough to take them on. I know I am, but I worked for that power. They have their own talents, and they are not in war. They could learn my power if they weren't so afraid. If they weren't shackled by superstition over things they do not understand.

She stole a glance at the clock, shaking her head. They'd made no progress, and she needed some fresh air. "I will think more on what to do. But for now, I must leave to pick up Micah." She curtsied. "Please communicate with me on what you decide."


When Light Spinner arrived, she scanned for Micah and Casta, her hands shaking slightly. I'm ready. I can be a good teacher and provider to him. I won't have another person who ends up hating me.

But how long will it be before he realizes the truth about me? That I'm a fraud? That I'm dangerous? She was no Seraphite, but deep down, she knew Norwyn was right. Her powers didn't need a religious teaching to be a curse.

Just breathe. Focus on him, not on yourself. Be satisfied, accept your place, and do the best you can to be a good person.

She craned her neck over the bustle of students coming from the platform. Her eyes caught her student's dark hair and worn clothes; Micah almost staggered out from the crowd of sorcerers, holding his toddling sister's hand. He gazed at her with weary eyes, clothes stained with soot and dried blood.

He had to physically muster the cheerfulness as she rushed toward him; this much she could tell. "Light Spinner! How was your summer?"

She didn't want to talk about herself. "Uneventful," she said curtly. "Sit down." She took his injured hand as his sister crawled up into her arms. "What happened to you?"

His dark eyes grew cloudy. "They attacked us. Casta and I were the only children on the wagon."

He shut his eyes, reeling a bit, and Light Spinner swallowed. I want to run a bath for him. A hot bath with pine fragrance.

Now, now. Don't rush. That will make him more anxious. Light Spinner kept her tone soothing. "It's okay, Micah. Is your wrist sprained?"

He nodded. "We got 'em good, but...yeah, it is."

"Did you go to the doctor?"

"Does a village healer count?"

Light Spinner sighed. "We're going tomorrow after class, then. Is she alright?" she asked of the exhausted Casta.

"Yeah. She wasn't in the crossfire - the terrorists were interested in the children for some reason, but we didn't let them get nearby. I got to use a cannon. Craziest summer ever."

"Micah, I told you not to fight. You could have gotten yourself killed."

"Well, my dad's word was better than yours, apparently," Micah said with a shrug. "I didn't want to fight either." He opened his mouth to say something else, but Norwyn popped out of a transportation spell, his badge crooked. 

Norwyn gave a wry chuckle at the sight of Casta curled up against Light Spinner's chest. "Well, why do I even need to take her? Looks like she's found a new mum."

Light Spinner blushed slightly, shaking her head and passing her to Norwyn. Casta made a small fuss as the old satyr took her, but quieted down after a moment.

Light Spinner smoothed her skirts. "Micah, let's go. We'll see you at dinner," she said to Norwyn, then took her student down the path toward the market to get ingredients for soup.


As they walked along the shimmering blue stones of the village of Arxia Academy, Micah spoke to Light Spinner, trying not to jostle his sore arm too much. "We're making dinner tonight? I ate a day ago - I think I'll be fine."

"You ate a day ago?" Light Spinner repeated. "Micah, when you were in the dorms, did you eat all the meals they served?"

"Uh...no." He paused for a few moments, thinking of the words to say; his Meyan was improving, but he still took longer than normal to form his thoughts. "Everyone else did, but I only ate lunch. That filled me up pretty good."

"We are changing many things," she murmured. "Micah, you must promise me you'll eat three meals a day from now on. No wonder you're so thin."

He blushed, looking down at the shirt that was almost too small for him. "I am?"

"I can see your ribs sticking out when you breathe in," Light Spinner said, tossing her head. She cleared her throat. "How was your summer otherwise? Did you impress Sarah with your powers?"

"Mom was impressed that I was in your class," Micah grinned, remembering his mother's proud look when he was already conjuring light illusions. "She's gonna keep writing to me, even though I won't see her. Also, she said I could be the greatest sorcerer of my day."

Light Spinner's eyes grew cloudy. "Yes," she said softly. "You could."

He frowned. "Are you okay? It feels like every time I start talking you get sad."

She forced a laugh, and her hair rustled slightly despite no wind moving it. "Sad? Me? I'm the strongest sorceress on the Guild, I have access to all the books of knowledge, I'm living comfortably..." she smiled from behind her veil. "There's no reason to be sad - this is what I've always wanted. A child, I mean."

Micah blushed slightly - perhaps he'd imagined that cloudy look in her green eyes. "When I grow up, I'm going to marry someone amazing. She'll be strong, and beautiful, and kind. And we'll have lots of kids." He paused. "I don't know what I'd name my kids, though."

Light Spinner was quiet for a long moment. "If I had a daughter, I would name her Adora."

Micah raised a brow, surprised she'd given this topic any thought. He'd always thought she was happy to live without a family of her own. "Adora? Is that a First-Ones' name?"

She nodded. "It means gift, or beloved."

He playfully bumped her shoulder. "Are you sure it's not because you find babies adorable?"

"Thought that was pretty clever, didn't you?" she replied coyly, bumping him back. "I could do worse."

His mouth dropped open. "Wait, you can make dad jokes too? I thought I was the only one!"

Her smile grew, and she adjusted her veil. "That's not something to be proud of, my very young apprentice."

They stopped in front of a stand, and Light Spinner gestured to the carrots and beans, making several hand symbols that Micah didn't understand. The clerk nodded and signaled back, giving her the vegetables, which Light Spinner put in her basket. Meyan Visual. Sign language. How many languages does she speak? Does she study them for fun, or does she just learn them when she needs them?

She pulled out a half-moon, handing it to the clerk. The large gold disk winked at Micah in the daytime moonlight, as though it knew he was a pauper. She made a few more hand signals to the clerk, then took the basket. "Come on, Micah. We have to get ready for dinner."


Micah had seen Light Spinner's house from the outside - it was about twice the size of his own - but he had not been expecting it to be so fancy. The floor and pillars were made of white marble, and the walls were painted a soft shade of pale pink. White furniture sat in the living room, along with an old red armchair.

He gasped. "Is this all yours?"

Light Spinner nodded. "I'll show you the rest later. But - "

"You have more than one room?"

"You don't?" She winced, covering the place where her mouth would be. "I apologize - that was rude."

"No, it's okay," Micah said. "I'm just so happy you were willing to share!"

Light Spinner laced her hands together awkwardly. "Go change into some new clothes - the bathroom is down the hall. Then come to the kitchen for dinner."

After he was finished, he entered the kitchen. Light Spinner clapped her hands, and several sharp knives came out from the cupboards. Micah was in awe. "You enchanted your kitchen utensils?"

"I had Norwyn do it," she said. "I'm not skilled in charms - if I tried, that knife would have cleaved your head off. You won't be learning charms with me."

"Oh." Micah giggled. "Well, that was nice of him. Isn't he like your dad?"

She nodded, smiling. "He helped me when I was working on my Emeth. The cleaning supplies are charmed too."

Micah stepped toward her and hugged her - his thanks for her taking him in. There it was again - that shaking from Light Spinner, how she froze where she stood. Micah frowned, looking up to see that her cheeks were pink. "Y'know, it's pretty awkward when you don't hug me back."

She stuttered for a moment. "I...uh..."

Micah took her arms and put them around him. We'll work on hugging later. When he pulled away, Light Spinner's eyes were wide. "You really do care," she murmured. "I apologize. I just...wasn't expecting it."

"Of course I care," he said. "You took me in. And we're going to learn so much magic this year. It'll be awesome!"

She nodded, smiling again - but this time it didn't look forced. You won't be lonely again. I won't let you. He returned it, and she led him to the cutting board to prepare their meal.


Did you know...

● Light Spinner eventually got her wish to be a mother, though unfortunately she squandered it. But that story is still a few years away...

● Adora truly does mean "gift" or "beloved", which to me puts a sad edge on her relationship with her mother.

● I adjusted the coloring a bit for this part. Expect possible changes in my coloring style for each part of this book...I experiment a ton when I write.

Tell me what you think...

● Who is attacking Tropicilas? Where do you think they come from?

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