Chapter 8
-Louis' Point of View-
Harry had gained weight. Again. But he wasn't fat. He'll never be fat as what I can see, but he started wearing clothes that were oversized. He didn't really like to wear jeans as much as he used to. Now, he washes sweats whenever he can. But there is one outfit I love on Harry that he still can wear. A black oversized sweater and dark tan chinos. They look to big on him some days, but he thinks it's cozy.
We walked back into our flat, after going to the clinic. Harry had to have some hormone level therapy again. Usually, that's what happens when he gets a scan. Now at 20 weeks, we expect this. Harry came in the house,instantly ripping off his jumper and flopping down onto the couch.
"Hot?" I laughed.
"YES!" He shouted in reply. That's the one thing Harry hated most. Summer. Usually, he loved it. No. Not now. Because he couldn't do anything. He was stuck in heavy clothes to hide his belly, thankfully. He was almost done with school. For good. And I was proud of him. He made it through, and didn't have to drop out.
I looked over again, and Harry wasn't there.
"Hazza?" I called out. He returned moments later in red basket ball shorts, with a light blue T-shirt on top. The sleeves rolled up, like he always puts them. "Comfy?" I asked. He nodded. He went digging in the fridge moments later and pulled out ice cream. With 2 spoons. He plopped down next to me, at the window seat.
"Ice cream?" He asked. I nodded taking a spoon and digging into the carton. I brought the vanilla to my lips and looked out the window.
"Hey Haz?" He hummed in reply. Spoon in his mouth. "When's graduation?" He shrugged.
"3 weeks I think." He said spooning at the frozen treat again.
"Well what do you want to do after that?" I asked. He gave me a strange look.
"Raise my kid?" He said in a questionable tone.
"With me?"
"Who else! You're the damn dad!" He shouted.
"Shh. Calm down. Eat your ice cream. Don't get all worked up." He sighed.
"Sorry, just. What are you saying?"
"We can't exactly live here. We don't have a spare bedroom that we could make into a nursery. Ya know?" He set down the carton.
"You want to move?" I shrugged. "I don't know I guess. I guess we'd have to. But... Where would we go do we even have enough money?"
"You'll get a job soon. After college. And the parlor is doing well. Ever since people saw us on the news, believe it or not, we've had more clients. All strange though." Harry grinned.
"All strange?" I nodded.
"Niall had to pierce some guys dick. As well as 2 nipples."
"Uh! Why! Why do people do that!" He shuttered pulling his legs to his chest.
"Niall almost got his pierced. It was an awkward time for him." Harry laughed loudly, then covered his mouth. I grinned at him. "You're so weird." He smiled.
"I get that a lot." He joked.
"I only have the right to say it."
"Sure you do PAL!"
"Did you just call me pal? I am not your pal. I'm your boyfriend DUDE!" He chuckled.
"Dude and Pal. Hazzabear and Loubear. Haz and Lou-"
"Cade and Aiden" I interrupted. He smirked.
"Or Mia and William." I nodded and pecked his lips.
"What about middle names?" I asked. He frowned. "Another round of name games?" He nodded. He grabbed the notepads and pens from the coffee table. Tossing one of each at me.
"Wanna do boys, since you want a boy?" I told him. He nodded, blushing slightly. I started writing names down. I had been thinking about the girls middle names for a little while now.
"Alright, I'm done what's your names?" Harry asked. I handed him my notepad. "Grace for Mia, Hope for Cade."
"I'm thinking Cade should be our go to girl..." I told him softly.
"I agree. It's different." I nodded.
"What are your boys?" He handed me hid notepad. "Chris for Aiden, Edward for William." He blushed lightly. "Your middle name fits well with it don't worry about it. I like William."
"You do?" I nodded. "I like him to. But I like Aiden too..."
"Yeah Aiden' s not bad. Maybe if you get pregnant a-"
"Don't even say it. Don't even say it LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" He shouted plugging his fingers in his ears. I pulled his hands away.
"You think this is a one time thing?" He nodded.
"It's not happening again. This is hell." He muttered.
"Harry, you'll think differently. I can guarantee you will." He shook his head.
"Condoms for life Lou." He said giving me a thumbs up.
"Condoms break Harry." He pouted.
"I'm not doing this again. I'm a boy. This was an accident. That's it. End of conversation."
"So is us having sex always an accident Harry?" I snapped. His eyes grew angry.
"This wasn't supposed to Happen Louis!" He shouted.
"I realize that Harry!" I shouted back.
"Don't yell at me!"
"I'm not yelling, THIS IS YELLING!" His eyes welled with Tears. I flashed a look of sympathy. "Harry I-" The ran off into the hall, pushing past me. I sighed and sunk into the couch. My head in my hands. I got up and went down the hall. I heard crying in the bathroom. "Harry?"
"Go away!" I sobbed. I turned the door. Locked.
"Harry can you let me in?"
"Why not?"
"Cause I hate when you yell at me!"
"Hazzy open the door. Please?" There was a click at the door. Harry sat on the floor. Head on his knees. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Hazza." I Said sweetly. I slid down beside him. His sobbing continued, but softer.
"No you're not." He hiccuped. I put my hand on his back.
"Yes I am. I know you get upset easily." He looked up from his knees, his eyes were really red. Swollen a bit. His under eyes and cheeks wet.
"Why did you yell at me?" He asked, his voice deeper than normal.
"It was heat of the moment, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." He sniffled and put his head in my lap. I smiled as his crying started to calm down.
"I hate crying." He mumbled.
"I know you do. But it comes with the hormone therapy babe." He nodded. He turned his head to me in my lap. "I'm sorry for fighting with you." I whispered whisking away a tear under his eye.
"I love you." He softly stated. I pecked his cheek.
"I love you too."
I. Don't. Know. What. Happened. This was just supposed to be them talking about houses but... Okay my brain has something else in mind.... I GOT A GIANT NIALL AND I FELL PUTTING HIM UP AND IT WASN'T FUN. He's 6'3".... My room height is only 5 inches taller. Yikes. I'm outta rooom.
Anyone pick up on my 'Dude' and 'Pal' schpeel? ;)
Enjoy this! Next chapter is house hunting... Or Graduation.... Haven't decided yet.
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