(The last epilogue if the series. Prepare for emotional authors note D,:) THIS IS SHORT OMFG
-Louis' Point of View-
Cade was sitting in my lap. Currently age 2, well not technically. As Her brother obviously was as well. She was very much a daddy's girl. She clung to me, fell asleep on me, and Harry said when I was at work, she often still cried out for me. She was my little Cadabear. And Libug on the other hand, clung to his Dad. At first he was a bit clingy to me, now he was off doing his own thing.
Harry entered the room, Will at his hip. In his blue jumper. He was silent though, but clung to his side.
"Hey babe." He said pecking my lips. I smiled and wrapped my arm around Cade. Her fingers traced over my tattoo.
"She's taking up your habit." He smiled looking at Cada.
"Yeah. Guess she is." He sat up William a bit more in his lap. He looked at his wrist.
"How is it?" I asked. He revealed to me his tattoo. It was a small bird. With the twins birthday under it.
"Great. You did it after all." I smiled and brushed my finger over the skin.
"Does it hurt you seem jumpy." He shook his head.
"I'm jump because it's their birthday Louis. Not because it hurts. I got it a week ago."
I pressed my lips to Cade's brown hair. Her bright blue eyes shined up at us and I noticed Harry look down and wince.
"Hazza?" I asked. He looked back up and a tear was rolling down his cheek. "Hazza what's wrong?" I asked scooting closer to him.
"There my babies Louis. I don't want them to grow up." He sniffled. I frowned and looked at the pair. "I mean I didn't mind them walking and talking then out of no where they're one and now they're gonna be 2 Its-" I took him in my arms.
"I know. I know. But they'll always be your babies Cupcake. Don't get worked up about it." I said running my fingers through his curls. He sniffled and rubbed his eyes.
"It's only 9 o'clock and I'm already crying. This is gonna be a long day." He smiled to himself and I chuckled. I rubbed his back.
"Gonna be okay kitten?" I asked. He nodded. Will looked up.
"Kitteh?" He asked. I smiled and put both the babies in my lap.
"Daddy's a kitten. And a cupcake. And He's a Hazzabear." I told them.
"Ha-Hazza?" Cade spoke up. Harry's bottom lip trembled. "Dada cwying?" She asked pointing to Harry. I shook my head.
"Daddy's not sad Cadabear." Harry spoke up. She poked his cheek.
"Wet." I smiled at her speech.
"Tear. Tears are wet Cade." Harry told her. She plopped down in his lap. He ran his fingers over her short brown locks. "Just stay a baby Cade. Don't get any bigger." He begged hugging her.
"Milk." She mumbled. Harry rolled his eyes and took her to the kitchen, setting her on the island. He went into the fridge and pulled out milk and a sippy cup.
"Wanna make that two?" He shook his head.
"Will hates milk. He likes Apple juice." I looked at the little boy in my arms, half asleep on my shoulder.
"Barely know my own kid."
"That's cause you're Cade's go to parent and I'm Will's." He said handing the little girl her drink. I shrugged.
"Maybe its the colors on my body." I asked looking at my wrist and arms.
"Maybe it's because you were with her the most in the hospital. And held her first." Harry pointed out. I leaned against the island.
"Maybe. The world may never know." Harry rolled his eyes.
"You are so strange." I smiled.
"And yet, you love me!" I smile sticking my tongue out.
"You put in the ring for once." He teased. I nodded.
"Cade doesn't stick her hands in my mouth, so she can't grab it off my face." He nodded.
"Well, should we begin this twin party or no?" He asked setting Cade down in the floor to wonder freely.
"Guess we should."
"Happy birthday Twinies!" Liam greeted to the twins.
"Weeum!" Will smiled.
"Hi kiddo, how are you doing?" Liam asked scooping up Will into his lap. Cade stumbled over to me, sitting on my knee.
"Happy." Will smiled. Liam smiled. I wrapped my arms Cade and rest my head on hers. Her hand began to trace over my tattoos.
"She's seems quite interested in your arms Lou." Liam pointed out. I shrugged. Harry entered the room, and Will crawled out Liam's lap over to Harry. He grabbed the giggly 2 year old.
"You guys want cake or are they not even gonna have there own cake?" Cade looked up at me with her big shiny blue eyes. She had a toy in her mouth. I took it from her and she whined out reaching for it back.
"Cada. No No. Don't put that in your mouth." She frowned and reached out for it again. "Cadabear. No. You're done." She whined louder, and it turned into a cry. "Want cake Cade? Want food and not... Toys?" I asked. Her eyes lit up at the word Cake. Liam and I followed Harry into the kitchen, where His mum was plucking candles into a cake. It had their names on it, in blue piping. With swirls and a lion in it. William breached out to touch it.
"Will. Silly. You eat cake." Will smiled at his dad's words. The girls and Gemma. As well as our Anne and my mum gathered around the island with Niall and Liam. "Do you actually think they can blow it out or?" I shook my head.
"Help them."
We all worked up a chorus of Happy birthday for the twins, and helped them blow out the 2 candles on the cake. Anne cut the twins and Harry helped the others get situated. I took two plates and sat the twins on the counter.
"Open up Cadabear" I sang as I brought the fork to Cade's lips. She opened, and took in the food, getting white frosting on her face in the process. William was fed as well, and Niall approached with a napkin, wiping off the mess on their faces.
"Little messy?" He smiled. I shrugged.
"Only two. Plus they have my genes so, that says something." I said clearing off the last bit of yellow on Will's face.
"Hey where is Harry?" Niall asked putting the plates in the garbage.
"He isn't doing cake?" I asked curiously
"Cakes been over. Have you seen him?" I shook my head.
"Maybe he went upstairs... Can you watch them?" Niall nodded and I went upstairs to find Harry. I found my sister, but I didn't find Harry until I found him sitting on the bed, looking distant. His eyes were gray. "Hazza?" I spoke up. His eyes blinked to mine. "You alright?" I asked. He shook his head and sighed. "Well what's wrong then?" He took my hand and got up, leading me to the spare bedroom. He handed me a large yellow envelope.
"Open it." He mumbled. I opened the envelope, and it had 3 pieces of paper. A fluid chart. An scan. And another scan.
"Read it." He interrupted. I looked at the chart. Std. None. Urinary tract. None. Aids, hepatitis, etc. None.
Pregnancy red. Not pregnant blue.
Big. Red. Dot.
"You're... You're pregnant?" He nodded.
"Baby number 3."
"Baby number 3?" He nodded. "Well are you okay?" He shook his head and crumbled into me. "Shh it's alright. We did this once we can do it again." He sobbed and looked up at me.
"I... They said I'm more likely to miscarriage." He hiccuped.
"It'll be okay either way." He sniffled. "I'll love you either way."
"I love you too." I pulled out my dog tag.
"Forever?" He pulled out his own dog tag.
Harry gave birth to a healthy happy baby boy named Aiden on July 28 that next year. He was also a mildly premature baby, and Harry suffered through many complications. He couldn't have children again afterwards, and the twins were very good to their new little brother.
The twins grew up, ageing and trying to slowly understand there dad's legacy of having 3 kids. His full story of falling in love with a tattoo artist.
The tattoo artist named Louis Tomlinson and the boy in college named Harry Styles. The boy who was kicked to the curb for the way he loved.
Harry didn't develop his dream singing career, and he was perfectly okay with that. Although he was involved in the music business.
Louis continued his tattooing, with Niall. As for Niall, he had adopted a little girl Named Cassie with his new husband Liam.
But Louis and Harry ended up being the best parents they could be. And it paid off well.
They were together, forever. Never got divorced. And Still wear their necklaces with pride.
Wow. That was... Wow. This 'series' was certainly the best time I had writing. The fact that I wrote this book in like a week and a half makes me wonder about myself though. Unfortunately, my English teacher won't necessarily understand this if I were to show her, so I'd probably still fail... but anyways.
Love is love. We all deserve the right to a family. And please, as a personal message from me to you. Please defend someone on their equal rights. Nobody can say who you love. Nobody. If you're homophobic, it's already hard to be accepted. But putting hate on that one person. Won't help you.
Thanks for reading, Love you. Yes I mean you
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